Friday, June 19, 2009

How To Get Synod Subsidies, Foundation Grants, and Thrivent Loot

Grand Wizard Wayne:
"Repeat after me - there is no Church Growth in WELS."

Church and Change Hymn

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Oh Worship the Brew":

Sing it with me:

"Lift high the swizzle-stick,
Our love of us proclaim.
Till all the world, adore,
Church and Change."

+Diet O. Worms

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Church and Change Hymn":

Is it safe or correct to say don't drink from the dirty WELS at St. Andrew?

One Block from The CORE

St. Paul Lutheran Church (WELS) in A-town, one block from The CORE.

Street view - these are fun.

I tried to find a good picture of the interior, but did not find one to Kelm. I found some old interiors - no popcorn machines at all. How did they get established in the 19th century? Beats me.

Someone found the altar for me.

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "One Block from The CORE":

Why would anyone in their right mind trade that beautiful altar for a movie theater with 20 sub-woofers?

Oh Worship the Brew

Missing from the artwork: Lutheran Church
Rev. Randy got himself a vicar when others were denied.
Does the Conference of Pussycats object to this blasphemous logo -
a cross resting in a cup of coffee?

This artist was too frugal.
The coffee machines used at St. Andrew Latte are high-priced,
not Mr. Coffee.
The Northwestern Lutheran FIC recently published a slobbering review of the coffee church, grounds for firing the editor.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Oh Worship the Brew":

"Simon Peter"

"Yes Lord"

"Do you love me?"

"You know I do!"

"Caffeinate my sheep"

How Much Money for Rock N Roll?

CTR Lutheran Church, aka The Church From Scratch,
is in Round Rock, Texas, where VP Patterson owns a home.

Many WELS members would like to know how much of their offering money has gone to support the Rock-N-Roll Church in Round Rock.

In addition, they would like to know how much foundation money has been siphoned away from real causes in order to prop up Rock N Roll, with attendance of about 30 after three years of free spending and sermon plagiarism.

The Conference of Pussycats met at Holy Word--the ironic name of Patterson's church--gazed benevolently at their Rev. Rock-N-Roll Plagiarist, and approved more of the same. The Antioch Foundation gave them $20,000, but Doebler wanted $200,000 so he could have a worship leader in addition to his full-time female assistant. Is copying from Mars Hill that laborious?

African Safaris, A House and a Ranch, Stetzer Conferences, and Free Vicars:
Patterson's Rights as a WELS Leader

Anonymouse has left another fatuous comment on your post "St. Andrew Latte (WELS) Video": [GJ - the video has been removed]

And of course the blogger can and in all likelihood will omit or distort my input here. However, GJ has actually summed his ENTIRE blog and postings in his last comment made on this article where he writes:

"GJ - As my attorney once said, "It's not slander if it's true." Secondly, thanks to the fair use doctrine, material can be borrowed or quoted if it not being resold or otherwise used for commercial purposes. Ichabod is non-profit, a scholarly and satirical effort of breath-taking scope."

Please everyone with your own two eyes read and notice the word SATIRE. SATIRE is a synonym for LAMPOON, PARODY, FARCE and BURLESQUE. (I give full credit to for this information). If you do not believe me, then please go and look things up.

After all of the diatribe that has been written on this blog, people getting highly mis-led, agitated, etc. GJ finally admits this entire blog is a complete SATIRE/PARODY. At first reading, I thought he was serious about all of this and was intentionally mis-leading people with the intention to deceive (LYING).

I am happy to know now that it is not hateful or back lashing type writings that GJ has been posting. They are ALL merely a HUMOROUS collection of writings directly in-line to what is written in the tabloids or the NY Post.

On a more serious side, GJ, I do not understand why you have posted and blasted multiple persons in Pastor Patterson’s congregation for having businesses that thrive, live in nice homes, etc. Perhaps you should list your own home that has a value of $185K+ with a very nice in-ground swimming pool in a nice, clean middle class neighborhood.

Keep up the great satirical writing. It is entertaining. Also, you need to get another attorney. One that has actual practicing experience dealing with Copyright Law. If you need one, I have one that can help you when you are faced with infringement.


GJ - Fair use is explained in this video, which is simple enough for Anonymouse to understand. The video in question, linked on that particular post (part of You Tube technology) has been pulled. I wonder why. The embarrassing battle of the statues at Mary Lou College is still posted. I just checked.

Why not write to You Tube and complain about the use of the embed code? I have been unable to post some videos because the embed code was blocked. Instead, I linked them.

The only people who have complained--and the plural may be an exaggeration--about copyright use are the targets of my satire. They have not complained about Doebler, Kelm, Parlow, Ski, and others using the work of others - and passing it off as their own. That is the key issue - copying another's work and making a profit from it.

I suggest reviving Joe Krohn's blog so every can post their signed comments there.

About 99% of the Ichabod satire comes directly from anonymous comments and the actual work of the Shrinkers. I add a few touches. The CORE, Latte Lutheran Church, Rock N Roll, and many other CG experiments are burlesques of Lutheran doctrine, worship, and practice. I would write less if others did more. Thankfully, many younger Lutheran laity are dealing with false doctrine in many ways.

I did not buy a house and beg for free staff while brothers were being canned due to lack of funds. Patterson has a house, a ranch in the hill country, African safaris, and applications for TWO free staffers. He apparently got a free vicar again - thanks to his conservative DP.

Patterson is welcome to have such prosperous members in a well established congregation. But how can he justify taking syodical funds for himself when other WELS clergy are becoming jobless and homeless? Will he put the missionaries up on his ranch? Take them on a safari to Africa, after they have been forced home from Africa?

Many missions will be closed while Patterson jets around and enjoys a vicar holding down Fort Kudu for him.

The money wasted is a small matter compared to Patterson organizing a bevy of WELS workers to attend the Exponential conference last year. That yielded the Stetzer gig at Church and Change, which had to be forcibly canceled by the COP. The Exponential conference this year features a malevolent, hate-filled evangelist.

Why does Patterson have his network answering for him, especially when they are so maladroit? His only signed communication consisted of name calling: "You are a fool and a liar," coupled with a petty distinction - his lay leader, the Great White Hunter is no longer congregational president. No, the man is probably propping up too many Church and Change projects on the SC to do any work at home.

I will use Church and Change logic on Anonymouse:
1. How do you know my house is worth that much? Phoenix homes are farther underwater than the Titanic.
2. How do know that the blue body of water in my backyard is not a baptismal basin for the next Stetzer conference here?
3. How do you know I have any funds? It could be that we borrow garbage from our neighbors so we can have something to put out on the curb on Monday mornings.

Ichabodians - the increasing level of hysteria aimed at this blog is proof that the Church Shrinkers are losing ground because their stealth attacks have failed. They have bragged, blogged, and Tweeted so much that everyone can read their unguarded thoughts, their doctrinal flatulence.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "African Safaris, A House and a Ranch, Stetzer Conf...":

Ichabod sure nailed Mouse!


DK's inner Mephastopheles (sic) has left a new comment on your post "African Safaris, A House and a Ranch, Stetzer Conf...":


Nasty Anony Mouse!

You should learn a few things about the world before you go about insulting people.

#1 The "Assessed value" found in public tax records is what the municipality thinks an individual's property is worth. Government bodies are a little slow on the uptake, in these cases, out of self interest. Take my meaning: The housing market in AZ has crashed and Dr. Jackson probably couldn't sell his house for $100K but his local government likely hasn't recalculated "assessed value" to reflect current market conditions. So in reality Dr. Jackson is paying taxes on $185k when he probably should be paying taxes on much less. AND $185k is not a mansion in Arizona--the dollar is worth far less there than in your inbred Wisconsin hamlet!

#2 Swimming pools.

Did you know, oh thou ignoramus, that homes in Arizona WITHOUT pools are the exception???
You're green with greed because you want to be able to soak your gelatinous pimply Babtist arse, but you can't, because in Wisconsin swimming pools are luxuries and the value of the dollar and the local standard of living do not permit someone making $10.50/hr. to enjoy such treats!


Remember Me

Lizzie Palmer’s Stirring ‘Remember Me’ Video as Seen on ‘Fox News Sunday’
June 10, 2007 - 20:30 ET

NewsBusters readers, meet our second fabulous fifteen-year-old, Miss Lizzie Palmer.

For those that missed it, Chris Wallace aired an absolutely astounding military tribute video (available here) at the end of today’s “Fox News Sunday” that should be required viewing for all Americans.

At its conclusion, Wallace stated the following:

Lizzie Palmer said she put the video on YouTube as her way of honoring the troops. And after graduating from high school, she plans to join the army herself.

Last month, Military Mom at Home posted the following autobiography of Lizzie:
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I'm a sophomore in high school in Ohio, and I play the flute/piccolo. I plan on joining the U.S. Army after I graduate. I only hope I can make America as proud as our troops today have, and I hope I can honor them in the way they deserve with my videos. I love talking to American military personnel, but it's not very often that I get the chance. Hope you all have a great day and God bless!


Honestly, between her and Kristen Byrnes, one has to wonder what was happening in the year 1992 to produce such wonderful kids.

Thanks, Lizzie.

Post Script: As an interesting sidebar, with over 11 million views at YouTube, this video apparently created so much debate that Lizzie had to disable the comments section. She has added the following as a disclaimer:

ATTENTION! I apologize for any inconvenience, but I have been receiving way too many negative comments and people arguing with and insulting each other in comments on this video. After a lot of hard thought, I have decided to disable comments on my video. I may or may not turn them back on again, we'll have to see. Again, I'm sorry, but you can thank the people who decided to turn this into a debate forum. Thank you for your time, and I apologize again to those of you who didn't do anything wrong.

Lizzie Palmer


GJ - I distinguish between honoring our military and the guidance of the politicians. Our soldiers deserve the highest respect for what they do, for what they have done.