Monday, June 6, 2011

Linked from Joe Krohn

C. F. W. Walther

About the Doctrine of Justification

[Presented and adopted at the first Convention of the Evangelical-Lutheran Synodical Conference in 1872, Proceedings, pp. 20-68. The following are the main theses of this statement of faith.]

The doctrine of justification is the most eminent chief article of the Christian faith, one the right understanding of which is for the salvation of the individual – and the pure proclamation of which is for the welfare of the church as a whole – of incomparable importance and absolute necessity.
The Reformation of the Church through Dr. Luther had its starting point in a renewed understanding, by God’s grace, of the pure evangelical doctrine of justification and in a corresponding uncorrupted proclamation of this article of faith.
In the pure doctrine of justification, as our Lutheran church has presented it again and again from God’s Word and placed it on the lamp-stand, it is above all a matter of three points: 1.) Of the doctrine of the universal, perfect redemption (Erlösung) of the world through Christ; 2.) Of the doctrine of the power and efficacy of the means of grace; and 3.) Of the doctrine of faith.
As in Adam all men have fallen and come under the wrath of God and eternal damnation as punishment for sins, so also all men are truly redeemed from sin, death, devil and hell, in Christ as the second Adam, and God is truly reconciled with them all.
As through the substitutionary death of Christ the whole world’s debt of sin was wiped out and the punishment for it was endured, so also righteousness, life and salvation have been brought again for the whole world through Christ’s resurrection, and have come upon (über) all men in Christ as the Substitute of all mankind.
This grace, forgiveness, righteousness, life, and salvation, acquired again for all men by Christ’s work of redemption, God brings to men in the Means of Grace. For the evangelical promise, which is contained in the Word of the Gospel and in the holy Sacraments, is not an empty sound or a content-less promise, but a powerful communication (Darreichung) and giving of all the goods which God promises in this Word of His grace.
The Gospel therefore is not a mere historical narrative of the accomplished work of the redemption, but much rather a powerful declaration of peace and a promise of grace on the part of God towards the world redeemed by Christ, and thus at all times a powerful Means of Grace, in which God for His part brings, proffers, distributes, gives, and presents the forgiveness of sins and the righteousness acquired by Christ, even though not all to whom God issues His serious call of grace accept this invitation of the reconciled God, and thus also do not become partakers of the accompanying benefits.
The holy Absolution is a preaching of the Gospel to one or more definite persons, who desire the comfort of the Gospel. Absolution is therefore also at all times valid and powerful (kräftig – efficacious) in itself, for God therein declares Himself, through the mouth of His servant, as a God truly reconciled through Christ’s blood and death, and thus distributes for His part the gift of forgiveness and righteousness to all, who are being absolved, although many do not become partakers of the gifts of grace proffered in the Gospel, on account of their unbelief.
The means, through which alone man comes into actual possession of the gift of grace acquired by Christ and proffered in Word and Sacrament, is faith, which believes God’s promise of grace and thus appropriates to itself the gift of the merit and righteousness of Christ offered in this promise of God, and comforts itself with the benefit of Christ as His Sin-canceller and Savior.
Faith in Christ therefore makes righteous and saves, not because it obtains such and exceeding reward with God as a splendid work of man, and as satisfaction for sin reconciling God with men, but because it is, from man’s side, the taking hand, which actually grasps and accepts the treasure of the merit of Christ and thus of forgiveness, righteousness, and salvation, which are proffered and given in the promise of grace. Nor does faith justify and save before God because God is willing, out of free grace and love, to let it count as a meritorious work of righteousness and of obedience to God’s Word, but because the treasure of the merit of Christ, which even the weakest faith grasps in the promise of the Gospel, embraces in itself truly a perfect satisfaction for all guilt and punishment of sin, as well as a perfect obedience towards all requirements of the Law of God.
The faith of the individual does not by its power bring it about that the evangelical promise of grace, which God speaks in the Word of the Gospel of Absolution, becomes really valid, efficacious, and true, but it simply clings to the promise of grace and forgiveness as a divinely true and efficacious one, and by thus accepting the promise of God, it thereby at the same time grasps the gift of righteousness and salvation, and has what the words say and express.
When an individual sinner through faith grasps the promise of the Gospel in Word or Sacrament, and thus appropriates to himself the treasure of the merit of Christ for his justification and salvation, then he is also regarded, accounted, and declared to be such by God as in a forensic action before the judgment seat of God, so that the sinner now for his own person has part in the merit and the righteousness of Christ for his salvation, and is thus also personally righteous and an heir of eternal life through the personal possession of the benefit of Christ.

The 1932 Brief Confession Was the Beginning of the End for the Syn Conference: Dishonest Exegesis,
Amalgamation of Pietism and Lutheran Doctrine

The publication of the 1932 Brief Statement turned into an excuse for basing Syn Conference doctrine on Knapp's Pietistic doctrine rather than Gausewitz and Hoenecke, both sainted, or the Missouri Small Catechism in German and English.

"Now, then, if the Father raised Christ from the dead, He, by this glorious resurrection act, declared that the sins of the whole world are fully expiated, or atoned for, and that all mankind is now regarded as righteous before His divine tribunal. This gracious reconciliation and justification is clearly taught in Romans 4:25: 'Who was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for our justification.' The term dikaiosis here means the act of divine justification executed through God's act of raising Christ from the dead, and it is for this reason called the objective justification of all mankind. This truth Dr. Walther stressed anew in America. He taught that the resurrection of Christ from the dead is the actual absolution pronounced upon all sinners. (Evangelienpostille, p. 160ff.)" part one
Francis Pieper, Christian Dogmatics, 3 vols., St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1951, II, p. 321. Romans 4:25

"The resurrection of Christ is, as Holy Writ teaches, the actual absolution of the whole world of sinners. Romans 4:25: 'Who was raised again for our justification.' At that time we were objectively declared free from sin."
Francis Pieper, Christian Dogmatics, 3 vols., St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1951, II, p. 348 Romans 4:25.

The Bronze Age Missourians see the Brief Statement of 1932 as the turning point in LCMS history. After that was published, everything started to go downhill. I believe they are right, but their beloved BS is the reason why.

Missouri has produced statements from time to time. During the Civil War with Seminex, they passed a statement that no one remembers or mentions, except for the apostates who denounce it.

I understand that Sasse was concerned about the 1932 BS supplanting the Book of Concord. He was correct to be worried, because that has happened.

The UOJ fanatics always retreat to their citadel, the 1932 BS.

I will try to be compassionate for a moment. I realize many people have understood Objective Justification as the Atonement or Redemption. Therefore, SJ is justification by faith.

I thought so myself and used OJ/SJ in the first edition of Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant. That ambiguity allowed the real UOJ advocates to advance their cause as Enthusiasm spread with Unionism.

Oddly, the Bronze Age Missourians (like Herman Otten and William Bischoff) were quite comfortable with Calvinist apologetics. The 1932 BS and the Walther-Pieper circle made them comfortable with Calvinistic thinking, almost immune to thinking about the efficacious Word and the Means of Grace.

Walther himself was quite an amalgamation. He taught Luther and sounded Luther-like in many of his writings, but not consistently so. He blended Pietism with Lutheran doctrine, and that Pietism won out in the most important area - justification by faith.

Missouri and WELS Catechisms
The LCMS catechism still in print (KJV, no author) and the old Syn Conference catechism (Gausewitz) show that justification by faith was taught in the earliest days and continued to be taught for decades.

Frauds like web-pals Cascione and McCain pretend otherwise. Their synod publications prove them wrong. UOJ began in Pietism and rose to dominance as the CG Unionists took over the Syn Conference.

WELS Apostasy

The Wisconsin Sect is quite small and compact. That leverages false doctrine, since any criticism involves a tribe of offended relatives - and they are all related.

Jungkuntz had quite a personality cult going and he married a Kowalke (professor's daughter). He dazzled them in WELS, Missouri, and proto-ELCA. He was one of the top Seminex leaders and he adored UOJ, as much as Cascione and McCain.

A little study of WELS leaders in the last 50 years will show that the Church Growth leaders were also the UOJ advocates. They won the battle for the NIV, for a putrid feminist hymnal, and for on-going Fuller education with Church Growth programs.

Brett Meyer Tipped the Scale, Emmaus
We planned to have someone at the Emmaus conference. Brett Meyer is a friendly guy who is willing to discuss doctrine with anyone. He brought 60 copies of Luther versus the UOJ Pietists: Justification by Faith. He gave away 50 copies. Additional copies have gone to college students and others, including people in the CLC (sic).

Joe Krohn and others have raised issues about doctrine and practice with leaders who do not wish to deal with anyone as adults. One person wrote me:

"Where do we get these people as leaders? What ever happened to ministers with a modicum of scholarly training? They all were cloistered since birth in their respective nunnery and like so many children of the 60's and 70’s were enabled by mommy daddy that throwing rocks is ok if it makes you feel better. To argue in a forum takes guts, work and scholarship which none of them have. It's like most of the WELS ministers around my age 57—65. When asked what they did during the Viet Nam war, almost the universal answer was, 'Well mommy and daddy sent me into the ministry to avoid the draft.' When my relatives hear that, we have all that we can do to refrain from choking the little jerks but do not because their mommies and daddies have passed on and they have nobody to cry to (other than mother synod)—and all that is, is nursing on the devil’s breasts."

Built on a Bluff, UOJ Doth Stand
As anyone with a Bible can see, Pieper promoted his UOJ toxin with anti-Biblical exegesis. Romans 4:25 proves that the entire world has been absolved, justified, declared innocent. DP Buchholz would add, saved.

Here is the passage.

KJV Romans 4:24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

Romans 4:24 is what they constantly denounce, without quoting it. They love to purr over Walther and Stoeckhardt, but seldom remember that Luther guy, who preached that believing is justification. I could mention John's Gospel, but why pile on with such dunces?

All of Romans 4 describes Abraham as a man of faith, who was justified by faith.

Leaving the chapter at 4:25 (an artificial division), the apostle Paul says:

KJV Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

But the UOJ Stormtroopers continue to quote Romans 4:25 and base their cowardly Universalism on a studied misunderstanding of a decidedly clear passage.

Arguing from anti-exegesis, getting away with it since 1932, has given UOJ permission to do whatever they want with the Word of God.

WELS Students Mocking Nudists at NWC

grumpy has left a new comment on your post "Herman Otten Flacks for the SynodsAgain":

Weird...I remember a friend who went on to Northwestern College from MLS...he said that there was a group of guys who had a "naked club". After school they would strip down to the buff, chanting "naked...naked", and them play billiards in the game room, watch tv, etc, all just sitting around naked....I guess the dean finally had to have a talk with them and tell them to stop it...while no homosexuality was involved, it was leaving a door open that really should not have been left open.

But dancing is definitely a sin...go figure....

Grumpy "The older I get the less I understand" Lutheran

Herman Otten Flacks for the Synods

Pastor Herman Otten is repeating WELS lies about their disgusting video.
Now the video is a deliberate mocker!
Before the students could not tell Liberace from Tiger Woods.

A Brief History of the Party in the MLC Video.

A WELS member wrote me and gave me the link to the video. He was too disgusted to watch all of it.

The video was gayer than lavender hose, quite deliberately so. I looked over the data on the YouTube video and saw it was an homage to another video Party in the Fire Island Pines.

Fire Island has long been known as a homosexual resort, with features about it on mainstream TV and a recent history on cable TV.

Comparing the two videos, the Martin Luther College (WELS) version was almost a frame by frame copy, except it also added one student grabbing his crotch...twice. Michael Jackson's grab was relatively mild compared to the WELS version.

When I linked the video on this blog, MLC and Willowcreek's Liberal College took notice. Dozens of comments came in.

Soon an article appeared in the WLC student paper, claiming that the students did not know what they were doing. Compare that claim, which was obviously a lie, to the current deception.

The students were rather sullen in their comments, but claimed they were taking the video down from YouTube voluntarily, under no compulsion from the college. The students were shocked, I heard, that I read their student paper.

The video was picked up by homosexual sites, since many people know how to copy and upload anything on YouTube. But YouTube no longer showed it as active.

Soon the video was uploaded again, twice - on YouTube and on Facebook, where a special fan page was created for the video. The YouTube link is there right now.The FB page also posted the original, Party in the Fire Island Pines.

The Facebook fan page has almost 1400 fans.

I mentioned WELS hypocrisy on this issue when I reviewed Randy Engle's Rite of Sodomy, volume 1.

Brett Meyer met WELS SP Mark Schroeder at the Emmaus conference. Mark's face turned red when he was going to say something about me to Brett. He thought twice about it and said, "I should tell Greg directly." Brett agreed with that, but I have not heard from Mark. He used to phone and email me, but I imagine the spin was not working well for him.

Herman Otten knows me phone number and email address. He just emailed me today. But he did not ask about the video and its history. Nevertheless, he thinks he knows all about it from Mark Schroeder.

Notice the new lie about Party in the MLC:

"CN has been told that the video criticized by Jackson was created for a homecoming skit entertainment several years ago as a mockery of the gay lifestyle, not an endorsement of it. none of the students responsible for the skit approve anything relating to homosexuality. Unlike most denominations, the WELS strongly opposes homosexuality." Christian News, page 1!, June 6, 2011.

Lie Number One versus Lie Number Two
Anyone can watch the video and see if the students knew what they were doing. They can compare it to the original, which they plagiarized, and judge whether any straight person would miss the flagrant displays.

Lie Number One - "We did not know Party in the Fire Island Pines was a gay video," published in the WLC student newspaper.

Lie Number Two - "Party in the MLC was a deliberate mockery of the gay lifestyle." How could they mock what they did not comprehend?

Otten apologized to Schroeder for printing the truth about the WELS video.

Wait, There's More
Life is full of irony. In the same issue, on the same page, in the choice upper right-hand corner is a blurb about What's Going on among the Lutherans, by Patsy Leppien and Kincaid Smith (drive-by DMin in Church Growth). Smith referred to it often as his book. Ahem.

Otten praised John Brug (Tim Glende's uncle) for endorsing the book. What courage! What scholarship! John is a nice guy, but his endorsement was no more than saying water is indeed wet and can freeze when chilled long enough.

If the reader opens up the book, he will see a paragraph thanking me for all the research I did for the book. I was happy to help out in every way possible. Working with Patsy was a delight, and she worked very hard at making everything clear, the facts invulnerable to attacks from the liberals.

When Jay Webber found out I was helping, he had a hissy fit, shouting about why he was not asked. He was a seminarian. I was a PhD in theology. That might have been one reason. I probably offered to help, since I was writing Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure at the same time.

I also had the research for Out of the Depths of ELCA behind me. Pastoral experience in the LCA provided some perspective.

My book about ELCA, published before ELCA came into being, was a complete issue of Christian News. Otten sent it everywhere and sold copies of it for many years. My name was on it. I did not hide behind a fake name or let people think Otten wrote it.

WELS was profoundly embarrassed about my effort. They were in bed with ELCA via AAL and LB (soon to be merged into Thrivent).

I do not recall any courageous scholars supporting the truth about ELCA when I published in Christian News. The WELS leaders, Mark Schroeder included, use CN for spin but despise it the rest of the time.

I published hundreds of articles against Church Growth, quoting WELS sources, in Christian News. I do not remember any courageous WELS scholars admitting there was a problem. In fact, when I complained to Brug about Valleskey giving the paper about Church Growth, he immediately went to David's house to tell on me. I know, because Valleskey bragged about it.

Not Done Yet
I have been told that the petition to discipline Mark and Avoid Jeske will not go through if it is connected with Ichabod.

All I did was publish the petition and the link.

Typical WELS: "Do what we say, as a favor, while we call you a liar for telling the truth, after demanding an apology from Otten because you told the truth."

Two words: mattress room.

Join Me in Signing the Petition about Mark and Avoid Jeske

 This is the link.

Synod Convention Memorial - Time of Grace

Memorial to the Synod in Convention Re: Time of Grace Ministry Whereas (1) Time of Grace Ministry has actively sought and obtained the status of a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS); and Whereas (2) Time of Grace is listed in the Yearbook of the LCMS as a Recognized Service Organization; and Whereas (3) Leaders and representatives from Time of Grace regularly appear at LCMS events and congregations to promote the ministry of Time of Grace; and Whereas (4) The administrative board of Time of Grace includes at least one member of the LCMS; and Whereas (5) The LCMS, according to its official bylaws and policies, considers its RSOs to be “valued partners of the LCMS,” views the services of its RSOs as “a profound extension of the LCMS’ mission and ministry,” and expects its RSOs to “respect and not act contrary to the doctrine and practice of the Synod” and to “foster the mission and ministry of the Synod and engage in program activity that is in harmony with the programs of the boards of the Synod;” and Whereas (6) An organization cannot truthfully and honestly carry out joint mission and ministry with two synods that are not in fellowship with one another, pretending to “walk together” with both; and Whereas (7) The practices of Time of Grace are examples of the very unionism over which the bond of church fellowship between the WELS and the LCMS was formally severed in 1961; and Whereas (8) The speaker and chief writer for Time of Grace is Pastor Mark Jeske, who with his congregation, St. Marcus Evangelical Lutheran Church of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is a member of the WELS; and Whereas (9) Time of Grace maintains that it is not affiliated with any denomination or part of any denominational structure; and Whereas (10) Such an arrangement implies that it is possible to be a member of the WELS while leading a religious organization which will confess no denominational ties; and Whereas (11) Time of Grace has established a presence in most (if not all) of the Twelve Districts of the WELS; and Whereas (12) Time of Grace has pursued the introduction of its services and ministry into the world mission fields of the WELS; and Whereas (13) Scripture instructs us to present a clear confession of our doctrine and practice and to affiliate ourselves only with those church bodies whose doctrine and practice conform to the entirety of God’s Word (Romans 16:17; 1 Timothy 4:16); and Whereas (14) The Southeastern Wisconsin District presidium is charged with oversight of doctrine and practice of the pastors, teachers, congregations and other entities of our fellowship within its district; and Whereas (15) Time of Grace has not provided to the Southeastern Wisconsin District presidium documentation from the LCMS regarding the non-RSO status of Time of Grace; and Whereas (16) The Southeastern Wisconsin District presidium, in two years of dealing with Time of Grace, has been unable to convince Time of Grace of the need to withdraw its RSO status or change its unionistic practices; therefore be it RESOLVED (a) That the Synod in convention recognize Time of Grace’s relationship with the LCMS as unionistic, confessionally unclear, and therefore unscriptural; and be it finally RESOLVED (b) That the Synod in convention encourage the presidium of the Southeastern Wisconsin District to take immediate measures of loving Christian discipline toward Time of Grace and its leaders, calling on them to terminate their LCMS RSO status and to return to biblical practices and a clear confession regarding their walk together with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. 
Mr. Mark Bannan - Salem, Owosso, MI Rev. Thomas J. Bernthal - Peace, Sahuarita, AZ Rev. Theodore G. Bodjanac - Resurrection, Phoenix, AZ Rev. John F. Boehringer - St. John's, Watertown, WI Rev. Luke Boehringer - Gethsemane, Davenport, IA Rev. Jon D. Buchholz - Emmanuel, Tempe, AZ Rev. Johann Caauwe - Trinity, El Paso, TX Rev. Michael T. Carr - St. Peter, Clovis, CA Prof. (em) Daniel Deutschlander - St. Mark's, Watertown, WI Rev. Rodney E. Dietsche - Peace, Green Lake, WI Rev. Christopher S. Doerr - Grace, Waupun, WI Rev. Ross Else - Emmaus, Phoenix, AZ Rev. Paul C. Fetzer - St. John's, Clare, MI Rev. Thomas Fischer - Loving Shepherd, Milwaukee, WI Rev. Lester G. Fritz - Zion, Van Dyne, WI Michael Hefti - Faith, Radcliff, KY Rev. Roy W. Hefti - St. Paul's, Bangor, WI Rev. Stephen Hein - Christ, Prescott Valley, AZ Mr. Kenneth S. Jamka - Trinity, Sierra Vista, AZ Mr. Kurt W. Knurr - Trinity, Sierra Vista, AZ Rev. Ronald G. Koehler, III - Grace, Tucson, AZ Rev. John R. Koester - Trinity, Temple, TX Rev. Robert Koester - NPH, Milwaukee, WI Rev. Roger L. Kuerth - St. Luke, Watertown, WI Rev. Paul J. Lidtke - Bethlehem, Oshkosh, WI Mr. Harold I. Mears - Emmaus, Phoenix, AZ Mr. Kevin Needham - St. Paul's, Saginaw, MI Rev. David A. Nottling - St. John, Fox Lake, WI Rev. Mark D. Ochsankehl - Trinity, Winslow, AZ Rev. Aaron Odya - St. Peter's, Eldorado, WI Rev. David J. Salinas - St. John, Victorville, CA Rev. Paul Schaefer - St. Peter's, Plymouth, MI Rev. Neal Schroeder - Divine Peace, Renton, WA Rev. Paul Schulz - Grace, Safford, AZ Rev. David R. Seager - Loving Shepherd, Milwaukee, WI Rev. Gregory Sluke - Trinity, Redgranite, WI Rev. James Strand - St. Paul, Bloomer, WI Rev. Johnold J. Strey - St. Mark, Citrus Heights, CA Rev. Jeffrey W. Suhr - St. John, Appleton, WI Rev. Donald Swartz - Mt. Olive, Monroe, WI Rev. Benjamin Tomczak - St. Mark, Duncanville, TX Rev. Clayton G. Welch - Faith, River Falls, WI
* Required

Let's Not Get Too Scornful about ex-ELCA
Entities Working with ELCA.
Missouri, WELS, and the ELS Are Doing the Same

Concordia St. Louis survived many decades without a cathedral honoring Marvin Schwan, ladies man.
Inset - Pope Paul the Unlearned raising his consecrated and consecrating hand to bless the seminary he did not attend.

Common Sense for a Senseless World has left a new comment on your post "Another Successful Vote To Leave ELCA,While Leavin...":

To clarify, Shepherd of the Hills intends to continue in partnership with St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, a Laotion (sic) congregation well grounded in traditional Lutheran Theology, the Shishitony Parish in Tanzania, Serenity Inn in Milwaukee, a half way house for recovering drug and alchohol (sic) addicts, and Lutheran World Relief, an organization supported by many Lutheran denominations. None of our benevelence (sic) will be sent to Higgins Street (sic - Road). All donations and support will be forwarded directly to those ministries. While we acknowledge the errant teachings that are permeating the ELCA, we also acknowledge that some of their ministries actually do promote the mission of Christ in the world and that many of their congregations continue to uphold solid Lutheran teachings and preach the pure Gospel of Christ to the world.


GJ - I was a bit snarky in the headline for the story linked above, and the writer made a good point in his response. Everyone is working with ELCA through Lutheran World Relief and Thrivent: Missouri, WELS, the Little Sect on the Prairie, and--gasp!--the CLC (sic).

Any sect working with Thrivent is supporting the goals and agenda of ELCA...and the Salvation Army, plus Habitat for Humanity.

Apparently Thrivent loot is now so enormous that the Big Four are nothing more than branch offices of the insurance company. I base that on the reported $50 million a year from Thrivent that Missouri receives (Emmaus conference quotation attributed to SP Harrison). I will be glad to amend that if there is evidence to the contrary.

The Church of the Augsburg Confession, headquartered in Bella Vista, Arkansas, is not working with Thrivent or Lutheran World Relief. That makes our little parish an object of scorn and derision.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Let's Not Get Too Scornful about ex-ELCA Entities ...":

I was at the Emmaus Conference distributing free copies of Luther VS The UOJ Pietists - Justification by Faith book. LCMS President Harrison proudly and happily announced to the attendees that the LCMS received, "$50-60 Million dollars in 2010 from Thrivent."

Brett Meyer

Your Thrivent Dollars at Work

Addie J. Butler

Board of Directors

Dr. Addie Butler, Philadelphia, PA, has been a member of the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans board of directors and its predecessor since January 1999. Dr. Butler serves as a member of the Audit and Governance Committees of the board.

Butler served as the assistant to the vice president for academic affairs, Community College of Philadelphia until 2007. In this role she helped oversee instructional and academic issues for the college's 40,000 students. She served in various administrative capacities at the college since 1979. Butler has twice received the Community College of Philadelphia's Leadership Award.

A native of Philadelphia, Butler earned a B.S. degree from Howard University, an M.S. degree from Pennsylvania State University, State College, an Ed.D. from Teachers College, Columbia University. In addition, she received an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Muhlenberg College, an honorary doctor of humane letters degree from Susquehanna University and an honorary doctor of humane letters degree from Wagner College.

Butler has served as vice president of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and serves on the board of trustees of Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia.

Formerly, Butler was vice president of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the ELCA, member and secretary of the board of trustees of Lutheran Social Mission Society, and president of the African-American Lutheran Association, Philadelphia Chapter.

Butler is a member of Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation in Philadelphia, where she is chair of the music and worship committee, facilitator of adult education programs, and chair of the stewardship committee.