ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Where Are the Works of Faith with UOJ?
I had an unusual experience this week. Pastor Jenswold moved up to Fox Valley and out of the parsonage where we once lived. A member found an entire box of memorabilia that belonged to us. When we moved, some boxes did not fit in the trucks or car, and I asked several times for those boxes to be shipped to us at our expense. Two members and the congregational president promised to do that. Nothing happened.
That box sat in the parsonage for 17 years, but no effort was made to send it to us. The Jenswolds certainly knew it was not theirs, because our names were all over the inside, in personal letters, greeting cards, photo calendars from my father's doughnut shop, etc. They did not take the box along, but they did not do anything with it, either. A member found it in the parsonage, looked inside and contacted me, very friendly and helpful.
The contents involved some of my wife's favorite or most personal memories. For example, many people wrote us letters when Bethany was diagnosed with a terminal neurological disorder. One letter of comfort came from Yale professor Nils A. Dahl, now enjoying eternal life. Another came from my old-fashioned vicarage supervisor. Others were written by family and friends.
The photo calendars are rare and personal. The oldest one shows my cousins as young children. It is 66 years old. Others show me and family members at various stages, from the childhood of the Jackson kids to displaying our own children.
Who would keep these personal materials from their owners for 17 years? Would a pastor and his wife think that the parents of two children who died might enjoy Christian letters of comfort? However, Jenswold apparently derived his perspective from VP Paul Kuske's expert opinion - that I was crazy. (In WELS, crazy is defined as "someone opposed to clergy adultery and Church Growth," because WELS adores both.)
I am mentioning this incident because it illustrates the basic attitude of the WELS clergy. They glory in being petty, vindictive, and destructive, even though they howl with outrage about someone being "unbrotherly" or "unloving." I know from many other conversations that the WELS pastors glory in their dirty tricks, which are not harmless pranks.
WELS clergy behavior is based upon their sacred doctrine of forgiveness without faith. That is why they are so legalistic and Anti-nomian at the same time. They have no grasp of the relationship between Law and Gospel. They have programs to manufacture love and friendliness, but what is that without the Gospel itself?
WELS clergy can hardly choke out the words "Means of Grace," and they certainly cannot articulate the effective Word. They spend their energy attacking faith supporting a cowardly Universalism.
I hear from people abused by the Wisconsin sect. I try to comfort them by suggesting the WELS did them a favor by hating them away. The problem is that WELS was the universe for most of them. Once they were hated away, either as laity or church workers, most stopped speaking to them. I find the experience funny, when I attend an event and someone makes a point of seeing through me, glaring at me with laser eyes, or walking by. Missouri does it too. I am sure the ELS ministerium-- what's left after Pope John's messianic leadership--has pledged to shun me too.
I think it is funny because WELS, Missouri and the Little Sect on the Prairie are not my universe. I am not related to their bigshots and ex-convicts. But I do understand how the excommunicated feel.
I became a Lutheran through the Word, especially by experiencing the Word in a liturgical service. The actions and teachings of the LCA, Missouri, and WELS have been a crushing disappointment to me. Sometimes I wonder if it is worthwhile to address people who would work with ELCA while pretending to look down on them.
If I gave details about who has contacted me about the abuse they have experienced in WELS (especially) and other situations, readers could figure out who those people were. I remain vague for a reason. The present and past synodical leaders have a lot to answer for, in their abuse of church workers and members.
The ideal stunt in WELS gives away nothing. The idea is to leave the recipient seething and yet not able to say anything. No matter what the clergy claim, they do not listen to anyone talking to them about their imperious attitudes. They retaliate, especially if it involves criminal behavior. When one pastor discovered a district official having a merry affair, the result was a hate campaign against the pastor who found out and responded, while the adulterer was rewarded.
Write a letter? The WELS SP does not respond certified letters. Nor does Jenswold. Nor does his brother-in-law. Instead, their ELCA pastor friend responds!
In this case--the Babylonian Captivity of our possessions--Pastor Jenswold can claim innocence. How can anyone prove why he did do anything about the memorabilia?
The Captivity ended up being the perfect stunt, because someone displayed the kindness and consideration so often lacking in the WELS clergy. Mrs. Ichabod was able to enjoy a concentrated feast of memories, many from people who have now died. I doubt that the box, as packed, would have remained intact and unscattered from our many moves.
Another Canadian Lutheran Seminary Bargain - Ideal for WELS, LCMS, ELS
Bruce Church wrote about the inexpensive Missouri seminary at St. Catherine's, Ontario, so I looked up my old seminary and found a real bargain.
Waterloo Lutheran Seminary tuition and fees.
An international student (Yankee) pays only $3,000 net per term, thanks to a generous credit. Senior Yankees (over 60) pay only $2,000 net per term.
Canadians pay less than $2,000 - unless they mean servants and maids when they say "domestic students."
The advantages are many. Waterloo's first president was Little, a UOJ advocate - once admired by Robert Preus, no less. He mentioned Little to me.
Thanks to UOJ Pietism, the seminary moved from its original base to the Canadian version of ELCA, eh? They were a bit ahead of ELCA in gay marriage department. My vicarage congregation announced they would perform same-sex marriages whether the synod approved or not. An Episcopalian bishop was interim senior pastor for a period of time. All of the above would have given my vicarage supervisor a coronary, stroke, or both.
Waterloo did not ordain women when I graduated in 1972, but one woman was a student. Now women are faculty members and ordination is open to everyone. The lesbian bishop of the Canadian Lutherans came from Waterloo and the Eastern Canada Synod, although biographical details are sparse and vague.
Some advantages for the Syn Conference guys:
1. Experience ecumenism. The seminary usually has students from various denominations, all pursuing ordination or earning a real degree after ordination.
2. Enjoy co-ed seminary instruction. The progressives who want to have women openly ordained and teaching men should spend some time in Waterloo. You also have twice the chance to find a date for Saturday night.
3. Meet future leaders. The lesbian Lutheran bishop of all Canada is from the seminary. The newly fired head of Church and Society, ELCA, graduated from Waterloo. Least of all, this blogger, without a friend in the world, earned an MDiv before heading to Yale University and Notre Dame, taking up a blog that no one reads because it has no credibility.
Satire button off.
Looking the seminary is good reason to follow Lenski's advice - "Resist the beginnings." I loved being in Ontario and serving at that huge church for several years, as a student worker and vicar. There was little difference at that time between St. Peter's and the nearby conservative LCMS congregation - worship, practice, doctrine, and culture were almost identical.
I was already getting in trouble for challenging people in class at Waterloo. But I never expected the depths of apostasy and depravity that would hit that school in the years to come.
The downward skid is just like the acceleration of a falling object. The initial movement is slight, but it keeps picking up on the way down. Try to stop a sect which is going straight down at full speed. God's Word can do it but few want to apply to Word to anything.
bruce-church (http://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Another Canadian Lutheran Seminary Bargain - Ideal...":
Yes, the liberal Lutheran seminaries are all relatively very inexpensive. It's counter-intuitive that the conservative seminaries used to have many more M Div students than the liberal seminaries, and ended up being more inexpensive. You'd think more students, the cheaper it would get. However, some devil whispered it into the ears of synodical officials that seminary students would make good cash cows, and it's all history now:
seminarian cash cow:
I say conservative seminaries "used to" have more M Div students because both LCMS seminaries are now pushing only 50 M Div students per class, with the rest being filler students. They are only 30 years behind the liberal seminaries in that regard.
What's not so funny is LCMS seminary profs advise their students that upon graduation (M Div) they should go for a higher degree, or go study for six months at Westfield House in Cambridge, the ELCE seminary, which has access to Cambridge library. They think they are in the old days when students graduated without debt, without huge student loan bills to pay back, and they had contacts who would pay for such things. Seminary students who approach rich donors generally are told they are 25,000 donor request letters from synod too late, and almost all their discretionary money is gone, and like Esau, the students would have to accept a lesser blessing, or nothing:
The timeline of a Bible for the British Isles « Churchmouse Campanologist
The timeline of a Bible for the British Isles « Churchmouse Campanologist
bruce-church (http://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "The timeline of a Bible for the British Isles « Ch...":
"In Bible publishing, a copy costs the printer little more than the paper."
Counterfeiting without going jail, basically.
GJ - That is an excellent comparison, Bruce. I may forgive you for the bird swing link.
The timeline of a Bible for the British Isles
January 21, 2011 in Anglican, Protestant | Tags: Anglican, Bible, Christianity, church,England, Henry VIII, John Wycliffe, King James Version, Lollards, Myles Coverdale,Protestant, Wales
Reformation Anglicanism recently featured an article from the King James Bible Trust which explained the evolution of the Bible in English and other languages specific to the British Isles.
Most of us, even those with a cursory knowledge of Church history, are aware that owning or reading a Bible in a language other than Latin incurred severe penalties in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The Church — accurately, as it turned out — feared that Scripture in the vernacular might lead to groups of people meeting up to discuss what the Word says against the Church’s interpretation as delivered from the pulpit. Certainly, the Church wished to guard against heresy, always a danger from the time of the Apostles to the present day...
Read more at the link.
The Lutheran leaders betrayed their members and pastors to make the NIV supreme - just to grab some bucks for themselves.
Now they want the ESV.
The language is always changing, they say, so we need an entirely new translation to bribe us as publishers.
In Bible publishing, a copy costs the printer little more than the paper. Everything else is profit. No wonder they want new hymnals and Bibles every few years.
bruce-church (http://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "The timeline of a Bible for the British Isles « Ch...":
"In Bible publishing, a copy costs the printer little more than the paper."
Counterfeiting without going jail, basically.
GJ - That is an excellent comparison, Bruce. I may forgive you for the bird swing link.
Waldo Werning, LCMS, Reveals His Church Growth Network in WELS.
Conerstone, Heart in Focus:
Same Propaganda as DP Buchholz
The email was sent to WELS pastors.
Dear Pastors and friends in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church:
Some of you will know me from books which Professor Jeske reviewed in your theological journal or from some of the stewardship books and “building healthy churches” resources that have a strong Lutheran foundation. I have had the privilege of working with Jeff Davis and Rev. Dave Kehl in their exceptional and excellent money management and financial planning resource, Heart in Focus, as I was looking over their shoulders and was able to bring them to Dave Wetzler of ChurchSmart in St. Charles IL to publish those materials, which then NPH was able to co-publish. I am also happy to share with you that I have been able to give encouragement to the development department of Rev. Mark Jeske’s Time of Grace, which is very strongly supported by The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Jeff Davis has been an encouragement for these “Turning Donors Into Disciples” workshops, and especially to offer to pastors and congregations of the Wisconsin Synod in Arizona at this time. As you can see from the attachment which tells of the great benefits, the responses and experiences that we had in the Ohio and South Wisconsin Districts shows that pastors and their church leaders saw this as a one-of-a-kind and unique resource to overcome the financial crisis and meltdown that churches and their members are facing at this time. If you answer yes to the two questions in the attached message, then I believe that you will be joining us at this February 19 workshop and we will welcome you with a great handshake. By the way, Dave Wetzler of ChurchSmart, who is the host of this workshop, is giving books and materials that equal the registration fee, so there will be no financial loss for your attendance.
You may register with me or ChurchSmart, and I would be happy to get emails to answer your questions.
Even at this late date, we are still looking for the possibility of a WELS congregation to make their facilities available for this non-fellowship educational event for Thursday morning, February 17, to give church leaders an opportunity to attend besides Saturday afternoon.
May God give you a grace-filled 2011 in Christ!
Yours in Christ’s service of biblical stewardship and building healthy churches,
Waldo Werning
Is your church experiencing a financial crisis where action is required now?
Does it lack the funds needed for your ministries, even salaries?
If you answered YES to any of these questions then
“Turning Donors Into Disciples”
is a workshop that you and other leaders should attend.
Where: Where: PHOENIX AREA, Christ Greenfield, 425 N. Greenfield Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85234
When: Saturday, February 19, 1-5pm
Cost: $25 each or $100 for Groups of Five
Pastors and leaders at Wisconsin and Ohio “Stewardship of Giving” workshops tell how they were greatly benefited. District Stewardship leader Thomas Soltis tells that this “Christian Giving Resource” fills a necessary niche and is a stewardship goldmine that provides 12 basic “giving” books and materials for more than five years. He said that these programs will change the stewardship culture of churches from maintenance to grace-giving, from a focus on what the church wants to a focus on what God asks…It shows how the church can kill the budget virus and needs disease through first-fruit, generous giving and tithing through such programs as Consecrated Stewards.
A Milwaukee pastor joined others from Ohio and Wisconsin, writing, “We learned to lead by example to communicate productive ministry, not our budget, and to plan effective corporate stewardship and reach all members.” Other comments:
· “The Ministry/Mission Financial Proposal was an eye opener to take us on the road of faith-raising rather than fund-raising.”
· “We saw that personal money management and financial planning in the book and program, Heart in Focus, changes the stewardship culture in churches.”
Dr. Waldo Werning, author of “Turning Donors Into Disciples,” will be joined by other presenters that will help increase giving and finances in your church substantially.
The benefits of this workshop are too great to procrastinate. Please register now.
You may register online by emailing customerservice@churchs mart.com. You may gain more information by phoning David Wetzler at 800-253-4276 or at www.churchsmart.com, clicking the training button on “seminars”.
The pioneer amputee who climbed Mt. Rainier was asked what he learned from his achievement. He quickly responded, "You can't do it alone."
Let us introduce ourselves, the ChurchSmart team, committed to bringing you excellent products at affordable prices.
Let us introduce ourselves, the ChurchSmart team, committed to bringing you excellent products at affordable prices.
- Dave Wetzler is the founder and owner of ChurchSmart Resources. He has served as a pastor (5 years), denominational executive (17 years), and since 1996 as a publisher and NCD Trainer. His education includes a B.A. in Bible and Theology and an M.A. in Management.
- Bob Rummel serves as Operations Manager. He has eleven years of editorial and Christian bookstore experience. His education includes a B.A. in English from Wheaton College.
- Christina Bowman is responsible for customer care. She is a recent graduate from Wheaton Academy, and since then has been a previous student at Kendall College in Chicago. She also serves as co-leader of the young adult women’s ministry at Medinah Baptist Church.
- Phil Newell operates the warehouse, providing timely shipping on all orders. At 22 years of age, Phil has the task of keeping the organization feeling young. He is a missionary kid from Indonesia who recently spent 4 years of study at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.
- Bob Logan serves as the Director of Research and Development and will continue to develop new products and seek out the best resources available
to help you minister. He graduated from U.C.L.A. with a B.S. in chemistry, an M.Div. from Western Baptist Seminary in Portland, Oregon (pastoral studies), and a D.Min. from Fuller Theological Seminary (church growth).
- Barb Palmiter is responsible for customer care. She comes to us with 22 years of service in a Bible College. She has a B.A. in Religion and Philosophy, with a Biblical Studies emphasis, from the King's College.
- Jack Stephenson serves as our NCD National Ministry Coordinator. Jack assists in the development of new NCD training resources, trains NCD Coaches and Licensed Trainers and provides strategic planning assistance to denominations implementing NCD within their judicatories. Jack has a Doctorate in Church Growth and serves as the senior pastor at Anona United Methodist Church in Largo, FL.
GJ - Many have noticed that the people identified as Church Growth leaders are the same ones promoted by the Wisconsin Synod.
I have known Werning since colloquy days, when Kincaid Smith introduced me to him. Smith admitted in print that he resented my published criticisms of Church Growth.
I am current FB friends with Werning. I am always trying to convert people to Lutheran doctrine.
Werning told me he was trained at Fuller Seminary and later denied it, until I quoted from my Day-Timer. I said, "On this date I asked you, and you said you did study at Fuller." Soon after I heard from ELS Pastor Paul Schneider that Werning was trashing me. He said, "What did you say to him to make him so angry with you?"
Werning also made clear in various conversations that he worked closely with WELS and the Little Sect on the Prairie, all Church Growth leaders.
What enraged so many "conservative" Lutheran leaders is the evidence I published showing they were really second-rate Babtists grubbing for money in the name of "Growth." They never achieved any growth, except to transfer doctrinally inert members from other congregations of the same synod. That is the established policy of "missions" in WELS today - to start parasitic missions to siphon from WELS congregations.
I am sure Keith Free will put a stop to that. Ha!
Berg and Hagedorn before him were trained at Fulller, smitten by Fuller.
Did some pastor really dress in drag and preach at Free's congregation, posing as the woman at the well? I asked him and got no answer. If so, it had to be a memorable moment. "We are very strict in WELS. We do not let a woman preach (not obviously, anyway), so we do sermons in drag."
As readers can see from the previous published ad published by DP Buchholz for the Mark Jeske/Jeff Gunn show for teen cutters and stoners, doctrinal discipline in WELS is aimed only at those who question Holy Mother Synod.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Waldo Werning, LCMS, Reveals His Church Growth Net...":
(W)ELS is promoting Consecrated Stewards which is an LCMS effort with support from ELCA.
It's also a horrible prosperity gospel driven effort and a blatant offence to the Holy Spirit and His work through the Gospel purely taught.
The glory of the (W)ELS.