Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pardon Me, Miss, But Your Enthusiasm Is Showing...

The future of the WELS Church Shrinkage Movement - it for sure did the job in the Episcopal Church.

Jars of Clay Ministries (JOCM), a non-profit, self-supporting outreach effort “born” in November 2002, is the result of God calling two Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) laywomen Sharon Buck [Steve Witte's sister] and Karen Harmon, to connect and prepare other spiritually mature women to use their God-given “relational and nurturing gifts” to share the gospel.

[GJ - Women's ordination arrived in WELS about 20 years ago. Notice that these women have been called directly by God to be evangelists - just like apostles. Their pastoral advisors are Shrinkers Schuppe and Witte, so no one noticed. Nor did anyone dare to object. Brug solemnly declared in the Quarterly that there is nothing in the Bible against women's ordination. Lux fiat. Erat lux.]

Resources Page - WELS Pots of Pietism

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association – Evangelism and discipleship training.
International Coalition of Workplace Ministries - Founded by Os Hillman to help men and women identify and fulfill their God-given calling by applying biblical faith to their life and work.
Prison Fellowship Ministries (Chuck Colson, Founder), an outreach to convicts, victims of crime, and justice officers….exhorting, equipping and assisting the church in it’s ministry to prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families.
CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: A nondenominational ministry founded by the late Bill Bright. The sole purpose of this organization is to evangelize the world for Christ. It is an international ministry with Reformed roots, but still provides a wide variety of Christian books, tapes, music, pamphlets, etc. that are effective tools for outreach and spiritual growth.

Campus Crusade for Christ, c/o Keynote,18005 Sky Park Circle, Suite K, Irvine, CA 92614.
Phone: 800-352-8273

Check out their resource list at
JONI AND FRIENDS: Joni Eareckson Tada has been a quadriplegic for more than 30 years. Injured in a diving accident as a teenager, she has used this tragedy in her life to reach out to others with God’s message of love and encouragement. Her non-profit organization is dedicated to accelerating Christian ministry in the disability community. She has an International outreach called WHEELS FOR THE WORLD that has distributed over 14,000 wheelchairs in 50 countries. During the summer months in the US, she holds retreats for the disabled and their families in a variety of states. She has developed Area Ministries in 11 states to help localize support for people with disabilities. She provides inspiration and encouragement on a 5 minute daily radio spot. Her organization is a well spring of resources for outreach to the disabled and their families.
Joni and Friends, P.O. Box 3333, Agoura Hills, CA 91376.

Phone: 818-707-5664

TIME OF GATH is a Christian outreach ministry whose sole purpose is winning souls for eternity. Time of Gath shares the great news of Jesus Christ's gospel message via a weekly half hour television program originating from St. Marcus Lutheran Church (WELS) in the heart of Milwaukee and is broadcast throughout Wisconsin and Minnesota. One of the ministry’s 5 year goals is to broadcast throughout the entire United States, reaching millions in the towns, cities and rural areas of our nation.

Mark Jeske is the featured pastor for Time of Gath Fund-Raising Ministry which also provides a variety of wonderful trinkets to buy that can bring you or others closer to God. Mark has written several booklets and brochures that are evangelistic in nature and very “consumer friendly”. In addition, Time of Gath makes inspirational videos and transcripts available to purchase.
To request resources call: TIME OF GATH MINISTRY at 1-800-661-3311. Have your credit card out - make sure it is not maxed out already.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Pardon Me, Miss, But Your Enthusiasm Is Showing......":

According to this directory out of @75 WELS staff Ministers there are 29 women ministers serving in the WELS. [GJ - Larry Olson, Our Staph Infection, DMin Fuller, is in charge of staff ministry.]

Everything seems to be going to plan according to Kathrine Wendland's wishes detailed in her WELS paper

Shouldn't be so surprising since so much effort has gone into establishing women in the WELS as Ministers and leaders.
Women’s Leadership Conference to be Held July 7, 2007 All WELS women are invited to attend the 2007 National WELS Women’s Leadership Conference, to be held July 7 at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, in Mequon, Wis. The conference will encourage and edify WELS women through discussions, skits, worship, and the introduction of a new Bible study, “Heirs Together—Serving Together.” The keynote discussion titled “A leader . . . Who? Me?” will be led by Kathie Wendland, women's Bible study writer and leader. Other conference speakers include Bruce Becker, Board for Perish Services; Richard Gurgle, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary; Dave Kehl, Commission on Adult Discipleship; Sarah Owens, Wisconsin Lutheran Institutional Ministries; and Jane Schlenvogt, Westside Christian School. For more information or to register, contact 800-567-8669 or visit (

New Women’s Ministry conference set
WELS Women’s Ministry Commit­tee, a part of the Commission on Adult Discipleship, has scheduled the second national WELS women’s leadership conference for July 16-18, 2010. Under the theme, “Leading with a Christ-like attitude,” the conference will focus on Philippians 2:1-18. It will be held at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon. ( page 2.

202a.... WELS “Women Leaders–No Longer an Oxymoron”–Kathie Wendland ( page 8.

Brett Meyer


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Pardon Me, Miss, But Your Enthusiasm Is Showing......":

Christ only instituted one office, the Office of Public Ministry ie the Pastoral Office. Thus the congregation places a divine call, in the stead and on behalf of Christ, for a man to serve as Pastor. Christ commanded the requirements for a man to be able to serve (husband of one wife). Christ commanded that no one in the Office is to be above or below another in the same Office. The WELS 'limiting' the Office so that they feel justified in having women serve in it is contrary to Christ's command. To limit the Office changes it into a different office and not that one office Christ instituted. Thus Christ does not call a man or woman into the new man made office. The fact that WELS places a divine call for a woman to serve as Minister of anything is an abomination and perversion of His command.

WELS' own Adolf Hoenecke made the following statements rejecting the WELS doctrine of the Ministry in his thesis “The Teaching Office, Das Lehramt: (

"Remark: The preaching office (Predigtamt) can be spoken of abstracte (in abstract), that is, so as to mean the means of grace. The preaching office, however, can be spoken of concretely, by which one includes those who bear the office, that is, those who administer the office in abstracto." Page 1, second paragraph

"We are dealing here with the preaching office considered concretely, that is, the office of ministering with the word(Dienstamt am Wort)." Page 1, fourth paragraph

"The antithesis to the scriptural doctrine of the divine institution of the office in the concrete sense can be seen in part in the antithesis to the scriptural doctrine of the call. Still, those theories which claim that the concrete office of ministry in the word (Dienstamt am Wort) rests upon a human institution can here be called antitheses." Page 2, Part 2, second paragraph

"The scripture also makes the bishops and elders equal. Quenstedt: We retain in our churches an order among the ministers so that some are bishops, some are presbyters, others deacons, because also in the apostolic and primitive church there were distinct grades of ministers and indeed were divinely constituted, 1 Cor. 12:28; Eph. 4:1. However, we say that to every minister of the church pertains the same power of the ministry consisting in preaching the word and administering the sacraments and the power of jurisdiction in the use of the keys." Page 23, Doctrinal Thesis 5, second paragraph

"In this antithesis also stand the so-called romanizing Lutherans, who hold that church government (Kirchenregiment), whereby persons are ordered above and below one another, is divinely ordained and has a supposedly divinely ordained hierarchy." Page 25, section 2, first paragraph

"The Breslauers continuously call upon Eph. 4:11 (compare 1 Cor. 12:28ff) like the papists for here a divine institution of distinct offices with their churchly duties is supposedly taught." Page 25, fourth paragraph

WELS has perverted the Office of Public Ministry as Christ instituted it and as such it is no longer Christ's instituted office.

In Christ,

Brett Meyer


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Pardon Me, Miss, But Your Enthusiasm Is Showing......":

WELS and ELS has historically pointed to Ephesians 4:11 to claim Christ instituted multiple divine offices. Hoenecke also had this to say, by quoting Chemnitz, in the same thesis regarding this passage:

Chemnitz finishes his explanation with the clarification that the enumerations of Eph. 4:11 and 1 Cor. 12:28 only show which grades the obligations and duties of the one and the same office of the church or preaching office was distributed. Finally he sets forth the following fundamental principles:
a. That the Word of God does not establish any particular number of grades.
b. From the scripture it is clear that at the time of the apostles the same grades were not present in all congregations.
c. Even so it is clear from the scripture that the separation into grades was not a necessity such that not often all the functions were unified in one person. And furthermore, the entire order was a matter of freedom and was implemented according to need and for the good of the church.
d. All grades were not offices in addition to the preaching office but were themselves true offices of the ministry of the word and sacraments
Page 27

Brett Meyer

Church Growth Mission Counselors - Synod Offerings at Work

Monday, September 28, 2009

My dear friends in Christ! The apostle Paul once wrote "Ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers" (Ephesians 1:15-16).

So with that thought on this otherwise cloudy Monday morning I want to thank you and bring a little sunshine into your world.

Yesterday at worship we had 140 people in attendance. This is awesome!

Yesterday also my Mission Counselor, Pastor Ed Schuppe, visited our church and worshiped with us for the first time at Showtime Cinema. Ed is a consultant and a mentor to me. He oversees dozens of newly planted churches, travels extensively, and devotes all his time to reading and studying and helping new churches.

When he visits churches he always comes as a "secret shopper" of sorts. He writes very detailed reports on everything from signage to friendliness of people to the music, the sermon, etc.

Ed is a man I highly respect and whose opinion I know I am always wise to seek. And with that said I want to thank God for all of you in the spirit of the apostle Paul and encourage you all to keep up the good work!

Ed wrote me a comprehensive 3 page report on his experience at VotL which he concluded by saying "Thanks for the great worship experience!"

In three pages of his report, nearly every comment was praise and encouragement. It was in every respect a glowing report and that is to your credit. Thank you! As a church committed to loving and reaching the unchurched with the gospel it is so important to do the little things to welcome people…and you’re doing them. Continue to look beyond yourselves to others and do these things more and more!

Here’s just a small sample of his comments to give you an idea of the things Ed from experience knows are vital to a church’s health in being able to reach others:

Before the service: Greeter outside at the door was very welcoming and conversant. Great job!

People were very friendly, even the teens. They often initiated the greeting and were willing to talk.

Very welcoming atmosphere before the service. Ushers were also welcoming and conversant.

The bulletin: Very nicely laid out, informative, and easy to follow. I especially appreciated the back of the bulletin. Nice format and very well worded. Nice use of VICTORY.

The service: Great welcome and greeting. I appreciate the energy and enthusiasm you project. Your people did a great job with the greeting time.

Great music! The Apostles’ Creed song – Great! Great use of video clip in the sermon.

— Like I said, these are just a sample of Ed’s comments. Ed also has been a great help to me in evaluating my own attitudes, preaching, leadership, vision, etc. I appreciate this very much.

So…I pray that y’all have a great week in the Lord. I’ll be at a pastor’s (sic) conference in Two Rivers Tuesday – Wednesday but I will be back for our Adult Bible Fellowship Group on Wednesday evening. I hope to see you there and I look forward to worshiping our Savior with you again this Sunday.

Remember that if you happen to miss a Sunday or two you can go to our website and get the sermon. We’re also more frequently updating our music as well. Yesterday’s sermon should be posted by this evening.

God bless! Pastor Ben


Ed Schuppe
By admin: on Jul.26.2009
Filed In: Bio

Schuppe, age 58, has been in the ministry 24 years. He has been a mission counselor for the last eight years and currently serves the South Atlantic, South Central, and Southeastern Wisconsin Districts. He and his wife, Joyce, attend a new mission congregation: Hope in Hampton, Ga.

Schuppe will be serving on the floor committee dealing with miscellaneous memorials. “I am looking forward to see how we, as a synod, will continue to reach out to the lost with limited funded, mindful that outreach is and will remain a primary focus of our church body,” he says. “I am also looking forward to seeing the future course we delegates will set, trusting God rather than financial forecasting, and committing ourselves to reach more of the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ through personal outreach and innovative ways of attracting the unchurched.”
Back to Top

AP says:

“innovative ways of attracting the unchurched”

I have serious concerns about this statement. As President Schroeder pointed out in his address this morning, the message of the cross is not attractive to unbelievers at all; it is foolishness. When we water down that message in order to attract people, we are not being faithful to God or his Word.

And, as President Schroeder also mentioned, the times we are living in are no different than any other times. The problem is the same (sin) and the solution is the same (the gospel). To say that we need new “innovative” methods now is to imply that the gospel is no longer effective.
JL says:

Can’t the pure gospel be brought to people in innovative ways? To say it can’t seems to allude that it’s limited in its scope. Wasn’t Christ “innovative” in the way he preached the gospel, compared to the Jewish church of his day?
AP says:

But notice that Pastor Schuppe didn’t say we should “bring the gospel to people in innovative ways”. He said that we need innovative ways to attract people. Those are two very different things. His words imply that we need to use our own ingenuity to bring people into the church rather than relying on the Holy Spirit’s work, that the success of the church relies on our creativity, not the power of the Word.

When Christ sent his apostles out, he didn’t tell them to rely on their own ingenuity to attract people. He told them to preach the Word, whether people were attracted or not.


      Presenter: Rev. Ed Schuppe - Mission Counselor for the South Atlantic and Southeastern Wisconsin Districts of WELS.  He has presented repeated for the Congregational Team Workshops.
      Description: Mission Counselor Ed Schuppe will deliver our key note address this year on empowerment.  He will look at the biblical encouragement for unity.  He will also direct our attention to the frustrations we may feel as both lay persons and called workers.  He will show us ways in which we can draw empowerment from the Holy Spirit through the Means of Grace.

Taking Risks
    And Failing Forward

      Presenter: Rev. Ed Schuppe - Mission Counselor for the South Atlantic and Southeastern Wisconsin Districts of WELS.
Description: Mission Counselor Ed Schuppe will encourage us to take risks.  He will give us practical tips on how to get the congregation on board in regard to new programs.  At the same time, he will share with us the fact that not every program “succeeds.”  How do we respond to those failures in our ministry and in the life of our congregation?  If you are looking for answers to that question, this workshop is for you.

Pots of Pietism:

About Us - Jars of Clay Ministries

Two WELS pastoral advisers Steve Witte and Ed Schuppe provide ongoing support and spiritual guidance to help JOCM meet its goals.

The CORE Team Does Sex Talks for Wisconsin Lutheran College Frosh

  1. What's your sign?
  2. Are we related?
  3. Is your dad a thief or something? Because someone stole the stars and put them into your eyes!
  4. Am I cute enough yet? Or do you need more to drink?
  5. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
With @pastorski at wisconsin Lutheran college 4 a talk he is giving 2 the freshmen on sex. Makes me feel old. Don't miss college!! Bishop Katie 
"Our Valpo" loves to fling its poo pot at faithful members. To wit:
  1. WLC organized Charis, which began Church and Chicanery.
  2. WLC made its students take a course from Paul Kelm - on Reformed doctrine and Church Growth. The propaganda course was required for graduation. Does Fuller require a course in Lutheran doctrine for graduation?
  3. WLC featured sodomite Archbishop Weakland and a bevy of Roman priests in a series of public lectures. Weakland claimed children wanted sex with adults. He had a love affair with a young man and paid his partner off with church funds.
  4. WLC invited Martin Marty to lecture. When the Michigan District lodged a formal protest, the invitation was defended. Guy Purdue said, "WLC just gave the Michigan District the finger." Y'all keep taking it, so they keep doing it.


GJ - Absolutely nothing has been done about The CORE's plagiarism of Craig Groeschel sermon themes.

Here is the Ski tweet:

Week #1 of Unstoppable down. Pastor Tim [Glende] did a gr8 job with vision. My topic this week: Unstoppable Idiots... is that stereotyping?
7:48 AM Sep 14th from web

Here is the Groeschel source:

Unstoppable - "Unstoppable Idiots"
Posted: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 08:15:55 -0600
Play Now
What would happen if we truly embraced our mission to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ? We could become an unstoppable force. Join us as we look forward to what God has in store for us.


Olathe Covenant Church


November 30th: "Unstoppable Idiots"


Update: Here’s the deal. Tadd Grandstaff plagiarized Craig Groeschel’s sermon, in particular the sermon illustration. Listen to this audio to hear his first attempt at apologizing, and then listen to his second apology.

That’s cool that Tadd finally apologized, but this does not minimize the seriousness of the error and the philosophy of preaching underneath all of this. Southern Baptist pulpits have become auctioned off to the best sermon with the coolest graphics and the catchiest sermon series. Pulpit plagiarism is akin to ministerial pragmatism. Sermons are being preached that compromise the integrity of the preacher that carry the promise of better results. God-called preachers tethered to the sacred text should not be bartered off this way. The call to preach simply should not be up for sale.

However, that is not to say that we do not learn or benefit from the writings or sermons of other people! We all benefit to some degree or another from being taught by other people. Yet the burden of the preacher is to carry the weight of the sermon in his own bosom, having labored over the text of God’s Word himself.

Update 2: Craig Groeschel on plagiarizing pastors: “On Open, we don’t require attribution for resources that people download and use. We don’t need credit nor desire it. . . . It isn’t plagiarizing if you’re given permission.” Timmy Brister


GJ - So here is the punchline to the blog post above. Groeschel won't let the video proof run because of copyright restrictions. So he likes being copied, but he will bring down the force of the law on anyone who offers actual proof of the laziness of ministers today. A sincere Christian leader would encourage pastors to do their own work - but wolves like to run in packs.


Mark Driscoll Tonight Grace and I start teaching on dating, marriage, & sex in Austin Texas @GOTOTHEHUB. Looking forward to meeting online friends.
(Facebook - Yes, we are friends.)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Self-Ordination Saves Money and Time, Bypasses Women's Ordination Issues via the "Ministry Team."
Lampe Points the Way

Save money and skip seminary. Ordain yourself via Church and Chicanery. That Lutheran name is a drag, a bore. Skip it - Brian does! So does the whole Time of Gath team.


Upcoming CEO Grill Kings: September 19th 2009

Men’s Barbecue Club
September 19th 2009
4:30 P.M-10:00 P.M
3368 S 54th Milwaukee, WI 53219
Please R.S.V.P to Brian Arthur Lampe at 414-915-3211 or email before September 10th, 2009. $5.00 to help cover beer and a variety of brats. Please bring a dish to pass. This is an enjoyable, entertaining, and enlightening evening.
Dinner and Discussion

1) Meaning or purpose in life.
2) Understanding of who God created them to be.
3) Solutions to their everyday problems & difficulties.
4) To know God—who he is & what he means to them.
5) Men’s ministry that touches them where they are.
6) Friendships that are built on trust & that will last.
7) Help with family issues.

Advancing God’s Battle Plan! [GJ - with cell groups]
We believe this can be accomplished in part, through the encouragement of men meeting together with other brothers on a regular basis “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17). Encouraging a journey that inspires us how to live a life of authentic manhood motivated by the Gospel of Christ! October 17th 2009 Fearless Faith Workshop Milwaukee, WI. Details can be found at
When things go wrong, or you struggle with loss or crisis in your life the first question you probably ask is, ‘Where are you God’, or ‘Why did you let this happen to me God?

Even though this is a natural response it is also a dangerous place if you continually dwell there. There is certainly sin and evil in the world and no one is exempt from its effects, but also we don’t know
the all encompassing will and plans of God who is working to restore all people and all things to perfection through Christ!

Maybe God is letting things happen for us, so we can grow closer to Him through our faith in His Son, our Savior!

God is with us when we are suffering or have feelings of being abandoned. When we submit our life to Him through our Savior Jesus, we share in the power of God’s love, comforting grace as well.
Please join us on:
October 10th 2009 in Red Wing MN
October 17th 2009 Milwaukee, WI
Attached here is our brochure outlining the upcoming 2009 Fearless Faith Workshop.
Click here for a brochure featuring the workshop schedule and sign-up for the October 17th Milwaukee workshop.
The 2009 Church & Change Conference will feature an outstanding
line-up of speakers and ministry topics. Our main presenters will be
Rev. Bruce Becker, Director of Operations for Time of Grace and Rev. Elton Stroh, director of our WELS Parish Assistance program.   Rev. Becker will be examining characteristics that are hurting our congregations as well as those that are helping congregations in their efforts to bring the [GJ - Reformed] Gospel to more people.   Rev. Stroh will discuss the what certain churches did to turnaround from being in decline to becoming more active.

You will be challenged, inspired and encouraged as a Christian and as a leader of Christians. When several hundred creative WELS leaders gather around God’s Word and share their ideas, that’s what we expect to happen!

The conference will be held Thursday, November 5 through Saturday, November 7, 2009 at the Wyndham Milwaukee Airport Hotel and Convention Center Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Lampe’s will be presenting on November 5th at 4:30 P.M-5:45 P.M, and on Saturday November 7th 2009 between 8:45-10:00 A.M

For a full description of each presenter/topic, click C&C for efficient black/white printing or C&C
program.color.pdf for full color viewing printing.
Check out their Website ( for further details.
“This conference is shaping up to be the best ever!”
Pastor Ron Ash
Chairman, The Center for Church & Change

Hope to see you all there!

Matthew 18 and Graham's Grandson

Tullian Tchividjian, Billy Graham's grandson, took over Coral Ridge Presbyterian (D. James Kennedy) and survived an outster attempt by Kennedy's daughter.
Christianity Today

If you were an unchurched person reading about dissident church members trying to oust their pastor, how open would you be to seeing Christianity as the answer for your life?

"Not very open. Francis Schaeffer once said that division inside the church gives the world the justification they're looking for not to believe.

This conflict ensued because those who had a grievance did not come to me or the leadership of the church, but they took it to the street. They did not follow Matthew 18."


GJ - The article says that Coral Ridge attendance went down when the late D. James Kennedy became more openly political (conservative) from the pulpit. The website loads with errors and very slowly, even at 3 AM.

Kennedy died in the saddle, so anyone following him had to compete with a dead saint. Kennedy was also the founding pastor of the church and served it for 47 years. Besides, that, Tchividjian merged his church with Kennedy's to become the new pastor. Merged churches and denominations always have conflicts and remembered identities - "I was the usher chairman at the old church," etc.

The congregation has suffered financially and sold off land. That would not make the charter members happy.

Matthew 18 - how familiar that sounds. The Chicaneries observe Matthew 18 and the Eighth Commandment in the breach. Hundreds of accusations have been sent to this blog - all anonymously. My favorites are the long citations of Biblical passages, calling on me to repent from printing the truth - sent anonymously. The Chicaneries never mention the First Table, which they dishonor with their heart, soul, strength, and mind.

Friends have described how they heard me denounced by name by various WELS leaders at public meetings. The concept seems to be - If we can bury someone under enough mud, no one will realize the statements are true. Or, they will be too afraid to say anything, lest they get the same treatment.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mark Jeske's Time of Gath Pod People

Below are the organizations or networks directly connected to Jeske's Time of Gath denial of being Lutheran. All of them dwell within the bosom of WELS, for the sole purpose of expanding the influence of apostasy and the bank accounts thereof:
  1. Time of Gath TV Fund-raising Ministry.
  2. Church and Chicanery.
  3. Perish Services, WELS.
  4. WELS Prayer Warriors.
  5. Pots of Pietism.
  6. Spread of the Absurd.
  7. Kudu Don's Odious Network.
  8. Ski's Popcorn Cathedral of Rock. Chicanery Board Member.
  9. Lampe's Cell Enthusiasm Organization. Chicanery Board Member.
  10. The Sausage Factory.

  11. MaryLou College.

"Shall we permit this to be done! in the name of Christian unity! and by a latitudinarianism that is our own heritage, which rises ever anew from the embers of the past to find such veiled support and strength in the citadel of Zion that Confessionalism is told to whisper low in Jerusalem lest she be heard on the streets of Gath." Theodore E. Schmauk and C. Theodore Benze, The Confessional Principle and the Confessions, as Embodying the Evangelical Confession of the Christian Church, Philadelphia: 1911, p. 941.

Time of Gath TV Show Will Lead Them Out

"Shall we permit this to be done! in the name of Christian unity! and by a latitudinarianism that is our own heritage, which rises ever anew from the embers of the past to find such veiled support and strength in the citadel of Zion that Confessionalism is told to whisper low in Jerusalem lest she be heard on the streets of Gath."
Theodore E. Schmauk and C. Theodore Benze, The Confessional Principle and the Confessions, as Embodying the Evangelical Confession of the Christian Church, Philadelphia: 1911, p. 941.

The latest Church and Chicanery tumor has revealed the plan for the Jeske Time of Gath Network.

They will use their WELS connections to organize as many congregations and laity as possible, to leave with Jeske when he announces the consummation of his morganatic marriage with the Missouri Synod. Actually, in keeping with today's customs, the honeymoon came first.

To maximize their gain, they will play loyal servants until the heat is turned up. So far, the three State of Wisconsin Doctrinal Pussycats are in their corner. If that changes, Jeske will speak increasingly with a St. Louis accent, saying "fark" for "fork" and "carperation" for "corporation."

Sunday, September 27, 2009

ELS/WELS Life Coaches

Here is the link.


Kenneth J. Schmidt has left a new comment on your post "ELS/WELS Life Coaches":

So-Called "Life Coaching" apart from being the fad of the week in American Evangelical circles, shares a common pedigree with the Church Growth Movement. Both are outgrowths of management consulting. Life Coaching grew out of Executive Coaching which grew out of management consulting which has its origins in turn in Peter Drucker and similar management gurus. I am good at spotting these connections only because I studied Criminal Justice under Dr. Bohdan Yaworsky, the eminent Criminal Justice Management expert at New Jersey City University back in the 90's.


GJ - When Mischke pal Jeb Schaeffer wrote about the CG conference attended by WELS leaders at Snowbird, he listed one of them as "a Church Growth icon," while LB listed another as president of the Peter Drucker Fan Club Foundation. Mr. Schmidt is right. Listen to Joel Osteen and his bodacious wife co-pastor - both gush life-coachery. Church and Chicanery teaches, promotes, sells life-coaching; so does St. Mark Depere. St. Mark got a grant for life-coaching - $50,000 - as I recall. Why are all these people ashamed of the Gospel.

Doctrinal Cancer Goes Exponential in WELS - Check Out This New Attempt To Stay Under the Radar:
Who's Who in Church and Chicanery

Board members cherish their privacy.

Keynote Speaker: Mark Jeske

There are many spots in the Bible that describe a man's role in the family and the Church. These days it sometimes seems like society has a different outlook. In turn, we have downplayed our responsibilities God has given us. This seminar will discuss what our responsibilities are in our God given role and how we can use them to show glory to God.

One of our main roles on earth is to serve. Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve. There are many things going on in our lives. How do we balance everything between work, marriage, and kids? How can we pro-actively spread the Gospel in our lives as well?

Want to be the best dad you can be? Parenting is one of the toughest challenges we can face. Our culture puts little emphasis on the importance of fathers and that is untrue. Dads are extremely important! How are you making a difference in your child's life? Studies indicate that a dad is an important role model in their kid's life and scripture tells us what type of role model we need to be.

How can we become more intentional in our prayer life using scripture as our guide?

One of the main needs a husband has is respect. When that is not met, things can get crazy. This seminar will teach us how to give love and respect quickly, easily and biblically.

Remember the saying of grandmother's from years gone by-"little kids-little problems; big kids-big problems?" Did you think that your parenting would be all downhill once you kids got out of high school? Are you ready to regroup and recoup the relationship you would like to have with your children? Lets explore how to keep your S.A.N.I.T.Y as you parent your adult children with a Godly heart and focus.

It is inevitable that everyone will experience loss at sometime in our lives. Whether it be the loss of a parent, spouse, child or friend to death, divorce, job loss, financial set back or health issues. We can understand when Job says "I will never see happiness again." Yet Paul says, "Rejoice in the Lord always!" How do we go from Job to Paul and how do we help others on their "loss journey?"

Do you ever wish you could change a certain thing about your past? Does your conscience constantly rob you of joy and happiness. Jesus Christ offers real change through repentance and forgiveness.

Life challenges us with many demands from work and family. God shows us the way through our beliefs and values that is offered through faith in Jesus Christ.

Retirement is often looked at the end of someone's career. It can also be looked at as a fresh beginning of excitement and opportunity to use God's blessings to fulfill His will and do things you never dreamed possible.

There have been many debates on how the world was created. How much truth is there to evolution? Discover what overwhelming evidence God gives us as proof He is in control.



FEBRUARY 20, 2010

800 Eisenhower Drive
Kimberly, WI 54136
(just off of 441 & College Ave.)

Welcome to! Men of His Word is a men's conference to celebrate God's Word. Our theme for our first annual conference is "You are Not Alone." Life gives us many different scenarios and this conference will help us understand how to handle them through our faith in Jesus Christ. This year's conference will include a key note speech by Mark Jeske, a full line up of real-life seminars, and music by "Greater Than". The conference was started by a group of members from Bethany Lutheran Church in Appleton, WI. We encourage you to join us! With God's help we will have our first conference in Appleton, WI on February 20, 2010!

On our website you will find a schedule of events along with the topics that will be discussed that day. There will be 150 spots available on a first come first serve basis. You will be able to reserve your spot on this website using your debit or credit card coming November 1st, so check back periodically for updates! God's Blessings!!!

Men of His Word-John 17:17


7:30-8:30 Registration
8:30-9:00 Orientation/Worship-"Greater Than"
9:00-10:00 Key Note-Mark Jeske
10:10-11:00 Seminar #1
11:10-12:00 Seminar #2
12:10-1:00 Lunch
1:10-2:00 Seminar #3
2:10-3:00 Closing Session
3:00 Conference Ends


You Are Not Alone is the theme of our 1st Annual Men of His Word Christian Conference on February 20, 2010. This conference is designed to help Christian men gather around God's Word for mutual encouragement and enrichment to face the challenges of life in today's world. It is important to highlight God's countless blessings he has given men and the brotherly encouragement he provides through His Word.

Jesus says in John 17:17 "Sanctify them by the truth, your word is truth." This is the motto of Men of His Word. We know you are someone who also wants to promote spiritual growth among God's people and particularly the leaders of our homes, churches, and communities. We pray that you will partner with us in the endeavor and through this conference we can equip men with the strength and guidance of God's Word and the encouragement that Christian brothers offer in faith.

John 17:17


GJ - Names of known Church Growth/Emerging Church fanatics are reverently printed in red, above. The only ones lacking are Kent Hunter and a posthumous Waldo Werning.

The lowest forms of Creation are able to replicate asexually, and this is happening with Church Growth. Shut down Church and Chicanery, and the WELS Prayer Warriors Institute meets. Shut down the Prayer Warriors and this new attempt buzzes right along. So far, nothing is shut down and no one is disciplined for mocking the efficacy of the Word and the Means of Grace.

Oh! Oh! Oh! I just discovered another Church Growth Principle!
When things get hot in WELS, jump to Missouri and fan the flames of Ablaze with money,
the only means of grace recognized by Church and Chicanery.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Doctrinal Cancer Goes Exponential in WELS - Check ...":

Greg, you're a buffoon. Do you really think you're making a difference? People think you're an idiot, that's all.


GJ - People give me the results of their research because they know Lutherans read Ichabod and respond. I have lost track of how many website pages were changed or deleted because I quoted them.

I admire the big, brave Chicaneries who can only post anonymousely. They are like their allies, the Doctrinal Pussycats, who are afraid to reveal their actual confession of faith.

They are all peacocks, strutting around with their fine feathers, but covering up their feet, because their foundation is so ugly (Luther paraphrase). They think they are singing beautiful music, but their cries are raucous and unsettling.

If a Shrinker takes the time to respond to a new post, around midnight, yes, I have made a difference. Thank you for building up my self-esteem. It saves me from renting a life-coach.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Doctrinal Cancer Goes Exponential in WELS - Check ...":

Mark Henke should also be in red. This whole conference is organized and run by his congregation, Bethany (in -- where else -- Appleton) and his associate pastor, Aden. Along with Ski's theater at its mother church St. Peter, Bethany leads the way in church growth idiocy in the Fox Valley of Wisconsin. Their other allies include St. Matthew and Eternal Love, also in Appleton. Other congregations in Appleton, which used to be solid, are beginning to drift that way as well, including the largest, Mt. Olive. The few faithful pastors left in the Fox Valley just sit by and let it happen. All the pastors in the whole area need to be exposed for what they are -- church growth promoters or those who enable it with their silence.

Luther's Commentary on Galatians

You can order a copy here.

Alibris is a great source for books at bargain prices.

The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

The Lost Sheep, by Norma Boeckler

The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Bethany Lutheran Worship, 8 AM Phoenix Time

The Hymn #361 O Jesus King 4.1
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual Ephesians 3:13-21
The Gospel Luke 7:11-16
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #123 Our God Our Help 4.3

Thankfulness to God

The Hymn #371 Jesus Thy Blood 4.6
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #657 Beautiful Savior 4.24

KJV Ephesians 3:13 Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory. 14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; 17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. 20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

KJV Luke 7:11 And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people. 12 Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her. 13 And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not. 14 And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. 15 And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother. 16 And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people. 17 And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region round about.

Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity
Lord God, heavenly Father, who didst send Thy Son to be made flesh, that by His death He might atone for our sins and deliver us from eternal death: We pray Thee, confirm in our hearts the hope that our Lord Jesus Christ, who with but a word raised the widow's son, in like manner will raise us on the last day, and grant us eternal life: through Thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

Thankfulness to God

Ephesisans 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

These two lessons go together well, instead of heading off in different directions, which is what we find in so many Epistle/Gospel selections. One tradition says that the Epistle was read on one side of the church to members, the Gospel read on the other side to prospective believers. When Holy Communion began, the non-members were ushered out and the doors locked. In the Greek liturgy, the priest chants, “The doors, the doors, in wisdom let us attend.” That was the signal to have the non-members ushered out.

One name for Holy Communion is the Eucharist, which means thanksgiving.

Luther preached that the widow lost her son because she was not grateful for her husband and son. Bear with me – this is not about the cruelty of God. It is good to remember the allegoric and symbolic style of Medieval preaching. So, as Luther said, the woman lost her husband and said, “I am still fine. My son will work and provide for me. I am not destitute.” Because she took that for granted, God took her son as well. Then she knew how valuable her husband son were. In Biblical times, a widow had almost no means of support. If she did not have sons or relatives to help her, she was truly destitute and alone.

Luke tells us that this was her only son. Maybe she had daughters, but that meant she had even more burdens to bear. How would they find food and shelter and clothing? How would they get married?

Jesus had compassion on her and told her not to weep. The Savior went to bier and touched it. He spoke and said, “Young man, I say, arise.” And the young man came to life again. A fear came upon everyone because they knew they were in the presence of God.

Luke 7 they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people. 17 And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region round about.

Details of this story teach us a number of things. “Faith-healing” is still a way of dismissing all miracles of healing. Some say, “He thought he was sick, saw Jesus, and no longer felt ill. So he thought he was healed.” In this case, the young man, his grieving mother, and the whole crowd – thought he was dead. If this was at the end of a multi-day funeral, no one had any doubts about his demise.

Secondly, Jesus was not asked to do anything. This is an important corrective to a common myth of today – that God is unable to do anything until He is asked, that He can only do what He is asked, that He is more powerful when people pray harder and longer for His help.

Jesus first had compassion on this family, then comforted the widow, and finally raised the young man from death to life.

This is a perfect illustration of what Paul taught:

Ephesisans 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

The grieving widow did not ask and her son could not. There is no plea from the crowd, as we read in many cases. Each miracle emphasizes something different.

Before anyone thought to ask, God provided an answer with Christ raising the widow’s son from the dead. Likely, this widow and her son became another part of the circle of believers who established the Christian Church with the leadership of the apostles. She is clearly identified, in the custom of the day (Jesus of Nazareth) so I assume she was known by early readers. Doubtless people in the crowd also believed and continued to be followers, after the death and resurrection of Christ. Jesus taught the Word and confirmed His authority with miracles no one could deny. That converted many and enraged others. Fear can become respect or revenge.

Jesus threatened justification by works because He taught the righteousness that must come from God alone, apart from works, received in faith. God declares believers forgiven. They trust in the merits of their Savior and receive His righteousness in faith.

Notice too that Jesus raised the young man from the dead by speaking the Word. The idea is not that the young man could hear anything. This speaking is a continuation of the Biblical doctrine of the Word. When God speaks, there is no difference between His will and His work. “Let there be light” and there was light (before the sun, moon, and stars).

This outward or external Word is an antidote to the Enthusiasts who often imagined and taught falsely that God’s Spirit came to them while they were meditating. Even today, people say, “The Holy Spirit came to me in a dream.” They deny the Holy Spirit coming to them in the divinely appointed Word and Sacraments, but they claim the Holy Spirit makes a personal visit in a dream, as if any human could separate a dream about going to Disneyland from a dream about starting a new mission. And, we might wonder, how many “dreams” are just invented to impress the gullible.

Luther’s point about thankfulness is worth emphasizing. Once the widow lost her son and gained him back, she was definitely thankful to God for providing a blessing she once took for granted.

Lutherans have repeatedly taken the blessings of Biblical doctrine for granted and lost that truth for a period of time.

After the Book of Concord, they fell into philosophical distinctions and abandoned Biblical study.

The lack of Biblical study opened the doors to Pietism, which made headway on those grounds alone. There was a total vacuum in the seminaries where the Bible should have been taught.

The Synodical Conference gloried in itself so much that every discussion revolved around how perfect they were and how dare anyone question that, as if the Lutheran Reformation started in C. F. W. Walther’s study.

Bad events turn into good ones, but only through God’s intervention. Supposedly one of my ancestors was the richest man in Scotland. He loaned money to Charles I, who was executed. My ancestor sued Cromwell and was imprisoned for his trouble. That forced one side of my family over to America. Another side came over because of the French persecution of the Protestants. Someone a branch became Seventh Day Adventists, but moving to Iowa for farming left them without a church. Also, Adventism made farming almost impossible (pork, work rules, etc). So the family became Christian.

I read yesterday about many difficulties, since homesteading worked only if the crops were good and the prices were high. Many families moved here and there for a better life. Finally, both sides of the family lost the farms to the Great Depression. That left my parents reaching adulthood in a time of little cash, few jobs, and general hardship. That made them believe in education, so all of us children obtained what was not even debatable at home – professional degrees.

Now I realize that those old aunts I knew from family reunions were relatives who went through countless hardships and lived without any of the luxuries I already took for granted. They were happy and thankful for what they accomplished with God’s help. The aunt who wrote one family history constantly mentioned their close connection with the Christian Church.

Thanks to incompetence and pure evil, millions are suffering today. The median price of a home in Detroit is $7,000. A photo essay of the city in Time looks like Berlin after WWII. Yet in the midst of this trouble God blesses people, often before they even ask. And He supplies more than we can imagine or think. (Paul Y. Cho is dead wrong.)

KJV Isaiah 65:24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Fear That Made Milwaukee Famous

Dr. Walt Kallestad
Senior Pastor—Assigned to a tiny Lutheran congregation in Glendale, Arizona in 1978, Walt Kallestad quickly learned humility and value of strong communications: Within the first few months, the congregation had dropped , by 50 percent and the young idealist was faced with the challenge of rebuilding constituency or finding a new profession.

The challenge has obviously been met. Today, under Walt's direction, Community Church of Joy supports nearly 8,000 participants. Walt is a graduate of Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, and Luther-Northwestern Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and received his [drive-by] doctorate at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. He spends his leisure time with Mary, his wife and best friend, their grown children and grandchildren, pursuing interests in writing, music and golf.


GJ - Nota bene: fear and desperation drove Kallestad to Fuller Seminary, its crafts and assaults. During the same years, WELS began to dread the future, wondering how their stand-offish sect would fare once the feminists began stirring and the young people fleeing.

WELS, Missouri, and the ELS began a steady decline, pushed down the slope by an increasing mob of Fuller and Willow Creek graduates, their own pastoral colleagues. They would not tell the truth about their new-found passion, and usually lied when asked directly. Waldo Werning (LCMS), David Valleskey (WELS), and Frosty Bivens (WELS) all denied the obvious when I talked to them (Matthew 18). Werning admitted it the first time, denied it the second time, and waxed furious when I quoted him from my pocket Day-Timer. Paul Schneider (ELS) laughed and said to me, "What did you say to Werning to get him running you down?"

Not long ago, Werning got an award for promoting Fuller Seminary methods.

David Valleskey admitted to David Koenig (CLC - sic) that he did go to Fuller. Bivens admitted his attendance in front of the Midland Circuit, but denied it later.

The Calvinists are afraid. They are afraid the Word of God is not adequate to make them look good. They are afraid the liturgy will scare away prospects. They are afraid Lutheran hymns are dirge-like and not zippy enough.

General Patton said, "Never take counsel of your fears." He had plenty of faults, as his admirers will admit today, but the Nazis worried about Patton the most and altered their plans whenever he visited a new location.

Apostasy from Biblical doctrine may draw crowds - it often does not. But the absence of the Word does not mean victory for the Kingdom of God. Satan does not fear the Church Growth Movement, the Emerging Church, the Contagious Church, or the Purpose-Driven Church. They serve his needs admirably.

Walt Kallestad, DMin, Fuller Seminary

Another Christian News Groaner

UOJ Stormtroopers gather to defeat Book of Concord loyalists.

The latest issue of Christian News arrived yesterday, reminding me that conservative Lutherans have thrown away most of their opportunities in the last 50 years.

Otten promoted George Stoeckhardt as the greatest Lutheran exegete in America. Stoeckhardt was one of the more obvious proponents of justification without faith, UOJ.

Here is the problem. Missouri conservatives begin and end with the Synodical Conference - its glorious history, its descended-from-heaven doctrine.

Missouri, WELS, and the Little Sect came from European Pietism. They battled Enthusiasm and unionism, not always with great success. All three groups have engaged in extensive navel-gazing, marveling at how God has blessed them with such purity of doctrine and severity of practice.

Under Barry-McCain, all the demons of apostasy flourished and grew - unionism, feminist ordination, Church Growthism, and Pentecostalism. McCain reminds me of General Custer telling everyone how he won at Little Big Horn.

Under Mischke and Gurgle, WELS found a new love...ELCA and quietly celebrated its morganatic marriage. Church Growthism, feminist ordination, and other toxins grew faster than kudzu. WELS is now tossing the old team out in favor of Lutheran doctrine.

Little Sect on the Prairie
Under Orvick and Moldstad, the ELS covertly criticized WELS while overtly kelming their big sister denomination's worst habits. But, when some dared disagree with the ambiguous political statements of the sect, the righteous wrath of Pope John the Malefactor was kindled and the Left Foot of Fellowship extended. The ELS has not yet recovered from the Johannine purge.

Entertainment Evangelism Comes from Calvinism

John Calvin

Walt Kallestad, the Community of Joy (ELCA, now ex-ELCA) pastor, promoted the term "Entertainment Evangelism" in The Lutheran magazine. Can anyone picture him starring in "One Foot in Heaven" - the classic movie about a real-life Methodist minister? That movie ends with the minister playing "The Church's One Foundation" on the new organ in the new church, the whole town gathering to hear the music.

Walt got rid of the organ in favor of pop music; hymns are not his style.

Mandatory Chicanery question - Have you been to a Community of Joy service? Answer - yes. I have also attended a Willow Crick Seeker Service. Did they get their Seeker Service concept from WELS, or--oh my--I just realized--WELS kelmed it from WC!

Entertainment Evangelism comes from Calvinism. Once we realize the Calvinistic concept of the Word, everything becomes clear. For Calvin, the Word itself had no power. The sovereign Holy Spirit (not bound to the Word, in spite of what the Word of God says) may drop in on a sermon or He may not. The Holy Spirit may give power to the Lord's Supper or He may not. Still, the Lord's Supper does not convey forgiveness and does not offer the Real Presence of Christ. Calvin mocked the Real Presence in his Institutes, and that style of mockery is mentioned in the Book of Concord. Has anyone at Chicanery headquarters read Calvin or the Book of Concord? Not likely.

Holy Baptism, for Calvinists, is a witness to others, not a sacrament. Once Zwingli (earlier, cruder, died on the battlefield) took the Holy Spirit from baptism, the Anabaptists promoted "believers' baptism," which had to be adult baptism in their minds. Has anyone at Chicanery headquarters studied the Radical Reformation, where this developed? I took a doctoral course from the late John Howard Yoder, Mennonite scholar.

Entertainment Evangelism is Calvinistic - The Reformed believe they must make the Word of God attractive, reasonable, and germane. In contrast, the Biblical doctrine of the Word places the emphasis upon the Holy Spirit's power. As Jacobs explained in his doctrinal book, the power of the Word is directly related to its purity. The more men dilute the Word with man's wisdom, the less power it has - as we see today.

The influence of Pietism is so great that the Shrinkers (Reformed and faux-Lutheran alike) try to generate outward signs of sanctification among their listeners. If they do not see the results they demand from God and their flocks, they frantically look for better methods.

Andy Stanley denying his Babtist heritage should remind everyone of Mark Jeske avoiding any hint of being Lutheran. Jeske and I agree about one thing - we are both ashamed he is Lutheran.

Whenever I have listened to an Enthusiasm program, I have heard constant murmurs of approval from the audience. Some applaud the leader constantly, but others oo and ah and chortle from all practical wisdom and stand-up comedy offered. The formula is fairly obvious.

1. Obscure historical presentation, often focusing on a Biblical figure rather than Christ.
2. Self-help advice on being calmer, more successful, and happier. The minister often offers himself or herself as a bad example because people enjoy the fake intimacy of entertainment.

Calvin began and ended with the Law. Modern Calvinists do the same. The Law bears no fruit, so no one should be shocked that the Shrinker movement is barren.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Everyone's A Pastor at Church and Change (aka St. Marcus Network)

UPS Driver and Chicanery board member Brian Arthur Lampe.

"Brian Arthur Lampe delivers a one-two punch to the devil and his schemes with his high powered, enthusiastic, energetic life-applying Biblical motivational speaking. We are on a quest for authentic God. By including Brian Arthur Lampe, you will have more than just a rally or a Bible study. You and your congregation will be providing men, women, and youth with an encouraging process that teaches them how to live lives of authentic Christianity as modeled by Jesus Christ and directed by the Word of God." Christian Speaker Network describes Brian's denomination as Christian. He also runs a business called CEO Ministries.

From: brianandtracey
Date: Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 10:09 PM
Subject: [church_and_change] October 17th 2009 Fearless Faith workshop


God has inspired me through His means of grace to attempt men's ministry through Christ empowered Opportunities. We sort of took over when Kingdom workers stopped hosting men's workshops. Men are tough to reach, but they are reachable. Below is information on our upcoming Co- ed conference in October 17th 2009, hosted in Milwaukee, WI at WLC. I pray that God
move you to join us and maybe your could help spread the word to your friends and congregation.

Topics for discussion;

Fearless: A Faith for Uncertain Times Mr.Mark Neumann - Is Satan keeping you awake nights full of worry? Your job, bills, the stock market? Relax. You may not be in control…BUT, God is, and He has right where he wants you in the palm of His hand.

Fearless: Moving from rejection to resurrection. Tracey Lampe - Rejection--part of every life and it doesn’t feel good. Sometimes imagined other times earned, but never any fun. But…if we
examine its source, surrender control, and embrace God’s Word we will fearlessly move from the loneliness of rejection to a resurrected support team that gives us life.

Fearless: Confronting Spiritual Cowardice - Like Jesus disciple Peter, our spiritual cowardice often makes it feel easier to die for Jesus, than to live for him. Only when we focus on Christ’s power--not our own ability or failures--do we become the channel through which God releases his purpose.

When things go wrong, or you struggle with loss or crisis in your life the first question you probably ask is, ‘Where are you God’, or ‘Why did you let this happen to me God? Even though this is a natural response it is also a dangerous place if you continually dwell there. There is certainly sin and evil in the world and no one is exempt from its effects, but also we don’t know the all encompassing will and plans of God who is working to restore all people and all things to perfection through Christ!

Maybe God is letting things happen for us, so we can grow closer to Him through our faith in His Son, our Savior! God is with us when we are suffering or have feelings of being abandoned. When we submit our life to Him through our Savior Jesus, we share in the power of God’s love, comforting grace as well.

Fearless: Crisis of Faith - Do you ever feel that God is hidden, not listening as you struggle through your life’s journey? Are you convinced that God has turned his back on you? Faith is not the
absence of doubt, worry or anger. Its in believing, and doing what you know you can’t see, yet need to do that your heart follows and finds that our Triune God has always been there leading, guiding, and directing you through whatever problem, crisis, or loss you are struggling to overcome.

HOST/SPEAKER’S - Pastor Paul Steinberg ministers at St. Marcus Lutheran church. He also competed in the world championships if the International Juggler's Association in Montreal and still juggles when he gets a chance. You can learn more about Pastor Stienberg at [GJ - where doctrine is juggled every day.]

Mark is running for Governor to provide a positive vision for the future of our state and nation. You can learn more about him and his campaign at

Brian Arthur Lampe along with his wife Tracey of 16 years and their daughter Lindsey are members of St Marcus Lutheran church in Milwaukee, WI. They are involved in the Wandani D4L, youth ministries. You can learn more about the Lampes at CEO-ministries

(Bulletin blurb)
The truth is living by faith is neither an option nor a part-time activity. As we progress in our journey of faith our Triune God wants us to upgrade our level of faith until we reach maturity. Through the
means of grace, He keeps us engaged in the experience of life by motivating us by the Gospel of Christ!

Please join us October 17th 2009 at Wisconsin Lutheran College as we encourage, and reassure one another that thanks be to God we are always walking in faith—fearless faith. You can find registration
information at or call Brian Arthur Lampe at 414-915-3211

October 17th 2009

8:00 A.M Arrive/Register
8:30 A.M Opening Worship
9:15 A.M Crisis of faith
9:45 A.M Fellowship Break
10:00 A.M Faith Building- Confronting
Spiritual Cowardice.
10:45 A.M Fellowship Break
11:00 A.M A certain faith in Christ for
uncertain times.
11:30 A.M Faith Building-Moving from
rejection to resurrection.
12:15 P.M Lunch
1:00 P.M Lift Every Voice
1:30 P.M A change in lifestyle.
2:00 P.M Fellowship break
2:15 P.M Faith Building Create your own
bucket list.
3:00P.M Wrap up/Blessing
3:30 P.M Dismissed

$30.00 includes continental breakfast, lunch, materials, and rental use.

Can you please help get the word out to other congregations?

God Bless
Brian Arthur Lampe


Kenneth J. Schmidt has left a new comment on your post "Everyone's A Pastor at Church and Change (aka St. ...":

Mr. Lampe's statement "Men are tough to reach, but they are reachable." is a classic example of modern American Evangelicalism's subtle and sometimes not so subtle disparagement of males. Its pretty much standard Baptist/Pentecostal fare that men are somehow spiritually inferior to women. They have done an excellent job of driving men away and keeping them away with emotionalism and treacly sentimentality. Old Missouri (and to a certain extent present day WELS) always had a good balance of men and women in the pews. If WELS and Missouri become a playtoy of the enthusiasts watch the men drift away.


GJ - At Church and Chicanery, the pastor and his wife are always introduced as a ministry team. The same is being done at CEO - no surprise. The last 50 years have emphasized women voting, but the Biblical issue is "women teaching men" and "women usurping authority over men." Both topics are broader than suffrage, but conservatives like suffrage because they can spin that a dozen ways.

At Joel Osteen's Palace of Enthusiasm, his wife preaches as the co-pastor. She preached incautiously that "God wants us to worship our children." She seemed to regret her words and tried to dance around them.

The Mark Jeske And Avoid Him research team has observed the products of his media empire. Ski and Bishop Katie need monthly revivals at Enthusiasm conferences to keep their ministry going. Lampe and his wife have started their own ministry business - another symptom of American Evangelicalism. What qualifies Team Lampe? Who called them to preach and teach?

As Roger Zehms (WELS) and Floyd Luther Stolzenburg (faux-WELS) said at an LPR meeting, "The Holy Spirit has called us, so we do not answer to anyone." Indeed, the Shrinkers think God answers to them. They order God around and make demands upon Him that sound strangely like the corporate goals of Pepsico - 10% growth a year each year.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mark Jeske
And Avoid Him

KJV Romans 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. 18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

Mrs. Ichabod and I made a point to watch Time of Grace on DayStar, the liberal Pentecostal ecumenical cable service. I do not think Jeske was broadcasting in the Phoenix market until we left.

I am not sure of the date of the original sermon. Easter lilies were on the altar, so it was probably Easter.

The show was strange, alternating between Mark in an office and Mark in a business suit speaking at St. Marcus. If I had attention deficit syndrome, I would have enjoyed that. But I don't. He was speaking about the same thing in both settings, so I am not sure if the sermon explained the office chat or the chat explicated the sermon.

There really was no sermon. Mark decided to deliver a shallow history lesson on the Greeks, starting with ancient Greece, but including the Parthenon roof blow and the Elgin marbles theft. The WELS Church and Change leaders, including Pope Jeske hisself, follow the Reformed error of lecturing on historical subjects and sermonizing on self-help topics. Apart from a sentence or two of necessary background, comments on Greece were not needed. The Greecian lecture so overwhelmed the alleged sermon that no room was left for the Gospel itself.

I never heard a reference about being Lutheran, nary a quote from Luther - the greatest Biblical expositor of all time. That is another Emerging Church trend. Even proud Babtists like Andy Stanley--who needs to retrain WELS pastors each year--hides his confession in calling his hive Northpoint Community Church. Now Mark is both WELS and LCMS, collecting money from both. Would that happen with a Book of Concord KJV pastor? No - he would be scorned by both - or so I imagine.

The first two Evangelicals I met here were: 1) A member of a community church (WELS? LCMS? no pan-denominational) and 2) A pastor's wife, at another community church. They could have watched Jeske and felt right at home.

Supposedly, Mark's father, Jester, argued that the service should be so Lutheran that non-Lutherans would squirm during the service. With Mark, only the Lutherans squirm.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mark JeskeAnd Avoid Him":

Rev. Jackson.

Jeske used to show his sermons on Time of Grace. What we see now is a class. Rather, a few bits of a class.

Each class appears to be a part of a series. One can get the DVD of the full classes in the series for a mere $30.00.

I can't for the life of me see why anyone would want to pay to see full series of the mess that is Time of Grace.

I sure wouldn't want this guy as my pastor. I want a shepherd who wants to be a full time shepherd.


GJ - In this particular show, Jeske looked exhausted. The office chats, unfortunately, featured close-ups of his eyes that cried out, "I need a vacation!"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Moving Service, Wisconsin Missouri Transit