ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Some Thoughts Often Ignored by the Learned Pharisees of UOJ
quercuscontramalum ( has left a new comment on your post "Has This Changed Too, VP Wayne Mueller?":
But Mueller to St. Paul is 2000 years. Maybe God created and revealed a new dispensation in these 2000 years?
Let's rewind another 2000 years further and see how God's Word changed:
"And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness." Genesis 15:6
Oh, wait. Nevermind.
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Has This Changed Too, VP Wayne Mueller?":
Ichabod -
Thank you again for highlighting more Scripture which teaches that faith justifies. When I saw the Romans 5:1-2 Scripture highlighted, I was elated because the Scripture agrees [with] and correlates [well] with my Sunday's topical message [LOL]:
"Cheap Grace is a Worthless Substitute for a Faith That Saves:"
<<<<<<<<<< Luke 15 Cannot be a Favorite Chapter for the Cheap Grace (AKA, "Universal Objective Justification") Crowd:
This Gospel of Luke chapter 15:1f, is a testament to the error of cheap grace (which I believe) includes the whole "universal objective justification" teaching. The lost (prodigal) son was not forgiven (justified) until he became repentant. His act of coming to his [spiritual] senses was a gracious act of God.
In the Parable of the Lost Coin, the coin did not find itself. Neither did the prodigal son, "find himself." UOJ (universal objective justification) teachers and preachers gloss over the Biblical teaching of repentance on the sinner's part [Luke 15:7] and most often slight and / or ignore the Holy Spirit who works His saving process from start to finish in the individual. - John 3:1-21 ; Titus 3:5 ; Ephesians 2:8-10 ; John 1:12;13 ; 1 Corinthians 2:12 ; 1 Corinthians 6:11 ; 1 John 5:1
See also:
John 1:12-13 ; James 1:18 ; Matthew 16:17 ; Ephesians 2:4-5 ; Ephesians 2:8-10 ; 1 Peter 1:3 ; 1 Peter 1:23 ; Colossians 1:20-21 ; John 3:5-8 ; John 6:65 ; 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14 ; Romans 8:29-31 ; Romans 9:15-18 ; Titus 3:3-7 ; Philippians 2:13 ; 1 John 5:4 ; 1 Peter 1:5 ;Hebrews 2:3 >>>>>>>>>>>
Nathan M. Bickel
Famed Crystal Cathedral to become Catholic church - Yahoo! News
"One day, son, all this will be your sister's, then the pope's." |
Famed Crystal Cathedral to become Catholic church - Yahoo! News:
GARDEN GROVE, Calif. (AP) — Retired schoolteacher Dolores Rommel has followed the Rev. Robert H. Schuller almost her entire adult life: She was baptized in his church as a young woman, sent her children to his Sunday school and laid her husband to rest near the soaring, glass-paned Crystal Cathedral that was to be the televangelist's ultimate legacy.
But when the Roman Catholic church bought the famous sanctuary and its cemetery in bankruptcy court last year, Rommel began looking for another spiritual home. She has resigned herself to being entombed in a Catholic cemetery so she can be near her husband, but not without plenty of soul-searching.
"I have no choice. I am going to be buried there because that was his choice and we paid a lot for that vault," said Rommel, who bought a two-casket tomb with her husband in 1997. "At the time, who would know that this was going to happen?"
The Crystal Cathedral congregation recently announced that it will vacate its modernist steel-and-glass church by June 2013. The Diocese of Orange re-baptized the church Christ Cathedral earlier this month and plans to turn the Protestant landmark where the "Hour of Power" TV ministry is based into its spiritual and administrative headquarters. The fast-growing, 1.2 million-person diocese bought the church campus for nearly $58 million last year.
The upcoming transition has been an emotional one for many longtime congregants like Rommel, who watched Schuller's blockbuster dynasty struggle to survive in recent years amid declining donations, a disastrous leadership transition and an endless family squabble that split the congregation.
Schuller built the church — an architectural marvel with 10,000 windows and room for nearly 3,000 worshippers and 1,000 musicians — in 1980, a decade after he began broadcasting his sermons on the "power of possibility thinking" into the homes of millions of evangelical Christians each Sunday.
Reaction to the church's sale was at first bitter: The children of one prominent philanthropist publicly threatened to disinter their father from its cemetery and another congregant sued for $30 billion, saying the transfer to Catholic hands had "permanently desecrated, defamed, polluted and cursed" the church.
Tempers have since cooled, but the recently announced timeline for the transfer to Catholic hands has revived questions about the fate of Schuller's ministry once it leaves behind the iconic building that gave it its name. The diocese will grant the congregation six months rent-free at a nearby Catholic church and it plans to continue filming the "Hour of Power."
"We could film in a studio," said John Charles, the new CEO of Crystal Cathedral Ministries. "We're still going to have the same great preaching, the same great music and pulpit guests. The ministry is not about the building — it's more about our congregation and who we are."
Some, however, wonder whether the ministry will fizzle out — or shrink dramatically — without the building that gave it its name. Broadcasts of the "Hour of Power" were recently cut back to 30 minutes on Lifetime and Discovery channels and Schuller, now 85, no longer appears on the program and hasn't attended church since last fall.
His son and daughter, who each failed to assume their father's mantle, are no longer involved in the ministry. Sheila Schuller Coleman formed a new church after a falling out last year.
"You are kidding about sis taking over, aren't you, Dad?" |
The congregation, which now numbers up to 1,700 people each Sunday, will also change its name once it moves.
"It really needs to go back to square one and say, 'Who are we going to be? We can't be what we were 10 to 15 years ago,'" said Kurt Fredrickson, an associate dean and assistant professor of pastoral ministry at Fuller Theological Seminary. "There could be resurrection there or it could be that we say goodbye to a congregation and bless them and be grateful and thank God for years and years and years of really wonderful ministry."
Schuller tapped into California's blossoming car culture and the optimism of a post-World War II generation when he began preaching in 1955 from the roof of a snack bar at a drive-in movie theater in suburban Orange County. He exhorted worshippers to "come as you are in the family car" and his upbeat message resonated.
By 1970, Schuller was airing the "Hour of Power" and in 1980, he dedicated the Crystal Cathedral, an architectural marvel that served as the backdrop for the show. At its peak, the broadcast attracted 20 million viewers around the world.
The Rev. Christopher Smith, the Catholic episcopal vicar and rector of the newly baptized Christ Cathedral, recalls as a child watching from his grandparents' backyard as the young, energetic evangelist preached from the roof of the drive-in theater's concession stand. Now, Smith is in charge of a delicate transition as the diocese prepares to move into a religious and architectural touchstone cherished by evangelicals around the world.
The diocese hopes to honor Schuller and the history of his ministry with a museum that begins with the drive-in movie theater and ends with the Catholic acquisition. The diocese may also move its archives, which are currently not publicly available, to the cathedral grounds, said Smith.
"I just hope that we attend well to all the different people who are affected by this and also that this place be seen as a place where everyone is welcome to find hope and consolation and inspiration, whether they're Catholic or not," Smith said.
"That's the bishop's desire — that we are a real credible witness to Christ in the world through our work here."
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WELS Church Lady Rebukes WELS Pastor Lillo
WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Fuller Has Been Their Main Post-Grad Seminary for ...":
To be fair, Pastor Lillo would be considered a loyal follower. Most of the WELS pastors who followed this blog, jumped over to the Intrepids in the summer of 2010. In January of 2010, Pastor GJ had to start the open ID for comments. Before open ID, this blog recieved tons of comments, which included WELS students and pastors alike. There was a little opposing noise coming from "some" leaders in the WELS, but that was more-or-less in late 2009.
In Christ,
GJ - Only 17,000+ comments have been published so far, so there is obviously little interest!
Lillo is addicted to reading and commenting while claiming no one reads or comments. It is difficult to generate 17,000 comments from a handful of people.
Open the windows when repainting that stinky old bar in downtown Appleton. I think the fumes are affecting your judgment, Joel.
Michigan District, LCMS Hymn to Their District President
This was done at the Michigan District, LCMS, convention. Sung to "I know that my Redeemer lives." |
Mrs. Ichabod asked, after I sang the hymn to her, "Who wrote that? The DP?"
This graphic appeared overnight, but I waited to see what really happened, in case it was one of those Internet hoaxes.
The DP said something humorously, and this was a humorous response. A long comment thread on Facebook is denouncing people with no sense of humor, but I think this was done in poor taste. The DPs already think that way and act that way. No encouragement is needed.
People just do not realize that their Facebook efforts are published for all the world to see. Those graphics do not go away.
Like the WELS Michigan District, the Missouri Michigan District has been in love with Church Growth since the beginning. I recall copying junk from the LCMS Michiganders where they called their committee - Evangelism and Church Growth. In other words, the committee was devoted to Fuller dogma and practices.
The two districts could easily merge, giving Missouri a prep school in Saginaw and WELS a few more students to pay tuition. There are no significant doctrinal differences and many areas of complete agreement:
- Church Growth is the ultimate.
- The DP is infallible.
- Holy Mother Church is indefectible.
Someone posted this as a response to the DP hymn. |
Articles: Sex Slavery and Juvenile Justice.
Organized Crime, Child Prostitution, and File Swapping Go Together
Articles: Sex Slavery and Juvenile Justice:
The focus of the report is on victim protection, one of the three Ps in the paradigm first established in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) -- protection, prevention, and prosecution. It is interesting to note, though, that the TIP Report, which would not exist without the initial passage of the TVPA 2000, relies heavily on the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress & Punish Trafficking in Persons (Palermo Protocol) for guidance on how to handle victims. While this may be appropriate for other countries, the United States has its own laws dealing with this: the TVPA and its subsequent Reauthorizations in 2003, 2005, and 2008.
Read more:
'via Blog this'
The focus of the report is on victim protection, one of the three Ps in the paradigm first established in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) -- protection, prevention, and prosecution. It is interesting to note, though, that the TIP Report, which would not exist without the initial passage of the TVPA 2000, relies heavily on the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress & Punish Trafficking in Persons (Palermo Protocol) for guidance on how to handle victims. While this may be appropriate for other countries, the United States has its own laws dealing with this: the TVPA and its subsequent Reauthorizations in 2003, 2005, and 2008.
Read more:
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Plagiarism and Pietism Go Well Together - Like Arsenic and Old Lace
Pope Paul the Plagiarist and Aardvark Alley have the same post on Jeremiah - verbatim! Astonishing.
Look for it - buried in the Pauline text is HT and a named link. Thus - HT: Aardvark Alley.
The Posturing Princes of Pietism Will Not Let the Augsburg Confession and Its Apology Deter Them
Where are the faithful confessors today? |
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Steal These Graphics - Justification by Faith - Ap...":
Ichabod -
Great posting! What could be more plain than those quotations from the Apology, which clearly state that it is faith that justifies!
However, be that as it may, I would not doubt that the universal objective justification enthusiasts have either black marked those quotations or cut them out of their Book of Concord books.......
Nathan M. Bickel - emeritus pastor
GJ - A WELS layman asked me to post statements from the Apology, so I did.
The spirit of Pietism exalts an amalgamation of dogma. They look upon their own creation and say, "Ah!"
Wayne Mueller patiently explained to the unwashed like us that the Confessions welcome new dogma. I never read a more Roman Catholic definition of the church.
According to Roman Catholics, there were many doctrines passed on from bishop to bishop. That is their definition of the Deposit of Faith. Therefore, the lack of any evidence for current dogma is irrelevant. It was passed on by the bishops, by word of mouth, until the right time came for revelation to the world.
With that claim is the practice of Roman dogma emerging from Roman worship. For instance, what began as a celebration of the Dormition of Mary (falling asleep or death of Mary) became the Assumption of Mary. The Assumption of Mary into heaven was a central celebration of the Medieval Church, but not defined officially until recently, by Pope Pius XII. in 1950.
Likewise, the Immaculate Conception of Mary (that she was born without sin and never committed a sin) was long held after being debated in the Middle Ages. However, this new dogma was not defined until Pope Pius IX declared it on his own in 1854, before Vatican I declared Him infallible. (He was often hailed as pope-king and sometimes the pronouns were capitalized. The pope is not only Peter the Apostle, he is...hushed tones, with a little excitement...Christ on earth! - almost like WELS District Presidents.
Arguing against UOJ as an innovation has been countered by Wayne (No Church Growth in WELS) Mueller.
It is confessional to invent new dogma - Wayne Mueller says so, quoting another WELS false teacher. If you raise one eyebrow to this blasphemy, they will extend the Left Foot of Fellowship. |
rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "The Posturing Princes of Pietism Will Not Let the ...":
If I understand this correctly, the Roman Catholic church uses this whole Deposit of Faith doctrine to their advantage. They state that since they, and they alone, have this deposit, salvation can only be doled out by the institutional Roman Catholic church. From this they have built their hierarchy from priests on up to the pope. Lutherans used to talk about the distinction between visible and invisible church. These days, you rarely hear that brought up. Lifestyle is so much more important to them than sound doctrine.
GJ - That is correct. Roman Catholics define it their way and insist they are the only true church.
WELS does exactly the same thing, excommunicating people who know how false their leaders are, expelling ministers for writing an essay, and clearly aping the worst dogma from the Pietists, Fuller Seminary, and Willow Creek.