Luther Prep, Watertown, is just under $8,000 per year.
Martin Luther College is about $14,000 per year.
Four years of prep and four years of college will cost $88,000. Some scholarships and grants are available, so results may vary.
Seminary room, board, and tuition is about $11,000 per year. A new pastor will have spent $121,000 on his education, minus grants and scholarships.
These enormous increases happened because the management experts at headquarters ordered a 30% increase over a span of two years. For some reason, 600 students were lost to the educational system from this self-destructive act. That alarming loss decreased the tuition income, which precipitated the collapse now called the WELS crisis.
Not to worry. WELS used this extra tuition money and fees to help balance the books.
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
WELS Room, Board, Tuition
Western Wisconsin - Just Say No to MLS Closing
From the MLS website, the text, ipsissima verba:
Report of the Floor Committee on Synodical Matters
Memorial I -
Vote “NO” to Synodical Council Recommendation to close Michigan Lutheran Seminary
1) During most of our synod’s history, we have been richly blessed by our Synod’s Ministerial Education system; and
2) At the 2005 Synod Convention, an extensive study on our preparatory system was overwhelmingly received with great favor, and the two prep schools, Luther Preparatory School and Michigan Lutheran Seminary, were again endorsed as vital for our synod’s ministry; and
WHEREAS, 3) By God’s grace, and with His guidance, we continue to look to prepare
future called workers through Michigan Lutheran Seminary and Luther Preparatory School, therefore be it
Resolved, a) That the Western Wisconsin District direct the synod in the 2007 convention to defeat the proposed recommendation to close Michigan Lutheran Seminary after the 2007/2008 school year, and be it
Resolved, b) That the Western Wisconsin District endorse our current two prep schools as vitally important for our synod and its ministry in preparing called workers to work in the harvest field.
Memorial II -
Funding 2008/2009 Synod Budget
WHEREAS, 1) By voting “No” to closing Michigan Lutheran Seminary, there is a deficit
budget of $2.3 million for the 2008/2009 fiscal year; and
WHEREAS, 2) The synod constitution directs us to have a balanced budget; therefore be it
Resolved, a) That the Western Wisconsin District direct the synod in the 2007 convention to make changes such as these to the WELS Operating Budget in the allocation of funds for the 2008/2009 fiscal year:
1) Communications budget becomes $332,959 (proposed is $402,700) -69,741
2) Christian Giving budget becomes $1,732,435 (proposed is $2,153,334) -420,899
3) Technology budget becomes $1,339,181 (proposed is $1,497,012) -157,831
4) Financial Services becomes $1,368,140 (proposed is $1,649,094) -280,954
5) Reduce SC, COP, Support, Convention budget by 2% -19,440
6) Reduce District budgets by 1% -8,522
7) Lower MLC repayment of debt to $250,050 -750,000
8) Lower internal borrowing repayment to $698,000 -1,500,000
and be it finally
Resolved, b) That the Western Wisconsin District direct the Synod in the 2007 convention to
make these allocations from the $3,207,387 that is available:
1) Michigan Lutheran Seminary $2,300,000
2) Home Missions $400,000
3) World Missions $507,387
Memorial III – “Reclaim the Mission”
WHEREAS, 1) The document entitled “Reclaim the Mission” identifies and describes many of the problems and challenges facing the synod today; and
WHEREAS, 2) The document accurately reflects the heartfelt concerns of many WELS members, both lay and clergy; and
WHEREAS, 3) The tone of the document is positive in its attempt to avoid blame and to offer positive solutions; and
WHEREAS, 4) The document identifies five key areas of concern that must be addressed, namely
- Reaffirming our purpose and priorities
- Re-defining our method of support
- Restoring clear, responsible, and responsive lines of authority
- Re-establishing effective communication
Reviewing and revising current programs; and
WHEREAS, 5) There is now no viable comprehensive plan to address these problems other than to appeal to the synod’s members for increased offerings; and
WHEREAS, 6) This document offers a multi-part strategy to address the problems cited; and
Resolved, a) That we declare our support of this proposal and the steps it outlines; and be it further
Resolved, b) That this plan be presented to the 2007 synod in convention for study, discussion and;
and consideration be it finally
A closing word of encouragement to our Western Wisconsin District delegates to the 2007 WELS
We realize that there are already many proposals and “solutions” being bandied about. We can all have ideas about what to do. We want our Western Wisconsin District delegates to understand the tremendous trust we have in you. We promise to pray for you. We ask this of you: Prepare well. Before convention, think about what you believe we should do. Get some rest before convention. Listen carefully to every idea. Be very respectful of the opinions of synodical officials, but do not be unduly influenced by them. Have courage to make decisions that take advantage of the best ideas you hear, no matter where those ideas arise. Understand that you are to make the decisions that provide for our common future.
Go with God. Lead.
Alberts, Frank, layman, LaCrosse
Arndt, Ken, pastor, Elizabeth, IL
Busse, Carl, pastor, Medford
Cortez, Kevin, pastor, Wonewoc
Degner, Dale, layman, Sparta
Fricke, Joseph, pastor, Mauston
Gut, John, layman, Schofield
Heth, Dwayne, layman, Milton
Heyer, Philip, pastor, Beaver Dam
Hoffman, Geoffrey, teacher, Tomah
Jensen, Michael, pastor, Watertown
Kingery, Vern, layman, Baraboo
Lehman, Kenneth, teacher, LaCrosse
Leonard, David, teacher, Eau Claire
Lindemann, Michael, pastor, Lewiston, MN
Miller, Arlan, layman, Janesville
Proeber, Kevin, teacher, Janesville
Reich, Terry, pastor, Rib Lake
Schaefer, Ken, layman, Rockford, IL
Schaller, Peter, layman, Chippewa Falls
Schalow, Robert, layman, Marshfield
Schlavensky, John, teacher, Fox Lake
Schmeling, Steve, pastor, Menomonie
Schumacher, Dave, layman, Monroe
Schwanz, Jerry, layman, Neillsville
Suffrins, Bill, layman, Pickwick, MN
Wolfe, Cletus, layman, Bloomer
Pastor Jerry Ewings, De Forest, chairman
Pastor Nathan Strutz, Galesville/Arcadia, secretary
MLS Responds to Synodical Sharks
This is a pdf from the Michigan Lutheran Seminary (prep school) board, posted on its website. I decided to link it rather than copy it. A graph is included about pastoral shortages.
MLS Board Responds to Shutting the School Down
The Wisconsin boys were actively seeking to close MLS in the early 1990's, about 15 years ago (for those who went to public school).
Hope Revival Church Likes the WELS AnswerMan
An independent revival congregation is copying the Q and A from the WELS website.
Another Church in Fellowship with WELS
One WELS pastor told his members to join a Baptist church if they moved to a town where WELS did not have a congregation. WELS has sponsored revival services, so this congregation would be ideal for the average victim of Church Growth in WELS.
Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
We Are Not Amused
By the MLS Closing
Posted at the Michigan Lutheran Seminary website:
The Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary faculty sent its first letter to all pastors of the synod since 1927.
"What is it that leads us to send this unusual letter? First of all, it is the recommendation of the Synodical Council to close Michigan Lutheran Seminary in Saginaw. As men called to train pastors to serve in our church body, we cannot help but be concerned as we think about how closing MLS would impact our efforts to train confessional Lutheran pastors in sufficient numbers to serve WELS congregations in the future."
The faculty letter tells me that Team Brenner is mounting a challenge to President-in-Waiting Wayne Mueller.
One WELS pastor stopped by to see a friend of his. The pastor commented that the Church Growth guys were shutting down the schools. This news is not exactly a shock to the informed, but it confirmed to me that pastors know what is happening.
You Dare Offend
The Great and Terrible Oz?
WELS Response to Dissent
The Wisconsin Synod is the only group where the tea leaves can be read on a daily basis. Only WELS has the daily Q and A on its webpage. My impression is that President-in-Waiting Wayne Mueller writes these answers or has control of them. The answer I will dissect has I'll-Have-the-Last-Word-Wayne written all over it, either as author or final editor. However, to be fair, we do not know Wayne wrote it until he officially denies it.
You Dare Offend the Great and Terrible Oz?
Someone, we are led to believe, has asked AnswerMan about the proposals to fix the synod. The first proposal is identified as Mark Schroeder's. The Luther Prep president's proposal is well known and posted here at Ichabod. Schroder proposed establishing annual fees for congregation to cover basic synodical costs. Annual dues are generally seen as a step backwards in stewardship. Paul did not establish fees when he collected for the poor in Jerusalem (2 Corinthians 8 and 9), so why would WELS set fees for the rich in Milwaukee?
The second proposal discussed is clearly Paul Kuske's. The former Michigan District VP has fallen on hard times. He did everything the synod ordered. In Columbus, he set up Lutheran Parish Resources as the first Church Growth institution in WELS, providing employment for Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, who had been kicked out of the LCMS ministerium for cause (and never was a WELS member). The Michigan District expressed their gratitude for Kuske's service by voting him out of office, a rare event and a singular achievement.
Clearly, AnswerMan has his crosshairs on the Kuske proposal, which was also posted on Ichabod. I could link it, but readers should spend more time looking through all the posts. Currently, Ichabod is out-producing all Lutheran blogs combined.
How does AnswerMan choose to refute the unnamed Kuske report?
He blasts the Michigan District!
What better way to win the hearts and minds of the Michigan District? Half of all WELS members are in Wisconsin. The other half are in Michigan and Minnesota. The rest are scattered throughout the United States. Ohio, where Kuske promoted Church Growth, has very few members altogether. Ohio is part of the Michigan District, but a very small part indeed.
AnswerMan roars that the proposal comes from the district with the lowest offering per communicant for the synod, tied for lowest dollar per communicant.
Probably DP Seifert encouraged the Kuske report. That is how he works, how everyone in WELS works. But did the whole district write the report? The AnswerMan refutation of the Kuske report is a fine example of a logical fallacy called a Genetic Fallacy.
"A Genetic Fallacy occurs when the origin a belief or idea is presented as grounds to accept or reject the idea." Genetic Fallacy
AnswerMan is saying, "The Kuske report comes from Michigan, with a disgustingly low mission offering. Therefore, the Kuske report is invalid."
However, the mission offering plummeted from $28 million to $20 million in one year, certainly not from the spiritual laxity of the Michigan District alone. Besides, do the stewardship geniuses of WELS think a district will increase its offering when the synod breaks its ancient promise to support a Michigan prep school? A show of hands - Who thinks closing Michigan Lutheran Seminary will increase offerings for the people closing it? Hmm. One hand went up - AnswerMan's.
What really offends the Michigan District (and Luther Prep) is that the last convention passed a resolution opposing such a move. No, the convention is not the highest level of decision making in the synod, in any synod. The Chair of St. Peter's, the papal office in any synod, is the highest level. Surrounding this synodical pope is the Curia, those sharks and apostates who gain power by manipulating power.
AnswerMan, who lives off the synod mission offering, says the administration is irreplacable. The schools are not. The administration has doubled in size (per communicant) while shutting down schools. Arguing for the absolute necessity of these boobs is a hard sell when they have done such a miserable job of administration.
Try this mental exercise. If most of the administrators were fired, could some be hired back again when people had more confidence in their work? Of course. Can the land sold from various school closing be bought back in the future? No? Oh, it is too expensive now. And creating a school is far more expensive than keeping one going.
Turning AnserMan's logic on his own bluster, why would anyone listen to a synod adminsitration going bankrupt after receiving the largest charitable gift in history (the Schwan Foundation's)? Why go to the people who "lost" $8 million for stewardship advice?