Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Squirrels 10, Humans 0

This is not my bird-feeder, not my squirrel, but the photo shows exactly what happened.

My inexpensive bird squirrel-feeder was all fixed up to defeat the wily foe, and it worked for one day, as I suspected.

Once the lower branch was pruned away, the squirrel could only jump on top and twitch his tail. He saw me watching through the window. I was outwardly gloating but inwardly confident about his greed and acrobatic ability.

This morning he dangled from above, hanging on with hind legs and leisurely scooping black oil sunflower seeds into his mouth, his delicate paws reaching into the tiny aperture of the feeder. Two ears of corn were not enough for him and his kin. One was fresh on the backyard feeder yesterday, the other still new on the window near my computer.

The bird food industry does well with squirrels. They sell us squirrel feeders to keep tree-rats away from the bird food. The industry sells corn for more than the price of gold, per ounce. Any ear of field corn is good for a bag of squirrel food, and yet a bag costs $6 because it has a logo on the plastic bag.

The squirrels consume their corn and stop at the bird feeders for more. That is a win/win situation for the bird food industry and the squirrels. Fortunately, the birds get to enjoy a fair amount of food anyway.

The squirrel had a great time with the window sill food, supplemented by an upturned bucket with seed on top. I thought it would make a good birdbath for all the creatures. Sassy and I make the rounds each day, and water costs a lot less than sunflower seeds.

The birds will shy away from the water for a week or two. Eventually they will make it a regular stop. Then we can look down and watch them bathe.

The cardinals are quite used to us already. I cannot decide whether the males are more splendid or the females more attractive. When viewed from two feet away, both are spectacular in the sun. Since they can sit at the feeder and open seeds with their powerful beaks, they tend to stay while looking around.

Recently I found a chickadee doing the same thing. He decided to hammer his seed open on the bird-feeder bar (which still prevents squirrels from getting at seed). That worked, so he stayed around for more.

I looked at a finch thistle-seed sock. Only $5. They love sunflower seeds, but people buy thistle because a finch feeder will be clustered with finches, gold and purple. It is their crack cocaine. Bird watchers do that to enjoy the change-over of feathers in the spring, from undistinguished to gold. A thistle-seed sock in my window is going to last as long as a Lutheran at Mequon. The squirrels eat a hole in the bottom, leak out the seed, and no one will touch it.

This photo only begins to show how beautiful a female cardinal is.
The best view is watching a female in the bright sunlight from a few feet way.

Augustana College - Named after the Augsburg Confession,
Proves My Point about Anti-Confessional Attitudes
In the Synodical Conference

Augustana College in Rock Island, Illiniois,
formed to fight the anti-Confessionalism of the General Synod,
the Church Growth Movement of its day.

Augustana began with Pietistic unionism but joined orthodoxy because of the influence of key, early leaders, one of them trained at Capitol Seminary, now ELCA, in Columbus Ohio, where Lenski and Leupold taught a little later.

Exposing the ELCA:

ELCA affiliated Augustana College in Rock Island, IL, is hosting a lecture on Jan. 13, 2011, by Dr. Peter Ochs. Dr. Ochs is a “(p)rofessor of modern Judaic studies at the University of Virginia and founder of a revolutionary approach to reading scripture . . .” (read here)

Dr. Ochs will lecture about “scriptural reasoning” and will have a demonstration of how it is done. “Scriptural reasoning is a way of studying scripture with people from different faith traditions.” This includes studying the Qur’an with Muslims.

The press release put out by Augustana College says, “Ochs' lecture will show students and community members the importance of scriptural reasoning for peace and understanding between traditions. ‘Divine voice(s) are not heard deeply without learning and effort — and, we add, without listening to those who hear in ways that are slightly different,’ he said.” (read here)

You may want to read the above quote again. Augustana is bring Dr. Ochs in to their college to “show students and community members” this method where “Divine voices” are heard in other faiths.

This is another example of an ELCA-related entity that is introducing false doctrine. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the one true God. They are not the god of the Muslims or any other religion. (read more about this here)

Sarcasm about Luther and the Book of Concord

Our chapel was created in simplicity by award-winning artist Norma Boeckler
who also created this photo of the chapel.

"The modern radical spirit which would sweep away the Formula of Concord as a Confession of the Church, will not, in the end, be curbed, until it has swept away the Augsburg Confession, and the ancient Confessions of the Church--yea, not until it has crossed the borders of Scripture itself, and swept out of the Word whatsoever is not in accord with its own critical mode of thinking. The far-sighted rationalist theologian and Dresden court preacher, Ammon, grasped the logic of a mere spirit of progress, when he said: 'Experience teaches us that those who reject a Creed, will speedily reject the Scriptures themselves.'"
Theodore E. Schmauk and C. Theodore Benze, The Confessional Principle and the Confessions, as Embodying the Evangelical Confession of the Christian Church, Philadelphia: General Council Publication Board, 1911, p. 685.

WELS pastors have little regard for the Book of Concord. Their knowledge of the Confessions is abysmal. Missouri pastors have not transcended "The Glories of Our Synod" approach. They are sarcastic or faux-deaf when I suggest they read Luther instead of Stoeckhardt, Pieper, and other Walther-clones.

I remember Augustana Seminary graduates writing back to me, "I worship Jesus, not Luther," when asked politely about their doctrine. Look at where that got them, as they merged into the LCA and later ELCA. The old Syn Conference is on the same path, with SP Harrison quoting Dietrich Bonhoeffer on his posts.

Given the poor preparation of MDiv graduates and their lack of study as pastors, concentrating on Luther and the Book of Concord would be the best remedy for all the woes of Lutherdom. But only if one believes in the efficacy of the Word.

Schmauk has the best diagnosis of the problem--above--which he saw firsthand, when Biblical inerrancy was still taken for granted in mainline Protestantism. An anti-Creed attitude is easily masked by Pietistic sanctimony, but the sarcasm about the Confessions and Luther are only a prelude to rejecting the Scriptures.

The Confessions were extremely important to the General Council, the group that broke with the unionistic, revivalistic General Synod after the Civil War. That interest, and the influence of the Henkels (Book of Concord pioneers in America) allowed the parts of the Muhlenberg tradition to come together again in 1918, forming the ULCA.

Several readers have noted that pastors in the ULCA were far more orthodox than the current pastors of Missouri, WELS, and the Little Sect. Tappert's work on the Book of Concord and Sasse revealed his commitment to sound theology, at a time when Missouri was hastening to abandon Luther altogether.

Inerrancy cannot be the key issue, as important as it is. A group of rock-ribbed Calvinists will be inerrancy Stormtroopers one generation and anti-inerrancy the next.

The Book of Concord provides, with Luther, an inoculation against the errors of the past, teaching a Biblical theology that cannot be refuted, based on the Holy Spirit working through the Word alone, rejecting all false doctrine in the clearest possible language.

Walther was not superman, in spite of the press he still enjoys from the idolators. He was a poor Biblical exegete, except when quoting Luther. He wanted to clone himself, so F. Pieper and George Stoeckhardt followed him. Note, readers, that UOJ did not dominate the LCMS for a long time. The second generation institutionalized false doctrine. Subsequent followers raised it to the level of the Assumption of Mary, so ancient and accepted that questioning Knapp's doctrine was akin to atheism.

Arguing against UOJ from the Confessions is a waste of time when dealing with the Syn Conference MDivs. They cannot debate what they have never grasped. Ask them to compare synods and they will write a detailed book full of trivial details.

I have featured 60 years of UOJ argumentation from WELS, so it did not start with Kokomo. Pastors sat through those presentations without laughing out loud? or crying? Not only are they badly argued from any perspective, they are hopelessly anti-Biblical and anti-Confessional.

To its credit, Missouri is fractured enough to avoid the robotic Amen Chorus of Enthusiasm. Robert Preus repudiated his own UOJ stance in his final book. WELS and the Little Sect are devoted to Enthusiasm. They imagine that mild objections to The BORE and Jeske suffice.

WELS SP Schroeder is not going to change anything, because he is devoted to UOJ as well. His Melanchthon, DP Buchholz, is a wizard in Kokomo justification, using misdirection of the eye adroitly in the service of false doctrine. How can DP Buchholz object to Jeff Gunn's plagiarized Enthusiasm when his solution is kelmed Enthusiasm with a twist of lemon?

The so-called Intrepid Lutherans could not defend their position for more than 24 hours. Someone said, "It's not the courage of your convictions that matters, but defending an attack on your convictions that matters." They crumpled and fell from one stern word. I know from an email that they were attacked for several days. Organized? Orchestrated? You betcha. For the Intrepds (sic), a mild skirmish was Hell on wheels, so they backed away and flipped.

Some people are starting to read the Confessions again. We only value what is being taken away. As long as we feel secure, we glide into thanklessness and carelessness. We should be grateful that the assault has finally awakened some people.

Various unnamed people ask for help on doctrinal issues. Sometimes I regret that the biggest doctrinal frauds are out there, spreading more poison to feather their nests. But pan-Lutheran shunning has given me the freedom and the time to write about Biblical doctrine.

I have another quiet time coming up. Teaching slows down for January, and Obama's troops may kill it altogether. The elitists hate career universities. I will work on three books:
1. Jesus Lord of Creation - in color on Lulu.com.
2. An organized version of Luther versus the UOJ Pietists: Justification by Faith.
3. Improvements on Thy Strong Word.

"Since now, in the sight of God and of all Christendom [the entire Church of Christ], we wish to testify to those now living and those who shall come after us that this declaration herewith presented concerning all the controverted articles aforementioned and explained, and no other, is our faith, doctrine, and confession, in which we are also willing, by God's grace, to appear with intrepid hearts before the judgment-seat of Jesus Christ, and give an account of it; and that we will neither privately nor publicly speak or write anything contrary to it, but, by the help of God's grace, intend to abide thereby: therefore, after mature deliberation, we have, in God's fear and with the invocation of His name, attached our signatures with our own hands."
Thorough Declaration, Of Other Factions and Sects, Formula of Concord, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 1103.

"Moreover [On the other side], both the ancient and modern enthusiasts have taught that God converts men, and leads them to the saving knowledge of Christ through His Spirit, without any created means and instrument, that is, without the external preaching and hearing of God's Word."
Formula of Concord, Thorough Declaration, II. 4. Free Will, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 881.

Will Lutherans Face the Music?

Pope Says Sex Scandal Has Hit Unimaginable Dimension

ROME — Pope Benedict XVI said on Monday that the continuing sexual abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church had reached a “degree we could not have imagined” this year, and that the Church must reflect on its failures, help the victims, and prevent abusers from becoming priests.
“We must ask ourselves what we can do to repair as much as possible the injustice that has occurred,” the pope told the Vatican hierarchy in a pointed Christmas message. “We must ask ourselves what was wrong in our proclamation, in our whole way of living the Christian life, to allow such a thing to happen.”
In recent months, investigations in Ireland, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands have found that clerics had sexually abused children in the past and that the church hierarchy was often found to have covered up the abuse.