Thursday, June 17, 2010

UOJ Paranoia

"I keep hearing voices, voices, telling me strange things. They must be angels, or demons, speaking the truth that only I can reveal. The horror. The horror."

Actual quote:
Also, there seems to be a buzz in the Lutheran blogosphere that there's really no such person as "Brett Meyer" and that you're just Dr. Greg Jackson incognito.

That is so funny, and coming from an alleged historian. His source is...not known. His source is... a rumor passed along on some blog or blogs, so he claims. It is hard to verify something so vague.

As I have mentioned to LPC, Brett, and Bruce Church, I seldom give serious attention to a Missouri Lutheran teaching at a Roman Catholic school. Add the latest hallucinations and his credibility goes below the sub-basement level.

Gary and Alicia would be very sad to hear that their son does not exist. Brett's wife and children would also be alarmed. DP Buchholz would also be wondering.

I can see how dense the UOJ people are. Their heads are starting to explode. They think I can post 4200 times and invent a separate identity who posts lengthy, detailed comments, full of facts and quotations.

I want to say, on behalf of Brett - thanks for complimenting him. He is trained in computers and got Bethany going on the video broadcasts. The bloggostorian is saying that Brett's comments are close enough to mine that he thinks a PhD in theology has written them.

Tonight, before I read that claim, I was thinking about how good the responses from LPC and Brett have been. When I talk to pastors or church officials, they repeat their seminary dog notes and never grasp the basics of Biblical theology.

Brett, LPC, Bruce Church, Church Lady, and Grey Goose understand what Lutherans have believed and practiced.

WELS and Missouri should toss out their DPs and randomly select laymen to fill the office so badly abused by the current occupants.

Not a Word Out of You - WELS, LCMS, ELS, CLC (sic)

June 15, 2010

ELCA Welcomes Dialogue, Consultation with RCA, Reformed Church Partners

[Click for larger image] The Reformed Church in America

CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The ELCA welcomes dialogue with the Reformed Church in America (RCA) and a consultation involving church partners who are part of the 1997 Formula of Agreement, a full-communion relationship of the ELCA, RCA, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the United Church of Christ, said the Rev. Donald J. McCoid, executive, ELCA Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations. Delegates to the 2010 RCA General Synod requested the dialogue to discuss the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly actions on human sexuality and the consultation to discuss matters related to Scripture.

The RCA General Synod, the church's highest legislative authority, is meeting June 10-15 on the campus of Northwestern College, Orange City, Iowa. McCoid and the Rev. Roger A. Willer, director for studies, ELCA Church in Society, attended the RCA meeting.


GJ - The soi-disant Confessional Lutherans cannot point their fingers at ELCA unless they wash their nasty little hands first.

There is a lot of washing to do, too.

Those synods would have to eliminate their generic labels, whoopee worship, feminist creeds, praise bands, felt needs, marketing, and using Satan for evangelism.

They would have to stop teaching Reformed doctrine at Mequon, St. Louis, Ft. Wayne, Mankato, and the portable seminaries of the micro-mini sects.

They would have to admit that they have all been promoting false teachers while punishing faithful leaders.

They would have to change the required readings lists at their schools.

They would have to repudiate false doctrine.

They would have to replace all the offering money skimmed to pay for tuition at Fuller Seminary, Trinity in Deerfield, Willow Creek, Granger, Exponential, Catalyst, Dirt, Drive, and many other swindles mounted for the gullible synod leaders.

And that will not happen. But the tongues will cluck, piously. "ELCA is so evil."

ELCA and the Syn Conference boys agree about doctrine, from UOJ to wild-hair unionism. The difference is that ELCA is honest.

Law Motivation Works

Who Fed the Cat?