Monday, April 15, 2013

Pastor Nathan Bickel Dares To Question The CORE

Ron Ash was chairman of Church and Change - Ski was on the board.
Bishop Katy Perry was featured on Glende's profile picture for a long, long time.
I edited the photo of her onesie for the sake of modesty.
Glende's t-shirt spells T-Y-R-A-N-T.

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Ski Has Resigned, Effective 4-12-2013.":

Ichabod -

How do the members of the CORE have anytime to attend divine worship and also minister to their own families with all these sales and activities going on at the CORE?

Also - a couple of other questions:

Could you clarify for me and other readers about the purchase of the CORE?. Was it a grant by the WELS synodical big shots, free and clear, off the contribution backs of the WELS (collective) congregations, nationwide?

Nathan M. Bickel 


GJ - The purchase of the stinky bar is enveloped in clouds of smoke, billows of steamy fumes.

One - the bar is owned by St. Peter since The CORE is just a project of that congregation.

Two - Ski bragged in the Appleton paper that they bought it with a generous grant from WELS, the price listed as above $500,000. Did WELS pay the entire sum? See point three.

Three - WELS also loaned St. Peter in Freedom the money to remodel the stinky old bar. How much money is not clear.  St. Peter has a $1 million annual budget, not counting pizza and chocolate sales, plus Wings for Jesus. Do not be alarmed at so much money dumped on a rich congregation. Holy Word in Austin (DP Patterson) gets free vicars every year, cause they love Jesus and you don't.

It sounds as if WELS paid for the entire bar and loaned the congregation the remodeling money.

I think - and this is from my fertile imagination - that the sugar daddy of The CORE found it awkward to give the money directly to the congregation, so the funds were laundered through the WELS mission budget. Congregations have messy things, like votes, budgets, public accountability. WELS headquarters has none of that.

Watch the watch.
Glende's church information is like that.
The awkward parts are
But lookie - the watch is gone but its reflection
is still there on the table.
The truth is still there when the facts are Photoshopped.

Intrepid Lutherans: The Average Layman is Defenseless!

Craig Groeschel has blown The CORE away.
Donja just love those clowns? So real, so relevant, so relational.

Intrepid Lutherans: The Average Layman is Defenseless!:

Today, we reprise a lecture we featured twice in 2011 under the title, 'non rockaboatus' is an organizational disease: Lectures by Dr. Walter Martin, but with a different emphasis. After the facts exposed in last week's post, Do any Lutherans want to be Dresden Lutherans? Meanwhile, the Groeschelites continue their agenda..., it is abundantly clear that our Synod is wracked with division and, as a consequence, is in steep decline right along with the rest of the visible Church. And with the Church, so goes Western Civilization itself, whose political, legal and educational structures were built upon the framework of Christian teaching.

Stating as much in our conclusion to that post (the section entitled The Collective Descent of American Lutheranism), we submitted that the time of inaction, the time of armchair lamentation over the state of our Synod and of American Lutheranism, the time of complacent Synod watching as if it were a mere spectator sport, has come to a close. Yesterday was the time to act. Today is the time to do so feverishly. Tomorrow will be too late. After tomorrow, it will be time to separate and start over. The following will suggest one of the more potent actions laymen can take, but the reader will have to read to the end to discover what it is, and why it is among the most potent forms of action.

Read more of this important essay here.

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Bishop Stephan's Legacy Lives On

Stephan's specialty was his cell group ministry,
which Missouri and WELS have embraced anew.

narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Ski Has Resigned, Effective 4-12-2013.":

The legacy of Stephan's "late night nature walks" with the ladies lives on in the SynCon, as do the cover-ups.


Fox Valley WELS Pastor Joel Lillo has left a new comment on your post "Ski Has Resigned, Effective 4-12-2013.":

I'm sure you're happy.


GJ - Joel, you are one of many people responsible. Ski was encouraged to be gross and stupid in your precious WELS schools - and he was. And your circuit and district covered up for him. Take the blame, Joel. I would have ordered him into rehab early and taken away his Craig Groeschel plagiarism license.

I have a Groeschel license too - I just never use it.

Ski Has Resigned, Effective 4-12-2013.

Paul Kelm represents the spirit of the Jeske crowd:
cell groups, conceit, and corruption.

Upcoming WELS Call Report

------------------------------ R E S I G N E D -----------------------------
Skorzewski, Rev James R St Peter - Appleton WI 04/12/2013


8 Apr - post on scrotum sermon:
11 April - Ski's bond (maybe first mention was on earlier day):

OWI a civil court matter:\&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox

DUI & DWI in Wisconsin -
Find out Wisconsin's DUI & DWI laws and the consequences of intoxicated driving. ... In Wisconsin a first OWI offense is handled at the civil court level, with no ...


Wisconsin imposes both an administrative and a court-imposed license suspension for the first ... Operating While Impaired (OWI); civil offense. Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), quasi-criminal offense; test refusal charged as separate offense ...


GJ - The charges against Ski and Glende were known a long time ago. They have been building up for several years, so search me why SP Schroeder and Keith Free funded a bar in downtown Appleton for someone already in trouble before he came to Appleton.

One of the Ski comments about buying the bar, published in the newspaper, stood out like a cockroach on a dinner plate. Ski said they were going to keep the beer and wine license for weddings. How convenient, to have copious supplies available for the wedding. How many congregations start out with a beer and wine license - or even consider it?

People in the district were struck by the language in the posting.

Skorzewski, Rev James R St Peter - Appleton WI 04/12/2013.

Oh, he was a staffer at St. Peter?

The CORE has always been a charade - not a separate mission congregation, but an evening service so St. Peter could sheep-steal from WELS congregations in the area.

WELS converts to The CORE did not join The CORE, which was not a church at all, but St. Peter's.

Do not try to find out from bulletins and newsletters at St. Peter's. Many have been erased.

As I quoted before, the St. Peter newsletter said they should pray for Ski and his family because they were "going through a bit of a rough spot."

Candy bars, golf, baseball, and a wee bit of the Christian faith.

The charges against Ski and Glende, which I have on my computer, include:

1. Sexual harassment, including showing the Brett Favre sexting video to a married woman working at The CORE (2010).
2. Other incidents of sexual harassment, each one good enough for an immediate firing on any job.
3. Drinking alcohol at work, plus long liquid lunches (a WELS favorite, by the way). My wife and I were invited to lunch by a Love Shack editor. He was three sheets to the wind before we were done.

Since these events began almost three years ago, one can observe a calculated DP effort to cover up and defend behavior that simply mocks Biblical standards.

From Luther's standpoint, irrelevant in WELS, is the Ski/Glende plagiarism of Craig Groeschel and other false teachers - defended by DP Doug Engelbrecht.

When one pastor quit St. Peter over "deception," DP Doug sat with Ski, best buddies, like Buchholz and Jeff Gunn.

Rich Techlin was secretly excommunicated by Ski and Glende, a policy denounced by Luther long ago, but typical of WELS' abusive behavior. Techlin correctly identified the Ski/Glende plagiarism debacle, which DP Doug defended in a paper!

Glende wrecked a prosperous congregation before he came to St. Peter to continue Ron Ash's Church and Change agenda. Look at how well it works.

WELS and Glende gave away this U. of Illinois campus church.

The Eastern Orthodoxy have the church now.

Glende's debt-ridden Star of Bethlehem can barely make mortgage payments,
and they have no pastor or money for anything else but debt.
Ron Ash, "Just the rube for Church and Change!"

Archbishop Resigns - Time for WELS DPs To Follow "In His Steps" -
VirtueOnline - News.
Helpless Synod Presidents Should Follow.

VirtueOnline - News:

RC Archbishop Resigns before Deposition of Former Pedophile Priest later admitted into The Episcopal Church 
Archbishop Jerome Hanus of Dubuque, Iowa cites "health reasons". He was scheduled to be deposed in Bede Parry scandal

By David W. Virtue 
April 11, 2013

The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dubuque, Iowa Jerome Hanus has announced he is resigning "for health reasons" just two weeks prior to his scheduled deposition of a former pedophile priest who was later accepted into the Episcopal Church. Hanus is the first archbishop to resign under Pope Francis. Archbishop Hanus will move back to Conception Abbey.

The new pope is said to be house cleaning following a worldwide scandal involving the actions of scores of epipedophile priests and allegations that there is a cabal of homosexual cardinals operating within the Vatican. Zero tolerance is the mantra of the new pope.

According to a videotaped interview with Bede Parry, Archbishop Hanus (then Abbot in Conception, MO) knew of Parry's misconduct with youth BEFORE Parry abused several choir kids in Missouri. Parry admitted to misconduct in a signed May, 2011 statement. You can see a video of Bede regarding Hanus here:

In a November 7, 2011, Parry admitted, "During the camp, I had inappropriate sexual contact in my living quarters with... a member of the Abbey Boy Choir. I have since recognized that I may have acted inappropriately with at least one other member of the Abbey Boy Choir."

In 2000, Parry, then a non-functioning Roman Catholic priest, joined the staff of All Saints Episcopal Church as music director. 

Episcopal Church records show that on Oct. 15, 2004, he converted and was received into The Episcopal Church. 

In 2002, after noticing that All Saints could use more clergy, Parry offered to become an Episcopal priest there

At the time, Episcopal Bishop of Nevada, Katharine Jefferts Schori knew about Parry's "proclivity to reoffend with minors". Officials in the local Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Vegas had made this information available to her. As a part of the conversion process, Parry told Jefferts Schori of his sexual misbehavior as a Roman Catholic monk/priest and that he was dismissed from his Abbey because of it. He did not tell her of the five or six earlier offenses

In 2002-03 at some point in the reception process, Abbot Polan of Conception Abbey spoke to Bishop Jefferts Schori about Parry's background. Poland says he told her of Parry's repeated offenses, that he sent her the 2000 psychological results about Parry, and that they discussed his proclivity to reoffend.

Even with this information in hand -- that this soon-to-be Episcopal priest, could very easily "reoffend with minors" -- Jefferts Schori recognized his Roman Catholic ordination to the priesthood and gave him faculties (diocesan authority) to fully function as an Episcopal priest in the Episcopal Diocese of Nevada. 

Parry eventually ended up as an assisting priest at All Saints Episcopal Church in Las Vegas. He left that position in June 2011 when the Kansas City Star ran a story about his sexually abusive past as a Roman Catholic monk/priest at Conception Benedictine Abby in northwest Missouri where he was the boys' choir director. The story also revealed the fact that a law suit had been filed by a former Abby student outlining Parry's abuse with him and other students along with the Abbey's cover up of these abusive events. 

All Saints has an attached All Saints' Day School, which is a State of Nevada licensed Kindergarten and preschool. It also has an extended hours childcare that is caring for and teaching 60 children aged 2 through Kindergarten. Parry would, in all likelihood, have been involved with these young children, through the Day School's music, dance and drama programs, as well as with any children or youth involved in music on the parish level. The current Bishop of Nevada, Dan Edwards claims that Parry had no contact with children or youth during the 10 years he was employed at All Saints. 

However, there are lots of times when parish children get involved with special church music such as during Christmas and Easter and when the bishop comes to visit. Children also interact with the priest as acolytes, torchbearers, and gift bearers during the Service of Holy Communion. And many times the parish priests will visit the various Sunday School classes to help with catechesis or the teaching of the faith and with preparation for Confirmation. Episcopal priests, like their Roman Catholic counterparts, also hear confessions that are a private one-on-one encounter.

Online The Episcopal Church still lists Bede James McKinley Parry as being canonically resident in the Episcopal Diocese of Nevada and living at: 5733 Capitola Avenue in Las Vegas. "...information [is] not provided for clergy's principal position(s) or parish(es)."

The Episcopal Church Publishing website still shows that Bede Parry was received from the Roman Catholic Church into The Episcopal Church by Katharine Jefferts Schori on Oct. 15, 2004. 

The following 2011 story links Hanus to the Parry lawsuit: The following is Archbishop Hanus' resignation letter:

Virtueonline's original story can be found here: VOL 2011/06/24b 

"Allegations made that Presiding Bishop knew former Benedictine monk was a pedophile when he joined TEC":

So the question is: why does an Archbishop resign in the wake of a sex scandal while Jefferts Schori takes a walk with no accountability? Will the Episcopal House of Bishops have the courage to act and take this matter up and apply the necessary disciplinary canons to force her out? We shall see.


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