Brett Meyer was kind enough to reinterpret the Diet of Worms, with Ski demonstrating how he puts Luther's doctrine into practice.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Here I Swing: I Can Do No OtherIch kann nicht ande...":
1 Corinthians 10:20-21, "But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils."
Luther, "If it is not in accordance with My Word, it is not the Christian Church. For what could induce the Christian Church to change and undermine the Word of its Lord? The true Church would say: I cling to the Word of my dear Lord Christ. I insist on this. According to this Word I will make my decisions. I will not hold with those who do otherwise. This the Christian Church has always done in previous times. It condemned heresy and all false doctrine not according to its own opinion, as the pope and his people do, but according to the Scripture and Christ's Word."
Luther, "4] For what shall I say? How shall I complain? I am still living, writing, preaching, and lecturing daily; [and] yet there are found such spiteful men, not only among the adversaries, but also false brethren that profess to be on our side, as dare to cite my writings and doctrine directly against myself, and let me look on and listen, although they know well that I teach otherwise, and as wish to adorn their venom with my labor, and under my name to [deceive and] mislead the poor people. [Good God!] Alas! what first will happen when I am dead?"
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Here I Swing: I Can Do No OtherIch kann nicht ande...":
We must be careful about how we present Ski to new readers. I wouldn't want to give new readers the idea that Ski would threaten violence against people.
• Soak up evangelism funds -- yes.
• Deprive souls of the pure Gospel through an Enthusiast focus on distracting music and Babtist tactics-- yes.
• Create discord and confusion within the WELS community -- yes.
• Open a church within one block of another WELS church and within two blocks of TWO empty churches -- yes.
• Risk chipping Rosebud, no.
+ Diet O. Worms
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Here I Swing:
I Can Do No Other
Ich kann nicht anders schwingen
The Easter Bunny May Get His Free Vicar After All: Gurgel May Be a Rain-Maker
Hopping Down the Subsidy Trail.
The Source:
I was reading the tea-leaves wrong. The free staff minister is denied but the free vicar is still a definite option.
6) No New Mission Enhancement Funding. The BHM Executive Committee determined that no new mission opportunities would be able to be considered for funding in FY2009-2010. All new requests have been put on hold. For the South Central District this means that the request from Holy Word in Austin, TX, for Home Missions funding for a Staff Minister to coordinate Hispanic ministry is not being considered for funding.
Field Reports: Mission Establishment
7) Christ the Rock – Round Rock, Texas. Pastor Matthew Doebler. Christ the Rock began in 2006 with a three-year Mission Establishment (former Level 2) funding agreement. The funding expires on June 30, 2009. The DMB has forwarded a one-year funding extension to the BHM. However, at this time, it is highly unlikely that the one-year extension will receive funding. The mission has taken some cost-saving measures, reduced some support staff, and has worked hard to secure some special offerings. The expectation is that the ministry will continue to move forward, but perhaps not as quickly as would be possible with additional funding.
14) Vicars in Mission Settings. The DMB submitted three vicar requests to the BHM to receive consideration under the Vicars in Mission Settings program. At this time, the hope is to assign 22 vicars through this program. One of the three requests from the South Central District was prioritized in the top 22 requests—Holy Word in Austin, TX. I could not be more delighted with the slate of requests our district submitted. I believe our district has the potential to have three to five strong contenders every year. The BHM will be reviewing the ViMS selection criteria and any changes or new information will be available in the October 2009 DMB report.
GJ - One observer told me that he thinks Patterson will get a free vicar anyway. Stay tuned. The official document above definitely denies the free staff minister but hopes for the free vicar for Patterson - once again.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Easter Bunny May Not Get His Free Vicar: Gurge...":
How silly! Of course Bwana Patterson will get a free vicar. He must go on another safari doing the Work of the Lord.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Easter Bunny May Not Get His Free Vicar: Gurge...":
So a safari hunting WELS pastor has his hands out for 2 free staff members. World missionaries are being sent home so Patterson can vacation in Africa? This doesn't seem to add up...does this guy have any ethics??
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Easter Bunny May Get His Free Vicar After All:...":
Once again the question is where are your offerings going? Are they going to do the Work of the Lord as intended, or are they being diverted to entertain someone? This question warrants an honest answer.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Easter Bunny May Get His Free Vicar After All:...":
As Bwana Don likes to say, "the Lord works in mysterious ways." That includes maneuvering behind the scenes. It is simple really.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Easter Bunny May Get His Free Vicar After All:...":
or his other famous words..."leave it at the foot of the cross..or in this case at the hoofs of a zebra"
Teddy - No, Not the MADD Award Winner - Roosevelt
"It is not the critic that counts. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marked by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasm and great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
~Teddy Roosevelt
UOJ from the Calvinistic Babtists
Primitive Baptist Universalist
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Part of a series of articles on
The Primitive Baptist Universalists (or PBUs) are a Calvinist Christian Universalist sect based primarily in the central Appalachian region of the United States. They are popularly known as "No-Hellers" due to their belief (unlike most other Christian denominations) that there is no Hell per se, but that Hell is actually experienced in this life.[1][2] Although they did not split as a denomination away from other Primitive Baptists until 1924, they have been theologically distinct as Universalists since at least 1907, when the minutes of the Washington District Primitive Baptist Association record a reproval:
Resolved, that whereas, we have been troubled with the doctrine of universalism that we advise the churches that if they have any elders preaching such heresies, or members arguing it, that they admonish them to quit preaching it or talking it, and if they fail to hear them to withdraw fellowship from such, and especially we admonish Hale Creek church to admonish Elder M. L. Compton to refrain from such doctrine.
[edit] Summary of theology
Universal reconciliation: Christ's atonement was for all humanity, and at Resurrection all humanity will be reunited with Christ for an eternity in Heaven.
Hell is a factor of the temporal world, where temporal sins will be punished by an increased separation from God.
Satan is an entity solely of the temporal world, existing only as "natural man" warring against "spiritual man."
Sin, punishment, and death are factors only of the temporal world, thus ceasing to exist after Resurrection, and sin is punished in the temporal world by a separation from God.
The joy of righteousness is its own reward, so retribution and reward are needed only for the here and now.[3]
GJ - So we can see why so many WELS leaders are attracted to Church Growth Babtists like Stetzer and Stanley. They are going back to their UOJ roots. There are some differences, but Enthusiasm is fairly similar the world over. Making the Atonement of Christ a universal absolution is not surprising for any group denying or "downplaying" (Valleskey) the Means of Grace.
Synodical Conference types cannot see this because they do not really understand Calvinism or the Confessions. Someone like Herman Otten, a true Bronze Age Missourian, will publicly state his agreement with the Brief Confession (not in the Book of Concord) instead of the Book of Concord itself.
The CFW Walther/JP Meyer advocacy of Universal Objective Justification--absolving the world without the Word - or even a text citation--paved the way for Church Growth apostasy.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "UOJ from the Calvinistic Babtists":
While synod leaders have a lot to learn, they will never admit it or learn it. It is easier to act with an air of authority. One problem, however: they have lost their moral authority and members are realizing it.
Kit from Wisconsin has left a new comment on your post "UOJ from the Calvinistic Babtists":
Whoa, I spend my day telling students not to use Wikipedia as a reference for anything.... :) I am disappinted in you.
GJ - This is what I get for doing extra research! I knew of the Babtist Unitarians only through Wikipedia, so I gave credit where it is due. L P Cruz has written some good comments about Calvinism and UOJ. I plan on using those insights in my book on justification. Yes, Kit, I wean students off Wikipedia too, but I still use it for background reading.
Homeschooled, Graduates at Age 17
Teen is ASU's youngest nursing-school grad
Extraordinary students are among Class of 2009
by Weldon B. Johnson - May. 14, 2009 12:00 AM
The Arizona Republic
Danielle McBurnett has had people compare her to the main character in the old television show "Doogie Howser, M.D.," about a teenage doctor.
The first time she heard that comparison, however, someone had to explain to her who Doogie Howser was. The show was canceled in 1993, when she was just 1 year old.
On Wednesday, McBurnett, 17, became the youngest person ever to receive a bachelor of science degree from Arizona State University's College of Nursing and Healthcare Innovation. She graduated summa cum laude from the program and plans to enroll in the school's doctoral program in nursing practice in the fall.
McBurnett lives in Chandler with her parents, Ray and Lori, and three siblings. She was home-schooled, but at age 12 she started taking classes at Chandler-Gilbert Community College.
She received her associate degree (4.0 grade-point average) and high-school diploma at the age of 15 and enrolled at ASU.
She said she has never let her age stand in the way of accomplishments.
"Most people (when told her age) have just said, 'Wow, that's amazing.' When I meet people, I don't wear a big name tag that says, 'Hi, I'm Danielle, I'm 17.' I'll tell some people when it's pertinent information, but I don't let my age dictate who I am."
McBurnett has always carried herself in a mature fashion, said her mother, Lori McBurnett.
"She was born an adult, that's the world she wanted to live in," she said. "When she was very, very small, she wanted to talk with the adults and be with the adults. She didn't want to play with toys. That was her nature."
Danielle McBurnett has also been active in performing arts: She plays piano and has acted in a variety of plays. That training has helped boost her confidence and allowed her to project herself in a more dynamic fashion.
She said college just sharpened her focus on a goal she has held since she was 10 years old.
"I knew I wanted to be a nurse," McBurnett said. "Now, I'm more focused on what I want to be on top of that and the next degrees I want to get. Now, I want to be a nurse practitioner. After that, I'm even considering going to law school, too."
McBurnett said she didn't want to become a doctor because she wanted a closer relationship with patients and the doctor's career path didn't offer as much flexibility.
"Nurses really get to interact with patients more than doctors, typically," McBurnett said. "I really want that human, patient interaction. Also, I want to have the ability to do lots of things. I don't want to be confined to just being a doctor, and I feel like I can do that better as a nurse practitioner. And I want to possibly spend more time with my own children, some day in the future, and I feel I'd be better able to do that as a pediatric-nurse practitioner."
She wants to eventually be an advocate for children, both domestically and abroad, which is why law school may be part of her future.
She has opinions on subjects ranging from the health-care system to tort reform that may make her seem mature beyond her years, but she has also taken part in more typical activities for girls her age.
"I did go to prom," she said with a laugh. "The home-school community has its own prom. I've been to a number of dances, and I feel like I participated in every high-school opportunity out there."
Debriefing Drive 09 - Pastor Chris Emerges
Bishop Katie's Tweet
debriefing Drive with @pastorski @glende78 and pastor chris. also thinkin longterm vision. i love these guys!
about 18 hours ago from TweetDeck
5/12/09 - Tweets of the Week
It’s Tuesday and time again for Tweets of the Week.
@AnnCurry: "In life, be of service to others. Then you"ll know it mattered you were here." -my dad Bob {Reminds me of a favorite quote: What are we here for if not to make life less difficult for others?}
@quotesnack: RT @quotegarden "Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you." ~Robert Fulghum {You are a role model whether you choose to be or not. The choice to be a positive or negative one, however, is yours.}
@mediapeople: RT @NACDB RT@bsalley: When the product is right, you don't have to be a great marketer.- Lee Iacocca {Getting the product right is the hard part. If it’s right, people will share it and do your marketing for you.}
@loswhit: Jesus opted 4 relationship over respect when He choose us. He chose not 2 get what he deserved so He could be w/us. - @andystanley {Wow! If I am going to model Christ’s love in my life, I need to work on this!}
@ScottWilliams: Leaders make leaders, that make leaders...! Are you making a bologna sandwich, making people do a job or Making Leaders? {GREAT question!}
Ski's Tweet
Wow! Relaunch Rhe (sic) CORE band. Incredible things coming. Can't wait til Sunday.
Attending a Thrivent state of the economy seminar with @glende78.
about 3 hours ago from Twitterrific
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Debriefing Drive 09 - Pastor Chris Emerges":
I wonder if Pastor Chris might be Chris Johnson at St. Mark.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Debriefing Drive 09 - Pastor Chris Emerges":
Ski and Katie operate more like Amway owner/dealers than WELS. Do they have MLM training?
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Debriefing Drive 09 - Pastor Chris Emerges":
The twit doesn't say that Pastor Chris was at Drive, that's just an assumption. It's possible that Pastor Chris is the other Pastor at St. Peter, with Glende. That gossip wouldn't be as juicy, but would make sense that the other pastor at St. Peter was included in the "debriefing."
GJ - Memo to Bishop Katie - use last names on your Tweets. Thnx. Ur gr8.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Debriefing Drive 09 - Pastor Chris Emerges":
I certainly pray that not a single dollar from a single WELS member was spent to fund the circus that was Drive '09. If they want to use their so-called hard earned money to frit away on that nonsense - fine with me. But then they may as well resign their position as a WELS pastor while they're at it. They are NOT doing the job they were called to do. Further more, if they want to run the church like a business, and these pastors are not doing their jobs - in the words of Donald Trump - YOU'RE FIRED!!!!