Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Koeplin Essay Found! in the Ichabod Archives

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Corky Koeplin Essay":

I grew up at Atonement and fondly recall Pastor Koeplin. I would love to read this essay if anyone can find the text somehwere. It shocks and saddens me that synod leaders would try to discredit this essay by claiming he was "brain damaged" when he wrote this - but I suppose it's easy to pick on dead men, what with them not being able to answer back and all.


Here is the text of the paper - Click here.

Note that the essay text is now at the top of the convention information.


has left a new comment on your post "Koeplin Essay Found! in the Ichabod Archives":

Corky's paper should be on the convention agenda.


GJ - I went to a WELS convention some years after I sent the Koeplin essay to Christian News for publication. Someone had removed the cover letter on top which said, "For circulation among the brothers only."

The convention began with a solemn declaration that no one could publish anything about the convention unless that individual had permission from the synod. Later, one pastor said to me, "Did you hear that announcement? That was because someone leaked the Koeplin essay to Christian News."

I said, "I know someone leaked it. I did."

"You did?"

Twitters, blogs, and email mean that this kind of information reaches people quickly. But people have to make an effort to stay informed.

Ski's Mentor Does the Worm

Way cool and totally awesome, dude!

Yeah, Craig Groeschel is the man.

I’m pretty sure that you’ll be able to see and experience much more than this at Catalyst’s 10 Year Anniversary gathering in October.

Get your tickets early because unlike Craig’s obviously unlimited breakdancing talent, the tickets to Catalyst aren’t


This video of Craig Groeschel contains the one quote that I have not only come to love but has been one of the driving forces behind what I do through and for online ministry:

“To reach people that no one is reaching you have to do things that no one is doing.”

I feel that for the first time in my life I’ve done the “planned abandonment” and discovered the “assignment” that God has given for me to do. Thus, I’m going to give it everything I’ve got.

Thanks Craig for your words. The impact has been huge.

Who Is Minding the Store? - At The CORE?

Leave the flopsweat drainpumps on max,
but turn off the lights and the popcorn machine.

Bishop Katie:

Headed to Iowa for a little baseball and a couple days away from a-town.
7:07 AM Jun 22nd from Tweetie. Field of Dreams?

Pastor Ski emerged from total Twitter silence to post this alarming message:

On our way 2 Dyersville, IA - Field of Dreams. Nice detour on the way 2 Clinton, IA 4 the Midwest All-Star game. about 22 hours ago from TweetDeck.


Verified, via the Internet, a lot of trips for this hard-working team of Shrinkers, Ski and Katie:

  • Training at Drive 08 - Ski, Buske, Parlow and others. Katie was not mentioned.
  • Training at Catalyst, with Stanley and Groeschel. Katie was not mentioned.
  • Joint training at Granger Community Church. Former St. Marcus member Tweeted about seeing them there. St. Marcus member is now a Granger member. Awwww.
  • Joint training at Drive 09, with 7 additional WELS pastors.
  • Joint training at Seattle, with Glende in attendance, soon after Drive 09.
  • Field of Dreams - for baseball, to relax from all the conferences.


    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Who Is Minding the Store? - At The CORE?":

    The dot.com website builders had the same motto: "if you build it, they will come." Most of them went out of business during the dot.com collapse. The synod building mania is going down the same road. Oh, well, they have a lot of offerings to squander.

  • Worship Is Not a Means of Grace--Explained

    The cradle roll has become Rock N Roll at Christ the Rock, Texas.
    Their children are Little Rockers. Next - recruiting for the KISS Army.

    The Open Letter to WELS has a statement that may puzzle some, as it did me:

    "Worship is not a Means of Grace."

    Many WELS members have not heard the term Means of Grace for 20 years, unless they stumbled upon my websites. Now worship is not?

    I did some questioning for clarification, and the answers were satisfying. The authors drew upon a pastor saying this, meaning - and this is important -

    Worship is not an event for recruiting new members.

    Following is my explanation and why this distinction is crucial.

    Calvin, following Zwingli, declared that the Holy Spirit operates independently from the Word and Sacraments. That is what Luther and the Book of Concord editors called Enthusiasm - the foundation for all doctrinal error. For example, the LCMS pastors leaving Missouri for Rome or Constantinople are just leaving one Enthusiasm franchise for another.

    Because the Church Growth gurus are all trained in some form of Calvinism, whether Double Dutch TULIP or watered down Arminian, Baptist or Babtist, not one of them believes in the efficacy of the Word. The Holy Spirit works independently of the Word, as they imagine, so they must make the Word effective, germane, and attractive to others.

    Thus every service is an attempt to apply man's wisdom to make the dead, lifeless Word of God become real, relevant, and relational (Ski channeling Groeschel).

    Thus the WELS Friendship Service parroted Fuller Seminary, and Valleskey urged his loyal followers not to use the Biblical, Aaronic blessing.

    Nothing should turn off unchurched Harry, as Willow Creek's Hybels solemnly declared, and WELS paid people to learn from the Obi-Wan of Chicago. So WELS pastors began posting a notice in their bulletins that "We don't expect visitors to donate to the offering." The same bulletin often marketed Thrivent insurance.

    The Rock N Roll services at St. Marcus (Milwaukee), St. Mark (Depere, WI), and Round Rock (TX) are all affirmations of Calvinist doctrine. The Word is dead by itself, so they must goose it up with exciting music.

    The Sacraments? Sunday is for recruiting, so the altar and baptismal font are replaced by a performance stage. I heard Hybels tongue-lash his Sunday audience for not showing up for the real worship service on Wednesday, when they offer communion. (I know - not the real thing - but their version - a memorial meal, symbolic, an ordinance.) So Ski was excited that his movie theatre was getting a performance stage.

    Why do the Church and Change pastors used plagiarized sermons from false teachers? The false teachers like Groeschel, Stanley, and Driscoll know how to market themselves to those nominal members who hate church and love entertainment. Almost all the CG membership comes from other churches. It is not skimming the cream, but skimming the skimmed milk. Nevertheless, the effect is to adulterate and diminish the Word in all congregations. The contagion spreads.


    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Worship Is Not a Means of Grace--Explained":

    This explanation is a great way to explain the difference between the "Church and Changers" in the WELS and the liturgical Lutherans in the WELS. Just how they see Sunday worship is so different that there actually is a "different spirit". My husband is a WELS pastor and he and I will be teaching our children who are close to being on their own how to look for a church since you no longer can just look for the WELS affiliation. We will look on the Evangelical-Lutheran Liturgical Congregations website. (The ELLC directory.)This is more helpful than which synod the church belongs to. Sorry, WELS, you really blew it as a synod.


    GJ - That's nothing. One WELS pastor told his congregation, "If you move to a town without a WELS church, join a Baptist church." This WELS pastor was Church Growthy. When his comment got back to him, he denied saying it.

    When Ski and Katie were at Granger Community Church for more training--they leave town a lot--they met a former member of St. Marcus, who had joined GCC. Ain't that cute? So WELS has done a great job of training members and pastors to leave Lutheran doctrine and worship altogether. St. Marcus seems to be central in this effort, and WELS promotes LutheranTime of Grace twice on its WELS.net website.