Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jeffery Clark Opens a Can of Eighth Commandment
On MLC_Student

Ichabod is the only straight website or blog running this still from "Party in the MLC."

JefferyClark has left a new comment on your post "Party in the MLC - No Wonder the MLC Graduates Can...":

To MLC_Student:

I am curious as to why you do not reveal your identity, if you are, in fact, a student at MLC. Perhaps it is because you were trying to stir the pot with your post and not reporting all the facts about your statements?

Well, I'll help you out just in case you forgot to mention some things.

Regarding the Koine Concert Service on Monday night: It was just that, a concert service. I personally don't like "contemporary services" very much either, but I don't believe that just because it isn't my cup of tea that it is automatically wrong.

The reason it wasn't in the chapel? Well, there are several I can think of off the top of my head:

1) The chapel wasn't properly setup for a concert.
2) The chapel AV system isn't designed for that type of event.
3) The auditorium AV system IS designed for that type of event.
4) The chapel needed to be open to prepare for the compline service later that night before the concert ended (compline was just starting as the band was finishing packing up) -- where there was in fact a spoken confession of sins and absolution. Did you attend the compline service?

It had nothing to do with the fact that the chapel has a cross. If you want a cross and altar in the auditorium, we still have them from when the auditorium was used for chapel services. They were stored because there isn't enough room to keep them on the stage if they aren't being used. Just ask for them to be used when we are in there for events like this in the future and I will personally go and get them out. I would also point out that the new advent wreath does incorporate a cross in its design.

Also, you are misrepresenting/misquoting the administrative council notes. It was mentioned that they were looking at "incorporating more contemporary aspects into some chapel services" to give students a little more variety. Let's face it, a chapel service book with Services A-I can only go so far. Sometimes a little variety is a good thing.

As for your comments about Professor Olson, you have a right to your opinion, whether I, or others, agree with it or not, but I do suggest that you read up on your commandments and Luther's explanations of them. If you need a copy, drop by my room, I'll gladly lend you one. I also recommend you watch the chapel on the 4th commandment online in the archive and attend the upcoming chapel later this week on the 8th commandment.


GJ - Jeffery needs to read up on the Eighth Commandment and Matthew 18 in the Large Catechism. Apparently, Larry Oh! and the rest of the faculty are not teaching that part of the Confessions.

What Sasse Says: The Primacy of Scripture

What Sasse Says: The Primacy of Scripture

The Primacy of Scripture

If there is no Bible - as God's Word, as Scripture - in which and through which God speaks to men, then there is no theology, which is man's speaking about God. And if Holy Scripture does not exist as the source and norm of church doctrine, then there is no church doctrine, and therefore there is no church. For this reason then, there is no more burning issue for the Evangelical Lutheran Church today than the doctrine of Holy Scripture.

From Letters to Lutheran Pastors No. 14 (1950), On the Doctrine of Holy Scripture

Inadvertent Commentary on WELS/ELS/LCMS Stealth Congregations - By a Lsbian Coming Out.
Community Church? The CORE? FIC? CW?

And she explained how, by hiding her sexual identity, she felt she was admitting it was a bad thing to be gay. She says: "I personally think that if you deny something or if you hide something, you're inadvertently admitting it's wrong."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1336275/Actress-Amber-Heard-comes-lesbian-GLAAD-event.html#ixzz17Tx8TvH9

Different from UOJ? How? - ELCA Exposed - Gospel Reductionism / Antinomianism - Exposing the ELCA

ELCA Exposed - Gospel Reductionism / Antinomianism - Exposing the ELCA

ELCA Exposed News on Gospel Reductionism and Antinomianism

"What is 'gospel-reductionism?'   Basically it’s the tendency to reduce the Bible to the gospel.  Gospel reductionism tends to allow the Bible authority only in matters which are explicitly part of the gospel or may be developed from the gospel.  Exponents of gospel reductionism believe that considerable freedom should be allowed within the church in matters which are not an explicit part of the gospel.  In this way, the rest of the Bible is relativised; it does not have the same authority.  Instead of the gospel and scripture, the tendency is for only the gospel to become the standard (the norm) of Christian teaching." (see here)

Antinomianism is defined as "(t)he doctrine or belief that the Gospel frees Christians from required obedience to any law, whether scriptural, civil, or moral, and that salvation is attained solely through faith and the gift of divine grace."  (read here)

Antinomianism and Legalism vs. the Gospel: Is it Legalistic and Ungraceful for Saint Paul’s to Leave the ELCA? By Shawn Smith
. . .So rather than being antinomian, Christianity upholds the law to its fullest extent and in doing so forces us to look outside ourselves for deliverance/salvation (Zahl 35). On the other hand, Christianity that deserves to be called antinomian is that which lessens the severity of or does away with the law. . .

ELCA Lutherans Who Are Not Antinomian Are Either Leaving the ELCA or Looking for Ways to Cover Their Embarrassment
. . . Luther’s first big battle within the evangelical party was over antinomianism. He dealt with it decisively when it broke out and when it reemerged in the early 1530’s. . .

Law and Gospel: A Problem with Bound Conscience - Rev. Lauren Lay
. . .The "bound conscience" concept is a rejection of the law and gospel hermeneutical principle in at least two critical ways. First, its appeal is based in the taming of the word of God to gospel alone, removing the power of the law to judge. Since the law is silenced ongoing sin or sins no longer have the power to threaten one's existence before God or in relationships with others. This is gospel reductionism. . .

The Gospels and the Scriptures by Greg Lockwood
(learn about Gospel Reductionism which is happening in the ELCA). . . Instead of the gospel of “Jesus Christ and him crucified”, the church is urged to give first place to concerns like tolerance, inclusiveness or ecology – social justice concerns which belong in the realm of law, not gospel.  Thus gospel reductionism, which on the face of it makes much of the gospel, comes to threaten the biblical gospel. 

Habitat Oshkosh celebrates continued support for affordable housing | postcrescent.com | Appleton Post Crescent

Shun Ichabod. Support the Salvation Army. That's the ticket. WELS discipline at work - hardening hearts, one hypocrite at a time.

Habitat Oshkosh celebrates continued support for affordable housing | postcrescent.com | Appleton Post Crescent

Habitat Oshkosh celebrates continued support for affordable housing


Habitat for Humanity of Oshkosh received $50,056 in funding to help build one house in Oshkosh as part of Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity in 2011.

Read more: http://www.postcrescent.com/article/20101206/OSH1003/12060539/Habitat-Oshkosh-celebrates-continued-support-for-affordable-housing#ixzz17TneOLjW

Nationally, Thrivent Financial announced a commitment of $10.4 million to Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity and its homebuilding program, continuing its support of Habitats mission for a sixth year. This funding will make the construction of 164 additional homes in 33 states possible.

In 2011, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, through its unique partnership with Habitat for Humanity International called Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity, will surpass more than $150 million in its total commitment over six years to create affordable housing. Habitat for Humanity of Oshkosh built one home as part of that effort.

The Thrivent Builds partnership has helped Habitat Oshkosh increase the number of families served in our community, said Steve Hoopman, Executive Director. We are so grateful for Thrivent Financials support of our efforts to provide decent, affordable homes in partnership with families in need.

While Thrivent Financial provides at least 55 percent of the funding for each Thrivent Builds home, local volunteersmany of them Thrivent Financial members and members of area Lutheran congregations assist with construction and help raise additional funds.

Since its inception in 2005, Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity has helped more than 2,500 families in the U.S. and around the world achieve the dream of homeownership. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans continues to be one of the largest non-government supporters of Habitat for Humanity International.

About Habitat for Humanity of Oshkosh

Habitat Oshkosh built its first home in Oshkosh in 1990. Habitat just finished their 19th home in time for the family to move in before Christmas. In 2010 Habitat Oshkosh will celebrate their 20th anniversary with increase in house constructions, to surpass past years, totaling three new houses and one rehab. For more information, visit www.habitatoshkosh.org.

Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity is a multi-year, multi-million dollar partnership between Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and Habitat for Humanity International. Thrivent Builds is designed to involve Thrivent members and Lutherans in helping provide a hand up to people who lack decent shelter, offering them a path to greater economic independence. Excluding government funding, Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity is Habitat's largest single source of funding, constructing nearly 2,500 homes in the U.S. and around the world since 2005. For more information, visit ThriventBuilds.com.

About Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is a not-for-profit, Fortune 500 financial services membership organization helping approximately 2.6 million members achieve financial security and give back to their communities. Thrivent Financial and its affiliates offer a broad range of financial products and services including life insurance, annuities, mutual funds, disability income insurance, bank products and more. As a not-for-profit organization, Thrivent Financial creates and supports national outreach programs and activities that help congregations, schools, charitable organizations and individuals in need. For more information, visit Thrivent.com. Also, you can find us on Facebook and Twitter.

Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, 800-847-4836, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial.

Bank products and trust services are offered through Thrivent Financial Bank, (Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender), a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Insurance, securities, investment advisory services, and trust and investment management accounts are not deposits, are not guaranteed by Thrivent Financial Bank, are not insured by the FDIC or any other federal government agency, and may go down in value.

For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures.

Habitat for Humanity International is an ecumenical Christian ministry that welcomes to its work all people dedicated to the cause of eliminating poverty housing. Since its founding in 1976, Habitat has built, rehabilitated, repaired or improved more than 350,000 houses worldwide, providing simple, decent and affordable shelter for more than 1.75 million people. For more information, or to donate or volunteer, visit Habitat.org.

Read more: http://www.postcrescent.com/article/20101206/OSH1003/12060539/Habitat-Oshkosh-celebrates-continued-support-for-affordable-housing#ixzz17TnZ9BFd

footstepsofphoebe: First Deaconess-in-Training in WELS Sister Church

I am a lion. I am a lion. I am a lion.

footstepsofphoebe: First Deaconess-in-Training in WELS Sister Church


First Deaconess-in-Training in WELS Sister Church
Pieter Reid, a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), serves as "a pastoral friendly counselor" to the national Indonesian church known as Gereja Lutheran Indonesia (GLI). According to Reid's Oct. 7, 2010 blog on missions in Indonesia, GLI is making history by training its very first deaconess.

Reid explained, "One goal of the sister church of WELS in Indonesia is to get the women of GLI active in serving the Lord and serving each other. For this to happen and continue, there needs to be a GLI woman who can be trained to assume this leadership role. ...

"Ibu Heni, one of the pastor’s wives, started attending the GLI seminary two years ago. She didn’t do it to become a pastor, but wanted to grow spiritually. Ibu Heni is taking all of the courses required of the seminary students. Besides being very gifted and faithfully applying herself, she understands the teachings of the Bible, has leadership ability, and the heart of a servant. Ibu Heni has the gifts to become a deaconess and help all the women of GLI to serve the Lord and serve others.

"The leaders of GLI were approached and asked if Ibu Heni could be designated as a Deaconess-in-training. She will continue taking all the seminary courses for the next two years. She will have all the doctrine courses, counseling courses, courses on family life, and all the other courses a pastor will have taken. Work has begun to train and prepare Ibu Heni to become a Deaconess who will oversee the entire ministry of women within GLI and prepare these women to reach out to those who do not yet have Jesus as their Savior. What a blessing a Deaconess will be to this church body!”

It will be interesting to watch this new development, and to note whether the next stage of training - to prepare the women of Indonesia to "reach out to those who do not yet have Jesus as their Savior" - will indeed produce a second generation of deaconesses for this church body.

We wish them every blessing with this endeavor!

Real Whipped Cream

Hot coffee and cold weather go together,
like Fuller and UOJ.

Henrici's Restaurant in Chicago introduced me to whipped cream in coffee, when I was but a lad. I was not drinking coffee that night, but they offered it to my parents who were - a little cup of whipped cream instead of those chemical concoctions foisted on people today.

Normally I drink coffee black, very rarely with sugar. However, I whip cream for guests and use my secret formula, which I am happy to share.

Fresh whipped cream floating on a mug of gourmet coffee is a treat, and it really enhances any flavored coffee, saving some pots from the dangers of brewing the mix too strong. Whipped cream is also an important aid in gaining weight, so I am not anxious to make it a daily habit.

My mother stole off on her family farm with cream, which she whipped up and ate by herself, adding some sugar to the mix. Stolen fruit may be sweet, but stolen whipped cream is even better. I have often volunteered to make it, since the messy beaters need to be licked clean before being washed.

Here are two secrets to making exceptional whipped cream. One is a tiny pinch of salt. That brings out the flavor without making it seem salty. Otherwise it is a little flat (although I can still choke it down). Another secret is adding rum flavoring or another alcohol based flavor. Real vanilla flavoring is a given, but a little rum flavoring (found in the same section of the grocery store) gives it a lift, just as rum and ice cream are natural together - so I've heard.

I have dropped semi-sweet chocolate chips into fresh coffee. I am not sure that makes much of a difference. I do like adding chocolate syrup to whipped cream and putting that on cake. If the whipped cream diet is not adding weight fast enough, add cake.

There are many convenient forms of canned whipped cream at the store. All of them keep the price down by adulterating the contents. I would rather have gourmet whipped cream once a year than canned whipped cream all the time. But in a pinch, in the presence of pumpkin pie, without a mixer and cream, I will use the canned stuff too.

Canned whipped cream reminds me of Church Growth services, predictably mediocre.

Thrivent "Lutheran" Does Bang Up Job Supporting The Salvation Army

This tiger mom accepted her piggy children
when they wore tiger stripes.
Syn Conference Lutherans wear camouflage too.

News Releases

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Thrivent Financial Red Kettle Match Day Challenge generates $325,000

Single-day effort surpasses $125,000 challenge; Maintains national record set in 2008

APPLETON, Wis. (Dec. 7, 2010) – For the third straight year, Appleton maintained the national record for the largest single-day matching donation to The Salvation Army with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans’ Red Kettle Match Day Challenge Dec. 3.

The Fox Cities community raised $200,157.22 last Friday, and when combined with Thrivent Financial’s $125,000 it raises the total to 325,157.22. In its seventh year, the Thrivent Financial Red Kettle Match Day has generated over $1.6 million in total.

“The spirit of giving abounds in the Fox Cities,” said Peter Gianopoulos, senior adviser of business risk management. “The outpouring of generosity from this community that is displayed year after year at the Red Kettles is remarkable. Donors and volunteers from the Fox Cities community and Thrivent Financial have shown they know the true meaning of Christmas: to give to others.”

100 percent of bell ringing shifts filled!
On Dec. 3, all 50 kettle sites in the Fox Cities were scheduled to have a volunteer bell ringer for each shift. Thrivent Financial employees, members and financial representatives were among those volunteering to ring bells in the community.

This was also the fifth year for the Thrivent Financial Red Kettle Idol contest. “Red Kettle Idol” is a friendly, festive competition for Thrivent Financial employees to help trigger donors to drop a few more coins and bills into the red kettle.

This year, competition was fierce among groups contesting in Red Kettle Idol. This year’s winning roup is “Welcome Christmas.” About 20 Thrivent Financial employees dressed as characters from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” going all out with hand-painted signs, rehearsed Red Kettle Match Day songs, and even some choreography. Other notable groups included a band of 80s rockers, Alvin and the Chipmunks and a team dressed as U.S. Presidents who did a patriotic boogie to drive up donations.

About The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the Christian church. As a faith based organization, The Salvation Army also provides physical aid such as food, clothing and shelter, in an atmosphere of dignity and respect. Nearly 29 million Americans receive assistance from The Salvation Army each year through the broadest array of social services that range from providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing and shelter to the homeless and opportunities for underprivileged children. About 83 cents of every dollar raised is used to support those services in 5,000 communities nationwide. The Salvation Army - Fox Cities has been located in Appleton since 1917. They serve the Fox Valley area in Neenah, Menasha, Kimberly, Kaukauna, Combined Locks, Larsen, Grand Chute, Little Chute, Appleton and Darboy. The Salvation Army - Fox Cites is not a participating United Way agency. For more information visit us on the web at safoxcities.org.

About Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is a not-for-profit, Fortune 500 financial services membership organization helping approximately 2.6 million members achieve financial security and give back to their communities. Thrivent Financial and its affiliates offer a broad range of financial products and services including life insurance, annuities, mutual funds, disability income insurance, bank products and more. As a not-for-profit organization, Thrivent Financial creates and supports national outreach programs and activities that help congregations, schools, charitable organizations and individuals in need. For more information, visit Thrivent.com. Also, you can find us on Facebook and Twitter.

Breaking News -
India Poised to Grow Exponentially -
Larry Oh! Declined the Call

Notice the lack of doctrinal discipline on display in the Church and Change bulletin and the Martin Luther (sic) faculty list.

"Blessed Father Reverend Beloved Pastor Doctor Professor Lawrence Olson (DMin, Fuller Seminary)declined the call to serve as assistant field coordinator in India."

Public Service Announcement - Virus, Spam, and Backups

I keep hearing from friends and students whose hard drives have been wrecked by a virus. The problem is much more severe now than a year or two ago.

I am not trying to sell software, but I had similar problems using two different anti-virus software programs. One was "free" and almost cost me the hard drive. The other came installed.

I struggled with a fix on one for several hours, went out and bought Norton 360, which includes:
1. Anti-virus updates continuously.
2. Anti-spam email protection.
3. A firewall, also essential.
4. Online backups.
5. Anti-phishing (some blocking of financial schemes).

Norton quashed the virus during installation. The virus tried to come back for several days but Norton vanquished it.

The only dangerous viruses are the newest ones. If you do not have continuous updating, you will get the newest virus. They are no longer fun. They are very destructive.

Spam email can spread viruses. Spam software isolates it. Email viruses will copy your entire address list and sent the virus to all your friends (potentially ex-friends).

The firewall keeps the rest of the Internet from "seeing" your computer. I know that Norton also blocks various invasion efforts, such as the Trojan Horse and the Sub-seven. A Trojan Horse program will take over a computer and turn it into a zombie, controlled by someone in another location, even another country.

Online backups mean that the most important files are stored away from home, on a server, so they can be recovered if the worst thing happens. Computers are easy to replace. Years of work are not.

Phishing schemes send very official looking emails, asking for banking information and other ways to extract money from accounts. Software cannot be 100% on this, but it does recognize common schemes and blocks them. Reducing junk email is important. One corporation said 90+% of all emails received were spam.

NIV Gets Even Worse

There's been an unexpected development in the publication of the revised edition of the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. Last month, the publisher of the NIV made the revised version available on its Web site, well before the spring of 2011—the date previously announced for actual publication.

Since online users are already seeing the new version and comparisons are being made, the move has lent a new sense of urgency to the work of the WELS committee appointed to discuss principles of biblical translation, to evaluate whether the new version is acceptable for use in our synod, and to explore options for other translations if the new NIV is judged to be unacceptable.

As previously reported in "Together" and Forward in Christ, a short time after publication of the revised version of the NIV, the current version will not be permitted to be used in publications. The committee plans to evaluate the various changes that have been made to the NIV and will eventually arrive at recommendations regarding its use. If the committee concludes that the NIV is not acceptable due to inaccuracies, it will also lead a process in which the synod will choose a translation that is desirable both for its accuracy and for its English clarity.


GJ - The Syn Conference got behind the NIV, which lavished funds on some key decision makers. Everyone knew what a Pente-Babti-Reformed paraphrase of the Bible would be. They defended the results. WELS got rid of pastors who objected, even though they previously advocated the KJV.

Another schock - the Shrinkers use and defend "Make disciples" in the Great Commission, the reading of the NIV, but not Luther's orginal, not the KJV. Naturally, making disicples converts a clear passage into Pietistic hash. That was the idea. The NIV also obliterates clear Sacramental passages.

The Lutherans could have gone with the New KJV if they had to have a new one. That would have kept the wording they were used to using, instead of shifting to NIV mumbo-jumbo nonsense.

A better solution would have been to produce a slight Lutheran revision of the KJV, because the KJV has been modestly revised a few times since it was originally kelmed from Tyndale, who was close to Luther and his language.

The Syn Conference Lutherans work together via Fuller Seminary, Willow Creek, and Thrivent. They could have cooperated on a worthwhile project, so Lutheran publications could have shared a common language. That was the original goal of the KJV, to have one English Bible for all English-speaking people.

The KJV will celebrate its 400th anniversary next year, and the celebrations have started. That may remind the Syn Conference leaders how poor their stewardship has been.

Misouri, WELS, and the Little Sect have produced a generation or two of NIV pastors, a generation or two of Shrinkers.

Intrepids Shocker - District Popes Not Infallible

The Intrepid Lutherans (sic) are starting to spice it up a little on their blog. They have admitted that DP Janke's secret trial of Berg was dead wrong. DP John Seifert did the same thing to Marc (son of Salty) Schroeder. Seifert charged Schroeder with unionism, which was funny, considering Seifert's ardent support of WELS unionism at the national level. Janke was famous for marching in and getting rid of pastors. WELS and Missouri DPs are utterly full of themselves.

The ELS is thankful that Pope John the Malefactor has never fallen into the same temptation, to use his office to settle a personal grudge, to manipulate a congregation into destroying the concept of a divine call.

I was going to write about the success of WELS in suppressing all discussion, but the last two days have brought surprises galore. Dissent is breaking out in various ways, an equal and opposite reaction to the efforts to stifle discussion.

When WELS and the Little Sect pose as orthodox Lutherans while embracing the worst aspects of ELCA, denouncing ELCA for being gay unionists, the comatose tend to wake up. The synods used to control the news through their secrets, their managed press, and the cheerful obedience of Herman Otten, the pan-Lutheran PR man.

The new conundrum cannot be solved. How can the apostates brag on the Net about their disgusting doctrine and practice while keeping it a secret from the Net? We all know what preening peacocks they are, strutting around with Jesus on their speed-dial.

Some try secret list-serves, but moles break in and steal their precious secrets. Others have password access to their websties. Blogs also have limited reading lists. But the Net was invented to be de-centralized, to keep information from being blocked, so all efforts are futile. "All your IP are belong to us."

We geezers have the time and equipment to search for information and share it generously, as so many do with Ichabod. The college and high school students are doing the same, and they have better contacts with the school system.

I have several recent examples of WELSian stuffed shirts wigging out over Ichabod. The details point to individuals, who would suffer from Wisconsin truncheon counseling methods if I gave away too much.

By now most people realize that Matthew 18 is just another manipulation from the Wisconsin sect. When someone sends a polite email, asking a WELS minister to explain UOJ, the email is not even acknowledged in 10 days. Several people have given me recent examples.

WELS clergy can engage in defamation of character, not acknowledge a personal certified letter, and still receive a divine call from WELS. And why not? The SP is no different. The WELS clergy answer what they want to answer. But oh how they have reams to say about the errors of sins of everyone else. Without blushing, they condemn the gaity of ELCA, even though only one college double-features a homosexual video starring its students - Martin Luther (sic) College. Does anyone wonder why I nicknamed it Mary Lou College? Not anymore.

A WELS pastor can murder his wife and move to a new call, so why fuss over such a little matter? The precedent has been set, and who cares, since the murder was so long ago?

If a WELS teacher murders his wife and lies about it, he is innocent, because the system prefers lies that favor its PR rather than the therapy of the truth.

"Have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?" WELS answers - "We'll get you and your little dog too."


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Intrepids Shocker - District Popes Not Infallible":

The contentious ELS issues of the past ten years have been resolved

(W)ELS President John Moldstad showed himself an Antichrist by taking it upon himself to violently remove a called pastor from his divine call by direct manipulation of the local congregation.

I present a quote from C.F.W. Walther’s article posted in Der Lutheraner, 1867 which shows how closely (W)ELS President Moldstad acted as Pastor Grabau many years ago.

“As our readers know, Pastor Grabau shamefully dismissed and expelled his former so-called 'Deacon' (Diakonus), Pastor Hochstetter, from his office when he no longer wanted to allow himself merely to be Grabau's compliant slave. Grabau himself dismissed Hochstetter with no "appearance of right," without any due process, simply by the brutal authority of his trustees whom he urged on and mislead into such action. This was all the more shameful because earlier Pastor Grabau himself had battled against this sort of thing as if against a barbarism when the Trustees here in America had ventured to establish and dismiss pastors, to open and close churches, to promise church property according to their own wishes to this or that party that pleased them, and in addition to misuse the authority given to them thorough the civil laws in several of our states. Pastor Grabau, who earlier apparently battled for the holiness of the preaching office, committed a horrendous crime against a sacred thing, a robbery of the church, when against all right he carried out this violent expulsion of a Christian preacher, a minister of Christ and His church. It appears to him also, now that the deed is done, not to have been an especially praiseworthy thing to do. It seems his conscience accused him and bit at him and the thought came to him that he had revealed and branded himself before the entire church, indeed, before the entire world to be an enemy of all divine and Christian order (wherever these stand in the way of his plans and especially of his desire to rule)."

May John Moldstad and the condoning congregations repent of this grievous wrong and make amends or, whimpering, receive their just reward.


Patrick Loroff:

You are not infallible, Pastor Jackson. Please don't make yourself out to be with all this WELS-bashing.


GJ - Non sequitur, Patrick. That implies that an infallible person would sing the praises of WELS night and day.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Intrepids Shocker - District Popes Not Infallible":

(W)ELS Bashing

We've heard that accusation for years. What does it mean when exposing the public false practice and teaching, (W)ELS financial support of murder through the carnage waged by the United Nations against men, women and children around the world and abortion promotion and practice, (W)ELS Ecumenical efforts which lead people away from the pure Word, (W)ELS relentless promotion and teaching of their false gospel of Universal Objective Justification, exposing the cover up of (W)ELS clergy murders and molestations, etc etc etc... are all taken to be "bashing".

What does that say about the people who the (W)ELS finances the murder of? What does it say about the people who are led away from Christ by (W)ELS false doctrine and practice? What does it say about the people who were murdered and molested by (W)ELS clergy?

It places their spiritual and personal well being below the interests and "Holy Mother Synod" aura of the (W)ELS.

Typical of the discernment of the (W)ELS and clear compass to their final destination.


GJ - The WELS defense of false doctrine and impenitent sin is to cry "WELS-bashing," a term adapted from homosexual activists, who call natural law "gay-bashing."

Gerhardt - A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth

"A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth"
by Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676

1. A Lamb goes uncomplaining forth,
The guilt of all men bearing;
And laden with the sins of earth,
None else the burden sharing!
Goes patient on, grow weak and faint,
To slaughter led without complaint,
That spotless life to offer;
Bears shame and stripes, and wounds and death,
Anguish and mockery, and saith,
"Willing all this I suffer."

2. This Lamb is Christ, the soul's great Friend,
The Lamb of God, our Savior;
Him God the Father chose to send
To gain for us His favor.
"Go forth, My Son," the Father saith,
"And free men from the fear of death,
From guilt and condemnation.
The wrath and stripes are hard to bear,
But by Thy Passion men shall share
The fruit of Thy salvation."

3. "Yea, Father, yea, most willingly
I'll bear what Thou commandest;
My will conforms to Thy decree,
I do what Thou demandest."
O wondrous Love, what hast Thou done!
The Father offers up His Son!
The Son, content, descendeth!
O Love, how strong Thou art to save!
Thou beddest Him within the grave
Whose word the mountains rendeth.

4. From morn till eve my theme shall be
Thy mercy's wondrous measure;
To sacrifice myself for Thee
Shall be my aim and pleasure.
My stream of life shall ever be
A current flowing ceaselessly,
Thy constant praise outpouring.
I'll treasure in my memory,
O Lord, all Thou hast done for me,
Thy gracious love adoring.

5. Of death I am no more afraid,
New life from Thee is flowing;
Thy cross affords me cooling shade
When noonday's sun is glowing.
When by my grief I am opprest,
On Thee my weary soul shall rest
Serenely as on pillows.
Thou art my Anchor when by woe
My bark is driven to and fro
On trouble's surging billows.

6. And when Thy glory I shall see
And taste Thy kingdom's pleasure,
Thy blood my royal robe shall be,
My joy beyond all measure.
When I appear before Thy throne,
Thy righteousness shall be my crown,-
With these I need not hide me.
And there, in garments richly wrought
As Thine own bride, I shall be brought
To stand in joy beside Thee.

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #142
Text: Is. 53: 7
Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1648, cento
Translated by: composite
Titled: Ein Laemmlein geht
Tune: An Wasserfluessen Babylon
1st Published in: "Deutsch Kirchenamt"
Town: Strassburg, 1525

Joel Lillo Writes

Considering your love of pointing out spelling errors among your emenies (sic), I thought you might enjoy this...


GJ - More than you suspect, Joel.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Joel Lillo Writes":

Lovely Pentagram in the middle of the page Joel.


GJ - the term was new to me - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cthulhu.

WELS Living Bold

bored has left a new comment on your post "Sometimes God Says "Hey!" - BOREmeister Ski.Shares...":


From the WELS site "Living Bold":
"A continuing problem in the Missouri Synod seems to be an unwillingness or inability to exercise doctrinal discipline with those who teach and practice contrary to Scripture or the public doctrine of the Missouri Synod."

But I can't shake the feeling the WELS is describing themselves. I'm also sensing a pattern: "Living Bold" , "Intrepid Lutherans"...

The WELS folks can claim boldness all they want but until the Mark Jeskes and the Paul Kelms of the WELS are called to repentance or given the left foot of fellowship I'm crying foul.



What's the Difference Between WELS, ELCA, and LCMS?

WELS logo.  LivingBold is sponsored by WELSWELS

Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod


Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


Lutheran Church Missouri Synod


LCMS logoThe Wisconsin Synod terminated fellowship with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in 1961 because of differences in the doctrine and practice of church fellowship. Over the years the Missouri Synod had departed from the doctrine and practice of fellowship long held by the members of the Synodical Conference in which the Wisconsin Synod and the Missouri Synod shared confessional fellowship. The Wisconsin Synod teaches that agreement on all the teachings of Scripture is necessary for all forms of fellowship. The Missouri Synod teaches that full agreement is necessary only for altar and pulpit fellowship. Wisconsin teaches that the same scriptural principles apply to all forms of church or religious fellowship. All joint prayer is an expression of fellowship. Missouri teaches that there can be joint prayer that is not an act of fellowship. In practice Missouri also indicates that full agreement is not necessary for worship at occasional joint Christian celebrations, Reformation services, convocations, rallies. Some Missouri pastors allow "ecumenical wedding services" at which pastors or priests outside their fellowship may participate.
Wisconsin practices "close" or "closed" Communion, inviting to our altars only those who are members of congregations in our fellowship. Although Missouri officially teaches "close(d)" Communion, many pastors and churches practice "open" Communion, allowing joint Communion with those not in doctrinal agreement with the Missouri Synod.

There are also differences in the doctrine of the church and ministry between the two synods. Wisconsin teaches that God has not ordained any particular form of the church. The invisible church is present in the local congregation and the synod. Both can be called church in the same sense. Missouri's official teaching seems to be that the local congregation is the only "divinely appointed" form of the church. By contrast the synod is a human arrangement.

Wisconsin teaches that the pastor of a local congregation is only one form of the divinely instituted public ministry. Other forms are teachers, professors, called administrators, etc. The specific form is determined by the church's call. Missouri seems to teach that the only divinely instituted form of the public ministry is that of pastor of a local congregation. All other positions are auxiliary to this. However, there appears to be a number of different teachings on the church and ministry in the Missouri Synod.

Because Scripture assigns the headship role to men and a helping role to women, only men serve in offices and roles that involve an exercise of authority over other men. Missouri does not allow women to serve as pastors but allows women to serve in a number of areas which involve the exercise of authority over men.

A continuing problem in the Missouri Synod seems to be an unwillingness or inability to exercise doctrinal discipline with those who teach and practice contrary to Scripture or the public doctrine of the Missouri Synod.
Because the two synods are no longer in fellowship memberships are not transferred from a congregation in one synod to a congregation in another. Normally a person would ask for a release from membership from his previous congregation and then apply for membership in a congregation in the other synod.

Because the two synods are no longer in fellowship Wisconsin Synod congregations do not commune members of LCMS congregations. Many LCMS congregations practice a form of open Communion and will admit to the Lord's Supper members of congregations that are not in their fellowship. Those who practice close or closed Communion within the LCMS would probably not commune a WELS member nor should a WELS member commune in a Missouri Synod congregation.


ELCA logoThe leading theologians of the ELCA have abandoned confessional Lutheranism and have attacked and undermined some of the most basic doctrines of Scripture. Although the ELCA may give some lip service to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions, the doctrine of the confessions are not maintained. There may still be a few "conservative" pastors in the ELCA, but they are members of a church body that tolerates false doctrine. Below are listed some teachings of WELS and corresponding false teaching tolerated in the ELCA.

1. WELS teaches that the Bible is the verbally inspired and inerrant Word of God. Most pastors in the ELCA hold to the view that the Bible contains many errors.
2. WELS teaches that Jesus' words and actions as reported in the Gospels are true and accurate history. The ELCA tolerates the teaching that Jesus did not say or do many of the things ascribed to him in the Gospels.
3. WELS teaches that Genesis 1-3 is a factual, historical account and that Adam and Eve were real people. Most pastors in the ELCA seem to hold to the teaching that Genesis 1-3 is a myth.
4. WELS teaches that Jesus' death was a true payment for the sins of the world. The ELCA tolerates the teaching that the "theory" that Jesus' death was a payment for sin is one of several theories which could explain his death.
5. WELS teaches that eternal life is possible only through faith in Jesus. The ELCA tolerates the teaching that it is possible to be saved without faith in Christ.
6. WELS teaches that extramarital sex and homosexuality are sins. The ELCA tolerates the teaching that extramarital sex and homosexuality may be all right if practiced in a loving relationship.
7. WELS teaches that churches must agree on all doctrines of Scripture before they can practice church fellowship together. The ELCA teaches that it is not necessary or possible to agree on all doctrines of Scripture. Fellowship is practiced without regard to doctrinal differences.
8. WELS teaches that it would be contrary to Scripture for a woman to serve as a pastor. The ELCA teaches that what the Bible has to say about the role of man and woman in the church has no authority today. Therefore women may serve as pastors.

Further Resources

For a much more detailed explanation of the differences between the Wisconsin Synod and the ELCA you might want to read WELS and Other Lutherans by Prof. John F. Brug, Prof. Edward C. Fredrich II, and Prof. Armin W. Schuetze; and What's Going On among the Lutherans? by Patsy A. Leppien and J. Kincaid Smith. Both of these books are available from Northwestern Publishing House - www.nph.net
(from the WELS.net Q&A-October 2005)

Party in the MLC - No Wonder the MLC Graduates Cannot Spell

MLC teaches plagiarism, as this video indicates.
Using the music without permission breaks the law - not that they care.

Levi Powers has left a new comment on your post "Party in the MLC Video - Still Being Broadcast":

I find necessary premise of this video to have a tragic disregard for those Christians who struggle with homosexuality. Could you imagine a person who struggles with same sex attractions to trust a pastor for the Means of Grace after they made a video like this? I think not. This is most certainly not an acceptable activity of those who call themselves confessional Lutherans. I question whether or not the participants who created this video are beyond reproach.


Another WELS member wrote recently:

When is SP Schroeder going to address the MLC gay video? He did not have a problem addressing the homo problem in ELCA.

Being missional - does that conflict with confessional Lutheranism which is suppose to be what wels says it is?

Contemporary worship services--- are they really in conformity with our Lutheran confessions as is confessed in the Book of Concord?

The most important question - when are are leaders going to address UOJ?


GJ - Not so shocking is the relationship between UOJ and this gay video behavior. They are still teaching at Mequon that Hitler is a guilt-free saint.

The re-broadcast of this video on YouTube, which could easily be prevented, is proof that President Zarling is not doing his job as president of the tiny New Ulm school.

Ditto the bragging page on Facebook, which promotes and links the same video. "Bring back the MLC version of party in the USA!!!!!!" has 1400+ fans.

Can anyone calculate how much time and energy were devoted to kelming a homosexual video ("Party in the Fire Island Pines"), frame by frame? MLC managed to add offensive material to what they copied - the Michael Jackson crotch grab. That is how, the WELS College of Ministry is portrayed, and they think that makes them cool.

The next time someone sues WELS because a teacher molested a student, the MLC video will be Exhibit A about the school promoting lewd, public behavior.

SP Schroeder and the DPs collect salaries and perks for supervising doctrine and practice, but that effort seems limited to pretending WELS is different from ELCA.

KJV Matthew 23:14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. 15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of Hell than yourselves.

Lastly, the video is the equivalent of white guys doing black-face, waring nappy wigs, carrying watermelons and fried chickens, mugging for the public, shuffling and being cool. No wonder WELS is so good at creating thugs and bullies.