Saturday, May 24, 2014

Troy Scheiner, Party in the MLC Star - Argues for Multi-Site in His Senior Essay.
Advisor - Al Sorum. Yuk. Yuk.

 Troy Schreiner was just assigned to be the Associate to the District President of the NW  District.

The Blessings of Properly Applied Multi-site Church Planting in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

Schreiner, Troy
In the last decade, the multi-site church planting model has become a major factor in the
way American churches have chosen to expand their reach into the community. Many nondenominational
and Evangelical churches have referred to multi-site church planting as “the new
normal” or as a “revolution,” because of the model’s impact, wide range implementation, and
numerical attendance success. However, in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, the
model has found little implementation. Little is known or has been experienced with the multisite
[GJ - Haven't you heard of the plagiarizing pastors of the Fox Valley Circuit?]

In a constantly shifting church landscape, it is important to analyze the practicality of
any church model in order to find the best ways, according to ministry context and
congregational factors, to carry out the Great Commission. After researching other
denominations’ usage of multi-site and interviewing WELS pastors and synod leaders, it became
apparent that there are a number of inherent blessings and challenges that accompany the multisite
model. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the model’s practicality and replication
possibilities in the WELS, comparing the blessings with the challenges, and measuring the multisite
church planting model with the clear truths of Scripture

Top Two New Stories for the Last 30 Days

Did Schone make a deal with Zachary Stowe?
"We won't ask, so please don't tell."



But Paul McCain has the entire world righteous - Bishop Stephan, STD, said so.

Mortality Rate of Pseudo-Lutheran Blogs - Very High

For Mequon grads - sine fide means "without faith."

Cyberbrethren is kaput.

What other blogs have quit and gone away?

Joe Krohn's Rock and Roll Lutheran - gone.

Tim Glende's crowd had many attempts. He used two different names, and they disappeared a total of four times, if memory serves.

Phony Lutherans can fake it, but not forever. Their lust for attention destroys them, because their words betray their devious nature, their nastiness, and their false doctrine.

When I revealed that George Mueller on LutherQuest (sic) was Rolf Preus, George immediately replied on LQ that it was against policy to reveal secret identities. "Moderator - erase this thread at once!" 

Rolf - you did everything short of posting a notarized affidavit - not that anyone would believe you.

What do they have in common? UOJ. They are all forgiven without faith, which is convenient, because the above have no faith and deny the Gospel whenever and wherever they can.

1 Timothy 4 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; 5 for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

6 If you instruct the brethren in these things, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed. 7 But reject profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise yourself toward godliness. 8 For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. 9 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance. 10 For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe. 11 These things command and teach.

Sassy Sue - Star of Stage, Screen, and Goodyear Tire

Sassy loves an adoring crowd.

I asked Goodyear if I could bring my dawg along when they put new tires on.

Sassy and I waited in the deluxe lounge while the tires were being installed. Two men from Tyson came and sat down. They really liked Sassy, and Sassy responded at once to them.

I mentioned how smart she was. "She has her own blog and she sings the blues."

Sassy responded to the idea of singing. So I sang -

I went to a website and what did I see?
The cutest little dog with the name of Sassy.
I've got the blues (woo, woo, woo)
Sassy stuck her muzzle in the air and howled, "Woo, woo, woo."
I've got the Cattle Dog blues.
I've got the downtown, lowdown, down in the mouth Cattle Dog Blues.
Woo, woo, woo, woo. Sassy added, "Woo, woo, woo!" even louder.

The men loved it and applauded. Sassy responded by dragging her paw down my leg, which normally means more petting, more attention, more snacks.
"Second verse?" I asked her. She pawed again.

I went to the dogpark and what did I see?
A bunch of lazy dogs and they-all were pedigreed.
They got the blues (woo, woo, woo, woo). Sassy - "Woo, woo, woo."
They got the Cattle Dog blues.
They got the can't catch, can't fetch, lazy fat pedigree blues.
Woo, woo, woo, woo. Sassy - "Woo, woo, woo."

Everyone was applauding or just looking astounded.

The tires were done, and one Tyson man went to the counter where I was signing out. He said, "Write down that blog's name. We want to look it up."

Later we went for a walk at home, met a few friends through the fence, and came back to see Little White Mouse (Chihuahua) racing around and wanting to play tag. Sassy looked a bit bored and tired. LWM had a blast running circles and staging mock attacks on both of us.

Sassy is a bit of a diva. Once she has barked down a dog, she seldom gives that dog any more attention. Her idea seems to be, "Drive that dog crazy with the loudest, most intimidating barking, then never even notice the dog again." Her kelpie yips made a Great Dane sit on his haunches, put up his muzzle, and howl into the air. He seemed to calling for help.

He wants to play each day. Sassy shuns him

Anthony Weiner-dog wants to race along the fence barking. Sassy races one way, turns back, barking the whole time, then walks away. Anthony usually barks from 10 feet away - very brave.

Bob, the military vet, says, "That's my dawg. When you are tired of her, I will take her. She is so beautiful." Sassy races to meet him when he is out gardening.  Then she looks for cat treats to steal.

Roses Are in Bed - Sunflowers To Be Planted

Free PDF - The Wormhaven Gardening Book

I left room for more roses next spring, when I will order them and plant early. That is the best way to get the desired roses blooming early. I planted bare-root roses first, bargains from a shopping channel. Then I found an enormous nursery near us for shrub roses full of blooms, ready to be planted. They are all doing well and will grace the altar this Sunday - red, pink, and white blooms.

My helper said, "Don't cut all the blooms off!" I was pruning the old blooms away. I said, "I am pruning to get even more flowers." I have to fill him in on John 15:1-10. We often talk about the Christian faith.

Some of my favorite roses are: Olympiad (red), Double Delight (bi-color, aromatic), Fragrant Cloud (very aromatic), Peace and its blood relatives, Queen Elizabeth, and Mr. Lincoln.

Mrs. Ichabod wanted to see all the roses out front, so I was unable to start on the south side expansion I planned. However, mammoth sunflowers at Park Seed gave me an idea bout how to use the sun and my leftover mulch.

Several packages are on the way. These are mammoth or Russian striped sunflower seeds. The plants can grow very tall (10 feet) and produce enormous disks full of seed.  My helper has two small children, so I gave him two sample packets in advance.

Sunflowers and corn use the sun's energy more efficiently than any other plants. Both demand rich soil and the cool feet/moist soil provided by mulch. In Midland I used pumpkin plants for "mulching" corn. They spread out to quell weed growth, shade the ground, and hold moisture in. Pumpkins are also hogs for water, so that area had to be watered often.

In Phoenix I grew a sunflower fort, using rows of sunflowers to hide the children's playset behind four walls of giant sunflowers. Nothing delights children more than hiding in deep undergrowth and popping out to say "Boo!"

We will probably dig a couple of trenches to put in several rows of sunflowers, covered with wood mulch. In New Ulm I left the stalks up for the winter. My mother thought that was untidy. I pointed out how much the birds loved to sit safely on stalks to look for food. Besides that, the roots slowly rot into the soil over the winter and improve the soil, with the help of soil creatures (starring the earthworm, the work shared by many unseen heroes).

Sunflower seed is so inexpensive and productive that I can plant spots in various locations and see what happens. We have a deep back yard (for an urban area) that allows for some in the back, where the grass alley separates our house from the one on Joye Street.

Who will get the seed disks? Squirrels will eat some of the flowers before they produce. Once the seeds ripen, squirrels and birds will compete to harvest them. Children on our block will probably ask for some disks. There is nothing like holding one of the aromatic seed disks and admiring the artistic rows of seeds.


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Plan for Sunflower Season.
Creation and Fibonacci Numbers

By Norma Boeckler

Mammoth sunflowers are also called Russian and striped. These make great eating for humans after roasting in the oven, but birds and squirrels like them raw. They are one of the most nutritious products of the garden.

Most people use black oil sunflowers for bird food. The seeds can be planted, too, since they are least expensive in big bags.

I used to buy mammoth sunflower seeds in large packages from Harris Seeds. Larger packages are hard to resist.

This seed disk is not unusual. In New Ulm  I left the stalks up all winter so the birds could perch on them while winter foraging. They like to be just above the ground to look for food. The plant slowly rots into the soil. The decay feeds the soil creatures, especially earthworms, enriching and loosening the soil.

Flowers and Fibonacci Numbers
Long before the spirograph drawing toy, God created the same patterns in sunflower seed rows. The topic of Finonacci numbers is fascinating by itself.

This plant is only six feet tall but the seed disk is gigantic. The sunflower is a compound bloom, so each flower-let needs pollinating. The bees enjoy helping out, so there is quite a show to watch. The plant itself hosts plenty of visitors, so birds may land to feast on bugs chewing the leaves or hiding in the shade.

Sunflowers are often used as a temporary wall, an inexpensive way to provide privacy or shade. Unlike bamboo, sunflowers will not spread and occupy the entire lawn. Children like to hide in a fortress created with four walls of sunflowers.

Biggest sunflower disk contest:

Children like to see who can grow the biggest sunflower. Each plant needs plenty of space around it and as much sun as possible.

For extra growth, dig a hole first and fill it with compost, manure, or organic material. Put the best soil on top and plant the seed there. Once the plant begins, use dead grass, leaves, or newspaper to create mulch, which will hold in moisture, shade the root zone, and feed the soil creatures. Earthworms love newspaper roofs over their heads.

Sunflowers need plenty of water. They are as needy as corn and pumpkins. Their leaves will droop when they need more moisture. Water is the way they take up minerals from the soil, so that will give them more growth and bigger disks. Solar energy draws the moisture out while feeding the plant. Photosynthesis is a wonder we take for granted each day.