Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wisconsin Lutheran College Keynote Speaker in the News: Archbishop Weakland

Sex-abuse victims group rebuffs Weakland’s naiveté claim

By Annysa Johnson of the Journal Sentinel

Posted: May. 18, 2009

Weakland says in his forthcoming memoir, “A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church”: “We all considered sexual abuse of minors as a moral evil, but had no understanding of its criminal nature.” .

. Weakland says in his forthcoming memoir, “A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church”: “We all considered sexual abuse of minors as a moral evil, but had no understanding of its criminal nature.” Close Advocates for victims of Catholic clergy sex abuse on Monday released documents they say refute claims by retired Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland that he did not understand early on the criminal nature of the abuse or its long-term effects on victims.

They also disputed statements that he attempted to deal with pedophile priests but was thwarted by Vatican policy.

Weakland makes those assertions in his forthcoming memoir, "A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church," saying at one point, "We all considered sexual abuse of minors as a moral evil, but had no understanding of its criminal nature."

The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests took issue with the claims, and on Monday released documents from a civil fraud case involving the late Father Lawrence Murphy, who is thought to have abused as many as 200 deaf children in the 1960s and '70s.

"He likes to position himself as a critic of the Vatican, the one bishop who stood up to challenge the system," SNAP Midwest Director Peter Isely said of Weakland, in releasing the documents outside the archdiocese's Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.

"He never once stood up against the system when it came to the molestation and rape of boys" by Murphy at St. John School for the Deaf in St. Francis, where Murphy worked for two decades, Isely said.

Weakland did not return a telephone call seeking comment.

In a statement, the archdiocese said it has acknowledged for many years the allegations against Murphy included in the documents. The abuse committed by Murphy "thirty years ago was a horrendous betrayal of his priestly vows," said the statement. It said Murphy's name appears on the archdiocese's list of clergy offenders and that the archdiocese has instituted policies to ensure that such abusers no longer serve as priests.

In his book, the retired archbishop says that in the 1970s, he "naively" accepted the notion that victims would either forget or "grow out of" the abuse. He blames the leniency shown by judges toward priests (and other professionals) in sex abuse cases for shaping his views on the perpetrators.

The documents released Monday include victim statements recounting their memories and anguish from as early as 1974; a reference to a 1974 review of allegations against Murphy by the Milwaukee County district attorney's office (no charges were filed because the statute of limitations had expired); and a letter showing Weakland was preoccupied - even after the priest's death in 1998 - with preserving his "good name."

In the letter to a nun explaining why he wanted a private funeral for Murphy, Weakland said: "So far, we have succeeded in preserving his reputation, and I hope we are able to do so in the future."

The letter was written five years after a psychotherapist's assessment of Murphy - also included in the documents - detailed how he preyed on vulnerable boys, one as young as 11, after they confided in him in the confessional.

Murphy, who died in 1998, is at the center of one of the civil fraud cases now pending against the Milwaukee Archdiocese. In it, Donald Marshall, now an adult, said he was molested by Murphy at a school in northern Wisconsin in the late 1970s after the priest was sent by the Milwaukee Archdiocese to live and work in Boulder Junction.

Cheap Shots from the Shrinkers Make My Day

Bailing Water
Anonymouse said...
>>>WLC is not as mission-minded and is not under synod oversight. There have been things that have gone on there (just read GJ) that a synodically-funded school would not have done. <<<

Surely you don't believe anything Gregory Jackson writes. It doesn't take much intelligence to see the guy's a little off base in his claims and accusations. Anyone who has enough time to stalk multiple synods as he does, obviously isn't doing much positive outreach for Christ.


Bishop Katie
Up and our (sic) the door before 8am. This is a rare ocassion.
6:04 AM May 18th from Tweetie


GJ - I am walking Sassy by 5:30 AM every day. That might explain why I have time to blog, write my own sermons, and publish books. Fortunately, I now work exclusively from home, since everything I do is online. I do wonder about people who have time to comment anonymousely on two different blogs - every day. Is that a constructive, edifying, and Gospel-spreading hobby?

Doebler - District Popes Approve Rock and Roll, Copy and Paste Lutheran Church

Why are WELS sermons so Calvinistic?
Answer: They are Kelmed.

Matt Doebler's sermon:

Hasnt Christianity been an Agent of Oppression hypocrisy, Jesus Christ, oppression, church.

This sermon and more from Presbyterian minister Tim Keller can be found here:

Right-click "Download" and select 'save target/link as' to listen to sermons related to Tim Keller's book The Reason for God from the series The Trouble with Christianity: Why it's so Hard to Believe it.

  • Exclusivity: How can there be just one true religion? 1 John 4:1-10 Download
    Suffering: If God is good, why is there so much evil in the world? 1 Peter 1:3-12 Download
  • Absolutism: Don't we all have to find truth for ourselves? Galatians 2:4-16 Download
  • Injustice: Hasn't Christianity been an instrument for oppression? James 2:1-17 Download
  • Hell: Isn't the God of Christianity an angry Judge? Luke 16:19-31 Download
  • Doubt: What should I do with my doubts? (AM) John 20:1-18 Download
    Literalism: Isn't the Bible historically unreliable and regressive? (AM) Luke 1:1-4; 24:13-32

    Doebler Sermons:

    Dont we all have to find truth for ourselves?
    Matt Doebler
    4 listens

    How can there be only one true religion?
    Matt Doebler
    9 listens

    Open the Gates for the King of Glory!
    Matt Doebler
    7 listens

    The Rebel's Guide to Joy in Poverty (another borrowed series - Mark Driscoll)
    Matt Doebler
    30 listens

    The Rebel's Guide to Joy in Exhaustion
    Matt Doebler
    18 listens

    The Rebel's Guide to Joy in Temptation
    Matt Doebler
    20 listens

    The Rebels Guide to Joy in Death
    Matt Doebler
    25 listens

    The Rebels Guide to Joy in Loneliness
    Matt Doebler
    16 listens

    The State of the Church 2009
    Matt Doebler
    56 listens

    The Hero Follows Through
    Matt Doebler
    11 listens

    The Hero Delivers
    Matt Doebler
    14 listens

    The Hero Sacrifices
    Jim Radloff
    15 listens

    The Hero Heals
    Matt Doebler
    24 listens

  • ---

    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Doebler - District Popes Approve Rock and Roll, Co...":

    One day the light bulb will come on at the Sausage Factory with the answer: WELS central will prepare all the sermons, and email them out to the local pastors. Of course, the local pastors will gladly pay several thousand dollars of offerings each year for the service.


    GJ - I heard there was a sermon service from The Love Shack. I cannot verify it. At one meeting I suggested shutting down Perish Services and getting everything from Fuller Seminary - direct, instead of filtered. Shocked laughter followed.

    WELS Budget Cutting Idea:
    Fire the District Popes and VPs

    The WELS doctrinal fiasco, which is behind the budget meltdown, is the direct result of District Popes and their underlings doing nothing about false doctrine for 30 years. The DPs and VPs devour a lot of the offerings. Every DP gets a full-time pastor to do his parish work, which is more like the Episcopalian model of having a bishop in a parish with a pastor doing the congregational work.

    Another neat thing about being a DP is synod-funded travel - not only to dowdy cities like Milwaukee, but also to faraway missions. No one critical of Holy Mother WELS is going to travel overseas. That includes the Little Sect pastors.

    The District Popes have Church and Change congregations in their districts - all their districts. I am not saying the DPs do nothing. They do a lot - encouraging, funding, and defending false doctrine. A recent papal gathering was at VP Patterson's congregation, named Holy Word. (Does anyone laugh when the name is mentioned?) The DPs thought Rock and Roll Lutheran was right just fine. Doebler got more money and time. Copy sermons from false teachers? No problem. All the bigshots in WELS do it.

    Patterson put in two requests for free staffmembers. These are tough times: he may only get one free staffer, a vicar.

    Did the DPs stop the Leonard Sweet Church and Chicanery conference?

    Have they dis-invited Ed Stetzer?

    Have they stopped the flow of pastors to Andy Stanley's Drive?

    Their only job is to oversee the doctrine of the Christian Church. They have failed that duty in every possible way.

    One Synod, Two Minds

    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Budget Cuts":

    I realize that most "one plan" ideas in the past were not what most people wanted and pushed down the gullets of the delegates. However, in suggesting that the leadership of the synod present one plan instead of two, my intention was to give one plan, but not shove it down the throats of the delegates. Instead, my thought was that they would be there is any optional information the floor committee and plenary committee wants and would have solid data to back it up.
    This issue I have with two plans is that the leadership seems to have indicated their favored position by calling it Option A. It would also seem that, in offering two positions, they can favor one (A) by making the other unacceptable to many (B), with the closing of MLS.

    As I see it, the two options making the closing of MLS such a hot potato that the synod leadership did not want to deal with it, so they are leaving it up to the floor committee to make the decision, thus relieving the synod's leadership of negative PR.

    Instead of good leadership, it see (sic) it is the cleverest political move they (sic) synodical council could have devised. They are off the hook completely. When all it said and done, they can say, "We had nothing to do with it. It was your decision, and we are simply carrying out the decision of the convention." To me, the two option plan either shows indecision by the synodical leaders or fear of again being the bad guys.


    GJ- The Synodical Council has such people as Safari Timmerman on it. He stated that most worship is adiaphora anyway, that WELS is clearly failing, that something must be done.

    Something has been done--for the last 30 years--by the Shrinkers: Patterson, Valleskey, Roth, Huebner, Olson, Bivens, Bruce Becker, The Love Shack Staff, and The Sausage Factory.

    WELS has been trying to put a Corvair engine in a Chevvy, anti-confessional marketing efforts to make a Means of Grace body grow. So it has shrunked up considerably while wasting millions of dollars.

    As one sage observer mentioned to me in a signed email, the schools have fixed costs. It makes no sense to take away $1 million from the schools (as the Timmerman SC gang wants) to help fund a nebulous concept of missions. I would tell the SC, if invited, "You made your bed. Now lie in it."