ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Syn Conference Reconciliation -
I Forgive All Your Nasty, Stupid Comments
On LutherQueasy, I found this exchange, which is probably the best Syn Conference satire ever written. Two old dying leaders express their mutual forgiveness, still full of wrath, as they end their lives. The current crop of MDivs love this stuff, because they would rather circle around the arguments of last century than deal with the false doctrine of this century.
Here is the text of August Pieper's letter to J.P. Koehler late in life (written 9/24/1942):
"My Dear Old Friend Koehler!
In view of my and your approaching departure from life I should like one last time, on the basis of Matth. 5 and similar passages, to attempt – not in regard to our antithetic-ecclesiological position but in regard to our personal mutual relationship – to arrive at a Christian understanding so that we may die in peace. … Thus I testify to you here in writing that I am heartily sorrow for every personal injury that I ever inflicted upon you, and beg your forgiveness, just as I heartily forgive you every personal thrust you ever directed at me. May the Lord, who purchased us both with his blood, grant us His Holy Spirit, so that we may depart in peace to Him when He summons us.
Your old friend, Aug. Pieper"
This was J.P. Koehler's response (written 10/10/1942):
"When I read of a reconciliation attempt, I was instantly ready for it because 12 years ago I had indicated the hoped for reconciliation which I prayed might be accorded to my heart by the grace of God, at the conclusion of my final refutation of your treatment of the chief point in Beitz[‘s Paper] and a wrathful summary of your customary way of dealing. I never got around to the conventional reconciliation formula because I was afraid it might be talk and nothing more.
"Now, after a week’s interruption, when I had finished my urgent work and then found in your letter the 'exception of ecclesiological antithesis.' I asked myself: What is meant by this? During the entire interval since the controversy I have never until these last days believed that you regard me as a false teacher and accordingly, a dishonest person, as the readers of the Antwort, who are ignorant of the more particular circumstances, must deduce. Over the years the details of the controversy, time, place, persons, details of the transactions, have all escaped my memory … [so] I hunted up the Gutachten, Beleuchtung, and Antwort [all documents written during the course of the controversy]. …
"The facts actually were new to me, and now judging objectively, I must state that [my] Beleuchtung is more factual than [your] Antwort. And my final word in 'Witness, Analysis and Reply' [Koehler's "last word" after his suspension] is even more illuminating, except that my anger becomes noticeable, through a bitter manner of expression which, however, does not turn on individual persons but on incorrect exegesis in the Gutachten and equally incorrect historical presentation of the wholly personal Antwort. I naturally will hardly have got by without some evidence of carnal anger at individual persons, but still, this would not be easy to prove from my writings. …
"For me, for practical purposes in this life, these matters carry no significance any more, except naturally that occasionally they still stir up my old Adam. But, Pieper, consider the others who will outlive us on earth. They are of course of a different mind since nearly all of them have more or less suffered damage to honor, property and life through the practice exacted upon them respectively by synodicals. They have proved themselves, naturally, not infallible. But already years back, in a conference at which I was not present, they on their own initiative exercised self-criticism. It is up to you to declare a proper word on your side which might bear fruit. ... God grant you the understanding, strength and grace to do this. This is my fervent wish.
With friendly greetings, J.P. Koehler"
You can judge for yourself whether this meets your definition of reconciliation.
Source: Faith-Life 45, no. 2, 16-18.
bored has left a new comment on your post "Syn Conference Reconciliation - I Forgive All Your...":
I get the distinct impression that the Lutherqueasy folks don't have love for theology and the learning required to discuss it. Instead, their love lies in how they Look when they regurgitate the right words at the right time...the desire to be thought of as scholarly is stronger than their desire TO KNOW.
Just as women who study "Women's Studies" go on to become (more than likely) terrible wives, these men who practice pious poses in the mirror whilst pronouncing the names of obscure theological arguments go on to make terrible pastors, teachers, fathers, and elders. Is that irony? Or should we have seen it coming?
Conversely, those who love their subject more than the idea of being an expert are often the most knowledgeable in the room and the most humble and the most unassuming in the room. Also, the people who love their subject more than their own appearance often exhibit a cheerful infectiousness about their interests, and exhibit charity (not smugness) to those who know less.
And to finish my comment (in the angry style of the Queasies) I'll say that looking for humility and charity among Lutherqueasies is like looking for a virgin in Sodom.
GJ - Comments are more likely to be published if they are cleaned up first.
ELCA - A Warning for the Syn Conference
Budget Matters
The 2012 budget represents strategic use of funds and a commitment to continue faithful stewardship of the ministry entrusted to the churchwide organization, Wyvetta Bullock, ELCA executive for administration, said.
The proposed 2012 churchwide budget totals $80,292,900. This amount anticipates current fund income of $61,792,900, which represents a 19.5 percent decrease from the 2011 income proposal approved at the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. The ELCA World Hunger fund portion of the budget is $18,500,000. Mission support is 76.1 percent of the current fund budget, down from 81.2 percent as proposed in 2009.
In the past three years, mission support for ministries through the churchwide organization has declined from $65.3 million to a projected $47 million for 2012. Subsequently, the churchwide organization’s budget has been reduced by nearly 24 percent, said Bullock. At the same time, this budget is presented to the assembly with gratitude for their partnership and “with confident hope in God’s faithfulness,” she said.
GJ - ELCA and its earlier components invented the Tetzel-like Planned Giving Counselors that WELS and Missouri use. That has been working great for them, no? The 1987 ELCA budget, NOT allowing for inflation adjustments, was going to be about $150 million, the total from the LCA and ALC. The actual budget ended up at around $120 million and kept declining in dollars, which means the decrease was even greater than that.
ELCA is in a world of hurt, even with licensing checks from WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect for their worship materials.
WELS just displayed its arrogance again, thanking Mark Jeske, ignoring the real Jeske issues, and spit-wadding the NNIV into WELS faces. Holy Mother Synod does not repent, and the floggings will continue until morale improves.