ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Why Do the Women Confess the Truth While the Men Silence Themselves?
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Comment and Selections from Intrepid Lutherans":
Linda Sasieta makes a bold confession - and signs her own name. More than can be said for the majority of (W)ELS clergy.
Another Foolish Argument from Luther Bunko
Luther Bunko has left a new comment on your post "Comment and Selections from Intrepid Lutherans":
I have been watching what seems to be a war of words. Surely, Scriptures do not use the word 'Trinity' and yet we have no problem with the term. It describes accurately from our frail human condition what we understand of God's essence. So, in like mind, we should not try to define objective justification in such a narrow 'essence'. Or in other words...think of this OJ in the sense of redemption of mankind vs. a redemption that is received in faith.
GJ - The word Trinity is absent from the Bible, but the concept is found throughout the Bible, from Genesis 1 to the end.
Terms by themselves are meaningless. Each faith-group uses grace in a different way. Being a Biblical word does not save it from abuse. The Bible is a book for heretics, as WELS and Missouri know - from practice.
The LCMS/WELS precious OJ is wrong from the start, since it is foreign to the Bible and Confessions. But Objective Justification is especially bad for being the tool used to convey false doctrine under the guise of Lutheran orthodoxy.
The OJ/SJ combination is an addiction for false teachers. It came from the Woods translation of Knapp's Pietistic theology lectures.
Give the bunko artist an F for Epic Fail.
KJV Questions
Unknown has left a new comment on your post "Study the Issues for Your Shelves, Starting with t...":
Do you have any objections to the NKJV or any modern English translation based on the same texts?
Dave P.
GJ - The hysterical promotion of bad paraphrases is the hallmark of the Synodical Conference today. The precious ESV marketed by the Missouri Synod and its dim-witted publishing house is better named The Calvinist RSV.
Please suppress all laughter the next time a Missouri pastor calls justification by faith Calvinism. His beloved ESV is Calvinistic, edited by a Calvinist, but spawned in the disease-ridden womb of the National Council of Churches. The NCC owns the RSV.
The leaders of the LCMS play for both teams, as they say in a different context. One team is Rome. The other is Fuller. Both camps adore dynamic equivalency and despise Luther's English Bible, the KJV.
The best solution for having modern translations is to use something from the KJV family. The "old" KJV we use is actually a modest revision and updating of the 1611 version.
Since the Lutherans are too lazy to produce an updated KJV, using versions of the KJV is a second choice. The New KJV is popular. I know of a KJV II, a Modern KJV, and a KJV 21st Century. I own the last one as a reference and use the KJV for all my quotations.
The various KJVs imagine they have the license to make continuous changes to their language, a practice I find annoying. I know the New KJV has done that.
They also suffer from denominational filters, in various degrees, such as getting rid of communion with the body and blood of Christ, baptism does now save you, and that mantra of Fuller Seminary - manufacture disciples (Great Commission). Each one is so dynamic that it corrupts the original meaning. Means of Grace - exit stage right. No curtain calls.
So, for people who went to public school or WELS schools, the a modern style KJV is the best for their vocabularies, but reading the KJV, especially out loud, will improve their understanding and vocabulary immensely.
The New Testament Text
The NT Greek text is good for a book, and many have written about that topic. The Bible Society types are grifters, too, just like the dynamic equivalency translators.
The modern translations follow Wescott/Hort scam of changing the original text to match what they think at the moment.
St. Luke, by El Greco |
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Study the Issues for Your Shelves, Starting with t...":
Ichabod -
I have little doubt that WELS will adopt the dumb-downed new NIV version to accomodate its decreasing synodical membership. WELS synodical officials believe in the principle of appealing to the lowest common denominator.
Nathan M. Bickel
St. Matthew, by El Greco |
California added:
You said it well, when you said, "The various KJV's imagine they have the license to make continuous changes to their language, I know the NKJV has done that".
Dave P. asked, "Do you have any objection to NKJV or any modern English translations based on the same texts?" The question assumes that the publishers of the likes of NKJV actually have carried out their claims of following the same manuscript evidence as the KJV, but in reality they make exceptions and deviate in bits and pieces. (Matthew 28:19) Bible publishing these days is monetarily competitive business, almost as much so as women's fashions and the latest tech toy. Publishers whose bottom lines depend on numbers of units sold, must keep churning out something new and different to remain in business.
One means of doing that to compete with other bible publishers is to periodically come out with the entirely new and innovative . That appeals to the itching eyes and ears of those who have already abandoned the KJV long ago.
Another useful approach is to keep the more recent "runaways from KJV" (a generation or so) in their publishing house camp, by publishing revisions of their best sellers, and revisions of revisions to come. That is the second market to retain.
But what market has yet to be corralled? The refuseniks, the resistors, those who haven't taken the bait, and cling to the time tested, reliable KJV.
They won't jump from KJV to NIV and certainly not a NNIV, but if they can be enticed to take that first step away from the KJV, the marketers have achieved two things. Tapping a market which hasn't responded to the New of everything, but more importantly, they will have succeeded in getting the last holdouts to make that step.
A next step will be easier and the next and the next......until KJV is all but extinguished. They can continue to plagiarize the KJV title while the gradual weaning of the last of them away from KJV and family of manuscript evidence Luther and KJV translators used is accomplished. The Devil will rejoice.
That having been accomplished, who can trust any so-called version, with even what I call the "bridge" bibles (from KJV to the great unknown) versions sure to come in even more rapid succession. For as you correctly observed, "The various KJV's imagine they have the license to make continuous changes to their language......". Why bother with taking the "bridge" when one can simply "leap" directly to NNIIV and any of the other current New Translations and the ones which are sure to follow in short order. Save the publishers all that trouble to court the KJV holdouts by publishing NKJV and "cousins".
Bottom line in more ways than one....doesn't anyone wonder why no publisher has published a revision of the KJV which only does some updating of obscure words and nothing more?
Book of Concord Editor, Chemnitz Biographer Polycarp Leyser on the enumeration of causes in justification | Faith Alone Justifies
Might the biographer of Chemnitz, an editor of the Book of Concord, a specialist in justification by faith, get this topic right? |
Polycarp Leyser on the enumeration of causes in justification | Faith Alone Justifies:
Polycarp Leyser on the enumeration of causes in justification
Like Chemnitz and Hunnius, Polycarp Leyser also wrote of various “causes” that are involved in the justification of sinners. Like the other orthodox Lutheran theologians, Leyser speaks of faith as the “instrumental cause” of justification. In other words, this is the means by which God justifies sinners. Faith is not the one who justifies sinners (that is, the efficient cause). Nor is it what motivates God to justify sinners (the interior motivating cause), nor is it that which earns the justification of the sinner (the meritorious cause). Instead, the Word of God and the faith to which the Word gives birth are the “how” of justification. All of these “causes” are involved, so to speak of justification as already having “taken place” or “happened” apart any of these “causes,” including the “how” of faith, is, Scripturally speaking, nonsense. As the Apology says in IV:67,
But God cannot be treated with, God cannot be apprehended, except through the Word. Accordingly, justification occurs through the Word, just as Paul says, Rom. 1, 16:The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth. Likewise 10, 17: Faith cometh by hearing. And proof can be derived even from this that faith justifies, because, if justification occurs only through the Word, and the Word is apprehended only by faith, it follows that faith justifies.
Or as the Formula of Concord enumerates the causes in SD:III:25 (without using the word “cause”):
For not everything that belongs to conversion belongs likewise to the article of justification, in and to which belong and are necessary only the grace of God, the merit of Christ, and faith, which receives this in the promise of the Gospel, whereby the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us, whence we receive and have forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, sonship, and heirship of eternal life.
Here is an excerpt from Leyser’s larger work, the year after the Book of Concord was first published.
Theological Assertions Concerning the Justification of Man before God
Polycarp Leyser, 1581
The efficient cause of justification is the entire Holy Trinity. For the Father justifies us, in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6).
The interior motivating cause is not any preceding merit of ours, nor any subsequent satisfaction, but only the free and infallible mercy of God, who sees the miseries of the human race, procures their redemption, and freely justifies us without any condition of the law having been fulfilled by us.
The exterior motivating or meritorious cause is the obedience, suffering, death and resurrection of Christ, the Son of God and of Man, by which He has perfectly made satisfaction to the Law for us, has made atonement for sins, has defeated death, has conquered Satan, and with the gates of Hades having been broken, has freed us for the freedom of the sons of God.
The formal cause is no inhering quality in us, nor is it the essential righteousness of God dwelling in us. But it is the remission of our sins and the righteousness of Christ alone which the heavenly Father imputes to us as our own, and by this He pronounces us to be righteous.
The instrumental cause with regard to God is the ministry of Word and Sacrament, in which God opens His heavenly treasures, hidden in the Son, and offers them to all men without discrimination or condition.
The instrumental cause with regard to us is faith, which acknowledges the fullness of the divine promise about Christ, offered in the Word and sealed in the Sacraments; embraces it with firm assent; and rests in it with great confidence that has no doubt concerning its salvation.
And since no works of the Law, neither preceding nor present nor subsequent, constitute any cause (either of merit or of application), therefore we rightly and piously declare thatman is justified by faith alone in Christ.
The final cause of this free justification is not only that the dignity of God’s righteousness may be acknowledged, but also that our consciences, afflicted by sin in general, may have peace before God.
The effects are: adoption as sons of God, regeneration, the indwelling of God, vivification, eternal life, and innumerable other things.
'via Blog this'
Study the Issues for Your Shelves, Starting with the KJV, the Triglotta, Luther, and Chemnitz
I know when people have a weak argument for their false doctrine, because they write to me "I do not agree with you."
They often engage in repetitious personal attacks. Puh-leeze find some new material.
WELS is about the adopt the New NIV, which is worse than the old NIV, both guilty of paraphrasing in the name of "dynamic equivalency."
Atheists, homosexuals, and lesbians are in the vanguard of the Bible business, because any Bible will have large runs, truly a license to print money.
Ken Ham, the Answers in Genesis and Noah's Ark guy, says, "The New NIV has the same problems as the older one. Culture dictates the paraphrase. Culture has invaded the Scriptures."
That is a key description of all the new Bible efforts. The Scriptures are no longer the inerrant Word of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They are words to be moved, changed, dropped, and twisted like wax forms until they fit what today's culture demands.
Mequon jumped into this long ago by making Luther's English Bible (the King James) seem to be a horrible and dastardly translation.In fact, the King James is a precise translation in classical English style, its wording modeled after Luther's.
Tyndale enrolled at Wittenberg to study under Luther and Melanchthon and gave his life to give the world his translation. The clergy wanted ONE English Bible so the King James commission kelmed Tyndale's to a large extent. What one king killed, another king exalted. God's justice is slow but sure.
Ex-DP Glaeske asked the WELS convention if they could ever turn back from the NNIV road. Where was he when WELS adopted the old one? Get-along-go-along guys get promoted and elected. Those who dared to criticized the NIV were expelled from WELS. It is an old pattern, modeled upon the Spanish Inquisition.
Clergy and laity need to stock their shelves with the Lutheran classics.
- The King James Version
- The Book of Concord, starting with the Triglotta
- Luther's Sermons
- Chemnitz.
There is no excuse, because everything is available on the Net for free or from used book websites for very little.
This blog has plenty of doctrinal posts where people can study the orthodox teachers, the false teachers, and decide for themselves. They are concentrating on the Lutheran quotations, which is my goal. Look at these top two posts for the last 30 days. You can click on them.
May 23, 2012
Comment and Selections from Intrepid Lutherans
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "A bit of Q & A with Hunnius on justification | Fai...":
May the Lord continue to richly bless the work of Pastor Paul Rydecki who has been faithful to Christ and His Church. This recent translation is a wonderful testament against the Antichrist's in the Lutheran Synods who continue to teach and defend the false rationalistic gospel of Universal Objective Justification while condemning to Hell Christ's doctrine of one Justification solely By Faith Alone along with all who profess it.
Romans 10:10, "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
I have been a WELS member my entire life, went to WELS schools from K-12th grade and even spent a semester at NWC. My grandfather, Clare Reiter, is a WELS pastor (retired). I have always understood that while Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, only believers are justified. With respect to those who believe this controversy is symantecs, I believe this change in language descibing justification, which is apparently the current WELS position, is not only a dangerous move in the direction that other christian churches have moved, but may already represent false teaching. I will say that it appears to be false teaching to me but I will leave that determination to those whose understanding of language and doctrine is better than mine. I hope that the current controversy will have the benefit of increasing my understanding of Scripture, doctrine, and language.
James Huey
James Huey
@ James Huey...
I agree with your words with exception of the following: "but I will leave that determination to those whose understanding of language and doctrine is better than mine."
You are capable of determining and already have seen the problem for what it is. You don't have to be ordained to know the truth. I have the same background as you. I know I was taught the truth when I began my education. By the time I graduated from DLMC, I could see things were already changing. I never could accept the change in the catechism...not because it was a different book, but because the teachings were different. Sadly, this is the book that almost all the pastors and teachers being churned out today have had ingrained into their education. Gausewitz would be foreign.
The sad truth is this... there are several kinds of pastors - here is a short list...
I agree with your words with exception of the following: "but I will leave that determination to those whose understanding of language and doctrine is better than mine."
You are capable of determining and already have seen the problem for what it is. You don't have to be ordained to know the truth. I have the same background as you. I know I was taught the truth when I began my education. By the time I graduated from DLMC, I could see things were already changing. I never could accept the change in the catechism...not because it was a different book, but because the teachings were different. Sadly, this is the book that almost all the pastors and teachers being churned out today have had ingrained into their education. Gausewitz would be foreign.
The sad truth is this... there are several kinds of pastors - here is a short list...
Group 1) Believe UOJ is correct without question...they can only think UOJ and cannot fathom any other idea - you heretic.
Group 2) Don't really know what's going on other than what is told/whispered about the controversy and the false teaching, and will always follow what Synod tells them to follow. They will forward you materials you "should read" to help you clear up your questions, probably the things Synod sent to them, as they have not, and will not do any extra to find out for themselves (eager Bereans would be good examples here)
Group 3) This type has questions too and would like to be able to discuss the subject openly. Sadly, out of fear of retaliation from Synod and risking they could be fit with new shoes - Rydecki Specials - or blackballed for the rest of their professional life, these guys will say nothing.
Group 4) The saddest group of all in my view are those who know the truth and will say nothing. They already are somewhat ostracized as they have possibly already spoken out against other flaky WELS issues like Church & Change, Parish Services, the Crossroads Churches and any other that is seemingly ashamed to proclaim the name of Lutheran in the church's name, as well as not supporting the "ministry" of Mark Jeske, questioning the direction of WLS, the shady alliance with Fuller Theological Seminary, as well as Willow Creek Association, not supporting the church growth folks, and any other possible cause that is happening among us. Sadly, they can't speak up as they may lose their retirement and many of these people are close to that age and cannot risk it.
Group 5) Those that will boldly speak up despite the repercussions of doing so.
God warned us that there would be days like this. Make good decisions for your faith life and for your family. Your are also equipped to make spiritual decisions...the paradox is that it was this same group that trained you and told you to do it.
May God bless you... Linda Sasieta
God warned us that there would be days like this. Make good decisions for your faith life and for your family. Your are also equipped to make spiritual decisions...the paradox is that it was this same group that trained you and told you to do it.
May God bless you... Linda Sasieta
Wisconsin Inquisition Grows in Scope,
Even Though Mark Schroeder Helped Start the Intrepids
SP Mark Schroeder complained to classmate (WELS bloodbrother) Steve Spencer that they were being out-organized.
When I was asked about my opinion, I suggested that they have a blog to air doctrinal concerns. If people were writing to me and I knew them, I suggested they participate. After all, Church and Change already owned synod headquarters, down to the website managed by Willow Creek fanatic.
That was the end of my involvement.
The group decided to create a blog and called themselves Intrepid Lutherans. If you care to keep the content there, use software to back the entire blogsite. It is not too difficult to do. I suspect the blog and the group will be gone in a few months.
WELS is now actively breaking up the group. Pastors are telling laity not to participate, to remove their names from the list. This is coming down from Mark Schroeder to the District Presidents to the pastors. The DPs are contacting the pastoral signers to get them to back-pedal at flank speed.
Part of the sales pitch is to say, menacingly, that "one of the pastors on Intrepid Lutherans was removed for false doctrine."
Many would call that innocence by association, a true merit badge for a sect that covers up for murder, adultery, child abuse, homosexuality, and embezzlement.
"How's about false doctrine in WELS? Do they cover that up in WELS?"
More than that - they reward false doctrine with promotions, honors, and speaking engagements. After Randy Hunter closed his Latte Lounge Church, Martin Luther (sic) College invited him to speak for Evangelism Day. That is like getting Iver Johnson for a marriage retreat, Gurgle for money management or English composition, James Tiefel for the Mothers Against Drunk Driving annual dinner.
The only god the Roman Empire would not tolerate was the One True God, Jesus Christ, as Luther observed. The one doctrine WELS will not allow to be taught is justification by faith.
Mark Schroeder is not really the boss of WELS. Mark and Avoid Jeske is. Schroeder is just the office manager and public relations man - and not too good at it. Jeske is also the boss and paymaster of the Missouri Synod. If you think Paul McCain is overpaid, think of the LCMS getting $50 million to $60 million a year to sell Thrivent Insurance to its members.
And they all do - from Herman Otten all the way up.