ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Scott Jungen Writes
Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "Challenge to the Intrepid Lutherans (sic)":
Thank you.
From looking at your Facebook picture, you are young enough to be my son. That doesn't mean I'm really old, or you're really young. What it does mean is I've been around the WELS long enough to know that there is plenty of evidence and source material to remove any apostate WELS pastor that we wanted to be removed. The problem is having the will to do it.
Although I'm not from a WELS "family" I have gone through the prep system and college and ministry. I know the pull of the "good-old boy" network and the "don't rock the boat" mentality. It is as hard or harder to fight than teenage peer pressure. It just takes someone to lead the fight.
Come back in a few years when you have a career, a wife and kids and a mortgage, then you'll understand more of what our pastors have to lose. This is not an excuse, just an honest explanation.
I too am hoping that IL would be the place for the work to begin. For me, the jury is still out on them. Only the Lord knows how it will end, but rest assured His will will be done.
As for Ichabod, just enjoy it for what it is. I don't believe Dr. Jackson is out to save anything. I believe he enjoys poking men with an inflated sense of their own self-worth. Be thankful for what it has done for you, like getting your nose into that Book of Concord. For me, it has "connected the dots" on issues I've had with the WELS for years. And I know I'm on my best spelling and sentence construction when I post here. I know the Jackson "mighty red clicker" is looking over me. And that's what a good teacher does.
Scott E. Jungen
WELS Methods
The Intrepids agree with Dauntless Doug - it's Jackson's fault."
rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Conformity Is First, But Fidelity to the Word - W...":
The leaders in the WELS do not pull hair. But, getting them to listen to the legitimate concerns of the laity is like pulling teeth. Likewise, they do not hit with belts. They yield the 8 and 18 switch, which is quite tattered and worn from overuse. The most recent tactic is the de facto method of persona non grata. This occurs when one concerned is admonished to write a letter to the bishop. Then, the bishop acts as though he never received the letter.
The suggestion to leave is a setup. If you stay, you are then a trouble maker. If you leave, you have mental problems.
The intimidation in the WELS in very pervasive at the congregational level. Many older members may remember a time when the WELS was closer to true Confessional Lutheranism. But, many of the lifelong members have been sucked up by the whirlwind of activity and have lost their discernment. They can be counted on to conform to whatever rolls down from the Guilt Shack and funneled through their leadership. They see nothing wrong with hiring overpaid consultants to teach them how to fleece their fellow members more. They also have no problem wasting their time with the endless litany of workshops, seminars, and conferences on leadership, evangelism, and stewardship. They have become so mired in this muck that they are afraid to walk away from it all.
Shunning is powerful and members will talk behind their backs.
John 8:31,32:
31Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Being faithful to the Word is liberating.
No Offense Taken
Daniel Baker has left a new comment on your post "Challenge to the Intrepid Lutherans (sic)":
I'm willing to give the leaders over at IL the benefit of the doubt, as they have not done anything that would make me think they are unworthy of that benefit.
They cannot just jump headlong into a slander-fest and start naming hundreds of names (Jeske, Glende, Ski, etc.) without first gathering source material and proper evidence. If they're going to do this, it has to be done right, or no one will take them seriously. We need more than just the couple dozen folks who have pledged their names to make any significant changes in the WELS. It will take a grass-roots effort, not the harping of 3 or 4 pastors (because if that worked, then Ichabod should have reformed WELS by now).
Based on the lack of results from this site, it is clear that the "make fun of them and post cutesy pictures" method doesn't work. Perhaps a more civil approach is in order. (I mean this as no offense to Pastor Jackson, as he opened my eyes to many of the issues in the WELS and got my nose in the Book of Concord. But I am sick of everyone around here tearing down IL instead of building them up, inviting our friends, etc.).
GJ - I won't ban you for thought-crimes. If I did that, the funniest comments would never see the light of day. I don't mean yours, Daniel.
But who are we to judge the efficacious Word of God? It is not my goal to reform anything, only to apply the Word of God and the Confessions. God will accomplish His will through His Word.
"We have to do things the right way" means "the right way according to the apostates." If the right way according to the apostates worked, then Paul Calvin Kelm would be mowing lawns and detailing cars, or making popcorn for the audience at NorthPoint in Atlanta. I know that pastors went to him years ago about his false doctrine. Again, various members of the Church and Change list the same thing with the same results - he refused to answer them. As long as y'all keep electing toothless officials who will not obey the Word of God, that will continue.
God punishes Christians with false teachers. That is the surest sign of His wrath, because He makes people pay ten times over for neglecting the Gospel and bowing to Satan. Luther wrote that.
Intrepid Lutherans (sic) Too Mellow To Take on False Teachers
The Mafia approves.
bored has left a new comment on your post "Challenge to the Intrepid Lutherans (sic)":
To Pastor Rydecki. (another comment he will not print because of the names of Real False teachers)
You will never print a comment with Real names and real problems in it. I knew that when I sent the original comment. You will never try to deal with real problems. I'm pointing out something that everyone already knows. I'm just hoping against hope that you will man up and start real discernment today. Do you have any idea how good that would be for the WELS?
I tease you about your "so-called" fearlessness because you dance around the issue and never say anything directly. It is a parody of Intrepidity. You might acknowledge that there are problems ALL DAY LONG but if you never actually address real people and real problems you are Lukewarm.
Why can't you tell the WELS laity that errant pastors like Paul Kelm and Mark Jeske and Pastor Ski are slowly converting WELS members to Evangelicalism? (You won't publish this comment now because I included "real problems" and "real errant people".) By your silence you stand behind the theology of these men. By your silence you give unsuspecting laymen a confused message, leading them to suppose that Jeske, Ski, Glende, and others are speaking the same message as you.
THAT is why I speak harshly to you. Because I am depressed to see pastors who I suppose are orthodox (folks here at Intrepid) failing to stand up and risk themselves and their positions for the Truth. I'm saddened to see that people who claim they are conservatives (and I believe you in your claim) are frightened into inaction--failing to clearly identify the doctrinal bastardization that is going on right under their noses.
You are a thief. You steal the ability to discern from the least among us. And it's only because you have set yourself up as an Authority that I feel comfortable speaking this way to you. You've got a lot more at stake.
December 4, 2010 9:52 AM