VirtueOnline - News:
CHARLESTON, SC: TEC Presiding Bishop calls Bishop Lawrence a "tyrant" and his diocese "vigilante"
She decried the dictates of petty deciders or wolves who masquerade as sheep
By David W. Virtue
January 26, 2013
"The local tyrant is not the judge," said Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori about Bishop Mark Lawrence, in a sermon to members of the newly formed Episcopal Church in South Carolina. She was referencing Bishop Lawrence calling the Diocese of South Carolina a "sovereign diocese".
Speaking to an overflow audience at Grace Church, Charleston, that included nine bishops, priests from 30 entities including 19 parishes, 9 worshipping communities (all formerly of The Diocese of South Carolina), the Presiding Bishop blasted Lawrence's fundamentalism in an oblique reference to pansexuality saying, "We cannot remain faithful and refuse to wrestle with change."
The Presiding Bishop came to Charleston to set up a new Episcopal diocese with those Episcopalians who had chosen not to leave The Episcopal Church with Bishop Mark Lawrence following his defection over charges that The Episcopal Church had abandoned the faith of the church especially over Rites for same sex marriage passed at last summer's General Convention. Bishop Lawrence walked out of the convention after the resolution was passed in the House of Bishops.
The majority of Episcopalians in the diocese have remained with Bishop Lawrence.
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori chaired the meeting and preached at the convention Eucharist.
In her homily she cried, "What are those of you in this Diocese going to do in your interactions with those who've departed? Are they law-breakers who should be shot down or thrown in jail? Do we see them as vigilantes? Neither is going to produce more abundant life, my friends. When you meet them out there in the pasture, consider that some of the sheep may think they're listening to the voice of the Good Shepherd. Some are also simply exhausted.
"What about the sheep who aren't in the fold, who don't know there is a feast to be found, rest for the body and soul, and partners who are willing to wrestle with the dictates of petty Deciders or wolves who masquerade as sheep? We all have a responsibility to be shepherds, to help others find their way through the Gate of abundant life. And believe me, that world out there is filled with hungry, lost sheep. Your experience of abundant life here has something to do with finding them."
The Presiding Bishop said that the only religious entity in communion with Canterbury in the USA is The Episcopal Church.
"We share a responsibility for all the sheep, to safeguard their lives and pastures, but it doesn't give us carte blanche to shoot potentially errant ones out of the sky."
In her remarks to the convention, House of Deputies President Gay Jennings said, "if you look around this historic convention, and you remember the communion of saints that has gone before you, I hope you will be convinced, as I am, that our Anglican comprehensiveness is our particular gift from God and a great blessing for your diocese. Follow the Anglican middle way and it will guide you between extremes in the company of Christians from all walks of life and all gifts of the Spirit. The middle way is seldom the easiest path. It is easier to walk apart, surrounded by people who look like you, think like you, and believe like you. But if you travel the middle way, you will find the fruits of the Spirit.
"As you travel along the way that God is leading the faithful Episcopalians of South Carolina, I will pray for you and walk with you whenever I can be of service. Please call or email anytime you would like to talk about General Convention, the role of deputies, and how the House of Deputies can assist you in your mission and ministry. We are all praying for you, and we are all eager to support you on your journey."
A Provisional Bishop, Charles vonRosenberg, the former Bishop of East Tennessee was installed after being elected by acclamation. Among the bishops present was the Rev. W. Andrew Waldo, Bishop of Upper South Carolina. The majority of the bishops present are retired. In an attempt to temper Jefferts Schori's remarks vonRosenberg acknowledged that "the other side is Christian."
The rector of Holy Communion, an Anglo-Catholic parish in the diocese, was overheard to say that he prefers heresy over schism.
A VOL observer noted that it was fitting that the setting for the 23rd Psalm was by Howard Goodall, a setting well known to secular audiences as the theme song of the British Comedy series, the Vicar of Dibley.
Nine resolutions were passed undoing any and all resolutions that had been passed under Bishop Lawrence.
Another observer noted that this is the south and Episcopalians are not ultra-liberal or progressive like Boston or San Francisco Episcopalians. "It will be a hard call if the Episcopal Church wins lawsuits for the properties. Many faithful Episcopalians will simply stay with the churches they have generations of history with."
Grace Episcopal Church was founded 167 years ago in the 1840s and is a gothic revival building. It is a relative newcomer to Charleston compared to St. Phillips and St. Michael's parishes which were both founded in the 1680s.
Jane Higginbotham Shaw contributed to this article
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ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Septuagesima Sunday, 2013.
Matthew 20:1-16. First and Last.
Septuagesima Sunday, 2013
Pastor Gregory L. Jackson
Bethany Lutheran Church, 10
AM Central Time
The Hymn #132 O God of God 3:55
The Confession
of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual
Glory be to
Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn # 151 Christ the Life 2:78
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn # 151 Christ the Life 2:78
How To View This Despot –
Grace and Mercy
The Hymn # 227 Come Holy Ghost 2:72
The Hymn # 227 Come Holy Ghost 2:72
The Preface p.
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #409 Let Us Ever Walk 2:91
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #409 Let Us Ever Walk 2:91
1 Corinthians 9:24 Know ye
not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run,
that ye may obtain. 25 And every man
that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to
obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. 26 I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one
that beateth the air: 27 But I keep
under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means,
when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. 10:1 Moreover,
brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were
under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; 2 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;
3 And did all eat the same
spiritual meat; 4 And did all drink the
same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them:
and that Rock was Christ. 5 But with
many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the
Matthew 20:1 For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an
householder, which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his
vineyard. 2 And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he
sent them into his vineyard. 3 And he went out about the third hour, and saw
others standing idle in the marketplace, 4 And said unto them; Go ye also into
the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. And they went their way.
5 Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise. 6 And
about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith
unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle? 7 They say unto him, Because no
man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and
whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive. 8 So when even was come, the
lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their
hire, beginning from the last unto the first. 9 And when they came that were
hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. 10 But when
the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they
likewise received every man a penny. 11 And when they had received it,
they murmured against the goodman of the house, 12 Saying, These last have
wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have
borne the burden and heat of the day. 13 But he answered one of them, and said,
Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny? 14 Take that
thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto
thee. 15 Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye
evil, because I am good? 16 So the last shall be first, and the first last: for
many be called, but few chosen.
Septuagesima Sunday
Lord God, heavenly Father, who through Thy holy word hast
called us into Thy vineyard: Send, we beseech Thee, Thy Holy Spirit into our
hearts, that we may labor faithfully in Thy vineyard, shun sin and all offense,
obediently keep Thy word and do Thy will, and put our whole and only trust in
Thy grace, which Thou hast bestowed upon us so plenteously through Thy Son
Jesus Christ, that we may obtain eternal salvation through Him, who liveth and
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.
How To View This Despot – Grace and Mercy
KJV Matthew 20:1 For the
kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder [house
despot – the Lord], which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into
his vineyard.
First I wanted to know the
term used for the householder in this parable. This is not a house-manager or
steward, a manager who does not own the property. It is a combination of house
and despot. We use the later term for someone who is the absolute master of a
country. No one can counter his commands.
Therefore, in the original
text—in the universal language of Greek, in those days—this was a story about
the master of the property and the day laborers he hired. No one who owned
property in those days was subject to regulation, so he did not have to worry
about the minimum wage regulations.
Hiring workers for a harvest
is still common today, so extra people are brought in as they are needed. In
some areas in the country, there are specific gathering places for day
laborers, where property owners dicker with them about what will be done and
for what price.
Because of the terms and the
setting of the parable, we know this story concerns God and His justice, or
rather His mercy and love, contrasted to man’s opinions about God.
2 And when he had agreed
[symphonied] with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his
As Luther wrote about this
sermon, it is a mistake to apply some meaning to every single detail and weave
a tale about something never taught or even indicated in the Scriptures.
Pay means merit or works.
Wages are often described in metaphorical words. “The wages of sin is death.”
That is literally the “broiled fish” of sin – because that food term became a
word for pay. I made our son use literal terms so the Greek stuck in his mind.
Because it is fun, it is easier to remember, easier to see how easy Greek
really is. Thus Jesus did not “call” the disciples, but phoned them. Another
common term that appears in the New Testament is aspirin.
Pepper was so valuable in
the Roman Empire that it was demanded as payment for the barbarians to leave
Rome when they invaded. Gold, silver, pepper.
Here coinage is used. One reason
why Alexander the Great conquered was his use of coins. Kingdoms piled up gold
but they did not coin it, so the gold was no more useful than a pile of silk.
Alexander grabbed the loser’s treasury and made coins, paying for his path of
conquest (food, lumber, clothing) as he took his small army through various
kingdoms and united them under his Greek heritage. That heritage made Greek the
language of civilization, and that made it easy to spread the Old Testament
through the Greek OT (Septuagint) and the Greek New Testament.
They all symphonied for the
price of a penny, literally a denarius a day. A symphony is an arrangement of
notes where all the sounds agree, even though they have different voices. So
there was agreement.
is God or Christ directly and graciously involved in turning over the divine
work of the harvest, not merely to rostered church workers, but to all
believers. Everyone participates according to gifts given (Romans 12).
problem with over-allegorizing is to make every detail represent something. A
parable has one main lesson and often one or two subordinate lessons. God’s
grace is presented first and then objections to that grace second.
3 And he went out about
the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, 4 And said
unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give
you. And they went their way.
As Lenski said, Christ is
directly involved in seeing that this work is done, so He Himself makes
additional arrangements.
During the Reformation, the
Catholic party said, “Those Lutherans are ordaining people on their own. They
are not legitimate ministers because we did not train and ordain them.” The
Lutherans said, “The pope does not have a monopoly on the work of Christ. If
they are not faithful to the Word, they are working against Him.”
Today, synodical bureaucrats
say, “We have to train, certify, ordain, and place church employees or the work
is not valid.” People respond, “But your employees embezzle the funds, abuse
the members, drive away and scatter the flock. And those are just the district
presidents. The pastors and teachers are often almost s bad. We are better off
without Holy Mother Synod.”
This next group—in the
parable—are told they will get whatever is right. When we moved, it took much
longer than all of us anticipated. The majordomo bristled that he was getting
short-changed. I said, “I will make it right at the end.” We had an energetic
discussion almost identical to this parable. But one major fact was different –
I was engaged in work for pay. This parable is about God’s grace and mercy. Any
effort to make this a contract (God does this, and we make a decision; or God
has done so much, so we must do the rest) is wrong.
5 Again he went out about
the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise. 6 And about the eleventh hour he
went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye
here all the day idle? 7 They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He
saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that
shall ye receive.
So these are many different
examples of being gathered for work in the Kingdom of God. They are not
different times in the church itself, but many different circumstances.
There have been many
occasions when people took upon themselves the task of spreading the Gospel.
God is behind this, making idle people (without faith) active in sowing the
seed of the Word.
Or they may just pursue
something they love to do and that spreads the Word as a consequence – art,
music, and poetry, taking care of a church property. I can give circumstances
where one particular action has led to many different positive results, where
that action was only part of the picture but an important part.
Gardening and farming should
make anyone humble about God’s work, because the hardest work is only a tiny
part of the results. Seed will grow to a harvest, often when given little
attention. A compost pile, when constructed correctly, will produce the best
medium for planting and soil improvement. A hard-working gardener will say, “I
am less than 1% of the work, far less than that.” So it is with the Gospel,
where people praise themselves for using man’s wisdom to get man’s results. And
they despise those who patiently sow the Word and glorify God in faith for
whatever follows.
8 So when even was come,
the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give
them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first.
The Lord (kurios, literally
lord) said to the steward (literally, the one delegated) – Call the laborers
and pay their wages, from the last to the first.
This is what sets up the
first hired for a bad case of coveting. They will see the last hired getting a
penny so they expect far more pay for doing a lot more than those who were
hired at the last minute.
9 And when they came that
were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. 10
But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and
they likewise received every man a penny.
If someone received a penny
the last hour, the first hired should get many times that, based on human
reason. A labor revolt is ready to start.
11 And when they had
received it, they murmured against the goodman [the house-despot; God]
of the house, 12 Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou
hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day.
The steward began paying
wages, but this revolt is against the justice of God. Like anyone else thinking
along the lines of the Law and works, these people said, “Equal rewards for
equal work. We did the most. We are first. We get the most.”
This is going to bring a
rebuke, because God’s wisdom is not man’s wisdom. His thoughts are beyond
understanding. Isaiah 55:8
But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not
thou agree with me for a penny? 14 Take that thine is, and go thy
way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee. 15 Is it not lawful for me
to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good? 16 So
the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few
Someone promoting new
translations complained about this phrase being ruined – “Is thine eye evil
because I am good?”
Here is the NIV and New NIV
NIV Matthew 20:15
Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious
because I am generous?'
This NIV paraphrase is not
what the parable says. This is another case of the arrogant stylist improving
on what the Holy Spirit gave to us through Matthew. This evil eyesight as a
response to God’s goodness is a perfect parallel. This phrase means far more
than envy. The firsters are so angry and unbelieving that they accuse God and
hate Him for being unfair in their eyes.
Lessons of This Parable.
This parable is a mystery to
unbelievers, and it is often misinterpreted within the church.
The work and pay should be
seen our relationship to God in His Kingdom. He gathers us through the Gospel
with this simple message from His Only-Begotten Son, “Believe in Me. Trust
completely in Me, and you will be forgiven your sins and given eternal life.”
God does this completely
through His grace and mercy. One of the great collects invokes God as showing
His power chiefly in His mercy. Mercy comes from one Source, but it has many
This is not pay for work,
but people warp it into that strange equation. “I have done more, so I deserve
more.” Or – “I have a greater, more influential office, so I deserve that much
People have different gifts
and different degrees of faith. A child does not believe in the non-reciprocity
of the second genus, because he does know the term. If questioned, he will
actually answer better than most seminary graduates, if the students have been
trained in rationalism. But the child’s faith, the adult’s faith, and the
minister’s faith all have the same object – the mercy of God, the forgiveness
of sins.
The sins differ too, from
the greatest to the smallest, but God’s mercy extends to all.
When spiritual gifts differ,
and they always do, we believers should admire and praise those other gifts,
and not be jealous of them. I have seen many examples of someone wanting
another banished because of the danger of being overshadowed by the other
person’s gifts.
As for forgiveness of sin –
I have seen “pillars” outraged that the Gospel will be offered to someone not
worthy, in their eyes. In one case, the anger was directed at me. “Do you know
about his family?” In another case, a council member said, “Don’t visit that
family. They have too many problems.” In neither case was the person qualified
to throw stones at anyone. But who is?
Believers rejoice that
someone who has hit the bottom is willing to repent, show genuine sorrow for
sin, and trust in the atoning death of Christ. In the case of carnal sin, the
problem is obvious.
The foundational sin,
unbelief, is far more subtle, harder to detect, and more obstinate to treat.
People take pride in their opinions and openly reject what the Word of God
plainly teaches.
I see this pattern in false
teachers. They cast around for a way to be successful in the eyes of the world
and the worldly members of their congregation. This works well for them, often
surprisingly well. They become more hardened against the Word of God and
blinded by the Gospel they reject. One pastor told us he wanted a known
adulterer taken back into his congregation, even though the man was not
repentant, would not return to his wife, even though his wife wanted a reconciliation.
But there are many church officials worse than that.
Two Lessons of the
The two lessons of this
parable are clear. The last are those in despair, sunk in sin, known as open
transgressors. They may even be dying with a knowledge of all their sins and
their open rebellion against the Word. But in repentance and faith, they
receive the same Gospel as anyone else, the same forgiveness. They have the
same Savior.
And there are ministers,
faithful to the Word, who get nothing but rebuffs and insults. Their
denomination makes a point of honoring apostates while punishing the faithful.
Members do not always appreciate a faithful pastor. We had family friends who
loved their faithful pastor. He had a faction in the congregation always giving
him a bad time, with the help of synod officials. I told them to try to make up
for the difficult ones.
Paul Gerhardt, the great
hymn-writer, had those experiences his entire life. It never changed, even
though he was establishing himself as the leading poet and hymn-writer of his
country. He is still honored for his work. As much as Luther, he established
hymn-writing. I see most other hymns as trying to equal Gerhardt, even though I
like the hymns.
Pastors need more Luther in
their lives, so they realize that the difficulties are signs of God’s approval,
not signs of failure. Opposition always accompanies orthodoxy, but orthodoxy
also produces spiritual fruit and blessings.
The first want the best and
most luxurious, to reward them for their heavy-duty office work, their lack of visitation,
their efforts protecting Holy Mother Synod instead of the Word of God.
Sound Doctrine
now, in the sight of God and of all Christendom [the entire Church of Christ],
we wish to testify to those now living and those who shall come after us that
this declaration herewith presented concerning all the controverted articles
aforementioned and explained, and no other, is our faith, doctrine, and confession,
in which we are also willing, by God's grace, to appear with intrepid hearts
before the judgment-seat of Jesus Christ, and give an account of it; and that
we will neither privately nor publicly speak or write anything contrary to it,
but, by the help of God's grace, intend to abide thereby: therefore, after
mature deliberation, we have, in God's fear and with the invocation of His
name, attached our signatures with our own hands."
Thorough Declaration, Of Other
Factions and Sects, Formula of Concord, Concordia
Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 1103.
"'If there ever was a strictly conservative body, it surely
is the Missouri Synod. Nevertheless, this growth!...It is a mark of the pastors
and leaders of the Missouri Synod that they never, aye, never, tire of
discussing doctrine on the basis of Scripture and the Confessions. That is one
trait that may be called the spirit of Missouri. People who thus cling to
doctrine and contend for its purity are of an entirely different nature from
the superficial unionists who in the critical moment will declare five to be an
even number. God will bless all who value His Word so highly.'"
(Dr. Lenski, Kirchenzeitung, May 20, 1922)
cited in W. A. Baepler, "Doctrine,
True and False," The
Abiding Word, ed., Theodore Laetsch, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House,
1946, II, p. 515f. [GJ – Note that the UOJ faction in Missouri gained momentum
and took over with the canonization of the Brief Confession of 1932.]
"We should not consider the slightest error against the Word
of God unimportant."
What Luther Says , An Anthology, 3
vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, II, p.
"Error and heresy must come into the world so that the elect
may become approved and manifest. Their coming is in the best interests of
Christians if they take the proper attitude toward it. St. Augustine, who
certainly was sufficiently annoyed by wretched sectaries, says that when heresy
and offense come, they produce much benefit in Christendom; for they cause
Christians industriously to read Holy Scriptures and with diligence to pursue
it and persevere in its study. Otherwise they might let it lie on the shelf,
become very secure, and say: Why, God's Word and the text of Scripture are
current and in our midst; it is not necessary for us to read Holy
What Luther Says, An Anthology,
3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, II, p.
“You cannot of a truth be for true doctrine without being
unalterably opposed to false doctrine. There can be no 'positive theology'
where the God-given negatives have been eliminated from the Decalog."
Norman A. Madson, Preaching to Preachers,
Mankato: Lutheran Synod Book Company, 1952. Preface.
Luther Bunko Should Turn His Malignant Gaze Toward The CORE and Other WELS Crimes against the Word of God
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Luther Bunko Velcros Himself to This Blog, Comment...":
Luther Bunker can rest assured that while he's wasting his time on Ichabod reading each post for relevance, The CORE (a flagship (W)ELS Emergent church) is eating wings for Jesus.
[GJ - Preview - kiddie envelopes for The CORE. Eating wings for Jesus. Lots of Church and Change promotions - Jeske, Jeske, and more Jeske. I thought Jon-Boy Buchholz was going to excommunicate Mark and Avoid Jeske.]
Not good enough - try these quotes from a (W)ELS church preached to the public:
Jesus’ epiphany will include not only his baptism, at which he was pointed out publicly by his Father in heaven. Not only will it include his preaching and healing in his ministry. It also includes his last trip to Jerusalem when he would allow himself to be arrested by his enemies, put on trial, and put to death on the cross. It would include his payment for your sin there. It includes the suffering and death that you deserved, which you will never have to face eternally in hell because of how he has paid your price and… SAVED you! God is a Saver, and showed it in Christ’s epiphany.
Justified – Many of you have probably learned about this word already. It’s a court room term. “Not guilty!” is the verdict that is pronounced. In God’s court we stand innocent only because our Savior has taken our sin and guilt on himself. [GJ - They are hiding their UOJ in the passive voice, is pronounced. Who, when, and how many?]
There’s a popular book today called “The Purpose Driven Life,” which has much to say about the Christian life – and some of it pretty good material.
Here is the link for the WELS sermon.
He needs to be porpoise-driven. Rick Warren, a Schuller/Fuller disciple, teaches the necessity of works for salvation. |
Churchmouse Campanologist
Churchmouse Campanologist:
Dr Loeffler explains that many youths begin taking bath salts — a non-regulated designer drug comprised of a synthetic cathinone, or amphetamine — to escape stressful situations at home. Yet, the bath salts can aggravate these problems.
I would encourage all parents and teens to please take the time to watch this short video.
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GJ - Always check out ChurchMouse, a constant source of interesting posts.
God to WELS and Missouri - "You Are Not Alone."
Tim Glende, "SP Schroeder handled the Hochmuth case well." |
Against this backdrop I bring to your attention today’s Christianity Today story Sovereign Grace Ministries: Courts Shouldn’t ‘Second-Guess’ Pastoral Counseling of Sex Abuse Victims by Bobby Ross, Jr .
Ross Jr. tells us, “Legal observers question whether clergy-penitent privilege applies to denomination accused of covering up crimes.” He says that SGM has “has pledged to ‘carefully review’ each accusation.”
Ross, Jr. now continues:
However, the lawsuit—which claims the association of Reformed church plants discouraged victims’ parents from reporting abuse to authorities and had victims forgive their abusers in person—has also prompted the denomination to cite its First Amendment right to religious freedom.Specifically, SGM has defended its freedom to provide confidential pastoral counseling free of government infringement.“SGM believes that allowing courts to second-guess pastoral guidance would represent a blow to the First Amendment that would hinder, not help, families seeking spiritual direction among other resources in dealing with the trauma related to any sin including child sexual abuse,” Tommy Hill, SGM’s director of administration, said in a November 14 statement.Such a stance strikes some legal observers as more of a smokescreen than a legitimate defense. (source)
You can read this report by Bobby Ross. Jr. in its entirety here.
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bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "God to WELS and Missouri - "You Are Not Alone." SO...":
This sect is very antinomian in claiming that their Obstruction of Justice counseling is a Free Speech right that can't be infringed.
Luther's Epistle Sermon for Septuagesima
Norma Boeckler |
1 CORINTHIANS 9:24-27; 10:1-5. 24 “Know ye not that they that run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? Even so run; that ye may attain. 25 And every man that striveth in the games exerciseth self-control in all things.
Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. 26 I therefore so run, as not uncertainly; so fight I, as not beating the air: 27 but I buffet my body, and bring it into bondage: lest by any means, after that I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected. 1 For I would not, brethren, have you ignorant, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; 2 and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; 3 and did all eat the same spiritual food; 4 and did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of a spiritual rock that followed them: and the rock was Christ. 5 Howbeit with most of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.
1. This lesson is a part of the long four-chapter instruction Paul gives the Corinthians. Therein he teaches them how to deal with those weak in the faith, and warns rash, presumptuous Christians to take heed lest they fall, however they may stand at the present. He presents a forcible simile in the running of the race, or the strife for the prize. Many run without obtaining the object of their pursuit. But we should not vainly run. To faithfully follow Christ does not mean simply to run. That will not suffice. We must run to the purpose. To believe, to be running in Christ’s course, is not sufficient; we must lay hold on eternal life. Christ says ( Matthew 24:13), “But he that endureth to the end, the same shall he saved.” And Paul ( 1 Corinthians 10:12), “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.”
2. Now, running is hindered in two ways; for one, by indolence. When faith is not strenuously exercised, when we are indolent in good works, our progress is hindered, so that the prize is not attained. But to such hindrance I do not think Paul here refers. He is not alluding to those who indolently run, but to them who run in vain because missing their object; individuals, for instance, who pursue their aim at full speed, but, deluded by a phantom, miss their aim and rush to ruin or run up against fearful obstacles. Hence Paul enjoins men to run successfully while in the race, that they may seize the prize and not lose it by default. In consequence the race is hindered when a false goal is set up or the true one removed. The apostle says ( Colossians 2:18), “Let no man rob you of your prize.” It is true, however, that an indolent, negligent life will eventually bring about loss of the prize. While men sleep, the enemy very soon sows tares among the wheat.
3. The goal is removed when the Word of God is falsified and creations of the human mind are preached under the name of God’s Word. And these things readily come about when we are not careful to keep the unity of the Spirit, when each follows his own ideas and yields to no other, because he prefers his own conceit.
Such must be the course of events where love is lacking. The strong and the learned desire to be looked upon as peculiarly commendable, while the weak in the faith are despised. Thus the devil has abundant opportunity to sow tares. Paul calls love the unity of the Spirit, and admonishes ( Ephesians 4:3) that we endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. In 2 Thessalonians 2:10 he proclaims the coming of Antichrist “because they received not the love of the truth”; that is, true love. “And every man that striveth in the games [that striveth for the mastery].”
4. Were he who competes in a race to attempt other things or to make a success of other matters at the same time, he would not gain much; rather he would soon be defeated, lose the race and everything. If he would truly strive, he must attend to no other thing. All else must be neglected and attention centered upon the contest alone. Even then the winner must have fortune’s favor; for they who neglect all to run do not all gain the prize.
Likewise in the Christian contest it is necessary, and in an even higher degree, to renounce everything and to devote oneself only to the contest.
He who would in addition seek his own glory and profit, who would find in the Word and Spirit of God occasion for his own praise and advantage after the manner of the dissenters and schismatics — what can such a one expect to win? He is wholly entangled in temporal glory and gain; bound hand and foot, a complete captive. The race he runs is the mere dream race of one lying upon his couch an indolent captive. “I therefore so run, as not uncertainly; so fight I, as not beating the air.”
5. Paul here points to himself as exemplar and hints at the cause of failure, viz., lapse from love and the use of the divine word in a wilful, ambitious and covetous spirit, whereas the faith which worketh by love is lacking.
Under such conditions, false and indolent Christians run indeed a merry race; yet God’s Word and ways in which they are so alert and speedy are merely a show, because they make them subserve their own interests and glory. They fail, however, to see that they race uncertainly and beat the air.
They never make a serious attempt, nor do they ever hit the mark. While it is theirs to mortify ambition, to restrain their self-will and to enlist in the service of their neighbors, they do none of these things. On the contrary, they even do many things to strengthen their ambition and self-will, and then they swear by a thousand oaths that they are seeking not their own honor but the honor of God, their neighbor’s welfare and not their own.
Peter says ( 2 Peter 1:9-10) this class are blind and cannot see afar and have forgotten they were purged from their old sins, because they fail to make their calling sure by good works. Therefore, it comes about that, as Paul says, they run uncertainly, beating the air. Their hearts are unstable and wavering before God, and they are changeable and fickle in all their ways, James 1:8. Since they are aimless and inconstant at heart, this will appear likewise as inconstancy in regard to works and doctrines. They undertake now this and now that; they cannot be quiet nor refrain from factional strife. Thus they miss their aim or else remove the goal, and cannot but deviate from the true and common path. “But I buffet [keep under] my body, and bring it into bondage [subjection].”
6. The apostle’s thought is the same as in his statement above, “Every man that striveth in the games exerciseth self-control in all things.” By “keeping under the body” Paul means, not only subduing the carnal lusts, but every temporal object as well, in so far as it appeals to bodily desire — love of honor, fame, wealth and the like. He who gives license to these things instead of subduing them will preach to his own condemnation, however correct his preaching be. Such do not permit the truth to be presented; this is true particularly of temporal honor. These words of the apostle, then, are a fine thrust at ambitious and self-centered preachers and Christians. Not only do they run in vain and fight to no purpose; they become actual castaways with only the semblance — the color — of Christianity.
“For I would not, brethren, have you ignorant, that our fathers were all under the cloud.”
7. Paul cites a terrible example from Scripture to prove that not all obtain the prize who run. There were about six hundred thousand of them, all of whom walked in the way of God and enjoyed his word and his confidence so completely as to be protected under the cloud and miraculously to pass through the sea; yet among the vast number who ran at that time only two, Joshua and Caleb, obtained the prize. They alone of all that multitude reached the promised land.
Later on in the chapter (verses 11-12) Paul explains this fact, saying: “Now these things happened unto them by way of example; and they were written for our admonition... wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” The design of these dealings of God with Israel is to terrify the pride, false wisdom and self-will; to deter men from despising their fellows and from seeking to make the Word of God minister to their own honor or profit in preference to the honor and profit of others. The intent is to have each individual put himself on an equality with others, each to bear with his fellow, the weak enduring the strong, and so on, as enjoined in the four chapters.
8. How many great and noble men may have been among the six hundred thousand, men to whom we would have been unworthy to hand a cup of water! They included the twelve princes of the twelve tribes, one of whom, Nahshon, Matthew ( Matthew 1:4) numbers in the holy lineage of Christ. There were also the seventy elders who shared in the spirit of Moses, Eldad and Medad in particular ( Numbers 11:27), and all the other great men aside from the faction of Korah. All these, mark you, strove in the race. They did and suffered much. They witnessed many miracles of God. They aided in erecting a grand tabernacle and in instituting divine worship. They were full of good works. Yet they failed, and died in the wilderness. Who is so daring and haughty he will not be restrained and humbled by so remarkable an example of divine judgment?
Well may it be said, “Let him that... standeth take heed lest he fall.”
9. Well, the example of Israel is one readily understood. God grant we may heed it! Let us examine the apostle’s text yet further — his mention of baptism and spiritual food, using Christian terms and placing the fathers upon the same plane with us Christians, as if they also had had Baptism and the Holy Supper.
He would have us know, first, the oft-repeated fact that God from the beginning led, redeemed and saved his saints by two instrumentalities — by his own word and external signs. Adam was saved by the word of promise ( Genesis 3:15): The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent’s head; that is, Christ shall come to conquer sin, death and Satan for us. To this promise God added the sign of sacrifice, sacrifice kindled with fire from heaven, as in Abel’s case ( Genesis 4:4), and in other cases mentioned in the Scriptures. The word of promise was Adam’s Gospel until the time of Noah and of Abraham. In this promise all the saints down to Abraham believed, and were redeemed; as we are redeemed by the word of the Gospel which we believe. The fire from heaven served them as a sign, as baptism does us, which is added to the word of God.
10. Such signs were repeated again and again at various times, the last sign being given by Christ in his own person — the Gospel with baptism, granted to all nations. For instance, God gave Noah the promise that he should survive the flood, and granted him a sign in the ship, or ark, he built. And by faith in the promise and sign Noah was justified and saved, with his family. Afterward God gave him another promise, and for a sign the rainbow. Again, he gave Abraham a promise, with the sign of circumcision. Circumcision was Abraham’s baptism, just as the ark and the flood were that of Noah. So also our baptism is to us circumcision, ark and flood, according to Peter’s explanation. 1 Peter 3:21. Everywhere we meet the Word and the Sign of God, in which we must believe in order to be saved through faith from sin and death.
11. Thus the children of Israel had God’s word that they should inherit the promised land. In addition to that word they were given many signs, in particular those Paul here names — the sea, the cloud, the bread from heaven, the water from the rock. These he calls their baptism; just as our baptism might be called our sea and cloud. Faith and the Spirit are the same everywhere, though the signs and the words vary. Signs and words indeed change from time to time, but faith in the one and same God continues. Through various signs and revelations, God at different times bestows the same faith and the same Spirit, effecting through these in all saints remission of sins, redemption from death, and salvation, whether they lived in the beginning or at the end of time, or while time progressed.
12. Such is Paul’s meaning when he says the fathers did eat the same meat, and drink the same drink as we. He, however, qualifies with the word “spiritual.” Externally and individually Israel had signs and revelations different from ours; but the Spirit and their faith in Christ was identical with our own. Spiritual eating and drinking is simply believing in God’s Word and sign. Christ says ( John 6:56), “He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me, and I in him.” And in the preceding verse, “My flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.” That is, He that believeth in me shall live. “For they drank of a spiritual rock that followed them.”
13. In other words, they believed in the same Christ in whom we believe, though he was yet to come in the flesh; and the sign of their faith was the material rock, from which they physically drank water, just as we in partaking of the material bread and wine at the altar spiritually eat and drink the true Christ. With the outward act of eating and drinking we exercise inward faith. Had the Israelites not possessed the word of God and faith as they drank from the rock, the act of drinking would not have benefited their souls. Neither would it profit us to receive bread and wine at the altar if we were without faith. Indeed, had not the Word of God come first, the rock would not have yielded water and command faith.
Likewise, if God’s Word did not accompany bread and wine, they would not be spiritual food nor exercise faith.
14. So it is ever the same spiritual meat and drink which God embodies in his word and sign, whatever its material and external form may be. Were he to command me to lift up a mere straw, immediately the straw would hold for me spiritual food and drink. Not because of any virtue in the straw, but because it is a revelation and sign of the divine truth and presence. Again, if God’s Word and his sign be lacking or unrecognized, the very presence of God himself has no effect. Christ says of himself ( John 6:63), “The flesh profiteth nothing.” He makes that statement because his hearers pay no heed to the words in which he speaks of his flesh, though it is these which make his body the true meat, according to his declaration (verse 58), “This is the bread which came down out of heaven.” Therefore we are not to regard unduly, as blind reason does, the works, signs and miracles of God; rather we are to recognize his message therein. This is the act of faith.
15. The apostle refers to a single type — the rock, saying: “They drank of a spiritual rock that followed them: and the rock was Christ.” By this statement he makes all the figures and signs granted to the people of Israel by the Word of God refer to Christ; for where the Word of God is, there Christ is. All the words and promises of God are concerning Christ. Christ himself refers the serpent of Moses to himself, giving it a typical significance, John 3:14. We may truly say the Israelites looked upon the same serpent we behold, for they saw the spiritual serpent that followed them, or Christ on the cross. Their beholding was believing in the Word of God, with the serpent for a sign; even as their spiritual drinking was believing in the Word of God with the rock for a sign. Without the Word of God, the serpent could have profited them nothing; nor could brazen serpents innumerable, had the Israelites gazed upon them forever. Likewise the rock would have profited them nothing without the word of God; they might have crushed to powder all the rocks of the world or drank from them to no purpose.
16. According to the general principle here laid down by Paul, by using the rock as illustration, we may say the Israelites partook of the same bread of heaven whereof we eat; and they ate of the spiritual bread of heaven which followed them — Christ. With them, eating was believing in the Word of God, while they had for their sign the bread from heaven whereof they physically partook. Had not this Word accompanied the bread, it would have been simply material food, incapable of profiting the soul or calling forth faith. Christ says ( John 6:32), “It was not Moses that gave you the bread out of heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread out of heaven.” And ( John 6:58), “Not as the fathers ate [manna], and died.”
Even Moses says ( Deuteronomy 8:3), “And fed thee with manna... that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by everything that proceedeth out of the mouth of Jehovah.”
In other words, “In the material manna you must not merely see the work — the act of satisfying the appetite — but much rather the word of promise bringing you the bread of heaven; for by that word you live forever if you have faith.”
17. We may say the same concerning the sea and the cloud. The children of Israel walked under the same cloud that shadows us; that means, they walked under the spiritual cloud that followed them — Christ. Otherwise expressed, walking under the cloud was simply believing in the word of God, the word they had in their hearts, which told them to follow the cloud. Without that word they would have been unable to believe or to follow; indeed, with the word lacking, the cloud would never have appeared. Therefore, the cloud was called the glory of the Lord whose appearance had been promised.
So we see how we must in all things have regard to the word of God. To it faith must attach itself. Without it, either there are no signs and works of God, or else, existing, and regarded with the physical eyes only, without reference to the Word, they cause one to open his mouth in wonderment for a while like everything else which is new, but they do not profit the soul nor do they appeal to faith.
18. Some take the words “which followed them” to mean that the spiritual rock accompanied the children of Israel, companioning with them — “comitante petra,” not “petra consequente,” Christ being spiritually present in the word and by faith. This view they endeavor to base upon the Greek text. I have rendered it: “the rock following.” The point is not worth contention. Let each understand it as he may. Both interpretations given are correct. I hold to what I have offered because all the circumstances of the incident, and earlier words of God, pointed to a future Christ, a Christ who should follow, in whom they should all believe. Thus Abraham saw behind him the ram in the thicket and took and sacrificed him; that is, he believed in the Christ who afterward should come and be sacrificed.
19. Again, some say the common noun in the clause “and the rock was Christ” means the material rock; and since Christ cannot be material rock they explain the inconsistency by saying the rock signifies Christ. They here make the word “was” equivalent to “signifies.” The same reasoning they apply to certain words of Christ; for instance, they say where Christ, referring to the Holy Supper ( Matthew 26:26), commands, “Take, eat; this is my body” — they say the meaning is, “This bread signifies, but is not truly, my body.” They would thereby deny that the bread is the body of Christ. In the same manner do they deal with the text ( John 15:1) “I am the true vine,” in making it “I am signified by the vine.” Beware of such reasoners. Their own malice has led them to such perverting of Scripture.
Paul here expressly distinguishes between material and spiritual rocks, saying: “They drank of a spiritual rock that followed them: and the rock was Christ.” He does not say the material rock was Christ, but the spiritual rock. The material rock was not spiritual, and did not follow or go with them.’ 20. The explanations and distortions of such false reasoners are not needed here. The words are true as they read; they are to be understood in substance and not figuratively. So in John 15:1, Christ’s reference is not to a material but a spiritual vine. How would this read, “I am signified by a spiritual vine”? Christ is speaking of that which exists, and must so be understood — “I am”; here is a true spiritual vine. Similar is John 6:55, “My flesh is meat indeed.” The thought is not, “My flesh signifies, or is signified by, true meat”; spiritual meat is spoken of and the meaning is, “My flesh is substantially a food; not for the stomach, physically, but for the soul, spiritually.” Neither must you permit the words “This is my body” to be perverted to mean that the body is but signified by the bread, as some pretend; you must accept the words precisely as they mean — “This bread is essentially, by a real presence, my body.” The forcing of Scripture to meet one’s own opinions cannot be tolerated. A clear text proving that the infinitive “to be” is equivalent to “signify” would be needed; and, even though this might be proven in a few instances, it would not suffice. It would still have to be indisputably shown true in the place in question. This can never be done. Now, the proposition being impossible, we must surrender to the Word of God and accept it as it stands.
21. Christ has been typified by various signs and objects in the Old Testament, and the rock is one of them. Note first, the material rock spoken of had place independently of man’s labor and far from man’s domain, in the wilderness, in desolate solitude. So Christ is a truly insignificant object in the world, disregarded, unnoticed; nor is he indebted to human labor.
22. Further, water flowing from the rock is contrary to nature; it is purely miraculous. The water typifies the quickening spirit of God, who proceeds from the condemned, crucified and dead Christ. Thus life is drawn from death, and this by the power of God. Christ’s death is our life, and if we would live we must die with him.
23. Moses strikes the rock at the command of God and points to it, thus prefiguring the ministerial office which by word of mouth strikes from the spiritual rock the Spirit. For God will give his Spirit to none without the instrumentality of the Word and the ministerial office instituted by him for this purpose, adding the command that nothing be preached but Christ.
Had not Moses obeyed the command of God to smite the rock with his rod, no water would ever have flowed therefrom. His rod represents rod of the mouth whereof Isaiah speaks ( Isaiah 11:4): “He shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.” “A scepter of equity is the scepter of thy kingdom.” Psalm 45:6.
Luther's Sermon - Septuagesima Sunday - The Parable of the Householder
Norma Boeckler |
German text: Erlangen edition II, 84; Walch II, 696; St. Louis II, 5o8.
Matthew 20:1-16. For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that was a householder, who went out early in the morning to hire laborers into his vineyard. And when he had agreed with the laborers for a shilling a day, he sent them into his vineyard.
And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing in the marketplace idle; and to them he said, Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. And they went their way. Again he went out the sixth and the ninth hour, and did likewise. And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing; and he saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle? They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard. And when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the laborers, and pay them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a shilling. And when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received every man a shilling. And when they received it, they murmured against the householder saying, These last have spent but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat. But he answered and said to one of them, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a shilling? Take up that which is thine, and go thy way; it is my will to give unto this last, even as unto thee. Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own? or is thine eye evil, because I am good? So the last shall be first, and the first last.
* Of the fall of great saints 11.
1. Some church fathers applied this Gospel to all the preachers from the beginning to the end of the world, and taught the first hour was the time of Adam, the third that of Noah, the sixth that of Abraham, the ninth that of Moses, and the eleventh hour that of Christ and his apostles. Such talk is all right for pastime, if there is nothing else to preach. For it does not harmonize with Scripture to say that the shilling signifies eternal life, with which the first, or Adam and the holy patriarchs, were dissatisfied, and that such holy characters should murmur in the kingdom of heaven, and be rebuked by the householder and made the last, that is, be condemned.
2. Therefore we will let such fables pass and abide by the simple teaching and meaning of Christ, who wishes to show by this parable how it actually is in the kingdom of heaven, or in Christendom upon the earth; that God here directs and works wonderfully by making the first last and the last first. And all is spoken to humble those who are great that they should trust in nothing but the goodness and mercy of God. And on the other hand that those who are nothing should not despair, but trust in the goodness of God just as the others do.
3. Therefore we must not consider this parable in every detail, but confine ourselves to the leading thought, that which Christ designs to teach by it.
We should not consider what the penny or shilling means, not what the first or the last hour signifies; but what the householder had in mind and what he aims to teach, how he desires to have his goodness esteemed higher than all human works and merit, yea, that his mercy alone must have all the praise. Like in the parable of the unrighteous steward, Luke 16:5f., the whole parable in its details is not held before our eyes, that we should also defraud our Lord; but it sets forth the wisdom of the steward in that he provided so well and wisely for himself and planned in the very best way, although at the injury of his Lord. Now whoever would investigate and preach long on that parable about the doctors, what the book of accounts, the oil, the wheat and the measure signify, would miss the true meaning and be led by his own ideas which would never be of any benefit to anyone.
For such parables are never spoken for the purpose of being interpreted in all their minutia. For Paul compared Christ to Adam in Romans 5:18, and says, Adam was a figure of Christ; this Paul did because we inherited from Adam sin and death, and from Christ life and righteousness. But the lesson of the parable does not consist in the inheritance, but in the consequence of the inheritance. That just like sin and death cling to those who are born of Adam and descend by heredity, so do life and righteousness cling to those who are born of Christ, they are inherited. Just as one might take an unchaste woman who adorns herself to please the world and commit sin, as a figure of a Christian soul that adorns itself also to please God, but not to commit sin as the woman does.
4. Hence the substance of the parable in today’s Gospel consists not in the penny, what it is, nor in the different hours; but in earning and acquiring, or how one can earn the penny; that as here the first presumed to obtain the penny and even more by their own merit, and yet the last received the same amount because of the goodness of the householder. Thus God will show it is nothing but mercy that he gives and no one is to arrogate to himself more than another. Therefore he says I do thee no wrong, is not the money mine and not thine; if I had given away thy property, then thou wouldest have reason to murmur; is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own ?
5. Now in this way Christ strikes a blow first against the presumption (as he also does in today’s Epistle) of those who would storm their way into heaven by their good works; as the Jews did and wished to be next to God; as hitherto our own clergy have also done. These all labor for definite wages, that is, they take the law of God in no other sense than that they should fulfill it by certain defined works for a specified reward, and they never understand it correctly, and know not that before God all is pure grace. This signifies that they hire themselves out for wages, and agree with the householder for a penny a day; consequently their lives are bitter and they lead a career that is indeed hard.
6. Now when the Gospel comes and makes all alike, as Paul teaches in Romans 3:23, so that they who have done great works are no more than public sinners, and must also become sinners and tolerate the saying: “All have sinned”, Romans 3:23, and that no one is justified before God by his works; then they look around and despise those who have done nothing at all, while their great worry and labor avail no more than such idleness and reckless living. Then they murmur against the householder, they imagine it is not right; they blaspheme the Gospel, and become hardened in their ways; then they lose the favor and grace of God, and are obliged to take their temporal reward and trot from him with their penny and be condemned; for they served not for the sake of mercy but for the sake of reward, and they will receive that and nothing more, the others however must confess that they have merited neither the penny nor the grace, but more is given to them than they had ever thought was promised to them. These remained in grace and besides were saved, and besides this, here in time they had enough; for all depended upon the good pleasure of the householder.
7. Therefore if one were to interpret it critically, the penny would have to signify temporal good, and the favor of the householder, eternal life. But the day and the heat we transfer from temporal things to the conscience, so that workrighteous persons do labor long and hard, that is, they do all with a heavy conscience and an unwilling heart, forced and coerced by the law; but the short time or last hours are the light consciences that live blessed lives, led by grace, and that willingly and without being driven by the law.
8. Thus they have now each a penny, that is, a temporal reward is given to both. But the last did not seek it, it was added to them because they sought first the kingdom of heaven, Matthew 6:33, and consequently they have the grace to everlasting life and are happy. The first however seek the temporal reward, bargain for it and serve for it; and hence they fail to secure grace and by means of a hard life they merit perdition. For the last do not think of earning the penny, nor do they thus blunder, but they receive all. When the first saw this, by a miscalculation they thought they would receive more, and lost all. Therefore we clearly see, if we look into their hearts, that the last had no regard for their own merit, but enjoyed the goodness of the householder. The first however did not esteem the goodness of the householder, but looked to their own merits, and thought it was their’s by right and murmured about it.
9. We must now look at these two words “last” and “first,” from two view points. Let us see what they mean before God, then what they mean before men. Thus, those who are the first in the eyes of man, that is, those who consider themselves, or let themselves be considered, as the nearest to or the first before God, they are just the opposite before God, they are the last in his eyes and the farthest from him. On the other hand those who are the last in the eyes of man, those who consider themselves, or let themselves be considered, the farthest from God and the last before him, they also are just the opposite, in that they are the nearest and the first before God. Now whoever desires to be secure, let him conduct himself according to the saying: “Whosoever exalteth himself, shall be humbled.” For it is here written: The first before men are the last before God; the last in the eyes of men are first in the eye of God. On the other hand, the first before God are the last before men; and those God esteems as the last are considered by men to be the first.
10. But since this Gospel does not speak of first and last in a common, ordinary sense, as the exalted of the world are nothing before God, like heathen who know nothing of God; but it means those who imagine they are the first or the last in the eyes of God, the words ascend very high and apply to the better classes of people; yea, they terrify the greatest of the saints. Therefore it holds up Christ before the apostles themselves. For here it happens that one who in the eyes of the world is truly poor, weak, despised, yea, who indeed suffers for God’s sake, in whom there is no sign that he is anything, and yet in his heart he is so discouraged and bashful as to think he is the last, is secretly full of his own pleasure and delight, so that he thinks he is the first before God, and just because of that he is the last. On the contrary should one indeed be so discouraged and bashful as to think he is the last before God, although he at the time has money, honor and property in the eyes of the world, he is just because of this the first.
11. One sees here also how the greatest saints have feared, how many also have fallen from high spiritual callings. David complains in <19D102> Psalm 131:2: “Surely I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with his mother.” Likewise in another place, Psalm 36:11: “Let not the foot of pride come against me”. How often he chastises the impudent, and haughty, <19B921> Psalm 119:21. So Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:7 says: “That I should not be exalted overmuch there was given to me a thorn in the flesh,” etc. And as we have heard in today’s Epistle what honorable men have fallen. To all of whom without doubt the sad secret ill-turn came because they became secure, and thought, we are now near to God, there is no need. we know God, we have done this and that; they did not see how they made themselves the first before God. Behold, how Saul fell!
How God permitted David to fall! How Peter had to fall! How some disciples of Paul fell !
12. Therefore it is indeed necessary to preach this Gospel in our times to those who now know the Gospel as myself and those like me, who imagine they can teach and govern the whole world, and therefore imagine they are the nearest to God and have devoured the Holy Spirit, bones and feathers.
For why is it that so many sects have already gone forth, this one making a hobby of one thing in the Gospel and that one of another? No doubt, because none of them considered that the saying, “the first are last,” meant and concerned them; or if applied to them, they were secure and without fear, considering themselves as the first. Therefore according to this saying, it must come to pass that they be the last, and hence rush ahead and spread shameful doctrines and blasphemies against God and his Word.
13. Was not this the fate of the pope when he and his followers imagined they were the vice-regents and representatives of and the nearest to God, and persuaded the world to believe it? In that very act they were the vicegerents of Satan and the farthest from God, so that no mortals under the sun ever raged and foamed against God and his Word like they have done.
And yet they did not see the horrible deceiver, because they were secure and feared not this keen, sharp, high and excellent judgment, “The first shall be the last.” For it strikes into the lowest depths of the heart, the real spiritual darkness, that considers itself as the first even in the midst of poverty, dishonor and misfortune, yea, most of all then.
14. Hence the substance of this Gospel is that no mortal is so high, nor will ever ascend so high, who will not have occasion to fear that he may become the very lowest. On the other hand, no mortal lies so low or can fall so low, to whom the hope is not extended that he may become the highest; because here all human merit is abolished and God’s goodness alone is praised, and it is decreed as on a festive occasion that the first shall be last and the last first. In that he says, “the first shall be last” he strips thee of all thy presumption and forbids thee to exalt thyself above the lowest outcast, even if thou wert like Abraham, David, Peter or Paul.
However, in that he also says, “the last shall be first,” he checks thee against all doubting, and forbids thee to humble thyself below any saint, even if thou wert Pilate, Herod, Sodom and Gomorrah.
15. For just as we have no reason to be presumptuous, so we have also no cause to doubt; but the golden mean is confirmed and fortified by this Gospel, so that we regard not the penny but the goodness of the householder, which is alike and the same to high and low, to the first and the last, to saints and sinners, and no one can boast nor comfort himself nor presume more than another; for he is God not only of the Jews, but also of the Gentiles, yea, especially of all, and it matters not who they are or what they are called.