Monday, December 22, 2008

Domain Completely Revised, As Promised

Another all-nighter for a superannuated student.

I revised, as promised some time ago.

Most of the work involved completing a number of required projects. I remembered why I hated framesets, but I really enjoyed a refresher in DreamWeaver.

Like you, I have been annoyed with those awful pop-ups from the free (zero catch - if you don't count permanent pop-ups) websites. Now all the books can be accessed here for free without pop-ups. I will also revise the links on Ichabod.

I checked and noticed that some downloads were priced, but I changed them so that all PDFs downloaded from are free. In the future, new PDF downloads will be free at and linked from my website.

Any group with computers can study Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant by downloading the book and printing the pages needed. No cost. I can provide printed copies at the low group price mentioned previously.

I need to post some sermons and quotations. That will have to wait for now.

Future book plans are:

1. A revised version of Thy Strong Word on Lulu.
2. A full-color version of Jesus, Lord of Creation.
3. A discussion guide for Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant.
4. A version of Wormhaven on Wormhaven.
5. A new version of Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure. NPH graciously gave me the copyright.
6. Jesus, Priceless Treasure on
7. A completely new book on justification, after I do more research and get done with graduate school (December of 2009). I am accumulatinig some good material and leads about UOJ coming directly from Pietism and Halle University.

Norma Boeckler is helping with the artwork.

Mark Ochsankehl is extremely helpful as an editor.

Deep Cover for Emerging Church and Change Leaders

Ski (James Skorzewski) , formerly at St. Marcus (Jeske network) and now at Starbuck's (Ron Ash network) has no photo and no bio as a bored member of Church and Change.
Here is Ski with Babtist Andy Stanley.

Jeff Davis, another bored member of Church and Change, has a photo posted but no bio. I find that alarming.

Gunga Don Patterson is not even listed as a key player at Emergent Church and Change, but he got the Church From Scratch ( going with a juicy grant. Here is Gunga Don with a live synod council member and a dead zebra.

Gunga Don, VP of his district, is flying so low under the radar that few people suspect his leadership in Church and Chicanery. Texas contacts report he is "hopping mad" that more people know about his group pilgrimage to see Stetzer at Exponential 2008, the mega-gathering of all Emerging and Church Growth people.

Doctrinal Pussycat Glaeske has actually said critical things about Leonard Sweet and Church Growth. Gasp. But he does nothing while his VP organizes Church and Chicanery, while Gunga Don takes a busload of innocents to Exponential. Glaeske is an enabler. That is really deep cover.

Ichabod Names Names in the Emergent Church

Church and Change, Emergent Church view of Scriptures.

Leonard Sweet, sweetheart of Church and Change, is one of the first names to pop up in The Emergent Church.

I listened to the videos posted below, where The Emergent Church leaders talk. Finkelstein is right - they are blabbing Process Theology, which is a way of talking about religion without believing in anything.

The Emergent Church is a natural outgrowth, as in cancer, of the Church Growth Movement. If you are ever forced to listen to ELCA leaders, you will find them talking just the way the Emergent guys do. This stuff was erupting in the 1960s and becoming institutionalized in the 1970s.

Some other Emergent leaders are: Richard Foster, Tony Jones, Brennan Manning, Brian McLaren.

For those of you who just starting reading Ichabod - Leonard Sweet was to be the keynote speaker for WELS Church and Change. The lagomorphs of the ministerium finally objected to something and the conference was canceled. Gurgel claimed there was no Church and Change anymore. Oh no. They just registered their next conference via, with a Church Growth guy in charge of technology. They got bumped from the official synod website, but now they have hired Babtist Ed Stetzer to be their next keynote speaker. Stetzer, below, is the wide-body version of Sweet.

Babtist Ed Stetzer, has "two master's degrees" (not really) and two doctorates (oh please, another lie) but he cannot spell. Look at the chart below, which is copyrighted, so I will be sued if I spell discipleship as dicipleship!

Everything Must Change Tour: Prepare To Gag at the Emergent Church Message

Brian Mclaren, smug apostate, is a key figure in the Emergent Church.

You never thought that hard about the WELS apostates calling themselves Church and Change, did you? Now it makes sense.

Emergent Church Sounds Like WELS Church and Chicanery

Does this video remind anyone of the cross resting in a cup of coffee, the so-called sanctuary filled with easy chairs? The WELS apostates have been sipping from the streams--or effluent--of The Emergent Church.