Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Brett Meyer - On Polluted WELS

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I was listening to Pastor Frey's sermon. Around 33:30 he stated "You can walk up to anyone and say "your sins are forgiven."
Isn't this a diminishing of the Law? So long as a person remains outside of Christ he remains under God's Wrath and is doomed to hell.
Another way to put it is why would a person think they need to believe in Jesus their savior unless they first realize they need saving? This can only be brought about by an application of the Law. To ignore that step seems dangerous and foolish.
He states " You can say your sins are forgiven and that's a fact."
Would it not be better and more Scripturally accurate to say "Your sins have been paid for"?
Just wondering
July 23, 2014 at 2:06 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Mr. Amendall,

You said this: [i]"WELS is confused on their definition of the Office of the Ministry."[/i]

What do you mean by that exactly?

- Mr. Abbott
July 23, 2014 at 2:12 PM
Blogger Gregory Jackson said...
Anonymous - it worked great for Ski, for the various felons, including DP Ed Werner, who went to state prison, as did Vicar Scott Zerbe. It is the perfect message for the Me Generation. Do what you want. WELS's Meditations, March-May 2014, for Monday, 17 March 2014. The howler is in the second column reads: "No matter what you did yesterday -- or failed to do -- and no matter what you will do tomorrow, God has forgiven you."
July 23, 2014 at 2:32 PM
I have heard stories - good ones.

Blogger Brett Meyer said...
I was once told that Synod officials hated me for my approach to the defense of Christ’s Chief Article – one Justification solely by the gracious gift of faith in Christ alone. It is my experience that what they hate is the doctrine itself as I’ve been called an Antichrist, heretic and even a disciple of Pastor Gregory Jackson by the clergy and laity of the WELS, ELS and LCMS for using Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions to teach, promote and defend Christ’s doctrine of Justification while exposing the false gospel of Objective Justification. The discussions available on the internet are many. But most recently there was a revealing discussion of UOJ on this blog which exposes what the WELS teaches and rejects concerning the doctrine of Justification – Objective Justification is completely contrary to Scripture.

"However, if anything is undertaken against the Word, faith, and the honor of God, we are in no wise to preserve silence, are to bear it far less patiently. Then we should offer stubborn resistance."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, III, p. 1308. Sermon, 1523.
Martin Luther to George Major:

"Therefore, do not speak to me of love or friendship when anything is to be detracted from the Word or the faith; for we are told that not love but the Word brings eternal life, God's grace, and all heavenly treasures." 19 " In matters concerning faith we must be invincible, unbending, and very stubborn; indeed, if possible, harder than adamant. But in matters concerning love we should be softer and more pliant than any reed and leaf and should gladly accommodate ourselves to everything." 20 "Doctrine is our only light. It alone enlightens and directs us and shows us the way to heaven. If it is shaken in one quarter (in una parte), it will necessarily be shaken in its entirety (in totum). Where that happens, love cannot help us at all." 21 " But this tender mercy is to be exercised only toward Christians and among Christians, for toward those who reject and persecute the Gospel we must act differently; here I am not permitted to let my love be merciful so as to tolerate and endure false doctrine. When faith and doctrine are concerned and endangered, neither love nor patience are in order. Then it is my duty to contend in earnest and not to yield a hairbreadth." What Luther Says, II, 637f.

July 23, 2014 at 2:47 PM
Blogger Brett Meyer said...

"It is by your silence and cloaking that you cast suspicion upon yourself. If you believe as you declare in my presence, then speak so also to the church, in public lectures, in sermons, and in private conversations, and strengthen your brethren, and lead the erring back to the right path, and contradict the contumacious spirits; otherwise your confession is sham pure and simple, and worth nothing. Whoever really regards his doctrine, faith, and confession as true, right, and certain cannot remain in the same stall with such as teach, or adhere to, false doctrine; nor can he keep on giving friendly words to Satan and his minions. A teacher who remains silent when errors are taught, and nevertheless pretends to be a true teacher, is worse than an open fanatic and by his hypocrisy does greater damage than a heretic. Nor can he be trusted. He is a wolf and a fox, a hireling and a servant of his belly, and ready to despise and to sacrifice doctrine, Word, faith, Sacrament, churches, and schools. He is either a secret bedfellow of the enemies or a skeptic and a weathervane, waiting to see whether Christ or the devil will prove victorious; or he has no convictions of his own whatever, and is not worthy to be called a pupil, let alone a teacher; nor does he want to offend anybody, or say a word in favor of Christ, or hurt the devil and the world."
Martin Luther, quoted in Bente's Historical Introduction, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 94.

"Therefore nothing but a satanic, seductive, and sinister strategy is involved when we are called upon to yield a bit and to connive at an error for the sake of unity. In this way the devil is trying cunningly to lead us away from the Word. For if we adopt this course and get together in this matter, he has already gained ground; and if we were to yield him a fingerbreadth, he would soon have an ell."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, III, p. 1411f. Ephesians 6:10-17.
July 23, 2014 at 2:48 PM
Blogger Ben Wink said...
Isn't this all a symptom of a larger problem that comes with Church Growth attitudes? When you reduce the work of the church to a numbers game, you want to increase those member numbers, correct?

What is the easiest way to do that? By having a watered down message that appeals to everyone, regardless of Scripture truths and accurate doctrine. If this means telling everyone that Jesus loves them and that everyone is absolutely amazing in the eyes of God the Father, then so be it. You achieved your results and more people have shown up because of the weak tea version of Christianity you just served.

All I ever hear, consistantly pounded over and over again is "God's love" and "the Gospel message". Yet where is the Law? Is not the Law equally important? What meaning does the Gospel have, when you minimize the Law or eliminate it altogether? You then just want to get rear ends in your pews or your theater seating or whatever.

It is getting to the point that the supposed crackpots with the placards that say "Repent for the End is NEAR!" signs are actually getting more closer to the point of Scripture than certain sermons by trained pastors I've been privy to have cross my ears.

The Bible is quite clear in having both Law and Gospel be equally important. Without the Gospel, you end up in desperation and the cul-de-sac of works righteousness. Without the Law, you end up with a lovey dovey message that sounds great here on earth, but won't sound so great for an eternity.

But as people don't by nature like to hear that they are sinners and that's a negative and won't help our numbers, so intead we will lead with the Gospel instead and mention the Law in passing, if at all. And I don't think that I'm exaggerating this phenomenon. Look at some of the websites for these churches and just see the gooey messages of love oozing everywhere. This smarmy nonsense isn't true love.

True love means telling someone that they are a sinner, that God hates sin, and that they are condemned to an eternal hell.

True love then tells someone that God sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for those that believe in Christ as their Savior, through the gift of faith from the Holy Spirit.

Maybe when churches focus on the totality of the Word and present and teach the entire Scripture, not just the parts that get pews filled, then some balance will come. But I'm not holding my breath.

Guilty As Charged

Polluted WELS Blog

OCP said...
I'd love to believe that myself, but it's quite hard with how I have seen WELS handle anyone who brings it up.

I have brought it up. In personal and public conversations (not just websites that will be copied and pasted onto someone else's blog, used to advance their personal agenda. Hence my "pathetic" anonymity.) And I have had very civil discussions, without ever being called a heretic, nor calling anyone else in the discussion a heretic. And I still have my call. I have even been elected or appointed to several conference, district, and Synod positions. So I don't think I haven been "handled" by WELS.

So I have to think there is a difference between my situation and that of those who have been "handled" by WELS. I don't know what that difference is, but to say that anyone who brings this up gets "handled" is not accurate. And I know that because I have lived it.

And now, having made myself the target, I think I'll back away from the keyboard for a while...

GJ - If you care to read the thread of 102+ comments so far, you will see this anonymous writer has plenty of snide remarks and typos to prove he really is a WELS pastor.
I can accuse OCP of this. "You read Ichabod!" That is a sin, but WELS Meditations says all sins are forgiven all people, past, present, and future.
WELS's Meditations, March-May 2014, for Monday, 17 March 2014.  The howler is in the second column reads:  "No matter what you did yesterday -- or failed to do -- and no matter what you will do tomorrow, God has forgiven you."
UOJ has consequences.
The tyrant on the left will unburden himself to the WELS teachers.

WELS Youth Fun and Games.

Your CMO funds at work, starting a rival service
a few blocks away - same toxic message.

UOJ sermon from St. Paul WELS, not far from The CORE, starting at 32.40.

All the usual Universalistic baloney is recited, without any support.

Solar Power Adds to the Compost

Atlantic Giant pumpkins are good examples of solar power used by plants. They take in water and minerals from the soil, but they also collect energy from the sun.

The heavy feeders, like corn and pumpkins, have large leaves and long growing seasons to put together the carbohydrates for the fruit or seed. Sunflower produces oil and minerals, more than just about any other plant in the garden. Other stars are potatoes, dandelions, and broccoli. The cabbage family is loaded with nutrition.

I invited my gardening neighbor to toss his green trash into my compost, and he does that. My pile is on the corner of my property and adjacent to his garden. His example led me into opening up the front and back yards for gardening. Since I am breeding red wiggler earthworms in my compost, near his garden, undocumented aliens are crossing the border into his yard.

If my giant pumpkins mature in time for Halloween, some will be used by neighbors and family - as long as they don't need a flatbed truck to haul them away. Next year - I will grow some reasonable Halloween style pumpkins. I can grow very large orange ones and some white ones. I have plenty of space in the back. It can become an obstacle course for the bunnies that use the grassy alley between lots - an unusual feature in this neighborhood. Some mow their communal alley. Others let long grass grow and toss odds and ends there.

I will have leaf and vine trash in the compost. Old pumpkins will go in as well. The seeds are great for squirrels and birds, so I can put some of the guts out on the ground for their food and amusement. The interior of pumpkins is moist and gooshy, good for the compost environment.

The despised dandelion contributes too, thanks to regular mowing. Few of my dandelions grow up and spread their leaves for a big flower. The persistent herb sends down a powerful taproot, which can be pulled out only after a heavy rain. Otherwise it breaks off and starts over.

The taproot is good for drilling into soil layers, bringing up minerals, and providing an elevator shaft for soil creatures. Some have pulled up dandelions with earthworms on the taproot. "You wrecked my elevator, for a quick trip to the soil surface." What would the earthworm find at the top? - dead leaves and insects to devour and recycle in the soil. A big rosette of dandelion leaves provides shade, too.

According to the Jackson Theory of Random Activity,

"A lot of positive work will create good results over time, even when individual actions seem inconsequential." G. Jackson

I have used this theory in higher education, in earning degrees and certifications, in reading books, and in publishing. Sometimes I had to pass a certification test on property insurance, pension plans, or networking. Those tests had no plots, no interest for me. I passed 16 certification exams, failing 3 of them early on, and they definitely led to something.

In publishing - I can never predict what will have an impact, so I sow abundantly.

One leaf is nothing in compost - an entire season of leaves
will have an impact on the soil.

Creation and the Means of Grace
The Fuller-driven church planners and planters make me laugh. They run about like chickens with their heads recently removed. They earn their pay getting laity and pastors to do the same. One theory is that getting people involved keeps them as members, so manufacture activity to hold them.

Activity is great, if the Means of Grace are central:

  • More original sermons - no plagiarism.
  • More Bible studies without the Cliff Notes material.
  • More services of Holy Communion.
  • More pastor visits where the Word of God is discussed.
  • More infant baptisms during the service.

One retired WELS pastor gave up in disgust, because he said, "I never accomplished anything." He was looking at his congregation, which his fellow pastors raided after he dared to stand up to Church Growth. He did not even consider the impact of faithfully teaching the Word or communing or baptizing. He was just as brain-washed (superficially I hope) as his Fuller mentors.

If we pursue work where the Holy Spirit is united with the Word, the results will be effect and God-pleasing, not necessarily man-pleasing.

A lot of Means of Grace activity will result in grace blessing members and non-members alike.

The cucumber trash in my compost is only a tiny bit of the volume. How much good can it do? But it will contribute. Its effect will be experienced over time as the recycled organic matter rejuvenates the soil. And if I did not think so, there would be no compost, no murmuration of starlings above our house, no bunny nicknamed Agent Orange.

Agent Orange is only too happy to thin my plants,
so they have more room to grow.

Culture Devours the Agenda

"Thanks to Thrivent, my tummy is so big."

Someone observed:

The WELS might be likened to Potemkin village. 

That Ski would get passed from the Northern Wisconsin to the South Central, after reflection, comes as no surprise.

It is a Goethe once remarked: "The Church has a good digestion."

In another conversation, it was expressed similarly - "Culture devours the agenda." In an established institution, whether a business or church. the corporate culture is so powerful that one can predict the outcome of trying to change it alone.

the only denominations thoroughly owned by a business,
and it follows the ELCA doctrinal agenda.