Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Willow Creek and St. Mark Depere (WELS): Together ...":
How much money flows from WELS and LCMS to the Willow Creek Association?
GJ - I will step in as AnswerMan for WELS. The Wisconsin Synod gave Church and Change a grant to get started.
The board of Church and Change considers itself the ruler of the synod. Bruce Becker (Church and Change board; heresiarch, Parish Services) hired Paul Kelm in his furtive, stealthy way, in opposition to the repeated, expressed wishes of SP Schroeder. That was just in time to run up more bills while all church bodies and charities were in financial meltdown.
Willow Creek Community Church requires tribute of some sort to list WELS and other churches on their website. They also give a juicy discount to member churches for training, so Willow Creek get paid double - first for membership, second for training staff in apostasy and hatred of Lutheran doctrine. Everyone has to agree to Willow Creek doctrine to be listed.
All the Church Growth people have occupied the - ah - feeding stations, draining away support for actual Means of Grace work. Millions of dollars could be saved by weaning the greedy little piglets:
No more free vicars for VP Patterson.
No more "experiments" like Rock N Roll Church funded with WELS money.
No more synod drones paid to promotoe Fuller and Willow Creek doctrine.
No more world mission and American mission CG "experiments".
No more mission counselors promoting Church Growth.
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Friday, January 2, 2009
All the WELS Hogs Are Lined Up for Funds: None Left for Confessional Lutherans
Willow Creek and St. Mark Depere (WELS): Together in Ministry with the Unitarians
While we do not oversee the ministry expressions of individual churches, WCA Membership is intended solely for churches that hold an orthodox understanding of biblical Christianity. All WCA Member Churches have affirmed the central doctrines of the Bible reflected in the WCA Statement of Faith and also presented in the historic creeds of the Christian faith. WCA Membership is open to churches of any size or denomination that are marked by a deep commitment to furthering the cause of Christ.
Willow Creek Association
You can trust your coffee bar
to the man who wears the star,
the big, bright, Drive 08 star.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Willow Creek Community Church: Why Do Missouri and...":
I just looked up Willow Creek Association, and they recommend a wide variety of churches. Including St. Mark's Lutheran Church in De Pere, WI to Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Reformed, United Church of Christ, to even a nontrinitarian church in Oak Creek, WI called Parkway Apostolic Church. I think Willow Creek is kind of sketchy.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Willow Creek Community Church: Why Do Missouri and...":
"Dumb sheep." Because of their training, they simply follow religious leaders and do not think. Thinking is frowned upon because it raises doubts.
Freddy Finkelstein has left a new comment on your post "Willow Creek Community Church: Why Do Missouri and...":
Anon @9:32pm,
Thanks for the heads-up on this. Here is the link, for those interested. Further, read Willow Creek's About Us page. "The WCA is a not-for-profit ministry..." That's ministry, and any church of the Willow Creek Association (WCA) is a partner and beneficiary of this ministry. St. Mark's DePere is on the list of member congregations.
Of all the Fellowship implications this represents, I'll limit my comments here to the most obvious and the most basic. Lutherans need to be reminded to read their Athanasian Creed. It's in the Book of Concord, and it's in our hymnals. We read it every Trinity Sunday. It states directly that rejection of Trinitarian teaching vacates one's claim to a Christian confession. A congregation cannot maintain a Unitarian or Modalist confession and be considered Christian. Period. This is our Lutheran Confession. For St. Mark's DePere to engage in "ministerial association" with those who reject Trinitarian teaching, and to allow their congregation to be listed with non-trinitarian "churches" as if they have equivalent Christian standing, while at the same time mouth subscription to the Confessions which condemn such association, can hardly be regarded as Lutheran, certainly not in any Confessional sense.
This is simply intolerable.
Freddy Finkelstein
Freddy Finkelstein has left a new comment on your post "Willow Creek Community Church: Why Do Missouri and...":
I saw this at an ELCA church I visited several years ago. It's called "Liturgical Dance" -- and, yes, I seem to recall seeing at least rhetorical support for it in Forward in Christ (several years ago, now). It is supposed to mimic the impromptu celebration of the Israelites after they crossed the Red Sea, or the Dancing of King David as he entered Jerusalem with the Arc.
As a liturgical practice, I agree, it is simply a ridiculous spectacle, and has no place in Lutheran Worship. First, it is not Biblical, since such dance is not impromptu, immediately following unpredicted and manifest acts of God, as the accounts in the Bible describe -- it is, rather, contrived by man. Second, it is a spectacle that the assembly watches -- it is bald entertainment.
Having witnessed "Liturgical Dance" first hand, I can assure you that it produces only feelings of extreme discomfort.
Freddy Finkelstein
GJ - I wondered how long it would take me to find St. Mark, Depere on the Willow Creek Association website. Answer - three seconds. On Find a Church I selected Wisconsin and saw the list, yielding this line:
St. Mark Lutheran Church De Pere, WI (920) 336-2485.
Here is the link:
You will notice a lot of Lutheran churches on the list.
St. John Lutheran Church, Ellisville, MO 636-394-4100 (LCMS) is on the list for Missouri. When McCain was Barry's assistant at the Purple Palace, Missouri did nothing about the Church Growth Movement. When I dared to criticize Barry's tepid remarks about Church Growth, McCain became extremely hostile. If you think McCain has a theological position other than opportunistic, you are dreaming. That is why they say the road to Hell is paved with the skulls of church executives.
I suggest using Willow Creek's Find a Church to look up a member of your synod.