All on Twitter.
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Does Ski Work?
All on Twitter.
Tim Is On a Roll
but spelling does not count among Church and Chicaneries.
Signs of reading comprehension are approaching zero.
In one specific blurb regarding St. Marcus pastors he clearly knows nothing of the division of labor between the pastors at St. Marcus. His accusations make him look rediculous (sic).
Recently he put out a glowing review of a WELS book written by a Pastor. Yet the same pastor wrote a paper that outlines Objective Justification ...something this quasi-Lutheran pariah decries endlessly. He did note in his review of the book that he wished that the Pastor had not put references to OJ in the book.
Not exactly. I specifically said I disagreed with Deutschlander's one sentence on UOJ. I reviewed his book, not everything Deutschlander has ever written. Tim proves once again that the UOJ Stormtroopers are also the C and C janissaries.
Tim's rant is really a hoot. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants a laugh. He does not link Ichabod. He does not use my real name, but calls me Joe McCarthy while alluding to Area 51.
Like I said, the Church and Chicaneries do not discuss their perfidious doctrine. They simply employ the Sisera treatment with anyone who dares to question them.
Rock and Roller Pines for Lent at WELS Church and Chicanery Mission
An Apology for a Rock and Roll Lutheran Church
Since we don't follow a traditional church format at Christ the Rock, we don't follow the church year either. Hopefully one of these years we will do that. After being away from it a few years now, I miss it. I think it could be done very cleverly; quasi-traditional while remaining relevant.
For all of you contemporary worshipping churches that are following the church year and observing Lent, I will live vicariously through you and post suggestions of arrangements you can use. Many of these we have used in other message settings at CTR. More to follow as the season progresses.
Joe Krohn
GJ - I am one of two followers of the blog above. Tim Felt-needs is the other.
Hey Joe, after all the complaining, you want what we still offer. We had an Ash Wednesday service. We will have mid-week Lenten services throughout Lent. We still use the Latin names for the Lenten Sundays.
After everything is called adiaphora and tossed out, some people start to wonder if the purge was worthwhile.
JR has left a new comment on your post "Rock and Roller Pines for Lent at WELS Church and ...":
I don't get it. Is nothing done at a traditional church worth emulating at a cool, hip church-ette? Or must everything be changed simply for the sake of change?
Is Easter celebrated at CTR? Or is the idea of our Savior rising from the dead and leaving the tomb empty just too old and stuffy?
I guess as long as everyone feels good, who cares?
GJ - Church and Chicanery is the spirit of apostasy. Many think they can walk the tightrope between trendiness and unbelief. However, the energy behind C and C is materialistic, anti-confessional, and anti-Christian. They howl that they alone care for lost souls, but the worst lost souls are their leaders. Ski and his pricey executive assistant both have Mars Hill's Mark Driscoll (Mickey Mouse shirt) on their Twitter list.
Pure C and C Gold from John Lawrenz,
Says Kudu Don Patterson
From: John C Lawrenz
To: church_and_change@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 4:49:08 PM
Subject: [church_and_ change] Can't we just get along???
Dear C&C,
Let me quote a visiting professor to Asia Lutheran Seminary on the underside of the China where 1/4th of humanity lives, many without Christ. Upon leaving a very successful three and a half months of teaching in a way similar, yet dissimilar, to what we do at Mequon, he said to me, "I had no idea. I had no idea."
What he referred to is that experience and exposure to the huge challenge of sharing Christ with the world is circumscribed by our three score years and ten and the places and people with whom we have had the privilege of ministry. Of course there are many ways, shapes and forms in which the Gospel is shared! Of course.
Snippets of the apostolic witness found in Acts emphasize five things. Jesus of Nazareth was really a man and this Jesus was God's son. Third and fourth, he really died and really rose again! All four in accordance with God's foreknowledge and inspired prophesy. And fifth, the impact is repentance and the forgiveness of sins. About what music (contemporary synagogue or what the kids were humming in Antioch?) we are told little. I suspect that is so that we could follow in the footsteps of the man of Tarsus who said from the bottom of his heart that he would be whatever God asked to be in order that some be saved.
A more contemporary church leader and former president of WELS, Carl Mischke, once closed a WELS convention with words that I will paraphrase from memory, "We must examine everything we say and examine everything that we do so that more are saved."
Grace and peace from Hong Kong, John C. Lawrenz
From: Pastor Patterson
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 7:54:30 PM
Subject: Re: [church_and_change] Can't we just get along???
That was pure gold - thanks.
to hunt the man-eating zebra in Africa,
but their congregation needs a synodical grant
so they can have a vicar for free each year.
Kudu Don claims to have some issues with Church and Chicanery.
Yerks for Rock
From: Troy Yerks
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 7:56:45 PM
Subject: Re: [church_and_change] Worship Styles
I guess the concern I had with entertaining aspect is that the 'band' is there to 'rock out' the congregation and 'get them moving.' I used single quotes, because those were exact words from some of our contemporary band members. Not many of the people sing with the group, and they applaud. Now, make sure you understand me. I don't have a problem with clapping in church with the correct motivation. If it seems like a concert, and we're receiving applause during a worship service, I missed the boat! If there is applause at the end of the service and it is understood as giving thanks to God for the talent He has granted us, then I feel comfortable and like I'm not sinning. I feel as if I am sinning getting applause while giving praise to God. All glory should be going to him and not to myself or others that are creating music.
Church and Chicaneries Yelping in Pain
C and C licks its superficial wounds.
Below are words of encouragement were e-mailed to me today by a fellow brother in Christ. I have one question for you before you get encouraged. How many more hours are men and women going to waste arguing about how to deliver the Gospel message to those who are lost and destined for hell? Traditional, contemporary, inside, outside of the box, pastoral, lay lead ministry, focus on the older members, wait and see if the youth come back to church, your (sic) unfit to be involved in ministry, stay away from our members here is a directive from our board etc.......I would love to hear just an ounce of God's thoughts on what He thinks of the WELS "the only denomination that holds to the true teachings of the Bible" and how many hours, day's (sic) and week's (sic) we spend ripping each other and our respective ministries apart as one by one the people who need to be rescued with the truth we brag about holding true to die. Safe ministry? There is no such thing. Ministry is messy, stop worrying about getting dirty and dig in for Christ! What I have learned is that apart from God man can do nothing, and that our minds are hostile towards Him. Isn't ministry supposed to be about God's Kingdom purpose?
Brian Arthur LampeCEO-Ministries .com
Words of Encouragement;
We live in a day when leaders are often driven more by public opinion than what is right. We are each called to live a life based on obedience-based decisions, not public opinion. Living a life of obedience will often go against the tide of public opinion. Jesus lived a life based on a purity of purpose and mission. The Pharisees wanted Him to conform to the rules of religious tradition. The result was He died because He lived to obey an audience of One, not public opinion.Are you challenged to live a life of conviction versus pleasing others? Be true to what God has called you to do no matter the cost.Blessings on your day.
Dennis Rardin
Home: 630-844-3818
Cell: 331-643-2431
GJ - Meanwhile, the Popcorn Cathedral in A-town falls silent as Ski finally stops bragging about all his Schwaermer pals for a few days.
Oh Oh: Tim Felt-Needs
Supports the Stealth WELS Schools
Tim Niedfeldt has left a new comment on your post "A School for Gunn with My Tax Dollars: When Privat...":
Your analysis is woefully inaccurate. You clearly know nothing of the voucher program. The bible AND Catechism are taught just as in any WELS LES. I'd suggest you avoid such spurious claims unless you have actually been involved with the schools named.
The only caveat to being a voucher recipient is that a voucher student is allowed to opt out of religious instruction and events (such as singing in church) if desired. With that caveat noted you should then check all the WELS voucher schools in Milwaukee and see how many students actually take advantage of that option. Of the 4 schools I am knowledgeable about representing 800 voucher students of where approximately only 17% of the students are WELS to begin with, there are exactly 0 (ZERO) students who have opted out.
As to the nature of salvation via the blessed state. Again you are wrong. As unfortunate as it is that anyone would vote for the likes of Oblahma. Probably 99.5 percent of voucher families did. This also includes their local democratic representatives in this depressingly uneducated and liberal town of Milwaukee. These very recipients of the vouchers voted AGAINST their bread and butter.
Vouchers are a Republican program. Democrats hate the voucher program. It takes money away from public schools. It has the taste of capitalism and competitiveness that goes against their socialist ways. It undermines one of the largest contributors to the WI Democratic party...WEAC...the teachers union.
I'd suggest you check the broad brush you paint with before you say that my son is not getting as good or better religious instruction and catechism in a voucher school than they did attending the nice suburban school he used to be in. That's why, although vouchers will never come my way, I'm willing to pay to send my kids to the same schools.
Personally, I believe those WELS schools lacking funding just lack the spirit and proverbial Kahonas it takes to dedicate themselves to the mission of Christian education. The money is there support or not. You just need to want it (the christian education). The problem is that those in the particular struggling WELS schools, which is an indicator of a struggling church, simply don't recognize the value of a Christian education. If that is not first and foremost then who wants to support it well. You may as well send them to the public school where at least they can do pottery and home ec in 7th grade and the computer lab is spiffy. If they don't have the commitment to the cause then they should close down and invest the savings in a good afterschool/extracurricular christian education program to address the religious education of their kids. These are not times for those who are only half-hearted for a mission.
So stop feeling sorry for those poor poor churches and schools who aren't getting their funding. It would sound that we wouldn't want anymore foundation bastard children out there anyways so why complain as to where it goes. You could say these schools are saving the rest of the synod from being dependent on the money ;-)
Just as a financial crisis for this country should jar people back to prudent committed action so will the ensuing crisis in the WELS churches. A good test of the spirit.
Tim Niedfeldt
GJ - I agree about the financial meltdown ultimately helping WELS get back to frugal spending habits and honesty in accounting. I find it odd that Jeske pretends to be successful yet needs a $250,000 grant. And Parlow needs a life-coaching grant for $50,000. I guess that proves he needs a life-coach. As far as I know, life-coaches are people who never do anything except tell people how to be successful. Something like Church and Change leaders.
I just presented some information which was new to me. I am sure that anything Gunn does will have the blessing of the ever-watchful Arizona-Californa-Las Vegas District of WELS.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A School for Gunn with My Tax Dollars: When Privat...":
BC, you are ignorant of some facts. My kids attended parochial schools in AZ. We were able to take advantage of vouchers. GJ knows this because he lives in AZ. Funny he left that out. (re: Eagle Prep)
GJ - What I know about children in Arizona's schools is quite limited, due to my age. What Mouse knows about what I know is even more limited, unless he can read my mind and judge my heart.
From a former WELS member, who knows about this stuff:
The voucher issue has been lurking around for decades. Vouchers are designed to entice what is left of private and Christian schools into the net of government education agenda, for what government funds it also regulates and rightly so, even though channeled through parents. After all, shouldn't there be accountability from government re: money spent? Eventually vouchers become addictive for the private school accepting them, for it is very easy to become accustomed to the revenue stream provided by them.
WELS has always lusted after the almighty government education dollar. Does anyone remember the controversy in the mid 1970's when several families were excommunicated from WELS congregation in suburban Milwaukee, for publicly protesting government grants to Milwaukee Lutheran High School and the media headlines it generated? The doctrinal statement in effect then said WELS does not seek government funding for her schools. OOOPS! The defense was that they didn't "seek" the grants, they were "offered" to them! There was a civil lawsuit eventually filed in Wisconsin by one of the excommunicated families re: church/ state issue.
Confessional Subscription
Herman Otten, responding in CN to my review of Luther's Theology of the Cross, said he agreed with the Brief Statement about UOJ.
I agree with Robert Preus' last book and the Book of Concord.
That was my point before. Those who say they subscribe - quia - to the Book of Concord often place the 1932 Brief Statement above the Book of Concord and the clear meaning of the Scriptures.
We need a new term for those who start and end with the first 50 years of the Synodical Conference. Perhaps that should be a Bronze Subscription to the Book of Concord: in so far as the Confessions agree with Halle Pietism, crypto-Universalism, and justification without faith.
Thrivent Will Give Your Congregation Pennies in Exchange for Your Dollars: God's Great Exchange
From my eyes has left a new comment on your post "Economize During the Second Great Depression of Ob...":
I am concerned with the affiliation between WELS and Thrivent. Growing up in a WELS church everyone seemed to work there (AAL) from church, they sponsored coffee hours, gave out gifts for our confirmation, branch mtgs regularly were announced. Honestly, I thought they were a WELS organization. In high school, I played an instrument with their choir during their Christmas party. They sang religious songs, they prayed together before the meal, not your typical business.
When I turned 18, my parents had me get a life insurance policy (AAL). A few years ago, I actually started to read some of the articles in the magazine they sent. They weren't just about finances and life insurance policies. The articles were written by ELCA pastors as well as others and more devotional than anything.
Our church started to announce that for $10 you can become an associate member if you don't have a policy, and the best news they will match your church offering.
They listed this announcement week after week until you almost felt guilty that you weren't a member.
True, we list other companies in the area that will match money as well if you happen to work for them. But do we say, if you are looking for a job check with these companies first because we need the money or do we hold job fairs for them, of course not.
True we are members (not the associate) because we are paying for a service. Just like non-WELS buy from NPH or WELS purchases materials from LCMS or Evangelicals, Baptists.
But should they invite Thrivent to speak about membership and matching donations at the end of church. Should we not at least "warn" prospects that not all materials that come free with membership are in agreement with the teachings of our church.
Should we use the money for budget purposes? Did not the WELS issue in its resolution statement about receiving funds from AAL specifically advise not to use the donations for the budget.
Do we turn a blind-eye to the fact that Thrivent matched the Salvation Army kettle donations, and they support ELCA efforts.
Is it ok because we have our own "branch" that are all members from our church. We don't approve of the LCMS having scouting troops in their church even thought they are all members of the same faith.
Doesn't Thrivent sometimes act like they are a church, encouraging fellowship between churches or their employees, without doctrinal agreement? Isn't it too easy to turn our eyes away and respond that since they do not have any official doctrine we don't have any ground to stand up and discourage membership.(Oh wait---but what about all that money they give us?)
How To Adulterate the Worship Service:
WELS, Of Course
Worship Ideas You Can Use
Messiah - WELS in South Windsor, Connecticut -
The pastor Tom Mielke referred to at Messiah is no longer there. He has been at St Matthew (WELS) in A-town since December.
Who is this Keith Getty guy who appears in our new Hymnal Supplement?February 25, 2009 at 1:23 pm · Filed under Music, Worship Music ·Tagged Hymnal, Keith Getty
I’ve written about Keith Getty’s music in the past, particularly those new songs that have been included in our new Hymnal Supplement, most notably “In Christ Alone”. Keith and his wife Kristyn were interviewed recently. You readers just have to read this interview. Copyright laws prohibit me to reproduce it in its entirety so I am including a few excerpts to whet your appetite. You can read the entire interview here:
“If I’ve got non-Christian friends coming to church, I’d far rather give them four verses of comparatively heavy theology with some theological words which explains the gospel, than give them twenty repeated words that could be said about your pet horse or your girlfriend.” - Keith
“It seems to me that if a church splits up over music, that music has become more important than togetherness in itself. Music is merely a servant to the body of believers.” - Keith
“Every generation needs music in its own vernacular.” – Kristyn
“Also, when we write hymns, we deliberately try to tell stories, because people will sing doxological truth and theology within a story ’til they’re blue in the face. Take “In Christ Alone” for instance. A lot of people are moved by the fact that through the verses, Jesus takes on flesh as a helpless babe and ends up on the cross. They’ve sung through half of Romans by the end of the song, but because you’ve taken them through a story rather than just giving them didactic truth, it really communicates to them.” – Keith
“As we write, we’re also aware of where a song would fit in the service. That has led us write things like “The Communion Hymn” and “Speak, O Lord,” which is like the old hymns of illumination that could be used immediately before or after a sermon.” - Kristyn
“We often cite “Be Thou My Vision” as an example. The lyrics date to around the sixth century, but it’s still being sung. And you’ve heard it with a big rock band, and you’ve heard it just voices and nothing else. It’s incredible what you can do with that folk melody. That’s a great example of how a song continues to be relevant. It’s not bound by any generation or style. “ - Keith
“On paper, the pastor and musician are a great partnership, because one has a bent towards theology and message, and the other is creative and has a bent towards the arts. When the two work well together, like the Wesley brothers or Cliff Barrows and Billy Graham, it’s a one plus one equals three.” – Keith
“Our primary motivation is the need for twenty-first century hymnody that articulates the truths of the faith and builds up the young, vibrant, and increasingly persecuted church worldwide.” - Keith
How to Start a Blended Worship Service Program at Your ChurchFebruary 21, 2009 at 9:05 pm · Filed under Blended Worship, Worship, Worship Tools, contemporary christian music ·Tagged Blended Worship
How to Start a Blended Worship Service Program at Your Church
Note - You can download a copy of this file in my “file download area” (right column, grey box at the bottom)
At our church, we used to do only Traditional, Liturgical, Lutheran Worship. We used the various liturgies included in the hymnal, but we never varied from the organ-based accompaniment and the singing of hymns. And by the way, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this.
Two or three years ago, we hired WELS Parish Assistance to evaluate our worship practices and to assess the needs of our local community. Included in their recommendations was a suggestion to consider using more contemporary music in worship. We were a bit bewildered with this idea and only knew of one contemporary artist and one or two songs; i.e. Amy Grant. Being a guitarist and a servant at heart, I volunteered to spearhead the effort. I still remember our Pastor at the time (Tom Mielke) sitting down with me and telling me that there was more to contemporary music than “Amy Grant.” Of course he was right, but neither of us knew where to turn. I started out by buying compilation CDs (WOW Worship for example) and building up a personal music library. I cannot overemphasize the importance of listening to a lot of music and paying attention to lyrics. Following is a chronological list of what we did; along with some other suggestions should you want to consider trying this yourself. The italicized paragraphs are personal reflections that I have experienced in our journey down this road.
The first thing you will need is someone who is passionate about contemporary Christian music (CCM). And this does not have to be a pre-existing character trait, as it wasn’t with us. You simply need someone who is open minded, enjoys music and is willing to really get into it. It would be helpful if this person is also a musician but it isn’t required. This person will become the driving force behind your blended service initiatives and will ultimately work closely with the Pastor. This person needs to be solid in their faith, have a heart for God and leadership qualities. Pastors, pray whole heartedly for help in finding this person. It’s critical to your success.
If possible, attend a blended service at a nearby sister congregation and talk to their leaders. Go to lectures and seminars if they are available in your area and run by our Synod.
Try a sample service. Keep it simple at first. Do a traditional service with all of the usual worship elements, including things like organ-backed psalm-of-the-day singing. The only thing different is the substitution of contemporary songs in place of hymns. Do your best to pick songs that go along with the readings and it goes without saying that your Pastor needs to review the lyrics for doctrinal accuracy. Since it’s your first service, most people will be forgiving when it comes to lyrical and thematic adherence to the readings. We actually held our first blended service on the night before Thanksgiving because evening, mid-week worship formats are often more contemporary feeling to begin with. And, Thanksgiving, by nature, is a praise-focused service so it went well. I remember one song was “Father I Adore You” because it was familiar and wasn’t in our hymnal!
For help in evaluating CCM songs, check out “Text, Music, Context: A Resource for Reviewing Worship Materials” by LCMS Commission on Worship (ca $5 from CPH item# S05505).
You will need at least a pianist and it helps to also have a guitarist and a few lead singers who can sing contemporary styled music. You will find that singing contemporary style is different than singing hymns. It takes a while to make this transition so be patient.
Be sure to get the music into the hands of the instrumentalists and singers at least a week in advance and plan for some group practice time before the actual worship service as well as encouraging individual practice time at home.
We actually struggled for more than a year with just a guitar, or using MIDI, or asking our organist to plow through the songs on the piano as best they could. The results were satisfactory, but I prayed like mad for more musicians. My prayers were answered; at least in part. A music teacher by trade, pianist and vocalist with a passion for contemporary music was transferred to us from another congregation, the results of a job transfer. Interestingly enough, she had not been using her talents much, because her church hadn’t tried blended worship. It was a blessing to both of us and to our congregation. To God be the glory.
Pick songs that are easy to learn and to sing. Once you find music, you will need to obtain permission from the publishers to copy the lead sheets for your bulletins or for overhead projection. Some publishers will be accommodating, especially if you explain that you are just giving this a try, while others might not. Ultimately, you will need to purchase a copyright license agreement or songbooks but we’ll touch on that later. There are a plethora of music resources on the WEB and some are free and offered legally. Look around.
I’ll never forget the opening song of our second attempt at blended worship. We now had me on guitar and six ladies (including two teenage girls) who helped out with singing. We did not yet have the luxury of a pianist. As a pre-service selection, we sang Tim Hughes’s song “Here I Am to Worship.” It was an incredible worship experience for me. There I was, the lone accompaniment, and to me, it sounded like there was a full band behind me. Right in the heat of the moment; I was genuinely “affected.” I was supposed to sing with the ladies, but I couldn’t. I was too choked up. Twenty five years of attending WELS worship services just came crashing down on me. Twenty five years of holding back my gifts to the Lord just started to gush. I was moved. I don’t think anyone else in the congregation felt the emotions that ran through me at that moment. Thank you God for allowing me to praise you through my gifts, which you gave to me and for forgiving me for waiting so long to use them to glorify your name. Thank you for filling me with your spirit on that glorious day.
Another option might be to use MIDI accompaniment if you have that capability. Again, there is a lot of free, high quality, MIDI files available on the WEB for most of the popular contemporary songs.
After the service, poll your congregation. Did they enjoy the music? Did it enhance their worship experience? Do they want to try it again? What do they want to do differently?
Assuming that you get positive feedback, you next need to decide on the frequency of your blended worship services. We started with one blended service per month and are still doing it that way. We chose the second Sunday of the month which happens to be a non-communion service for us. I think this is important because Communion has additional liturgical musical pieces which are more work to convert to contemporary accompaniment. Having a regularly scheduled format is also better for your congregation because they can plan around it. Especially if you have more than one service per week because people might want to make adjustments, either being sure to be at the blended service, or, choosing to go to the alternate traditional service on that week.
We also added a small group of volunteer singers to belt out the lyrics over the congregation. This helps to teach your congregants the new songs quicker and it helps to change the musical singing style from hymn-like singing to contemporary singing. Don’t be afraid to have your “band” sing the song first, followed by congregational join in, especially for new songs.
It is helpful to get your singers listening to the songs that you will be learning. There’s several ways to do this. For the more popular songs, each singer can search for the song on YouTube, at their leisure, and usually find a version that they can listen to for free. Some of your singers might have the funds and the means to download their own MP3s. There’s also a Christian MP3 download service called “Songtouch” that allows you to make up to 10 copies of each downloaded song for your band members. “Songtouch” is associated with CCLI and is accessed through their website but I don’t believe that you have to be a contract holder to use it.
Gradually, your blended service formats will start to change. At our church, we completely phased out the organ during contemporary services. The entire hymnal sung responses were eliminated. You need to work with your Pastor and your worship team to add in contemporary replacements. For example, for the psalm of the day, we sometimes read the psalm responsively or sometimes the pastor reads it followed by a contemporary song based on the text of the Psalm. Keep all of your current traditional worship elements, things like the prayers, benediction, creeds, confession of sins and absolution of sins. These are vitally important. You will find that you are doing more talking and reading than singing. You will also find that your people are reading more scripture as opposed to being read to. This is OK. This is part of the package.
As you pick up steam, you will need a permanent solution to your copyright needs. This actually needs to be addressed fairly early. There are a number of options. Here’s what we did:
We purchased a CCLI license agreement, identified a Lay coordinator of the contract, and assembled our own songbooks from music that was downloaded off the WEB through the CCLI songselect service.
Each month, we added four or five new songs into 3-ring binders that were used as our congregational songbooks.
The CCLI coordinator worked with the Pastor to identify good song choices, downloaded the song sheets, tracked song usage, reported copy activity to CCLI (when asked to do so) and got all the necessary copies made.
We did this for about a year, then decided to purchase song books. Again there are several choices. NPH offers a songbook called “Let All the People Praise You” and there’s another book called “the Best of the Best” from Fellowship Ministries. We actually use both, and still maintain a CCLI license and a Onelicense agreement as well. This gives us maximum flexibility but it’s not necessary. There are additional song resources on the WEB, for example “Sovereign Grace Ministries” and “Getty & Townend” offer digital sheet music downloads for reasonable prices and their lyrics are usually beautifully crafted.
We had another memorable moment when it came to songbook purchases. These can be expensive. We covered most of the cost of our books by a memorial donation from a member who had passed away; a member who enjoyed the contemporary services and even played guitar. But we fell short, and needed an additional couple hundred dollars. Two retired ladies, who both prefer traditional worship approached me and volunteered to purchase the remaining books. I don’t remember their exact words but the sentiment they voiced was that they prefer the hymnal and the traditional services but they saw the passion that the Lord has stirred in me and the excitement of several members, especially teens, over the new music and that they wanted to help out. Now that is a loving heart and a wonderful outpouring of faith.
As you grow, you can add more contemporary ideas into your blended services. Our Pastor started to use PowerPoint for his sermons for example during the blended services thinking that the people are more tolerant of “new ideas” in the more relaxed contemporary mood of the blended worship services.
We also started a children’s message during the blended service that eventually led into a weekly offering at our church.
On occasion we use worship videos for either sermon illustrations or for sing-along musical accompaniment. There are many products available from outfits like Integrity, Igniter Media and
On two occasions, we have even used art in worship. One was a sermon based on a Renaissance piece by Matthias Grunewald titled “the crucifixion” and the other was using a piece of art from one of our teenage members depicting the seraphim in the Isaiah 6 account.
Don’t forget to include occasional hymns in your blended services. Give some of the newer arrangements a try. Indelible Grace offers song sheets for free off their website that includes many of our Lutheran hymns.
We had another memorable service once when we included “Amazing Grace” but accompanied it with piano and guitar. It was another one of those worship moments when you just felt God’s fire inside of you. At some point in the song, our pianist just stopped playing. I continued strumming and the congregation continued singing. On the very next verse, the pianist joined back in but the Lord started to affect me. I got choked up again. I’ve been playing guitar for 35 years and this three chord song was all of the sudden beyond my reach. I was humbled right there before God and stopped strumming. Something inside me just said to “stop”. As the last verse rolled around, I joined back in. After the service, I asked our pianist what happened to him. He said, “I don’t know, I just couldn’t play.” Incredible!
Use pre-service music and Offertory music as a vehicle to introduce new songs to your congregation. We used to use “next month’s” new songs as pre-service for “this month’s” blended service. This requires you to do worship planning a few months in advance but it is worthwhile.
We also use a lot of Lay readings and other Lay participation during the blended services. This is exciting and should be encouraged.
Build up a library of favorite songs and after several months, try to limit new songs to only one or two per blended service. Phase into this, after two or three months, your library will be small, so try to have one familiar song per service. After six months, have two familiar songs, then finally, after a year, maybe limit yourself to one new song per service.
Be mindful, loving, respectful and considerate to those in your congregation who oppose the new music and/or instrumentation. Pastor Mielke once told me “keep your lyrics biblically based” and you can’t go wrong. It’s good advice. Make sure that you keep attending the traditional services and keep your energy and spirit levels up while singing those hymns! It’s not about favorites or our personal likes and dislikes. It’s about God and God is infinitely above style. Style doesn’t matter to Him, nor should it to you. This should not become a divisive issue. Something’s wrong if it does escalate.
If your Pastor sings, ask him to solo or duet a contemporary song with you. This “buy-in” will go a long way with people that are opposed to the musical style.
It also helps if your Pastor quotes the lyrics of a contemporary song in his sermon where appropriate – even during the traditional services.
I’ll never forget the time that Pastor Mielke quoted the lyrics of Richie Mullen’s classic song “Awesome God” in a sermon. I was smiling from ear to ear because it showed open mindedness on his part, some acceptance, and it made a good point with respect to what he was saying.
There are sound system and visual projection issues that come with contemporary media that will need to be addressed. I’m not going to do that in this posting but be forewarned that you will need a good sound person to man the soundboard or to listen in the congregation (during sound check and during the service). His or her job is to make sure that there is good volume and a good mix, so that the singers are loud enough to lead the congregation and the instruments (in the background) are loud enough to be heard (but not too loud that they distract).
If you are the lead musician and work with your Pastor, become familiar with how worship is designed around a theme. Learn to use the Lectionary Calendar, read your bible, and use your songbooks scriptural and thematic indices. After you do this for awhile, you will begin to see common threads running in all three scripture readings for each Sunday. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you select music.
Exercise your religious freedoms in these services. You are not following a rigid script as its printed in your hymnal. We have done such things as “Earth Day” creation based worship services in April, flag folding ceremonies on Veteran’s Day and Mother’s Day Litanies in May. Just keep the focus on God.
Here are some web resources mentioned in the above list and other resources that you might find helpful as you consider blended worship:
Copyright Resources:
Songbook Resources:
MIDI Resources:
Video Resources:
Song Sheet & Lead Sheet Resources:
New Hymn Arrangements:
Song & MP3 Resources:
Choosing and Evaluating Contemporary Music:
(CCM Songs.xls by John Kehl)
“Blended Worship that Works” by James Tiefel (Forward in Christ, January 2004)
“The Church and Its Ministry - Music/Worship (01) WELS available here:
“Lutheran Hymnody: Orthodoxy in Song (Lutheran Worship: Why we do what we do) by Dr. Chad Bird available here:
“Pietism: Past and Present” by John Brenner available here:
“Choosing Hymns” available here:
“It’s about Substance” by Pastor Johnold Strey available here:
“Proclaiming the Gospel in Worship” by Johnold Strey, available here:
Source: A special note of thanks goes to John Kehl (from Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Appleton, WI) for proof reading this document before publishing and for adding comments and additional helpful information.
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Learn a Song - Bless the LordFebruary 20, 2009 at 9:38 pm · Filed under Guitar, Music, Worship Music, Worship Tools, contemporary christian music ·Tagged Free MP3, Guitar, Laura Story
If you’re a guitar player (especially a beginner), videos like this one below can be very helpful:
If you are a member at “” you can grab a free lead sheet of this song and the MP3 as well. They run these give-aways often. They also include the story behind the song as well! Its a great way to build up your library! Here’s their link:
Consider joining today. They require you to register with an email address. It’s also a great place to download sheet music for very reasonable prices.
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Happy Valentine’s DayFebruary 13, 2009 at 11:21 am · Filed under Scripture ·Tagged Isaiah 43
Near as I can tell, there is only one place in the bible where God specifically says the three words together “I love you.”
This is what the LORD says—
he who created you,
he who formed you,
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the LORD, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
Since you are precious and honored in my sight,
and because I love you,
- Adapted from Isaiah 43
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society
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A few of My Favorite Contemporary Song Choices for the Church YearFebruary 12, 2009 at 10:54 pm · Filed under Blended Worship, Music, Song Ideas, Worship Music, contemporary christian music ·Tagged Song Choices
For Advent, we play “Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel”
For Christmas, we play “Joy to the World”
For Palm Sunday, we play “All Glory Laud and Honor”
For Easter, we play “Christ, the Lord is Risen Today”
For Trinity, we play “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty”
For Reformation, we play “A Mighty Fortress”
For Thanksgiving, we play ”Now Thank We All Are God”
For Saint’s Triumphant, we play “For All the Saints”
These are all no-brainers; but what about some contemporary “stand-bys”? Not so easy. Here’s some help:
Advent: “El Shaddai”* by Michael Card or “Light One Candle”*(B) by Natalie Sleeth
Christmas: stick with Carols and Hymns because that’s what people like and expect to sing.
Epiphany: “One Small Child”*(L) by David Meece or “A Joy Has Dawned”* by Keith Getty or “All Hail King Jesus”*(B) by Dave Moody
Ash Wednesday: “At the Foot of the Cross (Ashes to Beauty)” (1) by Kathryn Scott
Lent: “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”* by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend, or “Amazing Love”*(B) by Graham Kendrick, or “Above All”*(B) by Paul Baloche and Lenny LeBlanc or “Once Again”*(B) by Matt Redman or “On My Cross” (1) by Jeremy Diebler or “the Power of the Cross”* by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty or “the Coloring Song”*(L) by David Eden
Palm Sunday: “He is Exalted”*(L) by Twila Paris or “We Bow Down”*(B) by Twila Paris
Easter: “Celebrate Jesus”*(B) by Gary Oliver or “On the Thrid Day” (1) by Matt Maher & Marc Byrd, or “Resurrection Hymn”* by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend or “Happy Day” (1) by Tim Hughes
Trinity:“Glorify Thy Name*(B)(L)” by Donna Adkins, or “Father, I Adore You”*(L) by Terry Coehlo, or “Our God Saves” (1) by Paul Baloche, or “Song of Love” (1) by Rebecca St. James
Ascension: “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High” *(B) by Rick Founds
Pentecost: “Holy Spirit” * by Keith Getty or “Shine, Jesus Shine” *(B)(L) by Graham Kendrick or “Revival Fire Fall” *(B) by Paul Baloche
Reformation: don’t do it! J
Thanksgiving: “Give Thanks” *(B)(L) by Henry Smith, or “Forever” (1) by Chris Tomlin
End Times: “Days of Elijah”* by Robin Mark or “Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble?” *(B) by Martin Smith
Mission Festival or Friendship Evangelism: “Shout to the North”*(B) by Martin Smith or “We Speak to Nations” (1) by Israel Houghton, or “Here I Am, Lord”*(B) by Daniel Schutte, or “Pass it On”*(L) by Kurt Kaiser, or “People Need the Lord”*(L) by Phill McHugh and Greg Neslon
Baptisms: “Father Welcomes”*(B)(L) by Robin Mann
Communion: “What is This Bread”*(B) by Jean Neuhauser Baue
Stewardship Sunday: “the Heart of Worship”*(B) by Matt Redman, or “Offering” (1) by Paul Baloche, or “You Are” (1) by Mark Roach
Contemporary Arrangements of hymns: “Amazing Grace – My Chains are Gone” (1) by Chris Tomlin, or “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross – the Wonderful Cross” * by Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman, or “Take My Life and Let it Be”* by Chris Tomlin
Call to Worship: “Here I Am to Worship”* by Tim Hughes
I’d also like to mention two versatile songs that can be used on a number of occasions: “In Christ Alone”* by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend and “Shine Jesus Shine”*(B)(L) by Graham Kendrick.
And finally, I am a fan of responsive songs. Two of my favorites are “Victory Chant”*(B) by Joseph Vogels and “Lord Most High”*(B) by Don Harris and Gary Sadler. I like responsive songs because the smallest children can sing along.
* = Congregational Friendly
(1) = Solo or praise band only
(B) = in the “Best of the Best” Songbook
(L) = in the LAPPY songbook
One final note, as a general rule, you can listen to most of these songs by going to and searching on the title of the song enclosed in quotes.
Please feel free to leave a comment if you have some favorites!
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How the Digital TV Transition Might Affect Your Wireless MicsFebruary 10, 2009 at 9:41 pm · Filed under Equipment ·Tagged Wireless Mics
I’m not sure where the US stands on the 2/17 Digital TV transition as I’ve heard some rumors that it might be postponed. If it does happen on 2/17 as planned, those of you that use wireless microphones or in-ear monitors need to look at the operating frequency range of your devices. If they operate in the 700MHz band, you will need to replace them. This is described on the Shure website here:
As I understand the situation, if you do have 700MHz in-ear monitors, they will stop working completely and your microphones will sporadically drop-out if they also operate in the 700 MHz range. All brands of wireless microphones operating in the 700MHz band will be affected. I’m only commenting on Shure because they have addressed the situation on their website.
The good news is that Shure will offer rebates of up to $1,000 to upgrade your wireless equipment. See details at this website:
I’m told that any wireless microphones purchased before 2/1/2007 are potentially affected.
If you’re currently shopping for new wireless equipment, stay out of the 700 MHz range and look for products that operate in the 500-600 MHz band. Be sure to ask the salesperson if the new equipment is compatible with the upgrade.
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When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Isaac Watts meets Chris Tomlin)February 9, 2009 at 10:46 pm · Filed under Blended Worship, Lent, Music, Worship Music ·Tagged Chris Tomlin, Isaac Watts
Isaac Watts was born in 1674 in Southampton England. “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” is thought, by many, to be the greatest hymn ever written.
The eldest of nine children, he was the son of an educated deacon in a dissenting Congregational church. At the time of Isaac’s birth, his father was in prison for his non-conformist beliefs. Young Watts showed an unusual aptitude for study and learned Latin at the age of five, Greek at nine, French at eleven and Hebrew at thirteen. He began to write verses of good quality when he was very young. Watts is frequently referred to as the father of English hymnody. One of his early concerns was the deplorable state to which congregational singing had degenerated in most English-speaking churches. The singing consisted of slow, ponderous Psalms in which each line was first read by an appointed deacon and was followed by the droning of the congregation. Watts was a revolutionary producing “futuristic music” for his time. Because of this bold departure from the traditional Psalms, Isaac Watts was often considered to be a radical churchman. Watts not only rewrote the Psalms in this way, but he also wrote a number of hymns based solely on personal feelings. These hymns were known as hymns of human composure. Such hymns were very controversial during his lifetime. “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” is an example of this type of hymn written by Watts. It’s the first known hymn to be written in the first person, introducing a personal religious experience rather than limiting itself to doctrine.
Isaac Watts, and his hymn “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” helped to reshape the future of church music as we know it today. Mr. Watts would have been proud to know that Chris Tomlin is continuing his tradition.
The words of “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” tell a wonderful story. They tell of the paradoxical beauty of sacrifice. They tell a story of pain and suffering woven together with joy and love. Who would have ever thought that these polar opposites could come together and form a paradoxical statement that on the face of it sounds ridiculous, but when taken to heart and pondered makes so much sense that even the simplest of minds can understand it?
The lost Verse:
Watts, actually wrote 5 verses but one has been dropped through the years (including in our hymnal). Here’s is the missing verse (it’s actually meant to be the fourth verse):
“His dying crimson, like a robe,
Spreads o’er His body on the tree:
Then am I dead to all the globe,
And all the globe is dead to me.”
Born and raised in East Texas, Chris Tomlin grew up on a steady diet of country music, learning his guitar style by playing along with Willie Nelson records. Not that you would ever guess it from listening to the gentle smoothness of his vocals.
“I love the simplicity of drums, bass, electric and acoustic guitars,” Chris explains. “We’re not about putting on a big show. We don’t want to be rock stars. We’re about connecting with people and having a shared experience of coming before God and worshipping Him.
Credited with venerable church choruses such as “Forever,” “We Fall Down,” and “The Wonderful Cross,” Tomlin is considered one of this era’s top songwriters. With millions singing his songs weekly, Chris is recognized as a pivotal voice of today’s modern expression of Christian worship. Yet, Tomlin has masterminded several remakes of classic hymns including Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) and “Take My Life and Let it Be.”
Here is the chorus that Chris Tomlin added:
Oh the wonderful cross, Oh the wonderful cross
Bids me come, and die, and find
That I may truly live.
Oh the wonderful cross, Oh the wonderful cross
All who gather here, by grace,
Draw near and bless Your name.
CCLI Song No. 3148435 © 2000 songs\Six Steps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)\(Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) Chris Tomlin / Isaac Watts / J. D. Walt / Jesse Reeves
The scriptural reference to “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” is Galatians 6:14.
May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. - NIV
Tomlin’s chorus draws from Gal 2:20:
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. - NIV
You can listen to Tomlin’s version here (with a little help from Matt Redman):
Want to give this new version a try this year? Here’s a few places that sell the sheet music in digital form (can be downloaded instantly):
Here’s a free pdf of the lead sheet (no piano notation):
Here’s piano/vocal/guitar music for $3.99:
You can also download a nicely done MIDI file of this arrangement for free here:
Listen to it here:
Download the file by scrolling down to “Wonderful Cross” (right mouse, save target as) here:
Or, you can download it from my file download area (lower right hand column of this BLOG page).
Information Sources:
1. Isaac Watts Bio - and other internet sources
2. Chris Tomlin Bio - and other internet sources
3. Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society
Please report song usage to CCLI if you have such a license. The song number for “the Wonderful Cross” is #3148435.
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The BeatitudesFebruary 6, 2009 at 3:42 pm · Filed under Music, Scripture, Worship Music ·Tagged Beatitudes, Matthew 5:2-12, Michael Schroeder, Music Videos
The Beatitudes are contained in Matthew 5:2-12. This video of the Beatitudes was made possible with the help of WELS musician Michael Schroeder and is presented here with his permission. Thanks Michael for sharing your song!
The video actually starts in silence for the first 40 seconds, so don’t turn up your speakers.
You can learn more about Michael Schroeder and his band here:
Or at his myspace page:
And here’s his band members:
SCOTT BREAULT: ( Guitars )
DEB KNUTSON: ( Keys & Vocals)
MICHAEL SCHROEDER (Vocals, Keys, & Guitars)
Michael is a member at St. Paul’s in Wis. Rapids, WI
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Files for DownloadFebruary 3, 2009 at 10:11 pm · Filed under Worship Tools
I have added a new feature to my BLOG. At the bottom of the right column is a box where you can download files that I have posted for general use and distribution. There are two files right now. One is the revised lectionary from our Synod that goes with the Hymnal Supplement and the other is an EXCEL database of contemporary songs that has been compiled by BLOG reader and member of Mt. Olive Lutheran in Appleton, WI – John Kehl. John has listed many CCM songs, rated them for their lyrical content, identified themes, and included publisher information. It’s a great resource and thanks go to John for sharing. By the way, John’s band is known as “Joyful Noise” check them out if you are in or near Appleton.
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Music VideosFebruary 1, 2009 at 9:42 pm · Filed under Blended Worship, How To, Music, Song Ideas, Worship Music, contemporary christian music ·Tagged Integrity Worship Music, Music Videos
Several people have asked me for a good source of music videos to use as sing-a-longs either in worship or at youth events. These are great, especially if you have limited instrumentalists in your congregation. I have found the best videos to be produced by Integrity Worship. They have several families of music videos but the “iworship at home” series seems to offer the “best bang for the buck.” For about $15, you can buy one DVD that contains a half dozen or so professionally recorded song videos with lyrics to sing along with. You can purchase these at your local Christian Bookstore and on-line at (search on “iworship at home”)
You can also see the full line up of Integrity music videos at their website:
You can view individual songs at this website:
One note of caution, please review the songs prior to usage and make sure that the lyrics are in line with your doctrinal beliefs. I have found most of these songs to be good, but I have not seen all of the DVDs.
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Who is this Keith Getty guy who appears in our new Hymnal Supplement? How to Start a Blended Worship Service Program at Your Church Learn a Song - Bless the Lord Happy Valentine’s Day A few of My Favorite Contemporary Song Choices for the Church Year…staidensmonastery.wordpre……Meta
A School for Gunn with My Tax Dollars:
When Private Grants Are Not Enough
Click on a name to read that staff member's Bio.
Paul Kremer
Founding Executive Director
Michelle Forbes
Dean of Students
Dr. Wendy Noble
Michelle Meyer
Office Manager
Stephanie Hansen
Director of Special Education
Teaching & Support Staff
Ecaterina Avelar
Elizabeth Flores, Teacher
Maura-Lynne Coffey, Teacher
1st Grade
Ariel Elgar, Teacher
Edith Kastenschmidt, Teacher
2nd Grade
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3rd Grade
Marygrace Barber, Teacher
Glenna Steiner, Teacher
Music / Physical Education
Melissa Van Hofwegen
Instructional Aides
Susan Law
Judy Simpkinson
Brenda Grams
Before & After Care Director
Chrissy Swearingen
Founding Governing Board Members
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Here is Hope in Milwaukee. Another acronym. It is difficult to find any Lutheran connections, so it sounds like a Jeske operation.
Irish Blessing
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
May God be with you and bless you:
May you see your children's children.
May you be poor in misfortune,
Rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.
May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
And may the hand of a friend always be near.
May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you.
Economize During the Second Great Depression of Obamiracle
There are many ways for synods to economize during the earthly ministry of Obamessiah:
Stop most meetings where travel, meals, and lodging eat up thousands of dollars. GoToMeeting is a cheap way to have the same meeting on the Net for almost nothing.
Stop printing materials. Printing and mailing is very expensive. Most content can be delivered on the Net in PDFs. In fact, Lulu can print and download for free. Anyone could take the synod reports and make them available for free on The PDF would be free and the printed report could be made available at cost. Obviously no one reads them, or there would be heads on spikes by now.
Stop all the money laundering. The worst excesses are caused by money traveling around through various agencies, groups, so that no one knows who gave what to whom. That is how Church and Change was funded with WELS offering dollars.
Give Thrivent, Schwan, and the foundations the Left Foot of Fellowship. The big donations (with strings, ropes, and chains attached) are the reason giving is so miserly. Why would someone give $50 when Schwan gives $15 million at a time and the pastoral director gets $400,000+ in salary?
Thrivent is essentially an ELCA operation with Missouri/WELS money. The customers are conservative but the thrust of the company is apostate. That is the easiest way to work. Thrivent has created a pan-Lutheran synod with its branches, donations, and stipulations. Synodical officials grovel at their feet when real giving might come from the actual members. Why add the widow's mite when Thrivent has so much to offer - and free napkins for the coffee hour?
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Economize During the Second Great Depression of Ob...":
That's a great idea. Have you tried suggesting it?
GJ - I am sure that a suggestion with my name on it would sail through the Watchful Dragons at The Love Shack. "Here's a great idea, Boss. Let's implement it tomorrow."
I mentioned that anyone could start a mission church with broadband and a $75 web camera. People look at me the way a cow looks at a newly painted fence. Of course, that was my reaction to the idea, too.
Radio Silence Imposed
At Ski's Popcorn Cathedral
Rev. Douglas J. Engelbrecht
Northern Wisconsin District President
Church and Chicaneries do not quite understand the digital age. They brag about themselves on the Internet (websites, Twitter, Facebook) and register shock that everyone knows their nefarious plans. So they think they can erase their footprints on the Net, which they try to do. That only draws attention to their attempts to cover-up what they recently revealed. For instance, Ski erased the link to his Drive 08 brag on his blog. The material was still there, so I copied photos and boasts onto Ichabod. Many times archival technology allows "erased" material to show up again.
Everyone half my age knows twice as much about computers, so I get help from various readers. One person is a diligent researcher, so a lot of material comes from plain old elbow grease and mousing around the public files.
Here is an executive summary of Church and Change operations:
The pioneers of Church Shrinkage in WELS (Bivens, Valleskey, Roth, Olson) used to groove on McGavran, Wagner, Werning, and Arn. But the hipsters of Church and Chicanery love Leonard Sweet, Andy Stanley, Ed Stetzer, Craig Groeschel, and Mark Driscoll.
The white-haired Shrinkers and balding Chicaneries would like to have people think they are successful, but they survive only on massive foundation, Thrivent, and synod grants. Without all the loot they are stealing for their own comfort and luxuries, they are Dead On Arrival. They bankrupted the synod by grabbing designated funds for their empire-building.
Someone like Mark Jeske wants to teach the whole world. He could probably lecture the Holy Spirit if he could find time for Him in his Day-Timer. But Jeske hired Ski and never let him preach, not even as a sub when he was gone. Why didn't Jeske teach Ski how to preach? Instead, he replaced Ski with Steinberg and lobbed Ski up to A-town. The entire CORE debacle has been a Church and Chicanery operation, with Jeske and Ron Ash digging up the money to let Ski and his pricey executive assistant play at church instead of learning to preach.
Ski claims that he has the support of all the bigwigs. My blog traffic and comments suggest otherwise. People are horrified that this circus is being funded in the name of WELS. Ski must have some reason to make his claims. His A-town circuit knew what he was doing long before he leased the theatre with someone else's money. The DP knew he was coming.
Where does one start with doctrinal discipline in A-town?
Plagiarism? Nothing happened to Kelm and Parlow, except Kelm was kicked upstairs to The Love Shack. In spite of St. Mark claims, their plans to create one campus were a complete bust. If you want to learn how to succeed, do not go to Parlow and Kelm. Their capital funds campaign ran at about 50% of their goal. Like their pal Mark Jeske, they need huge foundation and Thrivent grants to stay alive.
Entertainment Evangelism? The ELCA pastor who wrote an editorial in The Lutheran created quite a stir. He subs at Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathedral now. The A-town circuit is almost completely dominated by Entertainment Evangelism. The best thing about Ski is that he makes them look high church in comparison.
Unionism? The Clown Circuit loves every denomination except their own. Thanks to Ski and some other talkers, we know that groups of WELS pastors troop off to hear Stetzer, Stanley, and whole gatherings of false teachers. Then they sign up the worst of them (like Sweet and Stetzer) to present them to WELS via Church and Chicanery conferences. Wherever false teachers gather, there are Parlow and Kelm in the midst of them, with Ski and other lupine shepherds hoping to take over in the future.
Sermon themes and graphics? If you think Church and Chicanery sermon series and graphics look impressive, Google them and you will find the same titles, graphics, and Biblical verses at Mars Hill, Craig Groeschel, Willow Creek, and other big, anti-confessional sects. I documented Parlow plagiarizing a Hybels email about Willow Creek services and staff. A few words had to be changed to make that theft work! Did these goofballs ever think that people get emails from several false teachers at once?
A-town is simply the most obvious case of careers gone wild. There are WELS pastors cloning Groeschel across the landscape. Others bow before Sweet. So many love Stetzer that their Babtist brother will deliver his broadsides to WELS in November. Mark it in your Day-Timer. Poor innocents of WELS - do you think these people are not in communication with each other and The Love Shack? They respond to the truth within a few hours, erasinig webpages, notifying brothers of threats to their days of luxury and ease.
The Latte Lutheran article in January's FIC was a stinkbomb thrown at WELS, with a message, "We are in charge." Every issue of FIC has two or three known Chicaneries writing articles. Kelm's call to The Love Shack was another stinkbomb. That is how the Shrinker mob works. If they lose soldiers like Wayne Mueller and Peter Kruschel, they will replace them. They protect their own while doing a Sisera on any and all their opponents.
Do I exagerate?
- Go to Ski's theatre and watch him perform.
- Drop by to Rock and Roll in Texas - Doebler's grant-funded, VP Patterson-protected entertainment center. One WELS pastor said, "It made me sick to my stomach."
- Stop in for a latte at St. Andrew's and watch their lovely female pastor "administer the Means of Grace."
- Search out the stealth congregation in Chicago. Borgwardt already went on a pilgrimage to Sweet before C and C brought the New Age gasbag before WELS.
- Visit Arizona's stealth congregation, CrossWalk in Phoenix, and see if you can discover any traces of Lutheran doctrine and worship. C and C loves their Gunn for hire.
- Join Stolzenburg's congregation in Columbus, Ohio. The Michigan District of WELS set him up in that job, after trying to jump-start a stealth congregation for him (Pilgrim). The same confessional heroes (Mueller, Kuske) approved the beginning of CrossRoads in S. Lynons, Michigan, which is now Evangelical Covenant.