WELS institutions have a peculiar tradition of denying their unionistic, Pietistic background by being gross, vulgar, and sadistic.
As one faculty member tried to explain to the seminary students, "Getting drunk does not disprove that you are Pietists."
At Northwestern College in Watertown--now absorbed into Martin Luther College--hazing the freshman class could be perverse in the extreme. The freshmen were forced to simulate anal intercourse with the Runner on His Mark statue, the one which comes to life in the famous video posted below.
That did not happen with every single class, because some upper classmen had some maturity. But it did happen more than once. Cool guys laughed. Anyone who objected could be sure of four miserable years at NWC and a continuing reputation in the synod.
The president of NWC dissed one WELS pastor by offering the ultimate institutional put-down: "He didn't like GA." That was remembered with scorn, 20 years later.
NWC's response to those who criticized freshman hazing was illuminating - those who objected should be removed at once.
That seems to be why NWC moved their Runner statue from the Watertown campus to the New Ulm campus. They did not want to leave their bronze friend behind.
One of the homes being rented by male MLC students was notorious for the disgusting behavior of its residents. I won't go into details, but arrests on various charges were in order. I wrote it up in my doctrinal newsletter, which was emailed. Someone picked up the phone and called the right people. The Animal House in New Ulm became Mr. Clean's home in a matter of hours.
So it is possible to do something, but it takes senior laity in WELS. The church workers are only going to snicker.
The attitudes created in hazing carry forward into church careers. That is why church worker adultery has been covered up so adroitly. When SP Gurgel was asked by a journalist about one case, he asked people, "Do you tell?" A pastor and a DP both asked me, "Did you tell the journalist?" The answer (No) is irrelevant. But that is the way things are dealt with - discover the source, pound the source, excommunicate the source.
WELS is paying a price with one court case after another, involving church workers. I will put them together in a WELS Most Wanted post in the future.
Slick Brenner used to say, "WELS is facing a Day of Judgment."
Two students went to the dean at The Sausage Factory, to register their objections to GA, the secret hazing ritual at Mequon. The dean defended hazing. Both students felt the need to leave the seminary. WELS gurus always say, "You have to sit down and tell your objections to that person, face to face, or you are in violation of the Eighth Commandment, Matthew 18, and much, much more." And when someone does that...finito.
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Friday, February 6, 2009
The Runner on His Mark:
Hazing at Northwestern College
JW Has a Name
It felt good to be out of the rain.
In the desert you can remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain.
Dewey Bunnell
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A New Low For St. Marcus: Church and Chicanery Wan...":
Greg has ripped on many people for removing their profile after they make a post. So DK if you are reading this, I'm sorry. I was simply keeping in line with the normal type of conversations found on this blog. You must have had a good reason for removing your profile and it was wrong for me to assume it was because of your post.
Is "All Wet for Jesus" a bad title for a Bible class? I really don't think so. The first thought of it being vulgar that I had came from this blog. Is it a good title? It wouldn't have been my first choice I suppose. I'm sure if I talk with Pastor Paul about this he'll faint because he likely doesn't realize what DK thought about the title. So I suppose a 'thank you' is in order for pointing out this.
Brett - As far as what I do and don't defend on this site shouldn't judge my faith but if that is what you want to do then I'm fine with that. I don't use this site as my means of public confession. I do however appreciate your comments about respecting Baptism when naming a Bible class.
(Jason Weinrich)
GJ - Ripped on? I wonder what that means in English. I find it amusing that nasty people with passive-aggressive personalities are verbose if they are anonymous.
At The Love Shack, the whole bunch of appointed felons is trying to oust the elected Synod President. The Church and Changers were not elected, but appointed by their Fuller/Willow Creek/Emerging Church buddies.
Isn't it delicious, Ichabodians, that Church and Change insists on WELS-only for their listserve membership - while howling for Methodists (Sweet), Babtists (Stetzer), and Fullerites (Missourians Werner, Hunter) to teach the Wisconsin Lutherans? The people most loved by Church and Change cannot get on the Church and Change listserve (not that they covet the honor).
Church and Chicanery Worship:
Church and Chicanery Listserve:
Mark Steyn - On Rock Royalty
Mark Steyn - On Rock
Rockers attending the Obama inauguration are like visiting royalty at a Bourbon or Habsburg wedding. By the way, over the years I've met kings, princesses, dukes and all the rest, and none of 'em were as hung up on precedence as the aristorockracy. A decade or so back, Sting had to issue a formal apology because at one of his big save-the-rainforest banquets at his country pile he committed the ghastly social faux pas of seating Jools Holland (of the band Squeeze) next to some no-name session musician. In Britain, these guys all live in stately homes, and any of their number who makes it to 50 without choking on his own vomit or being found face down in the swimming pool gets knighted - Sir Elton John, Sir Mick Jagger, Sir Paul McCartney, etc. Obama's pal Bono has a knighthood. You say you want a revolution? Sorry I'm having tea with the Prince of Wales that day.
FIC Church and Chicanery: Two Growthers Publish in February Issue
the simple church real. simple. church.
Designated by the simplicity even in our name, The Simple Church exists for those of us who are tired of religion getting in the way of knowing who God is. We exist to make a place for all walks of life to come together for support, relationships, help, and most importantly, to answer questions about a God who loves us.
We have a very simple philosophy, love God and love people. We do not judge here. We “simply” say, come as you are. No more red tape to get to God. It’s simple here, because that is who we are…
GJ - The Simple Church appears to be neutral, non-confessional, and accepting, but it is dead-set against Holy Baptism. They probably do not endorse the Mark Jeske baptism education program: "All Wet for Jesus."
Why would any Lutheran pastor promote an anti-baptism cult in his congregation? I am sure Ski and Parlow know, because they sojourned in Atlanta with Babtist Andy Stanley.
A New Low For St. Marcus: Church and Chicanery Wants To Rule the Synod?
dk has left a new comment on your post "Church and Chicanery Fan Makes Excuses:Plagiarism ...":
Good day Professor Jackson!
I just received a St. Marcus newsletter from Jan. '09. I know you'll be interested in two of the bible studies they are current (sic) offering.
Here is a quote:
"1. All Wet for Jesus: Pastor Paul leads an 8 week study on the sacrament of Baptism and its power.
2. 'Purpose Driven Life' Mike O'Brien leads a group reading through Rick Warren's best-selling book on finding your unique God-given purpose in life."
There are a few comments I have. Rick Warren is so obviously wrong that several nondenominational Christian friends of mine will not even pick the book up. It just goes to show how warped the WELS is in their alleged support of Confessional theology.
Secondly, what is 'All Wet for Jesus' supposed to mean? Excited for Jesus? I don't want to jump to the conclusion that Pastor Paul (whoever that is) chose a vulgar name for his Bible study but it's hard to ignore the blatant sexual overtone. If that was his intent (and towards our Savior even!) I have to pull out the stops on my criticism: Pastor Paul: read Ephesians 5:3 and repent. You are playing with fire.
I hope that isn't what he meant but I can draw no other conclusion. As a note of interest I looked up "All wet" in the dictionary. From www.thefreedictionary.com
All Wet, Slang:
Entirely mistaken."
Maybe "All wet" was right on the money?
GJ - I am waiting for the comment that says: "This cannnn be understood correctly." It is important to stretch out can to make the speaker sound intellectual.
And some thought "Bible Babes" was a stupid name for a women's Bible study group.
Church and Chicanery Fan Makes Excuses:
Plagiarism Escape Clause
Tim Feltneeds (see Ichaslang) said on Bailing Water...
I would be happy to post that sermon in our sermon library...well except for the problems with copying sermons you all have. Any pastor at a "C&C" church would agree and say "Amen" to that sermon. That's because any one of them would be happy to echo the warnings against church growth as it was described in that sermon. It echos all the problems with the evangelical's understanding of worship and seeker services and all that.
Tim - this is the problem:
John Parlow and Paul Kelm posted sermons on their church website which were copied from false teachers. They claimed the sermons as their own and posted them as their own. Similarly, Parlow and one of his assistants sent out an email from Hybels (Willow Creek) in their own names, as if they had the same thoughts and emotions expressed only a few hours earlier by Hybels. Of course, Kelm and Parlow are both members of the Willow Creek Ministerium, so they probably think they have a license.
Posting a link is not plagiarism. Copying a sermon and citing the source is not plagiarism.
Using the original words from another person and claiming them as original - that is plagiarism. Changing just a few words (a typical college student trick) is proof that the plagiarist knows exactly what he is doing.
Copying a series of sermons and the graphics - that is dishonest and lazy. Rock and Roll does that. I am not sure if Doebler uses the same words or not. I wonder about a pastor highly trained in the Biblical languages relying on the Mars Hill preacher who wears a Mickey Mouse t-shirt in the pulpit.
Plagiarism is against the law. When pastors plagiarize, they prove themselves lazy, dishonest, and sneaky. They are wolves who fleece, bite and devour the sheep, not shepherds leading the flock.
Walther said - The closer to Luther, the better the theologian. Clearly a bunch of WELS pastors have a great need to copy someone. Who is better than Luther? The great Reformer only gets attention when students make a funny video of his statue tossing the Bible into a snowdrift at Martin Luther Collge.
Phelps Loses Kellogg's Endorsement,
But Could Still Become President
Martin Luther College Video
Phil has left a new comment on your post "Martin Luther College Video":
Give me a break. Every year MLC has a video contest for its students to celebrate Homecoming. This was one of those videos.
For me, one of the biggest struggles as a called worker is the feeling, at the end of an 80+ hour work week, that I can't be myself, I can't relax and well...I can't have fun. Are my jokes stupid? Do people think less of me because of the clothes I wear? The car I drive? What I like to do for fun? After seeing a video my classmates made, will people make fun of our "future pastors and teachers" in a an effort to make a witty anonymous comment on a blog that veils some fantastic theological knowledge with the feel of a celebrity gossip magazine?
Please don't make out (sic) job harder than it is.
GJ - Anonymous Phil is apparently a teacher at MLC, defiantly (sic) WELS.
PS - Someone needs my humor explained. Graduates of the WELS system are notoriously bad spellers, so I use (sic) often. I wrote defiantly because that is a common substitute made for definitely among those who learned look-say reading. That is what happens when I use subtle, dry humor. Back to the kitties for me.
PPS - Someone wigged out and posted a venomous personal attack aimed at me. The post said a lot about that person's stunted emotional development. The funny part was - I never commented on the video. I simply posted it. So there was a contest? There were videos submitted that were even worse?
A funny video would be having the Sprinter coming to life, getting even with a whole bunch of WELS clergy - and you know who you are.