Someone asked who has published against UOJ.
Here are the basics of the false doctrine commonly known as UOJ:
1. God declared the whole world righteous when Christ died on the cross, or else when Christ rose from the dead. (UOJ)
2. Everyone is forgiven, without faith. All the pagans of the world are forgiven.
3. Those who believe in Christ are forgiven again (Subjective Justification).
Walther got this pernicious doctrine from the Pietists, who converted him. He established it with F. Pieper and their acolytes. However, this doctrine is not found in the 1905 LCMS Catechism, proof that it was not widespread or even institutionalized.
The LCMS Brief Confession in 1939 made UOJ an article of faith.
J. P. Meyers (WELS) taught UOJ mixed with Decision Theology in Ministers of Christ.
Norm Madson (ELS, then CLC) taught UOJ. The common thread seems to be education at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
In the 19th century, the Norwegians taught UOJ and the Swedish Augustana Synod argued against it. The General Council taught justification by faith but did not seem to argue against UOJ specifically.
Lenski rejected UOJ in his New Testament commentaries.
Robert Preus earlier emphasized UOJ and denied it was the same as the Atonement.
Preus' last book, Justification and Rome, never mentions UOJ and clearly states that people are only forgiven when they come to faith.
Before that LCMS Pastor Vernon Hartley published against UOJ. No one was able to refute him. (I met with him before he died.)
The advocates of UOJ admit that the term is new, that the Book of Concord teaches only justification by faith. They also admit that the New Testament term justification only means justification by faith.
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Universal Objective Justification Primer
Typical WELS/ELS Reaction
A friendly reader said, "You are their worst fear. You have a good education and you are independent of them." That may explain a recent, anonymous, threatening comment.
Why are you picking on a pastor's wife who runs her own blog? You are shameless. Maybe someone should start one so they can attack your wife. Better yet, I think someone should start a blog to denigrate your son and your your (sic) grandkids.
Apparently it is a sin to quote a public blog verbatim. Earlier I was criticized for not distinguishing the blog comments from the inspired words of CHARIS. I even got a gender wrong. Horrors. I hastened to correct those errors, but the rage continues.
My wife does not publish a blog. My son does not publish a blog. My grandchildren do not publish blogs. If I quoted my wife's comments about the adulterous WELS pastors and the murdering WELS church workers, the anonymous reader would be even less pleased. I find the threats lame but typical. LCMS President Jack Preus commented about the WELS KGB, his term.
Quoting someone is not picking on an individual, except in WELS/ELS circles (and some mini-micro synods).
I found years ago that WELS did not want me to quote their favored Church Growth leaders, their favorite Pentecostal teachers, or Luther. Who is left, I wonder?
Feel free to quote me verbatim, Anonymous. Tell the world how you disagree with Luther and the Book of Concord, why you cling to justification without faith, unionism, and others fads of your sect.
The WELS/ELS style is the personal attack, especially against family members. Their idea of reform is meddling with someone's divine call.
John J. Wonders has left a new comment on your post "C.E.O. Ministries":
I don't understand the purpose of your post. If you have questions or want to know more about C.E.O. Ministries, just get in touch with us. We have nothing to hide.
GJ - If I had questions, they were answered by copious information provided on the Internet. I wanted people to know that WELS offering money was used to provide a nest for the vipers of Church and Change, who are nothing but stand-ins for Fuller Seminary and Willow Creek. No wonder so many WELS pastors have left the Lutheran Church for Pentecostalism and Evangelicalism. They are only following the doctrinal lead of their teachers at the seminary.
I noticed for the first time that Church and Change is loaded with leads into WELS Parish Services, the synodical division once headed by President-in-Waiting Wayne Mueller. Does anyone need more proof that The Love Shack needs a thorough house-cleaning?
The WELS Council of District Popes even passed a resolution against the heart and soul of Church and Change/WELS Pentecostal Services. I would quote it verbatim, but that would be picking on the District Popes.