Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Steadfast Lutherans » My Journey Into Confessional Lutheranism (Part 1 of 2)

The LCMS, WELS, ELS, and all the other Lutheran groups came from Pietism,
and they quickly returned to their roots.
UOJ, Receptionism, and Church Growth/Emergent are all from Pietism.

Steadfast Lutherans » My Journey Into Confessional Lutheranism (Part 1 of 2):

Church of the Lutheran Brethren? Chances are you haven’t heard of this small denomination. However, for me it has been all that I’ve known since infancy.
This denomination was founded in 1900 as five independent Lutheran congregations met in Wisconsin to form a new synod. These churches were not splitting from another synod or denomination but gathered together with the main purpose of compiling resources to send missionaries overseas.
Due to the focus on oversea missions, the denomination has about 116 churches in America and Canada, while there are approximately 1,600 congregations in Chad and Cameroon, 16 congregations in Taiwan and 29 in Japan.
For myself, I have often jokingly said that I am a spiritual mutt. I grew up in the Church of the Lutheran Brethren, my Father is a practicing Roman Catholic and my Mother has roots in the American Lutheran Church.  Through my childhood Christian education and youth group, as well as my college years of working at an Evangelical Christian Bookstore, I developed what I’ve come to call “Folk Lutheranism.” My Folk Lutheranism was a mixture of Lutheranism and Fundamentalistic Finneyism, coated with Evangelicalism and saturated with Pietism. Needless to say, I spent a lot of my time in legalism as well as constantly taking my spiritual temperature to see if I loved Jesus enough.  I virtually had no assurance.

'via Blog this'

Waves of Laughter Rolled Over Me As I Clicked:
Paul McCain, MDiv,
Roman Catholic Plagiarist

Satire becomes reality when apostates run the show.

We came back from the gym and Hobby Lobby. You can guess who went where. I clicked on LaughQuest to find the latest example of rolling in the mud.

Paul McCain left a link to his blog - about St. Mark.

I had a feeling that Paul did not write it, although the blog implies that he did. There is a source link at the bottom. A reference at the end of a piece, without clear quotation marks or other distinctions, implies the entire page was influenced by that source, but the words are all original. If more than five words in a row are plucked from a source, the borrowed words must be distinguished as a matter of honesty.

I normally start out a quote with the author's name and a colon, ending with the source cited. I would rather identify the source, even if it is Wikipedia. I find Wikipedia useful as a general source for popular work. Why hide the source and link it only as "source"?

So I hovered on the source link, then clicked. Were my eyes deceiving me? The entire page is copied verbatim from--get this--The Catholic Encyclopedia.

He might have changed a few words. I checked here and there. It looks like a verbatim copy to me.

Here is the link:

If you skootch the URL back to, you will see it is a 100% Roman Catholic site, with Catholic Encyclopedia as one part of their gigantic effort.

Get this entire Catholic website on CD-ROM...
The full contents of the New Advent website are available on CD-ROM. It includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — and it's only $19, with free shipping worldwide...


Not long ago, McCain expressed great pity that I did not have a solid Lutheran education. Like his?

The McCain plagiarism is a propaganda victory for the Roman Catholics, since SP Harrison's campaign manager and hatchet man uses it to promote a papist website...deviously and stealthily.

The court preacher at the Purple Palace is Weedon, who is "obsessed with the Virgin Mary."  In the past, McCain promoted the Weedon blog, where Mgsr. Weedon expressed great joy that his favorite liturgical writer was elected pope.

Luther staffers and hangers-on like McCain are either leading people to Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy or to Fuller Seminary and the Emergent Church.


Father Richard J. Neuhaus

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Waves of Laughter Rolled Over Me As I Clicked:Paul...":

As previously quoted McCain boasted of having a common confession of Christ with Roman Catholic Father Richard Neuhaus.

Neuhaus confessed anathema on Justification by faith in Christ alone with his conversion to the Roman Catholic Church. He pronounced anathema on anyone rejecting the Pope as Christ on earth - infallible in all matters regarding doctrine. He confessed that Christ only died for original sin and works righteousness for the fogiveness of sins. All of these teachings concerning Christ Paul McCain - servant of the LCMS presidents - declares a common confession of Christ with the Roman Catholic Priest Neuhaus.

McCain, "He opened several doors for me while I served The LCMS President, making it possible for LCMS leadership to make direct contact with the Vatican, when ELCA leaders were intent on cutting us out of formal conversation with Rome. Father Neuhaus was able to make direct personal appeal to Pope John Paul which led to direct contacts with Cardinal Ratzinger, with the result that the The LCMS was again given a place at the table of discussion and dialog with Rome, and most importantly, a point sadly lost on some, the chance in this formal context to make the good confession of faith."

McCain, "In both cases, he challenged me to think, to reflect, to grow and to strive for excellence in our common confession of Christ."

McCain, "I felt Richard John brought to the Romanism he embraced a hearty and full measure of the joyful Gospel rediscovery of Martin Luther, for which I am grateful."

As servant of the LCMS presidents - to what degree does Paul McCain's (CPH) shared confession of Christ with the RCC reflect that same confession held by the LCMS presidents?