There are some good books on sale at CPH. Click here.
I noticed the essays honoring Robert Preus and one on the Book of Concord.
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Concordia Publishing House Book Sale
Discover the Efficacy of the Word
"Lord Jesus Christ, With Us Abide"
by Nikolaus Selnecker, 1532-1592
Translated by composite
1. Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide,
For round us falls the eventide;
Nor let Thy Word, that heavenly light,
For us be ever veiled in night.
2. In these last days of sore distress
Grant us, dear Lord, true steadfastness
That pure we keep, till life is spent,
Thy holy Word and Sacrament.
3. Lord Jesus, help, Thy Church uphold,
For we are sluggish, thoughtless, cold.
Oh, prosper well Thy Word of grace
And spread its truth in every place!
4. Oh, keep us in Thy Word, we pray;
The guile and rage of Satan stay!
Oh, may Thy mercy never cease!
Give concord, patience, courage, peace.
5. O God, how sin's dread works abound!
Throughout the earth no rest is found,
And falsehood's spirit wide has spread,
And error boldly rears its head.
6. The haughty spirits, Lord, restrain
Who o'er Thy Church with might would reign
And always set forth something new,
Devised to change Thy doctrine true.
7. And since the cause and glory, Lord,
Are Thine, not ours, to us afford
Thy help and strength and constancy.
With all our heart we trust in Thee.
8. A trusty weapon is Thy Word,
Thy Church's buckler, shield and sword.
Oh, let us in its power confide
That we may seek no other guide!
9. Oh, grant that in Thy holy Word
We here may live and die, dear Lord;
And when our journey endeth here,
Receive us into glory there.
The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #292
Text: Luke 24:29
Author: Nikolaus Selnecker et al., 1611
Translated by: composite
Titled: "Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ"
Tune: "Ach bleib bei uns"
1st Published in: Geistliche Lieder
Town: Leipzig,1589
I really enjoy putting together the sermon and the service each Sunday. Lacking the requisite grants and a full-time staffer, I use BibleWorks, the Book of Concord, and Megatron (my database of quotations). My organist is Mr. Bose, who will play all the verses of any hymn I choose - no grumbling. The hymns I choose are often new to me, because I want to highlight the great Lutheran hymns of the past. Sad to say, most Lutherans favor Methodist hymns and pastors tend to tilt that way. My congregation is self-selecting. They like to sing the great hymns of the past, so they appreciate the doctrinal hymns as much as I do.
The sermon above was the favorite of a friend's mother. It was one of many I first heard upon joining WELS and using The Lutheran Hymnal. The LCA hymnals were Methodist to a fault and discriminated against Luther and Gerhardt.
Selnecker is an important person to know. He was wobbly during the Reformation, but Chemnitz strengthened the man's doctrinal understanding to the point where Selnecker became an editor of the Formula and Book of Concord, 1580.
If people believe in the efficacy of the Word, they will place study and teaching of the Word above all other activities. They will naturally shun those highly promoted methods which generate all kinds of activity and cost lots of money, but only succeed in scattering more weed seeds.
A little study of Luther - The Large Catechism, for example - and anyone will conclude that the last three decades in Lutherdom have been massive frauds. The explanation of the first three commandments are a condemnation of Church Growthism and a beautiful exposition of the efficacy of the Word.
Second Commandment:
54] But, the greatest abuse occurs in spiritual matters, which pertain to the conscience, when false preachers rise up and offer their lying vanities as God's Word.
55] Behold, all this is decking one's self out with God's name, or making a pretty show, or claiming to be right, whether it occur in gross, worldly business or in sublime, subtile matters of faith and doctrine. And among liars belong also blasphemers, not alone the very gross, well known to every one, who disgrace God's name without fear (these are not for us, but for the hangman to discipline); but also those who publicly traduce the truth and God's Word and consign it to the devil. Of this there is no need now to speak further.
56] Here, then, let us learn and take to heart the great importance of this commandment, that with all diligence we may guard against and dread every misuse of the holy name, as the greatest sin that can be outwardly committed. For to lie and deceive is in itself a great sin, but is greatly aggravated when we attempt to justify it, and seek to confirm it by invoking the name of God and using it as a cloak for shame, so that from a single lie a double lie, nay, manifold lies, result.
57] For this reason, too, God has added a solemn threat to this commandment, to wit: For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain. That is: It shall not be condoned to any one nor pass unpunished. For as little as He will leave it unavenged if any one turn his heart from Him, as little will He suffer His name to be employed for dressing up a lie. 58] Now, alas! it is a common calamity in all the world that there are as few who are not using the name of God for purposes of lying and all wickedness as there are those who with their heart trust alone in God.
59] For by nature we all have within us this beautiful virtue, to wit, that whoever has committed a wrong would like to cover up and adorn his disgrace, so that no one may see it or know it; and no one is so bold as to boast to all the world of the wickedness he has perpetrated; all wish to act by stealth and without any one being aware of what they do. Then, if any one be arraigned, the name of God is dragged into the affair and must make the villainy look like godliness, and the shame like honor. This is the common course of the world, which, like a great deluge, has flooded all lands. 60] Hence we have also as our reward what we seek and deserve: pestilences, wars, famines, conflagrations, floods, wayward wives, children, servants, and all sorts of defilement. Whence else should so much misery come? It is still a great mercy that the earth bears and supports us.
61] Therefore, above all things, our young people should have this commandment earnestly enforced upon them, and they should be trained to hold this and the First Commandment in high regard; and whenever they transgress, we must at once be after them with the rod, and hold the commandment before them, and constantly inculcate it, so as to bring them up not only with punishment, but also in the reverence and fear of God.
62] Thus you now understand what it is to take God's name in vain, that is (to recapitulate briefly), either simply for purposes of falsehood, and to allege God's name for something that is not so, or to curse, swear, conjure, and, in short, to practise whatever wickedness one may.
Third Commandment:
91] For the Word of God is the sanctuary above all sanctuaries, yea, the only one which we Christians know and have. For though we had the bones of all the saints or all holy and consecrated garments upon a heap, still that would help us nothing; for all that is a dead thing which can sanctify nobody. But God's Word is the treasure which sanctifies everything, and by which even all the saints themselves were sanctified. At whatever hour, then, God's Word is taught, preached, heard, read or meditated upon, there the person, day, and work are sanctified thereby, not because of the external work, but because of the Word, which makes saints of us all. 92] Therefore I constantly say that all our life and work must be ordered according to God's Word, if it is to be God-pleasing or holy. Where this is done, this commandment is in force and being fulfilled.
93] On the contrary, any observance or work that is practised without God's Word is unholy before God, no matter how brilliantly it may shine, even though it be covered with relics, such as the fictitious spiritual orders, which know nothing of God's Word and seek holiness in their own works.
94] Note, therefore, that the force and power of this commandment lies not in the resting, but in the sanctifying, so that to this day belongs a special holy exercise. For other works and occupations are not properly called holy exercises, unless the man himself be first holy. But here a work is to be done by which man is himself made holy, which is done (as we have heard) alone through God's Word. For this, then, fixed places, times, persons, and the entire external order of worship have been created and appointed, so that it may be publicly in operation.
95] Since, therefore, so much depends upon God's Word that without it no holy day can be sanctified, we must know that God insists upon a strict observance of this commandment, and will punish all who despise His Word and are not willing to hear and learn it, especially at the time appointed for the purpose.
96] Therefore not only those sin against this commandment who grossly misuse and desecrate the holy day, as those who on account of their greed or frivolity neglect to hear God's Word or lie in taverns and are dead drunk like swine; but also that other crowd, who listen to God's Word as to any other trifle, and only from custom come to preaching, and go away again, and at the end of the year know as little of it as at the beginning. 97] For hitherto the opinion prevailed that you had properly hallowed Sunday when you had heard a mass or the Gospel read; but no one cared for God's Word, as also no one taught it. Now, while we have God's Word, we nevertheless do not correct the abuse; we suffer ourselves to be preached to and admonished, but we listen without seriousness and care.
98] Know, therefore, that you must be concerned not only about hearing, but also about learning and retaining it in memory, and do not think that it is optional with you or of no great importance, but that it is God's commandment, who will require of you how you have heard, learned, and honored His Word.
99] Likewise those fastidious spirits are to be reproved who, when they have heard a sermon or two, find it tedious and dull, thinking that they know all that well enough, and need no more instruction. For just that is the sin which has been hitherto reckoned among mortal sins, and is called ajkhdia, i.e., torpor or satiety, a malignant, dangerous plague with which the devil bewitches and deceives the hearts of many, that he may surprise us and secretly withdraw God's Word from us.
100] For let me tell you this, even though you know it perfectly and be already master in all things, still you are daily in the dominion of the devil, who ceases neither day nor night to steal unawares upon you, to kindle in your heart unbelief and wicked thoughts against the foregoing and all the commandments. Therefore you must always have God's Word in your heart, upon your lips, and in your ears. But where the heart is idle, and the Word does not sound, he breaks in and has done the damage before we are aware. 101] On the other hand, such is the efficacy of the Word, whenever it is seriously contemplated, heard, and used, that it is bound never to be without fruit, but always awakens new understanding, pleasure, and devoutness, and produces a pure heart and pure thoughts. For these words are not inoperative or dead, but creative, living words. 102] And even though no other interest or necessity impel us, yet this ought to urge every one thereunto, because thereby the devil is put to Right and driven away, and, besides, this commandment is fulfilled, and [this exercise in the Word] is more pleasing to God than any work of hypocrisy, however brilliant.
Synod and Congregation - Based on the Word of God
One Lutheran said recently, referring to the Wauwatosa myth, "They claim orthodoxy can be taught from the Word of God alone."
I said, "It can, but it isn't. They start with all the traditional Holy Mother WELS assumptions and work back to their proofs."
Nevertheless, the Word of God is sufficient, clear, and effective in all Gospel work. God has appointed the Means of Grace so we know exactly where forgiveness is to be found. As Lenski said, fads and programs come and go - only the Word builds the Church.
Here are some positive suggestions about relying on the Word of God. At the very least, as someone wrote, at least the pastor will end up a believer:
- The KJV is used consistently, because the NIV and similar monstrosities obliterate the Sacraments. The KVJ is ideal for public reading, to preserve the gold standard. If people want to read a modernized version, there are many KJV updates. The traditional KJV is directly linked to Luther, which is probably why the Shrinkers hate it so much.
- The pastor has only three jobs: a) conduct the liturgy and preach an original sermon based on his study of the Word; b) teach the Word, especially to catechumens; c) visit the membership, especially the sick, shut-in, and spiritually inert.
- All desired social activities in the congregation are run by those who want them, not organized and managed by the pastor: youth activities, ladies' groups, WWII discussion groups.
- Cell groups are shut down because they are breeding grounds for Enthusiasm, fostering Pietistic superiority complexes and Pentecostal outbreaks. Do I hear an Amen?
- Stewardship manipulation is dropped in favor of relying on the Gospel. A new building or renovation is not a Means of Grace, so commission-earning salesmen are not hired.
- The Book of Concord becomes a regular focus of pastoral study and adult education. I favor starting with the Formula of Concord. The Large Catechism is also an excellent choice.
- Schwaermer books are tossed from the church library and the pastoral study: Fuller, Willow Creek, Trinity Deerfield, Driscoll, Groeschel, Beeson, Sweet, Valleskey.
- Luther's sermons and his Small Catechism are regularly promoted and distributed throughout the congregation and among prospects. An entire set can be bought for about $40, less than the cost of one toxic CG seminar.
- The Word is broadcast faithfully in as many ways as possible. For example, a web camera can send the service via the Internet for free through Ustream or other services. A blog allows sermons to be published easily and quickly for the entire world to read. (See the map on the Bethany blog. The dots appear all over the world.) No one needs a web design certificate to blog.
- Pastors and laity start addressing false doctrine directly and boldly, facing down the false teachers, who keep demanding that they be addressed personally.
- Congregations and pastors trust the Word alone to bring about God's will.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Synod and Congregation - Based on the Word of God":
Sounds good, short of mandating the KJV. There are other translations out there, including the ESV. Older historic manuscripts were not available to the KJV translators back in a.D. 1611. Why not "An American Translation", or the NET that preceded "GOD'S WORD?" As for the N.T., Koine Greek was street Greek, not the beautiful, refined Greek of the bygone Classic era. In most parts of the U.S.A., KJV is not the street language, and in many parts it is a foreign language. While the Word itself is efficacious, must we throw in a barrier such as archaic language? Bible Translaters in foreign lands translate the Hebrew & Greek into the current language of the people, not some archaic form of it. While we should not feel a need to dummy-down the language of the KJV and TLH, is there anything wrong with supplementing it with a more understandable translation where available? Unless you want to form a subculture where words like "vouchsafe" jump off the lips of children with ease (and comprehension), is there anything wrong with modern language with the KJV?
GJ - Lutherans might have updated the KJV, as the Baptists did, without squashing the Sacraments. I like the New KJV among all the popular new ones, but here are the problems, with the NIV displayed too:
KJV Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
NIV Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [GJ - Why teach all nations when we can be manufacturing disciples? Horrible translation.]
NKJ Matthew 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [Ditto]
KJV 1 Peter 3:21 The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:
NIV 1 Peter 3:21 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also-- not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, [GJ - Baptism is just an ordinance for the Reformed, who deny baptismal regeneration and the efficacy of the Word]
NKJ 1 Peter 3:21 There is also an antitype which now saves us -- baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, [GJ - Babtists like this rendering. As one Lutheran said, "The NKJV people know their audience."]
KJV 1 Corinthians 10:16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?
NIV 1 Corinthians 10:16 Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ? [GJ - Communion is a bad word for the Reformed]
NKJ 1 Corinthians 10:16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?
KJV Acts 3:21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.
NIV Acts 3:21 He must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. [GJ - Stuck in heaven, obviating the Real Presence]
NKJ Acts 3:21 "whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began.
GJ - Missouri and WELS got behind the NIV and mandated its use. WELS excommunicated pastors for favoring the KJV over the NIV. Try to find a WELS/LCMS publication without the NIV.
Missouri and WELS have cooperated about many different things, all of them wrong: following the Roman Catholic calendar, using the NIV, aping the Church Growth Movement.
A new Lutheran KJV would be good, but the Lutherans would rather plagiarize Fuller, Willow Creek, Driscoll, Sweet, Beeson, and Stanley.
The two foundations of the English language are Shakespeare and the KJV. But now everything has to be dumbed down for the kids, making them even dumberer.
Latin names are dropped from the liturgy - boy that brought in the kiddies.
Despising the Word of God - That Is the Energy Behind Church and Change
God uses false teachers to discipline the Church. When people tolerate despising the Word of God, punishment must necessarily follow.
What unites ELCA, WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect on the Prairie is false doctrine. All four groups have had considerable training in Church Growth from Fuller, Willow Creek, Trinity Deerfield, and other alma-mater-sows of Enthusiasm.
For example, when I attended the Ad Fontes LCA conference many years ago, the late Father Neuhaus spoke (just before joining Rome). He gave a witty critique of the Church Growth Movement because it was so strong in the LCA already, more than 20 years ago. Clergy got up to defend such things as "user-friendly liturgies."
I knew Mac Minnick, an LCA missions executive, who was just as deep into Church Growth as Norm Berg. They knew each other, too! Norm brought up Mac Minnick to me at a WELS conference.
Missouri, WELS, and the ELS have spent the last few decades praising themselves for being such staunch Lutherans while genuflecting to Rome. I was leaving the Purple Palace after visiting with Paul McCain just as Kent Hunter (DMin, Fuller; ThD, Lutheran School of Theology, LCA) was entering. We spoke a few moments. He hastened to tell me he was addressing the Conference of Missiouri Pussycats gathered inside. Where was the protest from Barry, McCain, or the District Pussycats? There was none - 15 years ago.
A clergy member of the ELS Board of Doctrine went to Fuller. He sent a letter to the entire Little Sect on the Prairie, praising Fuller and Church Growth. I believe Orvick eventually extended him the Left Foot of Fellowship, but the ELS continued to kneel before WELS CG teachers. He-who-slept-on-the-Trigotta is their Church and Change pastor now.
The WELS/LCMS Church Shrinkers are so obvious that I collected their quotations and matched them with the eructations of Fuller and Willow Creek. Then I contrasted them with Lutheran orthodoxy. The results were impressive. I was condemned and shunned while they sold two of my books. What would someone with a real doctorate and scholarly publications know - compared to a graduate of The Sausage Factory?
Most telling - the clergy known as conservative or confessional joined in the shunning, which spoke volumes about their doctrinal standards.
When WELS forced all the clergy to pay $100 to hear Larry Olson, James Huebner, and Paul Calvin Kelm speak, at special seminars all over WELS - where was the protest? They all showed up. I allowed that I would go - if someone held a machine gun to my head. They went and bellyached, but they went. Now they are alarmed? Ha.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Despising the Word of God - That Is the Energy Beh...":
It's good I look up words I meet on Ichabod. For instance, I figured that "eructations of Fuller and Willow Creek" was a synonym for "erudition," but I see it means "belching."
GJ - If thou but suffer Ichabod to build up thy vocabulary, the rewards will be great. I thought eructation was fairly polite. Normally I would say flatulence. Or Dreck.