Friday, February 26, 2016

Free PDF of Making Disciples: The Error of Modern Pietism.
Pre-production Version

The Bible as soul food.
The is the link for the PDF of Making Disciples: The Error of Modern Pietism

Feel free to save and share it. I will fill orders at the author's astonishing low price, when it becomes available, probably over the weekend.

Simply ask, add your mailing address, extra copies if needed, and I will send them.

So far Create Space is very fast in sending an order out.

Making Disciples - Now In Production

There is a lot about translating in this 45 page booklet. Of course, I do not know Greek, Latin, or Hebrew, according to WELS. I preached in German and learned a little French. Mequon students said in shock, "You know German?" I said in shock, "You don't?"

How did Little Ichabod get so good in Greek and Latin that he tutored WELS students who could not get one language or the other?

Happy Birthday, High Achiever.

He can parse
He can read
Start him young
Teach him Greek.
If I age, let me age,
Let him live.
Bring him Greek
N T Greek.
Koine Greek.

"We hear LI got his language skills from his mother,
who studied seven languages and has
a photographic memory."

Making Disciples Booklet - Illustrated by Norma Boeckler - Finished Today

One layman caught onto the modern fanaticism of "making disciples" in the Great Commission. That has been the raspberry seed in my wisdom tooth for many years.

A reader was really surprised by the WELS fanaticism about "disciples." That is the key term in the Pietistic Church Growth Movement, just as UOJ is the dogma uniting all the elements of Church Growth. See the update posted today - mentioning The Next Disciple.

Jay Webber claimed he did not see the UOJ-Church Growth connection. But that exculpatory remark comes from someone who makes a move toward Luther's Galatians Commentary and runs away from it like it's a mosquito from South America.

For the majority of Lutheran clergy who have never cracked the spine of Luther's Galatians Commentary - the book is simply saturated with justification by faith statements. But most pastors are content to say, "I have never seen a unicorn (the commentary, the Book of Concord, Luther's Sermons), so unicorns must not exist."

From 2014 - Son-Burnt - WELS Still Giddy on Making Disciples.
From Polluted WELS, Another Zapped Blog

Worshipful Master is the Sun in the East -
Masonic Lodge lore.

Here is your chance, especially the anonymous commenters of this and other blogs, and particularly the anonymous commenters who claim these blogs don't do anything but bellyache. The first email address above is for District President Charles Degner, the remaining DP holdout participating in the 2015 Christian Leadership Experience. The second is President Schroeder's email address. Send an email urging DP Degner's withdrawal from the 2015 Christian Leadership Experience. Mine has already been sent. 

Sorry, but it will be difficult for you to do this and remain anonymous. And yes, there are risks involved. 

August 13, 2014 at 1:35 PM

A Travesty Examined, Part Nine

The "worship music" at the Christian Leadership Experience's ecumenical worship services will be provided by the SON Band. The SON Band is associated with Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. They play for Pilgrim's contemporary worship service entitled "The SON Experience".

Pilgrim's website provides links to videos of the SON Experience. You can find them here. I haven't had a chance to watch all of the videos in their entirety, but what I've seen is extremely concerning. 


Most concerning is a "SON Message" in which Dr. Scott Gostchock (who is not a pastor) preaches a "sermon" in which he states the following: 
  • It isn't good enough to preach God's Word from the Bible because that's just "words on a page". 
  • We must somehow "experience" God's presence apart from those words on a page.
  • It's not the job of the church to condemn sin.
The entire "sermon" is pure enthusiasm--the teaching that one must experience God's presence apart from Word and Sacrament. 

If you watch the video, notice how many times Gostchock uses the word experience. Notice that this takes place during a service called The SON Experience. Notice that Gostchock will be speaking and the SON Band will be performing at something called the Christian Leadership Experience.

This is clear proof that the Church Growth leaders within the WELS have traded a theology centered on the Means of Grace for a theology centered on human experience and emotion.

A member of the Synodical Council (WELS)
and Don Patterson's parish said this.

Anonymous said...

I didn't manage to get all the way through Gostchock's "Community in Christ" message. I stopped around 2:22. Maybe he was speaking poorly (in which case, shame on him) or maybe he really is wishy-washy on the Trinity (in which case, a lot of shame of him) but he talked about God having three distinct beings, parts, pieces...

This runs counter to Col. 2:9 "For in Christ all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form..."

Jesus is truly 100% true God. He is not a part of or just one third God.
Same with the Father. He is truly 100% true God. Not just one third God.
And Same with the Spirit. He is 100% true God.

Yet, paraphrasing the Athanasian Creed, we do not have 300%. We do not have three Gods, but one God.

Nor do we have a piecemeal God.

He would have best said that there are three distinct persons in the Trinity and left it at that.

I paused writing this and listened to the speech a little more. I get what he's trying to do. He doesn't want Christians who just sit there and read the Bible and are separate from their fellow Christians. But the way he gets to that point feels very wrong. Claiming that the Bible isn't enough and we need to look at each other and see Christ "in us" is so very dangerous. Schwaermer-enthusiasm.
August 12, 2014 at 12:01 PM
Blogger Henry Town said...
With his message Mr. Gostchock wanted to talk about "community." How he ever got that from the text he read is unbelievable. In fact, after the initial minute or two he simply left the text behind and spoke about what he wanted to speak about. Might this best describe the CGM movement in WELS, GIA particularly?
August 12, 2014 at 12:35 PM
Blogger AP said...
"We need to experience God's presence among us...sometimes that comes from just this overwhelming sense of peace...sometimes it comes from the warm embrace of a friend...sometimes it comes from us giving to others. We need to experience that love of God...its more than just words on paper."

These words are taken directly from the linked video. I also see what the speaker is attempting to communicate, which I think is the need to have a living, active faith. That is a fine thing to have an active faith, but any real faith is bound to be active through the work of the Holy Spirit. If faith is not active, it is probably because it has been starved of the things it needs to live and grow--the Means of Grace.

The linked sermon sounds like pure Pietism to me. Read Jacob Spener and you will see the exact same sentiments: use methods to encourage holy living, which is the only real measure of one's true Christianity.

I do agree though. It is not about just "words on a page" because God's Holy Word is not just "words on a page. To apply such a flippant remark to the Holy Word of God is very dangerous. Again, we are talking about the very word of God, the mighty double-edged sword that always has effect and needs no help from our pathetic efforts to be more effective. We experience God's presence among us in Word and Sacrament, not in feel-good, happy-clappy emotional and enthusiast worship.

Anonymous said...
As a female lay person, I would like to know more from the
learned men here on this blog about this SON group and situation. This is a sincere statement.

When planning a wedding in a WELS congregation, the participants of the service, including the soloist, organist, etc are required to be in affiliation. I adhered, without issue, to this when making my own wedding preparations several years ago.

Reviewing the SON Experience and their website, I see no connection that these are WELS members. Have things changed and it is acceptable to have services, without confessional members within or associated with WELS, providing the music? I don't see a separation form Pilgrim Lutheran and S.O.N. One can only assume they are affiliated.

This group proclaims their Vision as: "Savior of the Nations services through the power of the Spirit will reach and teach the Twin Cities one soul at a time through God's elect."

I viewed their individual biographical information at:

And that's where my questions and concerns are--their biographies. Do we now avoid or delete any religious education? Otherwise, I'm sure there are much more talented starving artists that I can get together and play and sing off a sheet of music. Executive Director Dr. Scott Gostchock lists no affiliations in his brief bio. Just a minister. My question is where, when, for how long? These have to be my questions. My Christian upbringing told me to ask.

Or is mute because they are reaching out to the unchurched. But they don't say unchurched...they say one soul at a time. That one soul includes me. Do I join in service with a minister whose anonymous experience is with a Methodist or Presbyterian church? Or is it even a church service and none of this applies because its an experience.

The responses to my verbal questions about these blogs are Don't read, stay away, or just shake their head...they fail to realize that Google, Yahoo, and ever other search engine will spider these pages faster than they can tell me what or why to avoid. But I'm reading supporting documentation. I see no vagueness here; but I do see it on the S.O.N. biographies. From rationalwiki: Lying by omission, otherwise known as exclusionary detailing, is lying by either omitting certain facts or by failing to correct a misconception.

I enjoy reading your views on a much higher level than mine so forgive a more simplistic view of this group and issue. I'm learning with your responses to each other. May the Lord bless me and keep me and I continue to do so.
August 12, 2014 at 3:18 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
^ *as (not and) I continue to do so.
August 12, 2014 at 3:23 PM

Der Schwarz Schaf said...
Pastor Flack (if I may be so bold as to address you in such manner) - Thank you for once again doing the job that the synod should be doing and do not, will not, or cannot. Why is it that so many of these churches/conferences/pastors, etc... are not properly vetted? Who's minding the store? Why is it people must find out about such crap as goes on at Pilgrim, and this insane leadershi* meeting from an anonymous blog, rather than the District and Synod Presidents? Older WELS pastor have told me in the past that they were proud to be "ragged individuals," and to both stay out of neighboring pastors' business, and insist that they stay out of theirs. Everyone was - and still is - very afraid of being known as a "busy-body in another man's parish." They are more afraid of that than of false teaching or false teachers! How foolish and stupid! And irresponsible! What does the body have leaders for in the first place but to monitor doctrine and practice? I'm so glad I am no longer a part of this mess of a church! Sad for those still stuck in it.
August 12, 2014 at 3:48 PM
GJ - You are so wrong, Black Sheep. WELS pastors meddle unlike any other breed I have seen (except Paul Tiefel in the CLC - he should transfer). WELS ministers think they are the pastor of their previous congregations and any other congregation where they have friends or relatives. The District Popes and their assistants are even worse, meddling to make sure the evil and the corrupt triumph in each and every case. See the Anything Goes District for examples, Deputy Doug and Zank the Rank.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Female lay person: they are all WELS. Pilgrim is WELS. The Pilgrim website lists this affiliation, and also links to a WELS statement of beliefs.
August 12, 2014 at 5:14 PM
GJ - I don't have their playing schedule, but I am betting they market themselves to all groups, all denominations. Jeske's disciples follow him in this regard - and there is a lot more loot for everyone this way. 
Koine charges $3,000 just to show up. So yes, they are unionistic. So are y'all, because you reject this but stay in WELS.
Blogger Vernon Knepprath said...
Regarding Anonymous comments at 5:14 PM:

Yes, Pilgrim Lutheran is WELS. If you dig on the web site, you might find it, eventually.

Check the home page. Nothing on it about WELS. In fact, you have to look pretty hard to know it is even Lutheran. Check the header. "Pilgrim" in extra large font. "Lutheran" is in tiny font beneath it. Go to the bottom of the home page. "Pilgrim Church and School"! Where is the "Lutheran"?

Is this what it means to be confessional Lutheran? To hide the fact that you are Lutheran? There is no confession here. This is Church Growth; to hide the fact that you are Lutheran.
Check the "About" page. Look long and hard to find "Lutheran" or "WELS".

We did a project on Intrepid about WELS Church home pages several months back. A number of people scoffed about the study and what we found. What we found is that more and more WELS congregations are suppressing the fact that they are WELS ... or even Lutheran.

Where do you think this comes from? It comes from the likes of the 2015 Christian Leadership Experience.

Lay people of the WELS, wake up!
August 12, 2014 at 6:50 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Woman principal?
August 12, 2014 at 6:58 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pilgrim saw unprecedented growth
because of the inspired vision of its Pastors and members.
August 12, 2014 at 7:10 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm not a member of Pilgrim and agree with most of the thoughts on this blog. I do not find that Pilgrim is hiding the WELS affiliation. I often look at other churches websites and if the affiliation is not on the first page then I go to the "Links" tab or the "About us- What do we Believe" section. BOTH had the WELS affiliation clearly listed. Lets not make this something it isn't. Focus on the band, the style, the message, those are worthwhile discussions but Pilgrim's website doesn't look like it is purposely hiding it's (sic) affiliation.
August 12, 2014 at 7:24 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dr. Scott Gostchock
Director of Christian Development

"I work with development issues for the church and school. My current duties involve supervision of curriculum and instruction, assistance with church and school administration, and exploration of developmental possibilities throughout the community and abroad.

My goal here at Pilgrim is to help all people to see Jesus. Through educational efforts, community service projects, and much more, it is my hope that I can serve you in a personally meaningful way."

Blogger Mr. Douglas Lindee said...
Pilgrim Lutheran is the "St. Mark Church of DePere" of the Twin Cities. They have the full blessing of the DP. Always have. I recall, many years ago, a former pastor of mine returning from a service at Pilgrim, nearly livid. Not only was the band mounted in the front of the assembly area facing the audience -- in the location and orientation normally taken by Called Ministers of the Word as they address the congregation by the command and in the stead of Christ -- but members of that band would spontaneously preach their own mini-sermons to the congregation, or engage in impromptu "ex corde" prayer, on themes related to the subject of the music they were singing at the audience. Worse, the most dominant "worship minister" during his visit was one of the female vocalists... No problem with that sort of thing in the WELS anymore, though. Not in their district.

This "SON Band" looks pretty young. They must be new. Several years ago, it was the in-thing for older men to be leading these bands. At least there was some maturity present... HA! One woman from our congregation was mortified, however: "Look at these gray haired old men! With pony-tails and electric guitars!! In church!!! What a bunch of overgrown children!!!" Yeah, other guys that age just go out and buy a corvette... it's called mid-life crisis...

Anyway, the worship entertainment scene in the Twin Cities seems to be a fairly tight-knit. I have several evangelical friends and family members involved. Everyone seems to know everyone else, especially the groups that have been around awhile. I know that they often go places to hear each other play, will jam or practice together, will even flip gigs with each other and trade band members. I recall -- again, awhile back, now -- that there was a flap with one WELS band regarding this kind of involvement with Evangelical "worship ministers." Someone suggested that there might be a Fellowship issue involved by "worshiping" with, and "practicing for worship" with these other non-WELS, non-Lutheran "worship ministers", especially given that in many cases there was joint prayer and study of the Scriptures involved. The responses I heard were something like, "Na, we're just tradin' licks" or "Na, we're just bouncing musical ideas off one another" or "Don't you think they would benefit from the influence of a REAL Christian, I mean, like, you know, a WELS Lutheran?" or "It's our Evangelism ministry" or ... a whole host of excuses which made it very plain that (a) these musicians see very clearly that what they do is not worship, per se, it is entertainment in a worship venue, and that (b) these worship entertainers view themselves as Ministers of the Word. The only things that makes what they do "worship" is the venue (because if they did the same thing in a saloon they wouldn't see it as worship at all) and the fact that they have appointed themselves Ministers of the Word, and thus spiritual leaders of those they find themselves addressing through their entertainment efforts.
Grace in Action - The Next Disciple - 
One of Many WELS Shrinker Websties
Dr. Scott Gostchock
Executive Director

Personal Bio: Dr. Scott Gostchock, in addition to serving as the Executive Director for GIA, serves as a site director for Pilgrim Church and School in South Minneapolis, a nonprofit specializing in urban education and multicultural programming. He has served cross-cultural, inner city, urban education as a teacher and administrator for 15 years. He also is teaching online and on campus for a number of different colleges and universities in training teachers and leaders for urban education and leadership.

office # 612-825-5375 ext. 106

Academic Degrees:
EdD Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale FL: Educational Leadership and Administration
MEd Brenau University, Dacatur (sic - MLC spelling) GA: Educational Leadership and Human Resource Management

BS Dr. Martin Luther College, New Ulm MN: Education

Melanchthon said...on the Polluted WELS Blog
Certainly not a pastor, and I would say not really a "Dr." either.

I see that Mr. Gostchock holds an "EdD" from Nova Southeastern University, well known for quickie online "doctorates" and very popular in the WELS. No scholarly work that I can find anyplace: zero hits in ProQuest, and zero hits in Google Scholar to his own work.

From 2007 - Kurtzahn Nails Vallesksey and Later Swims Back to the Sinking Ship Named WELS

A soft, warm, harmless sheep wants to love and be loved.

"But as you can see from the above references, ever so slyly, like a wolf in sheep's clothing, Valleskey is promoting the Church Growth Movement. [emphasis in original] I will argue that with anyone. God forbid, but my guess would be the next such book out of WELS will be even more CG oriented and even more blatant in its CG statements."

So wrote WELS Pastor Steve Kurtzahn, 1996, when he was still a Church of the Lutheran Confession (sic) pastor. He started as WELS, joined the CLC (sic), and went back to WELS.

So why did Kurtzahn denounce the false doctrine of the president of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, aka The Sausage Factory (Jay Webber's nickname), and then join WELS? Was he trying to out-Preus Jack and Robert Preus?

Answer: - The Greeks have a saying: "A chameleon can turn every color except white."

KJV Matthew 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

How many pastors perm their hair?
I have trouble with car salesmen who do that.

GJ - From what I read, Kurtzahn went back to Mequon for contrition and homage to their brand of Pietism. He got an assistant pastor's job in Coon Rapids, became the senior pastor, and later took a two-point parish somewhere.

Kurtzahn is like most WELS/CLC/ELS pastors, keen on occupying two opposing viewpoints at the same time - or - easily scared away or bribed away from the truth.

Kurtzahn was only too happy to join hater Paul Tiefel in a ferocious CLC (sic) campaign against the sin of having pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. A pancake dinner was not only a Roman Catholic practice, they insisted, but also one associated with gross immorality. Drama queens love to exhibit their fragile emotions when confronting imaginary evils.

UOJ drama queens follow the same pattern. They screech that their favorite idol is being attacked, effectively setting aside the Scriptures as the ruling norm, the norma normans. In ancient times, as Chemnitz wrote, the church leaders paraded the Scriptures before a conference to show that the Word of God was the only norm.

I could add that the Book of Concord is the ruled norm, except that is not true for any established synod today. The ELS-ELCA-WELS-LCMS combine will discuss justification at length without ever acknowledging the Formula of Concord, Article III on....wait for it...The Righteousness of Faith.

No one would claim that these pusillanimous pinheads and peculators have read Melanchthon's brilliant essay on justification by faith in the Apology, which they supposedly confess as their own.