Monday, March 30, 2015

No Fail Rose Planting - Easier Than Most People Imagine

Summer Delights - 2012 Rose of the Year.
The three rules of rose growing are -
water, prune, and mulch.

When people write about their roses failing to start, I try to recall anything similar. The closest was planting them in Phoenix, when they came out of dormancy late, and I had already called for replacements. Oh, did Jackson and Perkins yell at me! My big mistake was not protecting the canes from sun and wind, which is done with grocery bags or cardboard boxes.

The roses sprouted at the same time the replacements came. More digging followed.

My record with bare root roses is 100%. I have removed the nasty ideas some helpful people tried to implant in my head, when I was a newcomer in gardening.

Bad idea  - soaking the roses for a long time, unless absolutely necessary, due to delays in planting. They are roses, not goldfish.

Horrible idea - dropping inorganic fertilizer into the hole or into the soaking water. The key growth area is going to be the root hairs of the rose. That is where the roots communicate with the fungi to obtain moisture and nutrients. Inorganic fertilizer is not immediately usable and passes down into the water table.

I have no problem with buying potted roses, which some rosarians abhor. That is how I found KnockOut roses, since I bought them at a gardening center, very late in the season last year.

My method of planting is the same for potted and bare root roses - as follows.

The holes can be dug in the lawn for a new rose bed. Osterizing the soil with a rototiller is a bad idea. That destroys the structure of the soil and disrupts the breeds of essential soil microbes and earthworms. When I shake a lump of sod to get soil loose, several fat earthworms fall out each time.
Ancient Egypt made it a capital crime to harm an earthworm, and they built a civilization that the ancient Greeks admired and emulated.

After the roses are planted, the intervening lawn area can be covered with a good layer of newspaper or similar paper, with that paper barrier covered with wood mulch. That will keep the area teeming with soil life, moist, and almost weed free.

I see no reason to fill the hole with water before dropping the rose in. That will only lead to a muddy mess. However, it can help in the dry, clay soil of Phoenix. I have moist clay soil, so I build a pyramid at the bottom of the hole.

I trim the rose roots so that stray roots and broken ones are out of the way. Then I place the rose on top of the soil pyramid. There will still be air pockets, so soil can swept in. Plenty of watering will take care of settling the soil

Mulching the rose is easy. Newspaper can be placed close up to the cane. Early on, this is easily done. Wood mulch goes on top of the newspaper. If the newspaper layer overlaps underneath, that will keep such pests as crabgrass from invading. We left a a seam of poorly covered grass and had a row of weeds when expanding the rose garden last year. We just put more newspapers on top of the weeds and more mulch on that.

Nota bene - soak newspapers in the rain or with the garden hose first. Papers  like to fly away on breezy days. Brown paper and packing paper can work just as well and be easier to lay down in bigger stretches.

Click here for the Uncle Jim's Worm Farm link.

Add red wiggler earthworms. The red wiggler is the best and most active earthworm in decomposition. This is essential, as all gardeners know. Once is probably enough, but some people will buy them for new areas or to guarantee success in new compost bins. I get mine from Uncle Jim's Worm Farm. When my first order was late, they sent a new order on top of the first one.

Once upon a time, earthworms were the secret of one very high-priced landscaper, who brought them into each yard he worked on.

Brett Meyer reported that heavily mulching their cherry tree resulted in doubling the production of the tree. Mulching means:

  • Favoring fungi production, the key to decomposing and moving nutrients to the roots.
  • Promoting earthworm activity and numbers - mixing, tunneling, and fertilizing.
  • Holding moisture in the soil.
  • Feeding minerals and carbon into the soil.
  • Establishing a larger soil food web to hold nutrients in place and serve as a sponge to preserve water in the soil.

California Dreaming Rose.

Dire Warnings Daily - The Special Sales Are Over - "Your Doom Awaits!"
Burpee Wrote Today - "The End is NEAR!"

Wait until Good Friday for pea planting?
Not in NW Arkansas.

Spring has not yet arrived in many places, such as Midland, Michigan, where snow is coming again.

We should be done with snow, and no frost warnings lie ahead. We have temperature ranges of 40 to 70 degrees, with plenty of rain in the forecast.

I bought seeds ahead because I have found myself short in the very types I wanted in the past, such as scarlet runner beans. Favorite roses are always sold out early, including Peace and Double Delight.

Because of my early purchases, the seed companies kept offering me free shipping one more time, in apocalyptic language, over the last few months. That is quite handy, since a last-minute purchase of several packets will not work well if shipping doubles the cost of the order.

Order early, harvest early.

Sow Abundantly, Reap Abundantly
Sizes are:

  • Small (envelope within an envelope - don't sneeze), 
  • Medium (25 seeds), 
  • Large (1500 seeds), 
  • Duggar (small cardboard box), and 
  • Super Walmart (enough to compost and have plenty to spare). 

I bought thousands of zinnia seeds (called the desert rose) for Phoenix and covered the pool area with a sea of flowers. Old Precious would sit in the zinnias and watch us swim, always ready to sound an alarm if needed.

Once an insurance executive pointed out the problem of small congregations, which are similar to small insurance agencies he helped manage - "People think they are more important than they are." That happens with seeds, although they do not really do any thinking until they are planted. If I have 25 seeds, each one is a jewel and too precious to sow. Placing individual seeds is tough on the back muscles.

If I have thousands of seeds, I feel free to sow them in wide rows, cover the area, and tamp it down gently with a rake or my foot. That does not mean standing on it to squash the soil. I hold onto the fence with one hand and tap the soil with my foot. Secondly, I run the aqueduct for a time, washing the loose soil into the voids. That gives the seed plenty of motivation to establish roots and grow upwards.

Borage is not only a great bee plant (nicknamed bee bread) but also a host for lacewing insects, which are great predators against insect pests. I remember learning in biology class about lacewings, 50 years ago, and capturing some for my insect collection. I earned an A, no surprise. I added a fake insect on a pin and labeled it with some silly name. The teacher broke into a rare smile.

Puncture vine or goathead is attractive in bloom,
but the thorny seeds embed themselves in skin, fur, and carpeting.

Soil Temperature
Soil temperature clearly triggers growth. Sweet corn cannot survive in cold soil, so the Three Sisters garden is still empty. The roses from last year are soaking in the rain and getting ready to bud, but the crepe myrtle bush lacks a single green leaf.

The peas, which I mourned prematurely, are already sending tendrils up out of the mulch that helped protect and feed them. The sunflowers, far more vulnerable to cold, also survived and came out of the mulch. That tells me that both needed a bit more sunshine and warmth to make the big move into the air. I discovered the hardy peas as mere sprouts under the mulch and left them alone, Their recent growth is astonishing, given their shyness in the cold weather.

Wide Row, French Intensive, Square Foot Gardening
My style of planting has several names, listed above. I saw many old style gardens where plants were lined up like soldiers in neat rows, the soil open for weed germination. That gives most of the garden over to weeds and the hoe.

One alternative is to cover the bare soil with mulch, which is far better than weeding. Ruth Stout is the pioneer in mulching.

A gardening writer observed that thick rows of plants provide their own mulch. That is - the plants shade the soil with their growth and reduce the chance of sunlight fostering the growth of weeds.

Double Delight rose -
easy to love, hard to find.

Did Plants Adapt, or Did God Create?
We can see that plants thrive in their own favorite climes. We had puncture vine or goathead growing in abundance in our yard in Phoenix. We collected boxes of them to throw away. Later I hid them in the shade, and they shriveled and composted, never to germinate again.

People see the same data and come to two different conclusions. Earlier, scientists saw the Creation, and many famous scientists were Creationists (a terrible slur now).

Now, everything is explained as Evolution instead. Plants developed a waxy covering to preserve moisture and thrive in the desert. That is why I wrote about thinking plants above. Exactly how does a plant know what to do and how to do it? That fantasy is far beyond my imagination.

Plants do differentiate in their cells, each cell a complicated factory in itself. Try thinking about how that little corn seed turns into a majestic plant with ears of corn, corn silk, broad leaves to capture solar energy, and greedy roots to devour nitrogen for growth. And yet this little corn kernel carries out this incredible transformation without a thought, designed to be a source of food.

Add to that daily miracle the dozens of creatures relating to the plant and the soil.

  • Some bring nutrition to the roots (fungi).
  • Some mix, fertilize, and sweeten the soil (earthworms).
  • Birds look for pests and eat them.
  • Squirrels and raccoons search for fresh corn and carry it off.

That summary above is not even a fraction of all the dependencies that make a garden productive, whether we know it or not, whether we plan for it or not.

Silver Queen corn - the best white corn.
As a Dow Ag scientist said - "Like eating mush."
He was staggered by my tall plants growing in four feet of compost.