Monday, March 8, 2010

Roses, Suet, Birds, and Squirrels

Sunflower by Norma Boeckler

I received suet for Christmas, and that lasted until March. If I had put out just one bag at a time, it would have lasted all year. I got my reward when the grandchildren watched birds perching on the suet right against the picture window facing the ravine.

Bird watching is so much fun, and easily funded. We saw an impressive inside cage setup at the Mayo Clinic, and I was tempted. Common sense set in and I realized God could do most of the work better and at a lower cost.

Suet is a bargain bird food. A little goes a long way, and suet favors the insect eaters. Like friends who show up whenever they smell baking, the birds will appear for the snack and stay for the real food - insects. We have had cardinals, bluebirds, starlings, juncos, and others feeding. I added Nyjer seed to attract finches in the near future.

I added two birdbaths for another low-cost bird feature. The main bath is a ceramic dish, $7, sitting on a cinder block near the suet. Birds need fresh water more than they need food, so the combination multiplies the bird population.

Mrs. Ichabod enjoys seeing the birds feeding from the kitchen window, so I have one bag of suet hanging in a bush near the kitchen. Birds are territorial, so that allows the front yard birds to enjoy some extra food. I now see cardinals more frequently in the front yard. They are a shy bird, so having one peak in the chapel window is a bonus for providing a little extra care. I will probably set up some water in the front yard too.

I have found that a $100 birdbath will clog up just as fast as a cheap one, so I would rather Go Galt and use the cheapest materials. I used ceramic because Sassy ate one third of a plastic birdbath. They should study the digestive track of a Cattle Dog.

I feed corn to the squirrels each day, and that keeps them away from the bird food. The grandchildren loved seeing the squirrel sitting at his meal, from the dining room window, when they sat down for theirs. He does not even run when I come out on the back deck. He knows I would have to jump from the deck, wait for the broken bones to heal, crawl over to his tree, and struggle getting up - to even be a threat.

When I get compost going, that will also attract birds. The final stage of compost is riddled with earthworms doing a final mix and laying their eggs, so birds love to hang around for a quick protein meal. Compost will be useful for the roses.

I met with the altar guild and decided to go wholesale on flowers - grow my own. Thus empowered and enabled, I ordered some aromatic roses from Wayside Gardens. I was disappointed in the offerings at Jackson and Perkins and unable to find some of my previous suppliers. Wayside is a great catalog, a favorite of mine along with Dutch Gardens. I almost ordered some tender bulbs but decided roses would be the best purchase, bloom for bloom. I will have enough to share with the entire street (two other homes).

Roses enjoy garlic or chives as a companion plant. Rosarians swear that garlic improves the aroma of a rose while keeping bugs away. The more pungent the garlic, the better.

Garlic is also a good herbal for blood pressure and the immune system. Fresh garlic carried by every Roman soldier may be the secret behind their amazing success in war, why enemies fled before them.

Out of the Closet at Extra Nos

The UOJ salesmen are coming out of the closet at Extra Nos.

This is my basic plan for the Justification by Faith book:
1. Efficacy of the Word.
2. Enthusiasm.
3. Pietism.
4. Justification by Faith.

More will probably be involved, but those are the basic divisions. I am finishing three online classes at once, so I will have more time now. God willing, the draft will be available later in March.

WELS Schools in Serious Trouble

The Sausage Factory at Mequon has plenty of cash,
thanks to bequests.
The profs love every doctrine, except Luther's.

The Shrinkers snuffed out Northwestern College in the name of saving money. Now Martin Luther College is going down. The Watertown campus began as the seminary, evolved into the college and prep school, and now exists as Luther Prep - after absorbing the Shrinker experiment at Prairie du Chien, now a prison.

The Wauwatosa campus of WELS had a wonderful Addams Family look, and the ghosts still haunt its eclectic doctrine.

Michigan Lutheran Seminary is the canary in the coal mine.

GJ - This just in - the WELS synodical schools are in serious financial shape.

Michigan Lutheran Seminary is the worst, bled dry by the Gurgle-Mueller dynasty, their recruitment based on "No, we are not going to close next year." An auto-based economy does not help the district, nor does the location of the school.

Ex-SP Gurgle, who is now the campaign manager for Kudu Don Patterson in Texas, blew $30 million on closing Northwestern College, spiffing up Dr. Martin Luther College a bit (removing the "Dr."), and giving away the Prairie campus.

The Watertown campus got a facelift. Some say that the old Toppe regime made it look like a WWII barracks, but no one said it was going to close in those days. Northwestern College in Watertown had a unique identity in being focused on getting men ready to become seminary students. Merging with DMLC, based on a host of lies, was like getting a big shot of estrogen. The coursework was feminazified, languages weakened, and Church Growth fanned into flames. The Watertown profs did not like CG, but MLC is hotter than Georgia asphalt for it.

Can college students get jobs in New Ulm? That was another great move. How do they afford a $60,000 education with no jobs?

Most likely:

1. Michigan Lutheran Seminary will close.
2. Luther Prep will close.
3. Martin Luther College will close.

Meanwhile, millions are spent on weak world missionary efforts scattered around the globe, to make WELS look international. The same visionaries shut down their original efforts among the Apaches. That's right - in the name of saving money.

Plus - WELS has blown $500,000 or so on The CORE, with no discipline for the miscreants involved.

I expect another version of The CORE to erupt soon, since WELS learns nothing from experience.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "WELS Schools in Serious Trouble":

You wrote: "This just in - the WELS synodical schools are in serious financial shape."

How solid is this information? What constitutes "serious"? "Serious" is relative, just as a recession is when my neighbor gets laid off, and a depression is when I'm laid off.

MLS is so small, I don't think it could withstand another layoff. I could imagine mass lay-offs at Luther Prep and MLC, but closing either one seems far-fetched.

New Ulm is being helped out by the Schroeder stimulus program--building the new chapel. I think the MLC chapel dedication is still on for Apr 10+11:


GJ - I should tell you my sources to prove how solid? Solid. And it all makes sense. The new pledges were lower than last year's. Idiots run the government, pressing for a $1 trillion dollar program when layoffs continue. I see another drop coming, a W recesssion, they call it.

It's a bad sign when WELS adds a building to a campus.

Chris Jackson Reports ELCA Income in the Tank

News Releases

March 8, 2010

Despite Challenges, ELCA Churchwide Organization had Net Income in '09


ITASCA, Ill. (ELCA) -- Despite the financial challenges of 2009, much of it the result of the downturn in the U.S. economy, the churchwide organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) finished the year with net income of $3.9 million.

Christina Jackson-Skelton, ELCA treasurer, reported to the ELCA Conference of Bishops meeting here that current operating income to the churchwide organization in 2009 was $76.5 million, down nearly $7 million from the previous year. Current operating funds expenses were $72.6 million, down by $7.6 million from the previous year. The ELCA's 2009 fiscal year ended Jan. 31.

The ELCA Conference of Bishops is an advisory body of the church, consisting of the ELCA's 65 synod bishops plus the presiding bishop and ELCA secretary. It is meeting here March 4-9.

A key reason for the reduced income was a decrease in mission support to the churchwide organization to $59.7 million, a historic low. Mission support funds are shared by congregations with synods, which commit a percentage of their funds for churchwide ministries.

Jackson-Skelton reported that in 2009 mission support income was reduced by 64 synods, 53 with decreases of greater than 5 percent, and 19 of those with decreases exceeding 10 percent.


GJ - I can imagine another reason for ELCA income reaching a new low. Their figures do not even account for inflation. It's even worse than they admit. Twenty years ago, they aimed at $130 million.

This Chris Jackson is not Mrs. Ichabod, as you probably guessed, but I enjoy using the name for ELCA's bad news.

Lower income means fewer false teachers infecting America.

ELCA Partners with Missouri and Just About Everyone Else

My Photo

Rev. David Eck
Asheville, North Carolina, United States
I'm an ordained Evangelical Lutheran Church in America [ELCA] pastor who serves Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in Fairview, NC, and has been with my partner, Gary, for 16 years.

Controversial Firing of Principal in Baraboo

So! You criticized Archbishop Weakland's sermon
at Wisconsin Lutheran College? You have broken fellowship
with Holy Mother WELS.


Sauk County's Daily Newspaper

Monday, March 8, 2010

St. John's to vote on principal's future: Parents offer Hartwig support

By Christie Taylor / News Republic

Members of the congregation at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Baraboo will decide the fate of the principal of the parochial school, John Hartwig, whose employment might be terminated following a vote later this month, though some parents are protesting that firing Hartwig would be unjust.

Church leaders announced to the congregation in mid-February that Hartwig would undertake a voluntary leave of absence to study doctrine. Then, in a letter to school parents Tuesday, church pastors announced Hartwig’s suspension, "for promoting materials" questioning the church’s teachings, and "conduct unbecoming a called worker."

Because Hartwig is not "at one" with the practice of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, the letter states, he cannot serve as principal at the school, and the church council is recommending that his position be terminated.

The congregation’s male members will be asked to vote in a special meeting on the 21st.


GJ - I have no details at the moment so I cannot shed any light on the reasons. Normally they just sandbag a church worker before anyone can find out. Holy Mother WELS is never wrong, so instant shunning sets in. However, prevenient shunning warns him that someone has already decided his guilt and passed the word.

Note that Becker, Stroh, Kelm, Ski, Glende, Doebler, Gunn and many more are still fully employed, leaving many to conclude that something is rotten in the State of Denmark.

Good Discussion on Extra Nos

Sasse, not to be confused with Sassy.
Fuller grads need some extra help in theology.

Extra Nos has a good discussion on Universal Objective Justification. LP Cruz is good at sorting out arguments because he comes from a non-Lutheran background. He is analytical, fair, and patient.

Many Lutheran clergy think they know non-Lutheran doctrine because they remember a few slogans from their MDiv classes. Since they repeat these slogans to one another, they think they know Protestant doctrine.

I thought WELS was bad with their repeat-after-me doctrinal classes, but Missouri is just as bad. Making no intellectual progress, 20 years after graduation, is nothing to brag about.

This verse alone defeats UOJ:

KJV John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

The UOJ Stormtroopers would have us believe that everyone in the world is justified, forgiven, absolved. How can the wrath of God remain on those who are justified, forgiven, and absolved?

What keeps a UOJ Stormtrooper from infidelity? Nothing.
He is already forgiven.

Directions for OpenID

Sassy in Sedona

Directions for using OpenID are here. Note - DMins should ask someone to read the directions to them and help them with the keyboarding.

Anyone with a blog account, and that includes Sassy, can use that for OpenID.