Mary Thompson wrote:
Carl G's "fact check" is technically correct in that the high school accepting government grants was the WELS high school "Wisconsin Lutheran High School", which started out as "Milwaukee Lutheran High School" in a joint venture with LCMS. The original comment should have said the"ex-communications involved WELS members who protested the government grants being used by Wisconsin Lutheran High High School in the mid 1970's. Carl G.'s doubts that any WELS "members cared enough to protest about it (government grants)" and his doubts whether any WELS people were ex-communicated about government grants are unfounded. The controversy did happen, and it made headlines in the mainline Milwaukee newspapers and religious periodicals around the country. Original source material re: the controversy including newspaper articles and related documents still exist should Carl G. need proof of WELS members protesting and being expelled from WELS congregation for doing so.
I can produce them should he request copies.
Urban legends exist, but the government grants, the protests and expulsion of WELS members is not among them.
GJ - I find it odd that people rejoice at a church school depending on government money. I was part of a Christian school that never mentioned using government money and never requested it. Students got bus rides, and that was it.
When Church and Change leaders manage a program, I wonder.
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Wisconsin Lutheran High School and Government Money
Church and Chicanery Wants To Manage the Synod
To Do List
Having 1 of those days where the 2 do list isn't going 2 get done. Pressing ministry issue. God is so great & incredible. Changeinh (sic) lives.
9:06 AM Mar 16th from twitterrific
i tackled my to do list and then some today - awesome way to start the week. love it!
about 18 hours ago from TweetDeck
To Do List:
- Apply for more grants.
- Count paper clips.
- Order non-slip wax polish for Rosebud.
- Buy more popcorn butter. Find out why it is disappearing so fast.
- Test sub-woofers.
- Re-arrange pen drawer.
- Investigate cheaper coffee beans.
- Read fine print in lease, esp. non-payment penalties.
- Check on discount for Jelly Bellies by 100-wt.
- Download more totally awesome sermons from Driscoll, Stanley, and Groeschel.
- Type up Groeschel sermons.
- Change references to Fox Valley, A-Town, and Wisconsin in typescript.
Strange Coincidences - Add Your Story in the Comments
Three readers sent me similar stories about their WELS congregations.
The congregations are older, larger congregations. Church and Change board member Jeff Davis showed up to talk them into enormous building expansions and raise money toward it, ultimately leaving the parish heavily in debt. The building solved the pastor's edifice complex but never fulfilled the Field of Dreams movie motto: Build It and They Will Come. Bricks and mortar are not a Means of Grace.
Jeff Davis charges a commission - a percentage of money raised by the congregation - and calls this stewardship education! His commission at one church was around $40,000.
Ethical fund-raising groups charge a set fee plus expenses, to avoid the temptation of viewing everyone through dollar-sign glasses. Results are not pumped up just to earn a higher commission.
I thought, "Blimey! St. Paul in New Ulm was in decline, so they spent millions on their building, too."
As I wrote before, Davis has a blank bio at Church and Change, but his so-called stewardship education business is in partnership with Ron Roth, the first openly Church Growth staffer at The Love Shack.
Before I started data-mining the Church and Change website, Davis and Ski both had bios. Now both are blank, and Ski's photo is missing. I did not know Church and Change had a witness protection program.
Help Congregations Save Millions
I know some congregations are in the midst of disastrous Build It And They Will Come programs.
If you had direct experience with Jeff Davis or Ron Roth stewardship education, post a comment.
Their business is Cornerstone Stewardship Ministry.
Their team:
Jeff Davis (Co-Founder)
Lake Mills, Wisconsin
Jeff's 28 years of experience in administration, ministry and consulting, coupled with a strong desire to serve Jesus, have helped form his servant characteristics. Jeff enjoys teaching, directing and leading God's people. His personal commitment to stewardship is a reflection on his beliefs and thankfulness to Jesus. He has written extensively on stewardship, guiding and challenging God's people to live lives of thanks. Recently, Jeff co-authored Heart in Focus, a faith focused financial course ( Jeff and Sally, his wife, reside in Lake Mills, Wisconsin. They have been blessed with 5 children and 1 grandchild.
Tom Grunow (Co-Founder of CSM, MEd, CFRE)
Portland, Oregon [LCMS]
Tom Grunow is a 33-year veteran in Christian Education, Fund Development and Strategic Planning having served with Lutheran educational ministries in Florida, Texas and Oregon. Following in the footsteps of his father, Dr. Robert A. Grunow, known throughout the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) for his estate planning and fundraising expertise, for the past 14 years he has served as a consultant to Lutheran churches and schools throughout the U.S. Previously he served as Vice President of the Concordia University Foundation Portland and on the National Board of Directors of the Association of Lutheran Development Executives (ALDE). He currently serves Trinity Lutheran Church, as Volunteer Minister of Stewardship & Gifts, is an active member of ALDE, a member of the Christian Stewardship Association (CSA), and serves as Board Chair of the Lutheran Education Association (LEA). Tom resides in Portland, Oregon with his wife, Karin, a commissioned Lutheran schoolteacher. They have 3 children and 3 grandchildren.
Ron Roth (Director)
Hales Corners, Wisconsin
Ron loves to teach and encourage God's people to respond to God's grace with thankful and generous gifts. He has served four congregations as pastor, leading three of them through capital expansion programs. As administrator of Christian giving for an international Lutheran church body, he developed a major gifts ministry and led three national campaigns. He was instrumental in developing a planned giving ministry which after twelve years is blessing various ministries with annual gifts of $10-12 million in current donations and matured bequests. Another $400+ million in estate gifts for the Lord's work have been completed. Ron and his wife Arlene live in the Milwaukee, WI area and are blessed with three children.
Wayne Baxmann (Associate)
Colgate, Wisconsin
Wayne's forty plus years in public ministry have provided him with numerous opportunities to practice servant-leadership. He eagerly applies his spiritual gifts in working with God's people, particularly in the areas of organization, teaching and administration. He strongly believes in and models the attitude that Christian Stewardship is a manifestation of one's love and gratitude for what God has done. Wayne and his wife Renee live in Colgate, Wisconsin, just northwest of Milwaukee, and are active members of Risen Savior Lutheran Church in Milwaukee. Their three adult children and their families live in Washington and Texas.
[GJ - Mel entered the witness protection program of C and C, so no photo is available.]
Mel Fournier (Associate)
Leesburg, Florida [LCMS]
Mel is "Mr. Lutheran" throughout Florida having served as a layperson in various Lutheran churches and in every capacity both during his work as an independent electrician and later in his retirement years. He has served as both paid and volunteer for Thrivent (formerly AAL) in fraternal assistance and is well versed on the Biblical concepts of Christian stewardship.
Diahann Lohr
Watertown, Wisconsin
William Neubauer
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Tim Grunow (Support)
Portland, Oregon
Tim provides support services for general operations, staff travel, and campaign record keeping. He is based in Portland, Oregon.