Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ecclesia Augustana

Ecclesia Augustana:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Elephant in the Room - 2 Corinthians 5:18-21

This is the third in a series of posts that seek to present key passages pertaining to the doctrine of Justification by comparing the statements of contemporary authors with the patristic writings of the the Church Catholic. It's by no means exhaustive; if it were, there would be far too many quotations for a simple blog post. But I hope it brings to mind a number of important questions: "Why is there so much disconnect? Why do the interpretations of these passages appear to completely contradict and disagree with one another?" (The first and second posts can be found here and here, respectively)

-- Interpretations of 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 by modern sources --

A Brief Statement of the Doctrinal Position of the Missouri Synod (1932)
4:25." (

Francis Pieper
"God no longer looks upon sinful man with wrath, but 'before His divine tribunal' forgives the sins of mankind, does not impute their trespasses unto them (2 Cor. 5:19). 'By the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life' (Rom. 5:18). And this reconciliation is, as has been shown, complete and perfect, extensively and intensively, for we certainly have no right to restrict the meaning of of either the terms 'world' (2 Cor. 5:19) and 'all men' (Rom. 5:18) or the terms 'not imputing their trespasses' (2 Cor. 5:19) and 'justification' (Rom. 5:18). Nor do these passages speak merely of a new relation between God and man, but they state definitely that God’s action produced the new relation, God’s action in not imputing their sins unto men, in forgiving them their sins, in justifying men in His heart, this is the meaning of objective reconciliation, as taught in 2 Cor. 5:19, Rom. 5:18; 5:10; 4:25. CHRISTIAN DOGMATICS, by Francis Pieper, Volume 2, pages 398 & 399

Siegbert Becker
"Paul’s actual words say that God was reconciling the world to Himself not counting their sins against them. The only possible antecedent of “their” in that sentence is “the world,” and the world certainly includes all men. What Paul actually says, therefore, is that God does not count the sins of all men against them. In his letter to the Romans the apostle indicates beyond question that not to count a man’s sin against him means to forgive his sin. Paul writes, “Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him.” We are therefore justified in saying that Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:19 teaches that in Christ God has indeed forgiven the sins of the whole world. God reconciled the world to Himself by forgiving the sins of all men." (

J.P. Meyer

"Objectively speaking, without any reference to an individual sinner's attitude toward Christ's sacrifice, purely on the basis of God's verdict, every sinner, whether he knows about it or not, whether he believes it or not, has received the status of a saint. What will be his reaction when he is informed about this turn of events? Will he accept, or will he decline?"
J. P. Meyer, Ministers of Christ, A Commentary on the Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1963, p. 103f. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21.

John Moldstad Jr.
“When Paul uses the word ‘reconciling’ here, [2 Corinthians 5:19] he clearly means that forgiveness of sins is really imputed to ‘the world.’"
Lutheran Sentinel, October, 1996, p. 11

--Interpretations of 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 in the writings of the Orthodox Lutheran Fathers--

The Wittenberg Faculty Writing against Huber's "Universal Justification"
“Never does Paul teach universal justification. For as far as concerns 2 Corinthians 5,the words ‘not imputing their trespasses unto them,’ they are not to be understood universally about all men regardless of faith.
Actorum Huberianorum pars prior. Durch die Württembergischen Theologen Pars posterior, p. 122

Martin Chemnitz
"10 Now this power of forgiving sin must not be understood to have been given to the priests in such a way that God had renounced it for Himself and had simply transferred it to the priests, with the result that in absolution it is not God Himself but the priest who remits sin. For Paul expressly distinguishes between the power and efficacy of reconciliation which belongs to God, and the ministry which was given to the apostles, so that it is God who reconciles the world to Himself (2 Cor. 5:19) and forgives sins (Is. 43:25), not however without means but in and through the ministry of Word and sacrament.

Ministers indeed are said to loose and remit sins on account of the keys, that is, because they have the ministry through which God reconciles the world to Himself and remits sins.
 Thus Paul says (2 Cor. 1:24) that although he has authority, he nevertheless does not lord it over their faith but is a servant and steward of the mysteries of Christ (1 Cor. 4:1), so that he who plants and he who waters is nothing, but He who gives the increase, namely God (1 Cor. 3:7). Nevertheless, he shows that the use of the ministry is useful and necessary, for, says he, we are co-workers, that is, assistants, whose labors God uses in the ministry, but where nevertheless all the efficacy belongs to Him. We are servants, says he, through whom you have believed. Likewise: “I became your father in Christ Jesus through the Gospel” (1 Cor. 4:15). Paul treats this distinction clearest of all in 2 Cor. 5:18–20. It is God who reconciles us to Himself through Christ, not counting our sins against us. To the apostles, however, He gave the ministry of reconciliation. But how so? “He entrusted to us,” says Paul, “the message of reconciliation. So we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us. We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”

Thus this distinction honors God and gives Him the glory that properly belongs to Him; it also claims for the ministry the honor and authority it has according to the Word of God. For even as it is Christ who baptizes through the ministry and also imparts His body and blood, so also it is Christ who through the ministry absolves and remits sins.

Chemnitz, M., & Kramer, F. (1999). Vol. 2: Examination of the Council of Trent (electronic ed.) (559–560). St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House. (HT:

Philip Melanchthon
"2 Corinthians 5:19

…not imputing their sins to them.

This demonstrates what the effect is of the reconciliation made by the Son. For since God the Father transferred the sins of us all from us to the Son so that He might pay for us the penalty for sins and in this way reconcile again the offended Father, the eternal Father now does not impute sins to those who believe in His Son; He regards them as righteous on account of the obedience and intercession of His Son. For the righteousness of man which God regards as righteousness is that sins are remitted, are not imputed and are covered, as Paul defines righteousness in Romans 4, citing Psalm 32. Therefore, the effect of reconciliation is that sins are not imputed; instead, the faith that embraces Christ the Reconciler is imputed for righteousness.

And He placed among us, etc.

That is, He instituted the ministry of teaching about the reconciliation made through the death of the Son. For God wants it announced to the entire human race that reconciliation has been made by the Son, so that sins are not imputed to believers; instead, righteousness is imputed to them, and thus believers are saved. For this reason, among the ruins of the empires and so many sects and heresies, God has to this day wondrously preserved this ministry, and will continue to preserve it until the end of the world and the advent of His Son, as Paul says, “You shall announce the death of the Lord until He comes.”


St. Augustine
He says this, of course, of the whole Church, which, by itself, He frequently also calls by the name of the world: as when it is said, God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself. 2 Corinthians 5:19...But that world which God is in Christ reconciling unto Himself, which is saved by Christ, and has all its sins freely pardoned by Christ, has been chosen out of the world that is hostile, condemned, and defiled.
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol. 7. Edited by Philip Schaff. (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1888.) Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. <>.

'via Blog this'


Hindus are all justified too.
And saved - ask DP Buchholz.

Christian Schulz has left a new comment on your post "Ecclesia Augustana":

I added this quote after I published it just so ya'll know:

Edward Preuss:
So, then, we are reconciled (2 Cor. 5:18); however, not only we, but also Hindus, and Hottentots and Kafirs, yes, the world (2 Cor. 5:19). “Reconciled,” says our translation; the Greek original says: “placed in the right relation to God.” Because before the Fall we, together with the whole creation, were in the right relation to God, therefore Scripture teaches that Christ, through His death, restored all things to the former right relation to God. We, then, are redeemed from the guilt of sin; the wrath of God is appeased; all creation is again under the bright rays of Mercy, as in the beginning; yeah, in Christ, we were justified before we were even born. For do not the Scriptures say: “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them” (2 Cor. 5:19)? This is not the justification which we receive by faith, but the one which took place before all faith."
(The Justification of the Sinner Before God)

Help Retrieve Pastor Kevin Hastings' Personal Property from St. John Lutheran Church, Milwaukee - Stolen by Two Men, WELS, and a Law Firm

Get the word out! In order to protect the personal property of Pastor Hastings it has been advised to retrieve it all now. As unfortunate as this measure is..things have to now be done with legalities in mind. We need helpers. After our Easter Service we will proceed to the church and parsonage to load it up. We will need the following. A 16 foot Uhaul. Boxes. A storage location would be awesome. We have an alternate if need be. So if you come to our Easter service. Consider helping pack up books and furniture or bring a box. At a minimum you can come and see what it looks like when Satan has attacked the church.

With your continued support, when we win, I will call you all back to move it back in!

Justification by Faith Graphics, Continued

The Christian Message: Upgraded topical message: Rejecting the Resurrection Reality

The Christian Message: Upgraded topical message: Rejecting the Resurrection Reality:

The Christian Message has upgraded the following message with additional pics, captions, internal links and minor editing:

Rejecting the Resurrection Reality 


Easter morning, a couple of years ago, I posted on the local online forum 3 words – “He is risen!” My father taught me this declaration every Easter morning. He would declare: “He is risen!” And then he would expect the following reply: “He is risen, indeed!” Such was the declaration and response of the early Christians every year commemorating the death and resurrection of the Christ of history.

One forum personality responded, like the early Christian response. However, there was another response that stated, “Where?” His, was a declaration of unbelief, basically saying [Paraphrase]: “I don’t see anything.” I then posted the following reply: ............. Continued:

Please note:  For the whole topical message, please access it at its originating source:

Rejecting the Resurrection Reality -

Also note: "The Christian Message" subject listing of topical messages

'via Blog this'

Paul Paul Rydecki, Gary Cepak, Christian Schulz, Brett Meyer - And Hunnius

Kidnappers and syphilitic adulterers like UOJ.

Aegidius Hunnius has a brilliant section in A Clear Explanation of the Controversy among the Wittenberg Theologians concerning Samuel Huber’s misuse of Romans 5 to prove that all those who have been condemned through Adam’s sin have also been justified by Christ’s obedience (whether they believe in Him or not).

Hunnius takes apart Huber’s (and the official WELS) doctrine piece by piece, concluding with this observation about Huber’s supposed “confessional subscription” to the Lutheran Book of Concord:

And what will Dr. Huber reply to the Book of Concord, which, in citing these very words from Romans, explicitly confirms that those things mean nothing other than that we are justified by faith? This is what the Book of Concord says in the Latin edition, page 666: “Therefore, these statements are equivalent and clearly mean the same thing, when Paul says that we are justified by faith; or that faith is imputed to us for righteousness; and when he teaches that we are justified by the obedience of one Mediator, who is Christ; or that through the righteousness of one man, justification of life comes upon all men. For faith does not justify on account of this, that it is such a good work, or that it is such a splendid virtue, but because it apprehends and embraces the merit of Christ in the promise of the Gospel.” Thus far the Book of Concord.  If the Pauline phrase (that “through the righteousness of one Man, justification of life comes upon all men”) clearly means the same thing as that other statement, “We are justified by faith” (as the Book of Concord clearly and emphatically asserts), then the interpretation is rejected by the sentence of the Book of Concord that imagines from these words of Paul a justification apart from faith—one that extends also to those who have never had faith and never will. Dr. Luther says it even better in [his lectures on] the second chapter to the Galatians: “Where Christ and faith are not present, there is no remission of sins, no refuge, nothing but pure imputation of sins and condemnation.”

Christian Schulz said...
Seems pretty cut and dry. I thought other explanations and quotes from Hunnius and the Wittenberg faculty/Lutheran Church were good enough, but the opponents always twist and wiggle out of them, or so they make it. But this is pretty cut and dry. To say otherwise seems to fly directly in the face of Hunnius, et al and in direct favor of Huber's position/interpretation. 

In addition, it seems as though Hunnius is bound to the interpretations of specific passages within the Lutheran Confessions. In some debates I've been in, I did exactly as Hunnius did by showing how the Confessions interpret the referenced passage, the pastor(s)' response: we're not bound by how the writers of the Confessions may interpret individual passages when they cite them. I almost spit up my drink when I read the Clear Explanation a few weeks ago and Hunnius was doing the same thing I did just years after the Book of Concord was compiled. So it's obvious Hunnius, et al disagree with that notion of "not being bound." I'll stand with them and their justification-only-by-faith interpretation of supposed universal-justification-of-all-sinners-without-faith passages.
Unknown said...
Romans 5:18 sets forth a strong inference based on vv. 15-17. It is interesting to note that in the original Greek, v. 18 is written as a verbless pair of comparative clauses, which is not at all unusual. Any verbal aspect which colors v. 18 must be drawn from the surrounding verses, v.17 and v. 19. v. 17 uses a 3rd person plural aorist active indicative verb, "ebasileusen, reigned," in its protasis; v. 17's apodosis uses the same vocable, but as a 3rd person future active indicative, "basileusosin, will reign." v. 17's first verb indicates the completed action of its subject. Thus: "death reigned." v. 17's 2nd verb indicates the contrast, a projected, but not completed action regarding its subjects: "those receiving the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness."

v. 19 follows the same paradim of verbal tenses and moods, but changes verbal voices: The verbal protasis is 3rd person plural, aorist passive indicative, "katestathesan, were thoroughly established;" while the apodosis is 3rd person plural, future passive indicative, "katastathesontai, will be thoroughly established." Thus v. 19's two parts, respectively, "the many were thoroughly established..., ...the many will be thoroughly established..."

Based on Paul's linguistic pattern in 5:17,19, v. 18's strong comparative inference would follow this set verbal tense paradim: The protasis reflects the aorist verbal aspect of completed action even as its own context makes clear, "...just as through one's transgression, there resulted condemation for all men..."; and the apodosis reflects the future verbal aspect of projected, future action, (most clearly an incomplete action), " also through One's justification, there will result justification of life for all men."

The context makes clear the comparison: Adam's transgression effected for many the reign of death (v.17), for all, the abiding fact of condemnation(v.18), and for many, the established status as being sinful based on Adam's disobedience. v.19 by contrast asserts, "even so for many there awaits gracious results purchased by Christ (v.17), for all there awaits justification of life (v.18), and there awaits for many the establishment of their status as just men, based on Christ's obedience.

The technical clarity yielded by the Greek in these verses clearly teaches justification based on Christ's merits alone, a gracious gift intended for all, a gracious gift awaiting many. The overall context of Romans which precedes and follows 5:17-19 makes clear that the attribution of justice by God based on Christ's merits alone is by the agency of faith alone, effected by the Spirit alone. Hunnius correctly cites the Book of Concord when referring to Romans 5:18. Those who oppose this verse can only do so by reading into the context more than it says and allows, or reading out of the context what it clearly, sufficiently, and efficaciously teaches.

In Christ alone,

Gary Cepek
Rev. Paul A. Rydecki said...

Those are excellent points. Thank you for highlighting the Greek of those verses. I agree with you on the tenses that ought to be supplied for the ellipses in that verse.

I suspect that another reason why the WELS is pushing so hard for the NIV is that, of all the other options (ESV, Holman, NKJV, etc.), only the NIV really supports the WELS This We Believe statement on justification, with regard to the tenses and the structure of Romans 5:18. The ESV's "leads to" is probably the most difficult translation for the WELS' use of Rom. 5:18 in This We Believe, as it would no longer support their conclusions in that paragraph at all.

NIV: " also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men."

ESV: " one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men."

Holman: " also through one righteous act there is life-giving justification for everyone."

NKJV: "...through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life."

Hunnius also gave an interpretation of Romans 5:18 in his Theses Opposed to Huberianism:

This notwithstanding, we most willingly grant that there is a righteousness that avails before God for the entire human race, a righteousness that has been gained and acquired through Christ, so that if the whole world were to believe in Christ, then the whole world would be justified. With respect to this, Paul writes in Romans 5 that “through one man’s justification (δικαίωμα), the gift has spread toward all men for justification (δικαίωσις) of life.” Nevertheless, no one is justified nor does anyone obtain remission of sins from this acquired universal righteousness without the imputation of this acquired righteousness of Christ. But the imputation of righteousness does not take place except through faith. (Thesis 5)
Brett Meyer said...
"I suspect that another reason why the WELS is pushing so hard for the NIV is that, of all the other options (ESV, Holman, NKJV, etc.), only the NIV really supports the WELS This We Believe statement on justification,...

So then the only real issue at the 2013 WELS Convention is the chief article of Christ's doctrine - Justification, and not the manipulated acceptance of the New Age, Methodist, Baptist, RCC, Pentecostal NNIV.

Because it's not the confessed acceptance of the NNIV which separates individuals, churches and synods from Christ - it's the confessed acceptance of a false gospel.

Hunnius was faithful and bold enough to attribute the gospel of UOJ to its chief author in his Theses Opposed To Huberianism. Other faithful Christians should be so bold - and so faithful to do the same, by the grace and mercy of the Triune God.

May the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ lead the laity to do what the majority of clergy have utterly failed to do - publicly renounce the gospel of Universal Objective Justification for what it is - for what Hunnius so long ago faithfully identified it as, and then boldly confesses, teach and proclaim Christ's one true Gospel of the forgiveness of sins: Justification, righteousness and eternal salvation solely through faith in Christ alone.

The Lord's will be done.

In Christ,
Brett Meyer