Monday, November 21, 2011

Penn State taps ex-FBI director Freeh for Sandusky child abuse investigation - Yahoo! News

PSU taps ex-FBI director Freeh for investigation - Yahoo! News:

Foward (sic) this new (sic) sletter to them today.

'via Blog this'

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Former FBI director Louis Freeh, tapped to lead Penn State's investigation into the child sex-abuse allegations against a former assistant football coach, said his inquiry will go as far back as 1975, a much longer period than a grand jury report issued earlier this month. Freeh was named Monday to oversee the university board of trustees' internal investigation into the abuse allegations that ultimately led to the ouster of longtime football coach Joe Paternoand university President Graham Spanier.

Freeh said his goal was to conduct a comprehensive, fair and quick review. His team of former FBI agents, federal prosecutors and others has already begun the process of reading the grand jury report and looking at records.

"We will immediately report any evidence of criminality to law enforcement authorities," said Freeh, who has no connection to Penn State.

Penn State has faced criticism since announcing that its internal investigation would be led by two university trustees, Merck pharmaceutical company CEO Kenneth Frazier and state Education Secretary Ronald Tomalis.

Faculty members on Friday called for an independent investigationof how the university handled abuse allegations, and the faculty senate endorsed a resolution asking for an independent investigation. In announcing Freeh's appointment, Frazier stressed the former FBI director's independence. Freeh will be empowered to investigate employees up to and including the board of trustees itself, Frazier said. "No one is above scrutiny," Frazier said.

Freeh said he had been assured there would be "no favoritism." He called that assurance "the main condition of my engagement."

Former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky is accused of molesting eight boys over a 15-year period beginning in the mid-1990s. Authorities say some assaults happened on campus and were reported to administrators but not to police.

Pastoral Care Does Not Mean Beating and Fleecing the Sheep

By Norma Boeckler

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "New Anonymous ID - Eighth Commandment":

Recently, I have been the recipient of some good pastoral care in the WELS. I am very thankful for that. Poor pastoral care is what you get when you are more concerned about fleecing your members than taking care of them. Pastoral counseling is necessary and important. However, Confession and Absolution is application of Law and Gospel, rightly divided. This is why it is done in the Divine Service. It is also important for those whose consciences plague them and need comfort from the Gospel. The Reformed view is that private confession is too "Roman". But, it is "catholic", that is, for all Christians. The practice has been all but abandoned in preparation for the Lord's Supper.

New Anonymous ID - Eighth Commandment

glc7610 has left a new comment on your post "WELS Answer Man - Since the Director of Communicat...":

Perhaps you think your blog is your "right" and perhaps you think you are providing a service.... but this entire website is nothing more than a vehicle for you to break the 8th commandment and your weak excuses to justify it. The Apostle James says, “Brothers, do not slander one another… don’t speak against your brother or judge him… who are you to judge your neighbor?” Slander is what happens when we speak without love or knowledge… we judge others and we end up slandering them. Your website is dedicated to "speaking without love". You may not be spreading gossip but you are not using your words in the kindest possible way. You may not be telling lies but you are using your words for the sole purpose of hurting someone else. You are only looking for opportunities to do harm and not build up and encourage. You are not helping the God' (sic) kingdom come... you are attempting to prevent it from doing so. Please use your website to spread the gospel… not as a tool to broadcast whatever ill feelings you hold for the WELS or anyone else.


GJ - I publish one to three sermons a week, often one by Luther himself. You can always read the Bethany Lutheran Worship site, which is only for sermons and quotations.

Few if any sites have so many quotations from various sources, from UOJ to the post-Concord orthodox. There is much to gain from comparing false doctrine to sound doctrine.

Many laity offer their insights. Church leaders should pay attention to them. One post is equal to 10, in the field of journalism. The 15,000 comments posted so far--mostly positive--suggest a different reading of this blog.

Joel Hochmuth is 52, an example of pathetic, incompetent, destructive pastoral care in WELS. Several people knew of his problems, which must be long-standing, given the syndrome. He was not contrite until he was caught by the FBI.

According to the UOJ leaders who run the synod, Hochmuth was forgiven before he was born. That blind antinomianism is the fuel behind so many scandals.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "New Anonymous ID - Eighth Commandment":

glc7610 provides the definition, "Slander is what happens when we speak without love or knowledge...we judge others and we end up slandering them."

But then she goes on to share her judgement of this blog, "speaking without love", "you are not using your words in the kindest possible way", You are only looking for opportunities to do harm", "you are not helping God'(s) kingdom come", "you are attempting to prevent it (God's kingdom come)".

Who's judging?


GJ - Brett, this is most likely Poor Tim Glende from Appleton, so you may be using the right pronoun. He fights like a girl. No wait - WELS Church is a girl who fights like a man and uses her own name. WELS is quite confusing that way.

Poor Tim just has to post every so often. He sends the same old things, year after year, almost verbatim, always hiding his identity, always changing the ID, which just happens to be from the current month each time.

Long ago, in another controversy, some women said, "If the bishops are going to act like women, then the women will have to act like bishops."

The leaders and pastors of WELS have abrogated their responsibility, choosing to live like fattened capons on the harvest of the faithful.

WELS Answer Man - Since the Director of Communications Is Out on Bail

Dear WELS Answer Man,

I want to know the levels of discipline in our beloved synod.

Dear Lamb,

I can understand your confusion. You never went to seminary and did not study Greek. I did both, so I will try to clarify the situation for you. Here are some sample levels of discipline.
  • Asking questions about justification and excessive fund-raising fees - excommunication, followed by a slander campaign.
  • Questioning an innovative and transforming ministry, even if it is copied verbatim from a Methodist - excommunication.
  • Pastoral adultery - promotion to mission counselor status. You would understand if you know how difficult the work was, but you didn't go to seminary.
  • Embezzling synod funds - another person is fired, just to scare the guilty ones. This is followed by a paid trip to Asia for the boss. We call it mission work in a real hell hole, to save face.
  • Downloading, viewing, and sharing homosexual pedophile photos/videos (too vile to describe) - we extend love, counseling, and forgiveness. "Mr. Hochmuth has been receiving pastoral care. As a Christian brother who has sinned, he has expressed repentance and has shown heartfelt remorse. He has been directed to the cross of Christ, where we pray that our gracious God will restore him with the assurance of full and free forgiveness for Jesus’ sake." SP Mark Schroeder.

LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "WELS Answer Man - Since the Director of Communicat...":

DIYGirl...yes, if there is remorse and repentance. Otherwise no forgiveness.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "WELS Answer Man - Since the Director of Communicat...":

Joe is correct. (W)ELS is wrong.

Luke 17:3-4, "Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him."

Lutheran laity are suffering from Synod worship which is a nasty and progressive form of idolatry leading to the loss of all Christian discernment and in the end complete apostasy.

GJ - SP Schroeder is anxious to restore the ex-Director of Communications. When other laity were excommunicated by Pastors Glende, Ski, Gurgel, and Patterson, there was no such assurance of forgiveness. It was more like, "There is nothing I can do."

The public already knows that somebody counseled Joel Hochmuth and his wife, but failed to notify law enforcement officials - a federal crime. The date is not known. I heard it was the WELS agency but I am not sure of that.

WELS pronounces grace without the Means of Grace, so it is not exactly shocking to find the sect condemning as unforgiven anyone who asks questions.

False prophets say "Peace, peace" where there is no peace.

Joel Hochmuth's interview of SP Schroeder is still on the website.


2009 WELS Conference - Walk This Way
National Campus Ministry Rally

Walking the Fine Line
Practical ideas on how to enjoy dating, and Scriptural supports the will to wait for marriage. Presented by Steven Cambrice
Walking and Talking
Christians strive to do at least two things at once. Come and grow in your personal witness. Presented by Joel Hochmuth

WELS Church Speaks Out on Joel Hochmuth WELS Scandal

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Texas and Appleton WELS Gangs - Wary of Taking Che...":

This is the kind of thing that makes my blood boil! Looks like Hochmouth is being defended by a Jesuit university attender (aka Marquette). Guess what, Joe Paterno went to a Jesuit prep school in Brooklyn. It appears that Joel once lived in Arlington, Virginia. That spells WELS Washington area insider (remember he worked for CNN).  Washington insiders include Bruce Eberle (Jeske friend).

Eberle was involved with the Al Gore Voting fraud and a P.O.W. scam. John McCain refered to Eberle's group as criminals. Eberle also funded the Paula Joes lawsuit. His buddies are all CFR guys (not lyin'dudes).

As for Pastor GJ's comments concerning Al Just, Pastor is being very polite. He could say a whole lot more about a certain relative of the baby-sitter. I want to know who else in the WELS is involved in this ring.

It's time to throw the money changers out of the temple. Did Martin Spriggs know about this (?). Leave no stone unturned. I cried for days over the Sandusky incident, but reading about the FBI searching 2929 did not make me laugh.

One more thing, Joel, like Sandusky, is gay. This thing is much deeper than just lookin' at some pictures!

Pastor Steve Spencer cannot keep this issue quiet on the Intrepid Blog. His latest post concerning election is spot on. Pastor Spencer, if you are reading this, I have a new topic for you...

In Christ,

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just south of the Foundation Cluster.

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Gap in Full-Time Employment - Two Years - Joel Hochmuch

LinkedIn - Posted by Joel Hochmuth

Director of Communications Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod January 2007 – Present  (4 years 11 months)

Adjunct Professor of Communications Kennesaw State University Educational Institution; 501-1000 employees; Higher Education industry August 2004 – December 2006 (2 years 5 months)

Correspondent CNN Public Company; 1001-5000 employees; TWX; Broadcast Media industry April 1987 – August 2002 (15 years 5 months)

Kenashaw State says:
According to KSU officials, Hochmuth worked at the university as a part-time instructor in 2003 and 2004 and as a full-time temporary instructor for the 2005-2006 academic year. He was reappointed to the position for the 2006-2007 academic year but resigned from the university, effective Dec. 31, 2006.

"As with all KSU employees, Hochmuth underwent a background check prior to his initial 2003 employment. That background check indicated no criminal record. No personnel issues were identified during Hochmuth’s association with the university. He resigned and departed in good standing," KSU officials said.

Police Looking for Victims in the WELS Joel Hochmuth Scandal.
Contact Your Lawyer and SNAP First,
Not the Police and WELS

Joel Hochmuth was arrested on Tuesday,
confessed on Tuesday,
fired on Friday.

If there are victims who need to come forward in connection with this scandal or other ones, they should NOT go to WELS leaders or the police first. They should never go to WELS at all, not at any time.

They should first contact an attorney and SNAP.

SNAP is the long-standing Survivors Network for those Abused by Priests. Their news section will make your blood boil.

SNAP broke the cycle of Catholic priests being caught with children, mostly boys, and being "treated" and put back into the parish. Many priests were just moved around to abuse some more. Cardinal Law in Boston was rewarded with a Vatican appointment for his cover-ups.

The Roman Catholic Church hates SNAP and does not want them involved in any reforms. The Catholic PR machine would have everyone believe the scandals are over, but the facts suggest otherwise.

WELS clergy will be happy to earn their good ol' boy reputation by betraying more victims. I would not send a victim to them any more than I would ask a wolf to baby-sit a newborn lamb.

Attorneys provide two services. One - they gather information and provide perspective. The other is their ability to relieve some of the stress by taking on the difficult role of intermediary. Church officials, when they break the law, as they often do, howl about attorneys. But they have plenty of legal talent on their side. CFW Walther explained why it was wrong to sue, but absolved himself and sued two ministers. That two-faced attitude prevails today.

When WELS lost a $400,000 judgment in the Scott Zerbe case, they immediately appealed the verdict. In other words, they sued to get the minor girl less money, to delay payment of the damages due her when a married WElS vicar seduced her in the name of "counseling." He was back at The Sausage Factory when the news broke. Contrition for seducing a minor girl? Only for being caught.

When did WELS members and pastors read in their own papers about Zerbe in prison, Just convicted, DP Werner in the slammer? Never. One pastor said, "You know more about my neighboring pastors than I do."

You will still hear WELS pastors say Al Just was innocent of stabbing his wife to death, even though the jury convicted him and he confessed his crime (selectively). You will not hear WELS pastors say that Al Just married his children's baby-sitter, who later divorced him in terror.

Texas and Appleton WELS Gangs - Wary of Taking Cheap Shots Now

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Failure to Supervise at WELS Headquarters. Failure...":

The Texas and Appleton gangs would have egg all over their faces if they tried to sneak in a couple of cheap shots. Child pornography has a way of sickening most decent folks. Even in the secular realm, ideas separate the men from the boys. When you care more about your bragging rights that you have by running with big dogs, you will make a vain attempt to defend the indefensible. On the flip side of this, take a look at the pastors and laity who oppose the church and changers. They may read Luther and the BOC and get laughed at for doing so. They trust that the Means of Grace will accomplish the Lord's will. Because of this, they are viewed as fuddy duddies for not embracing the latest CG fads.


GJ - President Clinton's felonies did not surprise me because I saw the same tactics employed in the Michigan District of WELS, by officers of the district and the District Mission Board. When the DP's buddy got in trouble for adultery, he was allowed to lie his way out of his parish call and get appointed head of a WELS nursing home. DP Mueller lied to the pastor's wife and congregation about the sudden change. The WELS pastor who discovered the scandal was punished for it. That was just one episode. Columbus was exponentially worse.

Various sources have told me about WELS church workers molesting minors, boys and girls. DP Ed Werner went to state prison for it, but that was hushed up too. Herman Otten does spin for WELS - he spiked the story on Scott Zerbe put in the Michigan state prison for having an affair with a minor girl. The supervising pastor was Fred Adrian, who lied about his knowledge of the affair. Good ol' Fred was chairman of the District Mission Board, and he is still serving a parish, brought back by DP John Seifert.

WELS told the court they never had a scandal before Zerbe, had no knowledge of such things. They lied to the court, which is a felony. The judge forced them to provide a list of atrocities committed by WELS church workers. The jury found against WELS because of that list, but Adrian wrote his parish (I paraphrase) - "That is no problem. Insurance will pay for it."

I can name five locations where WELS workers sexually abused minors, even though I am not on the secret memo list of the DPs. That is why I expected another debacle to unfold in the future.

The ELS is as pure as the driven slush. They backed Floyd Luther Stolzenburg when WELS got tired of courting him. UOJ expert Jay Webber was not unwilling to take money from Floyd's Masonic CG congregation and have Roger Kovaciny preach there. "There is nothing I can do about it," he wrote, familiar words.

One ELS pastor objected to his sect putting a known WELS adulterer back into the ministry. His boss said, "This is none of your business."

So WELS and the ELS have been buying the Hochmuth scandal on the installment plan, squelching each report of a crime against children, lying to the public, the congregations, and the church workers. The criminals got the message - "The worse I am, the more they will fight for me. They spoke   up for Al Just murdering his wife and buried the evidence about Tabor."


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Texas and Appleton WELS Gangs - Wary of Taking Che...":

In 1961, the pastor of my WELS congregation was quickly defrocked for committing adultery with a parishioner. Her husband went to the DP, who was Carl Mischke. The WELS definitely has taken a turn for the worse in the past 50 years.


GJ - Antinomianism was moving toward the Omega Point in the 1980s. As I wrote before, Appleton's The CORE is the bastard child of Columbus WELS in the 1980s. The godfather of scoffing at marriage and the Confessions is still in a pulpit in Columbus and still working with Roger Kovaciny.

Why would these scandals not move downward to child abuse on a large scale?

The Sausage Factory has no trouble with a DUI-convicted professor of worship manning the cash bar at their worship conference, hosted by ELCA. Everyone is at risk with these thugs in charge.

The secret hazing ritual still goes on,
and they deny it.
And the NNIV is better than free booze.