Saturday, December 17, 2011

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - Sudanese Archbishop Blasts TEC PB over Sexuality. Visits to Sudan Withdrawn

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - Sudanese Archbishop Blasts TEC PB over Sexuality. Visits to Sudan Withdrawn:

"The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church of the Sudan met in Juba from 14-16 November 2011. In the context of General Synod, they reaffirmed the statement of the Sudanese Bishops at the Lambeth Conference in 2008.

"We reject homosexual practice as contrary to Biblical teaching and can accept no place for it within ECS. We strongly oppose developments within the Anglican Church in USA and Canada in consecrating a practicing homosexual as bishop and in approving a rite for the blessing of same-sex relationships.

We are deeply disappointed by The Episcopal Church's refusal to abide by Biblical teaching on human sexuality and their refusal to listen to fellow Anglicans."

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Anglican Fever: Youth Flock to New Denomination - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Acey 5 found this story.

Anglican Fever: Youth Flock to New Denomination - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

CHICAGO -- For decades young people have flocked to seeker-friendly churches that feature culturally relevant services and a casual environment.

Now, a new denomination that emphasizes tradition and centuries-old sacraments and practices is drawing them in.

The Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) officially began in 2009 with hundreds of congregations that severed ties with the Episcopal Church.

In Albany Park on Chicago's north side, a group of college students and recent graduates have started one of the ACNA's newest church plants.

They worship on Sunday afternoons, renting a church building that's close to several university campuses.

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Here Is an Ideal Christmas Present for Your WELS Pastor or Seminary Professor

This sensitive and compassionate Christmas present
will prevent some accidents and save a few lives.
Buy one for yourself, ideal for listening to recycled Groeschel sermons.

A Lutheran warning about Eastern Orthodoxy « Churchmouse Campanologist

"My hat is way cooler than yours.
I'll bet the apostles are jealous of our smokin' threads."

A Lutheran warning about Eastern Orthodoxy « Churchmouse Campanologist:

A big part of Orthodoxy’s problems, in my view, stem from the reality that it is not actually a ‘confessional’ church, but a ‘big tent’ church. The question for Orthodoxy now is just how big is its tent, given that they now have their own vocal and prominent proponents for recognition of the right to abortion, women’s ordination and even revision of the church’s teaching on homosexuality?

GJ - Read more at the link.

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Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "A Lutheran warning about Eastern Orthodoxy « Churc...":

Apparently, Wesley largely modeled Methodism after Eastern Orthodoxy. So the comment on the post was correct in saying (I'm paraphrasing) that Eastern Orthodoxy is high-church Methodism. I know a now-ROCOR priest who was raised Methodist. It's really not that big of a transition. Pietism and faith-plus-works can take on many forms.

I once heard a pastor say that Baptists make the best Lutherans, for they feel as though a five-hundred pound weight has been lifted off their shoulders. Having been raised Methodist myself, I can tell you that this is most certainly true. So why does Lutheranism want to "blend in?"


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "A Lutheran warning about Eastern Orthodoxy « Churc...":

So why does Lutheranism want to "blend in?"

Because they have rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have created their own way to righteousness. They are now susceptible to every perversion and vile practice under the sun.

Romans 10:2-3, "For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God."


GJ - Eastern Orthodoxy allied itself with the Church of Rome and fought with the Vatican. They imagined that the answer to bloody doctrinal wars was to become non-confessional.

Someone Names the WELS Satire Website: The Potato

Ha ha ha – loved Joe’s comment on Grace’s coffee house - Joe thought it was The Onion.

Here’s a good question: If they did The Onion in the WELS what would they call it? Easy – The Potato! Why?

Because WELS has lots of eyes but cannot see, is very thin-skinned, and is often half-baked!!!