ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Luther's Sermon on Good Friday
In 1519 many pamphlet editions of this sermon appeared and other editions without a date. In 1519 there were 15 editions, in 1520 two, in 1521 one, in 1522 one and in 1524 one. In 152I a Latin translation appeared at Wittenberg. It is one of the most frequently issued writings of Luther.
German text: Erlangen edition 11:150; Walch 11:785; St. Louis 11:574.
I. THE FALSE VIEW OF CHRIST’ S SUFFERINGS,WHICH ARISES: 1. When in our consideration of Christ’s sufferings we become angry at the Jews
2. When we consider them only in a superficial way and apply them to incredible things 2.
3. When we weep for Christ and misuse the mass 3.
A. Christ’s Sufferings Are To Be So Considered, That We Thereby Become Terror-Stricken Because Of The Great Wrath Of God On Account Of Sin And Sinners 4-11.THIS TAKES PLACE 1. When we know and believe that our sins caused such great suffering 4-5.
2. When we know and believe that we should have suffered in eternity the same that Christ suffered. a. The nature of this knowledge 6-7. b. The necessity of this knowledge 8-9. c. The fruit and benefit of this knowledge
10. d. That this knowledge is not our work, but God’s 9-11.
B. We Are To Consider Christ’s Sufferings In A Way That We Are Comforted By Them.THIS TAKES PLACE 1. When we do not let our sins remain in our consciences, but lay them upon Christ. a. The necessity of this 12-18. b. The nature of it 18. c. How we come to this 14.
2. When we reflect upon the love of God and of Christ that shines forth out of these sufferings 15.
C. We Are So To Consider Christ’s Sufferings That They May Serve Us As An Example Through Our Whole Life 16-17.
1. In the first place, some reflect upon the sufferings of Christ in a way that they become angry at the Jews, sing and lament about poor Judas, and are then satisfied; just like by habit they complain of other persons, and condemn and spend their time with their enemies. Such an exercise may truly be called a meditation not on the sufferings of Christ, but on the wickedness of Judas and the Jews.
2. In the second place, others have pointed out the different benefits and fruits springing from a consideration of Christ’s Passion. Here the saying ascribed to Albertus is misleading, that to think once superficially on the sufferings of Christ is better than to fast a whole year or to pray the Psalter every day, etc. The people thus blindly follow him and act contrary to the true fruits of Christ’s Passion; for they seek therein their own selfish interests. Therefore they decorate themselves with pictures and booklets, with letters and crucifixes, and some go so far as to imagine that they thus protect themselves against the perils of water, of fire, and of the sword, and all other dangers. In this way the suffering of Christ is to work in them an absence of suffering, which is contrary to its nature and character.
3. A third class so sympathize with Christ as to weep and lament for him because he was so innocent, like the women who followed Christ from Jerusalem, whom he rebuked, in that they should better weep for themselves and for their children. Such are they who run far away in the midst of the Passion season, and are greatly benefited by the departure of Christ from Bethany and by the pains and sorrows of the Virgin Mary, but they never get farther. Hence they postpone the Passion many hours, and God only knows whether it is devised more for sleeping than for watching.
And among these fanatics are those who taught what great blessings come from the holy mass, and in their simple way they think it is enough if they attend mass. To this we are led through the sayings of certain teachers, that the mass opere operati, non opere operantis, is acceptable of itself, even without our merit and worthiness, just as if that were enough. Nevertheless the mass was not instituted for the sake of its own worthiness, but to prove us, especially for the purpose of meditating upon the sufferings of Christ.
For where this is not done, we make a temporal, unfruitful work out of the mass, however good it may be in itself. For what help is it to you, that God is God, if he is not God to you? What benefit is it that eating and drinking are in themselves healthful and good, if they are not healthful for you, and there is fear that we never grow better by reason of our many masses, if we fail to seek the true fruit in them?
4. Fourthly, they meditate on the Passion of Christ aright, who so view Christ that they become terror-stricken in heart at the sight, and their conscience at once sinks in despair. This terror-stricken feeling should spring forth, so that you see the severe wrath and the unchangeable earnestness of God in regard to sin and sinners, in that he was unwilling that his only and dearly beloved Son should set sinners free unless he paid the costly ransom for them as is mentioned in Isaiah 53:8: “For the transgression of my people was he stricken.” What happens to the sinner, when the dear child is thus stricken? An earnestness must be present that is inexpressible and unbearable, which a person so immeasurably great goes to meet, and suffers and dies for it; and if you reflect upon it real deeply, that God’s Son, the eternal wisdom of the Father, himself suffers, you will indeed be terror-stricken; and the more you reflect the deeper will be the impression.
5. Fifthly, that you deeply believe and never doubt the least, that you are the one who thus martyred Christ. For your sins most surely did it. Thus St. Peter struck and terrified the Jews as with a thunderbolt in Acts 2:36-37, when he spoke to them all in common: “Him have ye crucified,” so that three thousand were terror-stricken the same day and tremblingly cried to the apostles: “O beloved brethren what shall we do?” Therefore, when you view the nails piercing through his hands, firmly believe it is your work. Do you behold his crown of thorns, believe the thorns are your wicked thoughts, etc.
6. Sixthly, now see, where one thorn pierces Christ, there more than a thousand thorns should pierce thee, yea, eternally should they thus and even more painfully pierce thee. Where one nail is driven through his hands and feet, thou shouldest eternally suffer such and even more painful nails; as will be also visited upon those who let Christ’s sufferings be lost and fruitless as far as they are concerned. For this earnest mirror, Christ, will neither lie nor mock; whatever he says must be fully realized.
7. Seventhly, St. Bernard was so terror-stricken by Christ’s sufferings that he said: I imagined I was secure and I knew nothing of the eternal judgment passed upon me in heaven, until I saw the eternal Son of God took mercy upon me, stepped forward and offered himself on my behalf in the same judgment. Ah, it does not become me still to play and remain secure when such earnestness. is behind those sufferings. Hence he commanded the women: “Weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.” Luke 23:28; and gives in the 31st verse the reason: “For if they do these things in the green tree, what shall be done in the dry?” As if to say: Learn from my martyrdom what you have merited and how you should be rewarded. For here it is true that a little dog was slain in order to terrorize a big one. Likewise the prophet also said: “All generations shall lament and bewail themselves more than him”; it is not said they shall lament him, but themselves rather than him. Likewise were also the apostles terror-stricken in Acts 2:27, as mentioned before, so that they said to the apostles: “O, brethren, what shall we do?” So the church also sings: I will diligently meditate thereon, and thus my soul in me will exhaust itself.
8. Eighthly, one must skillfully exercise himself in this point, for the benefit of Christ’s sufferings depends almost entirely upon man coming to a true knowledge of himself, and becoming terror-stricken and slain before himself. And where man does not come to this point, the sufferings of Christ have become of no true benefit to him. For the characteristic, natural work of Christ’s sufferings is that they make all men equal and alike, so that as Christ was horribly martyred as to body and soul in our sins, we must also like him be martyred in our consciences by our sins. This does not take place by means of many words, but by means of deep thoughts and a profound realization of our sins. Take an illustration: If an evil-doer were judged because he had slain the child of a prince or king, and you were in safety, and sang and played, as if you were entirely innocent, until one seized you in a horrible manner and convinced you that you had enabled the wicked person to do the act; behold, then you would be in the greatest straits, especially if your conscience also revolted against you.
Thus much more anxious you should be, when you consider Christ’s sufferings. For the evil doers, the Jews, although they have now judged and banished God, they have still been the servants of your sins, and you are truly the one who strangled and crucified the Son of God through your sins, as has been said.
9. Ninthly, whoever perceives himself to be so hard and sterile that he is not terror-stricken by Christ’s sufferings and led to a knowledge of him, he should fear and tremble. For it cannot be otherwise; you must become like the picture and sufferings of Christ, be it realized in life or in hell; you must at the time of death, if not sooner, fall into terror, tremble, quake and experience all Christ suffered on the cross. It is truly terrible to attend to this on your deathbed; therefore you should pray God to soften your heart and permit you fruitfully to meditate upon Christ’s Passion. For it is impossible for us profoundly to meditate upon the sufferings of Christ of ourselves, unless God sink them into our hearts. Further, neither this meditation nor any other doctrine is given to you to the end that you should fall fresh upon it of yourself, to accomplish the same; but you are first to seek and long for the grace of God, that you may accomplish it through God’s grace and not through your own power. For in this way it happens that those referred to above never treat the sufferings of Christ aright; for they never call upon God to that end, but devise out of their own ability their own way, and treat those sufferings entirely in a human and an unfruitful manner.
10. Tenthly, whoever meditates thus upon God’s sufferings for a day, an hour, yea, for a quarter of an hour, we wish to say freely and publicly, that it is better than if he fasts a whole year, prays the Psalter every day, yea, than if he hears a hundred masses. For such a meditation changes a man’s character and almost as in baptism he is born again, anew. Then Christ’s suffering accomplishes its true, natural and noble work, it slays the old Adam, banishes all lust, pleasure and security that one may obtain from God’s creatures; just like Christ was forsaken by all, even by God.
11. Eleventhly, since then such a work is not in our hands, it happens that sometimes we pray and do not receive it at the time; in spite of this one should not despair nor cease to pray. At times it comes when we are not praying for it, as God knows and wills; for it will be free and unbound: then man is distressed in conscience and is wickedly displeased with his own life, and it may easily happen that he does not know that Christ’s Passion is working this very thing in him, of which perhaps he was not aware, just like the others so exclusively meditated on Christ’s Passion that in their knowledge of self they could not extricate themselves out of that state of meditation. Among the first the sufferings of Christ are quite and true, among the others a show and false, and according to its nature God often turns the leaf, so that those who do not meditate on the Passion, really do meditate on it; and those who hear the mass, do not hear it; and those who hear it not, do hear it.
12. Until the present we have been in the Passion week and have celebrated Good Friday in the right way: now we come to Easter and Christ’s resurrection. When man perceives his sins in this light and is completely terror-stricken in his conscience, he must be on his guard that his sins do not thus remain in his conscience, and nothing but pure doubt certainly come out of it; but just as the sins flowed out of Christ and we became conscious of them, so should we pour them again upon him and set our conscience free. Therefore see well to it that you act not like perverted people, who bite and devour themselves with their sins in their heart, and run here and there with their good works or their own satisfaction, or even work themselves out of this condition by means of indulgences and become rid of their sins; which is impossible, and, alas, such a false refuge of satisfaction and pilgrimages has spread far and wide.
13. Thirteenthly. Then cast your sins from yourself upon Christ, believe with a festive spirit that your sins are his wounds and sufferings, that he carries them and makes satisfaction for them, as Isaiah 53:6 says: “Jehovah hath laid on him the iniquity of us all;” and St. Peter in his first Epistle 1 Peter 2:24: “Who his own self bare our sins in his body upon the tree” of the cross; and St. Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:21: “Him who knew no sin was made to be sin on our behalf; that we might become the righteousness of God in him.” Upon these and like passages you must rely with all your weight, and so much the more the harder your conscience martyrs you. For if you do not take this course, but miss the opportunity of stilling your heart, then you will never secure peace, and must yet finally despair in doubt. For if we deal with our sins in our conscience and let them continue within us and be cherished in our hearts, they become much too strong for us to manage and they will live forever. But when we see that they are laid on Christ and he has triumphed over them by his resurrection and we fearlessly believe it, then they are dead and have become as nothing. For upon Christ they cannot rest, there they are swallowed up by his resurrection, and you see now no wound, no pain, in him, that is, no sign of sin. Thus St. Paul speaks in Romans 4:25, that he was delivered up for our trespasses and was raised for our justification; that is, in his sufferings he made known our sins and also crucified them; but by his resurrection he makes us righteous and free from all sin, even if we believe the same differently.
14. Fourteenthly. Now if you are not able to believe, then, as I said before, you should pray to God for faith. For this is a matter in the hands of God that is entirely free, and is also bestowed alike at times knowingly, at times secretly, as was just said on the subject of suffering.
15. But now bestir yourself to the end: first, not to behold Christ’s sufferings any longer; for they have already done their work and terrified you; but press through all difficulties and behold his friendly heart, how full of love it is toward you, which love constrained him to bear the heavy load of your conscience and your sin. Thus will your heart be loving and sweet toward him, and the assurance of your faith be strengthened. Then ascend higher through the heart of Christ to the heart of God, and see that Christ would not have been able to love you if God had not willed it in eternal love, to which Christ is obedient in his love toward you; there you will find the divine, good father heart, and, as Christ says, be thus drawn to the Father through Christ. Then will you understand the saying of Christ in John 3:16: “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son,” etc. That means to know God aright, if we apprehend him not by his power and wisdom, which terrify us, but by his goodness and love; there our faith and confidence can then stand unmovable and man is truly thus born anew in God.
16. Sixteenthly. When your heart is thus established in Christ, and you are an enemy of sin, out of love and not out of fear of punishment, Christ’s sufferings should also be an example for your whole life, and you should meditate on the same in a different way. For hitherto we have considered Christ’s Passion as a sacrament that works in us and we suffer; now we consider it, that we also work, namely thus: if a day of sorrow or sickness weighs you down, think, how trifling that is compared with the thorns and nails of Christ. If you must do or leave undone what is distasteful to you: think, how Christ was led hither and thither, bound and a captive. Does pride attack you: behold, how your Lord was mocked and disgraced with murderers. Do unchastity and lust thrust themselves against you: think, how bitter it was for Christ to have his tender flesh torn, pierced and beaten again and again. Do hatred and envy war against you, or do you seek vengeance: remember how Christ with many tears and cries prayed for you and all his enemies, who indeed had more reason to seek revenge.
If trouble or whatever adversity of body or soul afflict you, strengthen your heart and say: Ah, why then should I not also suffer a little since my Lord sweat blood in the garden because of anxiety and grief? That would be a lazy, disgraceful servant who would wish to lie in his bed while his lord was compelled to battle with the pangs of death.
17. Behold, one can thus find in Christ strength and comfort against all vice and bad habits. That is the right observance of Christ’s Passion, and that is the fruit of his suffering, and he who exercises himself thus in the same does better than by hearing the whole Passion or reading all masses. And they are called true Christians who in corporate the life and name of Christ into their own life, as St. Paul says in Galatians 5:24: “And they that are of Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with the passions and the lusts thereof.” For Christ’s Passion must be dealt with not in words and a show, but in our lives and in truth. Thus St. Paul admonishes us in Hebrews 12:3: “For consider him that hath endured such gainsaying of sinners against himself, that ye wax not weary, fainting in your souls;” and St.
Peter in his 1 Epistle 1 Peter 4:1: “As Christ suffered in the flesh, arm ye yourselves also with the same mind.” But this kind of meditation is now out of use and very rare, although the Epistles of St. Paul and St. Peter are full of it. We have changed the essence into a mere show, and painted the meditation of Christ’s sufferings only in letters and on walls.
Oren Paris III and Ecclesia College. NWA editorial: The money changers | NWADG
Oren Paris III with Heidi and Ted Cruz |
NWA editorial: The money changers | NWADG:
"NWA editorial: The money changers
Converting public money to private use demands scrutiny
By NWA Democrat-Gazette
Posted: April 8, 2017 at 1 a.m.
Perhaps it's just human nature to want it all.
Or, since we live in a nation of relative abundance, maybe that attitude is just particularly well developed here in the land of plenty.
What’s the point?
If private organizations or businesses receive taxpayer money, their records related to the use of that money should be open to public inspection.
Ecclesia College, the private Christian school in Springdale, is today's example. Its history dates to 1975, and for much of that, the school has operated without making big headlines. It's educated its students with a focus on biblical education along with business, counseling and other degrees. Under the leadership of Oren Paris III, the college has grown its campus and its areas of study.
Of late, the news about Ecclesia hasn't been so bright. A corruption case involving local, elected state government representatives has shone a spotlight on the college, which involved the two state lawmakers. One former state representative has already pleaded guilty to accepting a kickback to direct taxpayer dollars toward Ecclesia. A former state senator is indicted in the same case, as is Paris.
But set all that aside for a moment. Ecclesia's involvement in the case centers around more than $700,000 in state money provided to the college, primarily if not wholly for land acquisition. Absent the alleged kickbacks, that money appears to have been achieved through otherwise legal means, a funding mechanism called the General Improvement Fund. That public money, as a result of a terrible public policy, was effectively handed over to the control of state representatives and senators who could allocate it as they saw fit.
Ecclesia pursued the money and got plenty of it. Now, under the shadow of the kickback allegations, the college has been asked to produce documents related to its use of the money the state's taxpayers effectively donated to the Bible college's purposes. Jim Parsons of Bella Vista filed a lawsuit after his requests for information about the money and its use were rejected by Paris. Parsons asserts the college's records related to the public money should be accessible by the public that provided the money.
Paris and the college are fighting the lawsuit, continuing their assertion that as a private institution, it is under no obligation to open itself to public scrutiny or accountability.
No ruling has been made in the lawsuit.
It makes no sense for public money to be funneled to a private college. Beyond that, it defies reasonable ethical expectations that even a private institution or organization should be able to accept public money without having to open its records with regard to how that money is used.
We don't suggest Ecclesia's entire operation become open to public inspection, but accepting $700,000 in public money ought to come with some strings attached. Transparency ought to be one of those strings.
State lawmakers who want to protect the public's interests should support measures to make clear that any money handed over to a private entity such as Ecclesia is subject to the same level of transparency as if that money was used within state government. After all, it's the public's money.
Ecclesia is wanting it all, free money from taxpayers without accountability.
We understand why the college might take that stance, but Arkansans should expect more from the people they send to represent them in Little Rock, and state lawmakers should be more interested in making sure the tax dollars Arkansans pay are put to appropriate uses.
If we can't trust them to do that, why would we ever trust them with any more of our tax dollars?
Commentary on 04/08/2017"
'via Blog this'
Forbid Not the Little Children - Question from the NT Greek Class
Matthew 19:14King James Version (KJV)
14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
ΚΑΤΑ ΜΑΤΘΑΙΟΝ 19:141550 Stephanus New Testament (TR1550)
14 ο δε ιησους ειπεν αφετε τα παιδια και μη κωλυετε (κωλυo) αυτα ελθειν προς με των γαρ τοιουτων εστιν η βασιλεια των ουρανων
3 John 9 I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not.
10 Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church.
ΙΩΑΝΝΟΥ Γ΄ 9-111550 Stephanus New Testament (TR1550)
9 εγραψα τη εκκλησια αλλ ο φιλοπρωτευων αυτων διοτρεφης ουκ επιδεχεται ημας
10 δια τουτο εαν ελθω υπομνησω αυτου τα εργα α ποιει λογοις πονηροις φλυαρων ημας και μη αρκουμενος επι τουτοις ουτε αυτος επιδεχεται τους αδελφους και τους βουλομενους κωλυει και εκ της εκκλησιας εκβαλλει
(εκβαλλo is used in the sense of kicking out or excommunicating members; the parallel with koluo shows the force of forbidding - forbidding membership or belonging).
(εκβαλλo is used in the sense of kicking out or excommunicating members; the parallel with koluo shows the force of forbidding - forbidding membership or belonging).
Hauling Rainwater - In Certainty, Not in Doubt about the Results.
Can This Be the Key?
We have rain tentatively forecast for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, but with more certainty Easter Sunday. After Sassy's morning walk in cool air yesterday, I began hauling rainwater from our four barrels and four large paint-buckets.
The newly protected Crepe Myrtle twigs were already leafing out, so they received more hand-delivered rain. So did the two Queen Elizabeth roses, certain other roses, and the Butterfly Bushes in the backyard. The roses along Mr. Gardener's fence got special treatment.
Later I used the sprinkler on the main rose garden, finishing with a cold shower for Big Pink, the Crepe Myrtle I have doted upon since we moved here. Once again, the pyramid of organic matter placed under the bush was flattened by the soil life that feeds the roots. They could say, "We wintered in Crepe Myrtle." Jealous microbes and earthworms would say, "I always wanted to winter in Crepe, but I worry about the Category 5 moles that frequent that location."
I am the only one in this neighborhood hauling rainwater, but then again, I am the only one sharing roses all over Northwest Arkansas. I enjoy pouring rainwater on the plants because I have no doubts about the results. The struggling plants get rainwater to give them strength and health. The ones growing abundantly get rainwater to make them even more fruitful.
The three-fold Promises of God apply first to rain and snow.
- Rain and snow never return to God without effect.
- Rain and snow always accomplish His purpose.
- Rain and snow always prosper His will, whatever that might be.
Those Promises are metaphors for the efficacy of the Word, so we identify the Word of God with the unmistakable power of the snow and rain upon God's Creation. Our artist-in-residence, Norma Boeckler, wrote to us about repeated flooding of the lowlands where she lives. I asked, "Snowmelt." Yes, that was the cause - so the water-table will be raised in her area and the soil moist and especially fertile for spring planting.
Intense snowfall and rains have remarkable effects on the normal features of the landscape. I sat next to a retired agriculture professor in one waiting room, and we discussed the plant and tree changes caused by repeated eight-inch rainfalls. In Phoenix, excessive rains make the area bloom with opportunistic plants that only set seed when the water is available. California is enjoying that rebirth this spring.
I even saved rainwater in one barrel for some long-legged beauties, famous for their perfume, who will arrive today and stay a long time. The Lincolns are expected today and will be placed in rainwater to hydrate and get ready to root themselves in the main rose garden. Even our limo is a Lincoln, so what do readers expect in the garden?
Sassy loves her Lincoln, especially when going to Walmart and Lowe's. |
The clergy who want to be known as experts love to debate trivia. Can those who use individual cups for communion be saved? Is the Missouri or WELS concept of Fuller ministry more God-pleasing? Who is our favorite Synod President to continue the road to perdition?
Professor-Pastor-District President Lenski summed up the ministry with a reference to the efficacy of the Word - "Programs come and go. Only the Word builds up the Church."
There - I just saved someone $20,000 in loans for a Fuller Seminary drive-by D.Min degree. Millions of dollars in synodical programs will be shut down at the same time. No? Of course not - they continue to rely on Dame Reason, which teaches them that money must be spent for results, for they truly rely on the efficacy of the dollar. "Spend abundantly that thou mayest reap abundantly, especially for thyself."
Inescapable Truth of Isaiah 55
The inescapable truth of Isaiah 55 completely unlocks the ministry. Once learned, it cannot be unlearned - so it is seldom taught anywhere. Nor is the efficacy of the Word in the New Testament mentioned much at all in all the academic literature of the windbags called Biblical scholars.
Here is that truth - foundational for all of Luther's writings and the Lutheran Reformation - "The Spirit never works without the Word, and the Word never works without the Spirit."
Fuller Asked - And Dame Reason Responded
Trinity ELCA Lutheran Seminary in Columbus provided me with every Church Growth book ever written up to that point. Their theme was simple - look at an airplane and ask, "How does it work? What makes it fly?" And apply that to large and growing congregations. Find out what makes them work.
Dame Reason responded by listing the personality traits of the ministers and the programs of the parish. Apostate synodical leaders said, "Fuller and Willowcreek have done the research and have the answers for us. We only need to study at Fuller and the cloned bee-hives to unlock the secrets of growth."
Never mentioned - sow the Word of God and God will work His will. The seed even grows secretly when we are asleep or away, if Jesus is to be trusted on this.
Mark 4:26 And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground;
27 And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how.
28 For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.
29 But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come.
In Isaiah 55, God does not promise to accomplish our will but His will. That is why so many synodical smart-alecs wrestle the ministry from God - Who has done a good job up to now. They hand it over to the whispering seductions of Satan, the energy behind Dame Reason.
The Efficacy of God's Word - Seldom Tried, Never Taught
The poor Lutheran seminarian must find these things out for himself, because the synodical professors are synod salesmen and public relations executives for Rome, Eastern Orthodoxy, or the popes of Pasadena and Willowcreek.
And why are their students' eyes blinded? They have magnificent libraries, often in their own rooms and digitally inscribed on their computers.
WELS has a quia subscription to the Book of Concord, but teaches that this splendid one volume commentary on the Bible is "boring and irrelevant." Justification by Faith statements in their own seminary curriculum are labeled MISLEADING! - lest the future pastor fall into Luther's doctrine - and Paul's - by mistake.
The LCMS piously subscribes to that same quia subscription to the Book of Concord, which must be a powerful anaesthetic, since many of the clergy and all the leaders are asleep. Some are like zombies, sleep-walking while repeating the maxims of Universalism, insisting that CFW Stephan-Walther is the Great Prophet, dreaming that Luther's Reformation anticipated the ethereal insights of Halle University and the OJ/SJ of Calvinism.
If Dame Reason guides the apostate synods, which are no better than the ELCA they covet, then something must be done. As I recall, the hymn is "Fear Not, Little Flock" rather than "Rock On, Mega-Church."
Here is a modest program carried out by our little congregation and a blog no one reads - except for 6,000 views two days in a row.
The sermons are almost always expository, explaining the Biblical text for that day, verse by verse. They are delivered, broadcast over the Internet, and published. Links are leveraged by Google Plus and Facebook.
We post Luther's sermon for that Sunday or holy day, through the blog, Facebook, and Google Plus.
Holy Communion is celebrated, following the norms of the Book of Concord.
We do not have or advocate the meaningless quia subscription to the Book of Concord. We just teach what it teaches. Therefore, we do not agree with the "boring and irrelevant" subscription of WELS, either.
The books of Martin Chemnitz Press are supported by people who allow most titles to be given away.
Most days begin with a doctrinal post on this blog.
We use Norma Boeckler's beautiful artwork on the blog, in books, and shared on Facebook.
I visit members and give them Holy Communion as opportunity allows.
We are teaching a class on New Testament Greek for anyone who wants to attend via Ustream or by watching the videos saved on Facebook.
In our neighborhood and community, I give away Bibles when requested. That includes a Gospel of John in Spanish (twice) when someone was studying Spanish. The latest is my wife's surgeon.
Walking with Sassy allows me to talk to a wide variety of neighbors. One became a Lutheran before she died, against her cult's wishes. My wife and I visited her often and saw her in the hospital, at her request. She watched the Sunday service each week, after she asked for the Ustream link.
Giving away roses allows me to talk about Creation with everyone who admires them. Giving away the Creation Gardening book has been easy - here and other places where I send multiple copies for that purpose. A waitress and her husband loved the book. She said, "I like the way you combine gardening and faith." I do not know how the two can be separated. My favorite gardening experts (three Facebook friends) see how I move from gardening to the Christian Faith.
I still buy large amounts of seed when possible, and share the extras. Sowing in abundance may only result in chubbier squirrels and rabbits at the moment, but the approach bears fruit in time. I enjoy having wonders blooming in front of me and bearing fruit in abundance - and hearing visitors gasp at what God has done.
Likewise I have seen the Word of God bearing fruit abundantly in many places, even when crossing carefully guarded synod lines.
John 15:1-10 is my guide for growing roses. |