Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Paul Prange's Hour Plus Children's Sermon

Paul Prange, WELS Essayist
Paul Prange gave an hour plus children's sermon, oddly illustrated with Greek and Hebrew. None of the lay delegates and few of the clergy could follow the pointless Greek and Hebrew graphics. WELS likes to brag about their deep knowledge of the Biblical languages, but the requirements have been softened. Even in the good old days, future parsons got by through cheating.

The whole point of the Greek and Hebrew was to emphasize the perfection of WELS, which Mark Schroeder droned on about in his PR speech earlier. WELS is complete orthodox, pure, Biblical, Confessional, and flawless.

A number of people were discussing the essay as it was given, since we can IM each other on FB or through other technologies. When Prange touched upon justification he made every effort to make it seem to be justification by faith. He said those words more than once. But he slipped when he talked about various  meanings of faith. One wrong interpretation is "faith in faith," he said. He seemed alarmed for a second, realizing he had repeated a bromide of UOJ, one loved by Rolf Preus and David Scaer, "Your faith is not in Christ. Your faith is in faith."

We discussed how he seemed to teach justification by faith, but I pointed out how he failed to reject UOJ, so the discussion of justification by faith was simply a smokescreen to hide what they really teach. "Error loves ambiguities." Prange gave a good example of trying to please two sides at once, hiding the claws and fangs under several layers of fleece.

LCMS President Matt Harrison's campaign booklet
was terribly dishonest, so I fixed it up.
Mark Schroeder grooves on Harrison,
and both groove on Thrivent/Schwan.

Jim Huebner, Who Buried Gausewitz on His Church Websty, Re-Elected to an Undeserved Position of Authority

James Huebner, like Paul Kelm and Larry Olson,
studied at Fuller Seminary to be a WELS Church Growth consultant.
So much for Lutheran orthodoxy, the Confessions, and honesty

Rev. James Huebner was reelected for his second term as first vice president of WELS. The position is a four-year term during which Huebner will serve part time as first vice president and continue to also serve as pastor of Grace, Milwaukee, Wis.

During Tuesday’s morning session, convention delegates were invited to nominate parish pastors for this position. The top five nominees were placed on the ballot. In addition to Huebner, those nominees included Rev. Joel Jenswold, Rev. Jonathan Schroeder, Rev. Jonathan Stern, and Rev. Joel Voss.

Huebner addressed the delegates after the results of the election were announced. After sharing with delegates that he’d served as a convention page 44 years ago, Huebner noted, “In gratefulness to our Lord and in humble gratitude, I accept your nomination as first vice president of WELS.”

As first vice president, Huebner assists President Mark Schroeder and carries out assignments given to him by Schroeder. Huebner currently serves as the chairman of the Congregational Assessment and Planning Committee and Continuing Education for Called Workers Committee as well as an advisory member to the Commission on Congregational Counseling and the Commission on Inter-Church Relations. He also serves on the Conference of Presidents and as an ex-officio member of the Synodical Council. In case of a vacancy in the presidency, Huebner would serve as president until the next synod convention.

Jim as a page.

For discussion and discernment tonight - who is worse as First VP - Wayne Mueller or James Huebner?

Both of them are devoted to Church Growth and mocking the Confessions.

I call it a toss-up.

How WELS Doth Deceive, Night and Day

Thanks, Church and Church -
and Uncle John -
for getting me out of the mess I made in Savoy.

Savoy, Illinois
By admin: on May.12.2009

On April 25, 2009, everyone coming to the dedication at Star of Bethlehem, Savoy, Illinois, experienced the Illinois prairie winds as they pried open the doors of the church. The prayer is that the Holy Spirit will work in the hearts of many people and lead them through the doors as disciples of Jesus.

Savoy, immediately south of Champaign, is part of the Champaign/Urbana metro area. The original WELS church in Urbana was called Bethlehem. The congregation experienced a host of problems and was barely surviving. The group appealed for help to the Western Wisconsin District Mission Board. The decision was made to close the congregation, sell the property, and do a restart under the name Star of Bethlehem. Pastor Tim Glende from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary was assigned as the first pastor.[slideshow=105]

The group had a ministry center and worshiped in an office mall in another part of Urbana. They encountered many roadblocks in the search for land in the Urbana area. Eventually the decision was made to move to Savoy, a well-planned and expanding city directly south of Champaign. A near perfect location in an expanding housing area on Church Street was purchased. The small unit is the first stage of a building plan that will eventually make excellent use of the acreage.

Pastor Greg Pufahl serves the congregation. Assisting at the dedication were Pastor Tim Glende, liturgist, and Pastor Keith Free, preacher. Pastor Free is chairman of the Western Wisconsin District Mission Board.

The congregation is grateful to WELS Church Extension Fund for the loan to build the multi-use structure.

Pastor Wayne Schulz


GJ - Savoy did not go down like that at all. In fact, Glende shut down the nice big church building (no debt) so he could call it a new start under mission rules and dump the Lutheran name. Bethlehem Lutheran (doing well at the U. of Illinois campus) became Star of Bethlehem for Glende.

The building was sold off to the Eastern Orthodox, who love where they are. Bethlehem Starlings had to rent for a long time before they found a site outside of town.

Glende was gone before ground was broken for the new church he engineered, so Greg Pufahl was stuck with the results.

So Glende ran off to St. Peter Freedom, with Ron Ash as senior pastor and chairman of the Church and Change stealth organization.

Think of that when they talk about "missions."

Schone at the WELS Convention.
He Has Been Reported to Bad-Vestments.Blogspot

Jeff Schone, VP of Student Life, Martin Luther College - WELS,
direct from his duck blind in Minnehaha.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Schone at the WELS Convention. He Has Been Reporte...":

Was Vice President Jeff Schone in charge of Student Life when the WELS' future teachers and clergy created and published the homoerotic video copying the sodomites at the Fire Island Pines?

"Not another word from you, Brett."

WELS Convention Spreads the Boredom, Hokum, and Deception

First VP Huebner went to Fuller Seminary,
and is a Church and Changer.
Somehow that was omitted from his bio.

WELS spread the boredom thick and wide in this epic adventure of deception and self-congratulation.

Oh, it is a blessing to be in WELS, as Mark Schroeder intoned. So far, the convention is all about how great WELS is, how WELS has always taught the truth for 160 years.

One DP challenged this when Prange was singing the WELS hymn. It was immediately countered with, "Oh we are so glad our brothers in Missouri were there beside us, etc."

The fact is, WELS has buried justification by faith, excommunicated for that very doctrine, and continued to pretend it is faithful to the Word of God and the Confessions.

I will go into more detail about WELS Stalinism later.

WELS used two homosexuals to steal this church
and its endowment fund.
But listen to Mark Schroeder on the topic of homosexuality.
Too bad Joel Hochmuth was not present to interview him again.

The WELS director of PR went back to the slammer,
after being absolved by Mark Schroeder,
because he could not follow his own promises
to avoid more incidents.

Best Ejukashunal System in America - WELS - According to SP Schroeder

We the mlc grads david strucely and myself, current student morgan jacob, and an old blc student kathryn Scislow are doing well as (sic) the second week as English teachers (sic!) this trimester here in Peru! — with Kathryn Scislow and 2 others.


 GJ - Do they teach how to use the shift key for capital letters at MLC?


Arron Landgraff has left a new comment on your post "Best Ejukashunal System in America - WELS - Accord...":

The truth is that when I make a Facebook post it isn't intended to be taken into consideration as a professional document; especially when it is written on a cell phone in the late evening. I am glad to see that you do take time to read about my life. If you are curious the end of the trip went splendidly as well and I have returned to the states. Thanks for the post!


GJ - They do teach how to make excuses. WELS is splendid in that area.

Confessional Lutheran Meme - On the WELS Convention

TEC = Translation Evaluation Committee,
Or Rah Rah the NNIV.
Sponsored by Rupert Murdoch and Thrivent.

Confessional Lutheran Memes on Facebook.