Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Creation Gardening Book - Here Is an Idea for All Pastors and Laity

Creation Gardening: By Him Were All Things Made.
Art by Norma A. Boeckler. The cover is her garden.

Our property is parallel with Joye Street, which is crucial for this narrative. If Sassy and I walk into Almost Eden, a nursery, we are along the backside of Joye property. Our backyard is behind the backyard of a Joye home.

So we saw some men working on all the overgrown brush on Joye as we walked into Almost Eden. I watched and waved at them. On another walk, we saw them again and I congratulated them on how much they cleaned up.

"You did a great job," I said.
" Thank you. It was a lot more work than we expected."
I added helpfully - "I could have told you that."

Like car repair, yard renewal is always more time and energy consuming than imagined.

Sassy and I were walking down Joye yesterday when we came up to the front of that same property. The owner walked over and greeted me, very friendly. He said, "I recognized you from seeing you near the backyard." We talked about him buying the property and fixing it up for rentals.

I told him he could find us easily since we are the ones with a front yard of roses. That really lit him up. Soon his phone was out as we were talking. I thought he was expecting a call or about to make one. I talked about Creation Gardening and some basic principles. He talked at his phone, "Hear that honey? That is what we are doing wrong."

Sassy and I walked home after a detailed discussion, and we drove back in the limo to delivery two copies of Creation Gardening, free, for him to keep.

Volume 5 of Luther's Sermons is almost done.

An Idea for Everyone To Use
Printing from online sources is very easy now, but also inexpensive. Creation Gardening is full color, so the author's (or church price) is about $5.33. Shipping is relatively expensive for one copy, very inexpensive for a bunch of them.

So any church or individual can create a proclamation of the Word, illustrate it, and print paperback, full-color copies for $4 - $5. Making Disciples is only $2.15 in black and white, $4 in color. The big difference is in large volumes (300 pages and up) where every page is charged as if printed full color. Either way, the cover is always in full color, front and back.

Luther's Sermons are typically (author's price) $5, about $25 for the same volume in color. So, without being a CPA, anyone can figure that a large volume of Luther (public domain) is very inexpensive to obtain and easy to give away.

By the way, Luther's Sermons are just that. I let Luther speak for himself, without my usual synodical observations. The same is true for Creation Gardening.

Of course, cost comparisons are a good argument for printing smaller works in full color, because most people are used to colorful eye-pleasing graphics.

Congregations are destroying themselves (here I go again) by playing the role of temple prostitute before the Church Growth altars of Fuller Seminary and Willow Creek. Sure, the gimmick word is "missional" now,  so the parishes and sects are engaged in harlotry by another name. WELS and the LCMS assure us that they are practicing safe sects, so no one should be alarmed.

The Word of God is effective, accomplishing God's will. And false doctrine is also powerful, spreading the toxins of Satan and accomplishing his. The question is not whether we broadcast - but what we broadcast.

Many areas are neglected today -

  • Those whose primary language is German.
  • Laity who want courses in church history, Hebrew, Greek, and Biblical exegesis.
  • Traditional Lutherans who remember pre-Fuller JBFA doctrine.
  • Those who hunger and thirst for spiritual peace and the righteousness of faith.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Midweek Moved to Friday at 7 PM - Bad Modem - Again

Two bad modems in a row mean no real Internet signal, so the midweek Advent service is moved to Friday at 7 PM. I had to hot wire two AA batteries to the modem just to make it push this through.

One at a Time - The Seminaries Fall into Corruption and Apostasy

The devastations being experienced by seminaries have something in common - loss of denominational support. All denominations - just like WELS, ELCA, and the LCMS - have said, "Oh yes, we need you in the pulpit, so you have to borrow your way through seminary, have your wife work, etc." The Boomers who attended seminary for almost nothing took away the denominational support.

One ELCA survivor said a lot of middle-management types went to seminary mid-career - until the schools said, "Your 401k plan belongs to us. Cash it out for tuition." Once that happened, no more of those men went to seminary. Let's face it, high tuition demands are a massive transfer of money from loans, savings, and work to overpaid and underworked professors and administrators."

The political agenda is so thick in each seminary that the spiritual value of study is nil, whether ELCA or WELS. If anything, faith will be destroyed, which is the overt goal of ELCA, but the covert plan of WELS.

 District VP Paul Kuske championed Church Growth,
aided by Floyd Luther Stolzenburg and Roger Zehms.

The seminaries have accomplished wonders in destroying their own system. It did not happen all at once, but one by one, individually and then, class by class. Ex-Michigan VP Paul Kuske got in trouble for saying Mequon was turning out one UOJ class after another, that is, one group of false teachers after another.

I guess Kuske never had a Martin Luther Complex, something he mocked in local Columbus meetings. That is the beauty of the WELS secret hazing ritual - teaching the alleged talent for saying one thing and then the opposite.

  1. WELS bravely stood alone and admonished the LCMS for being so liberal. 
  2. Anyone who does the same is a trouble-maker with a Martin Luther Complex.

 District President John Seifert and the omnipresent
Scott Barefoot - a self-appointed minister -
People of Grace.
Scott should team up with the Michigan District's
Church Growth expert - Floyd Luther Stolzenburg.

Therefore, a "Confessional Lutheran" in WELS is someone like John Seifert, elected on one set of issues - promptly abandoning them. The Michigan District voted Robert Mueller out - that is, he made a decision not to run and got a free vacation in Russia. The same district actually voted Kuske out. But nothing changed, because WELS is very good a controlling people. The officials are like the tree stumps I use in gardening - pick out the least rotten one, but it is already rotting. Rot is good for soil, bad for Christian institutions.

One at a Time - Grafting the Gospel Word

Lest this jeremiad go on too long, the other side of the analogy also works, though it is seldom tried in this age of Nappy Hill success fraud. I am actually studying the hagiographic Hill biography, published by the Nappy Hill Foundation. It is almost as fanciful as the Walther bios in the LCMS.

The brain-washed and conscience-rinsed graduates of Fuller Seminary have forgotten that Jesus converted people with the Word, one at a time. Masses followed Him, but He never cited His numbers as proof of His divinity. Instead, His divine Word was confirmed with the miracles He performed through the Word.

But take note - the miracles were never enough for the crowds. They wanted one more miracle, so many remained obstinately opposed.

Though I lack certificates from Fuller, Willow Creek, and Corunna, I contend that many of the miracles in the Gospels are taught to show how those early leaders were established in the Faith.

Because WELS-LCMS demands numbers, God denies them what they require to be satisfied. A simple solution is possible, though largely ignored.

The Parable of the Sower teaches us to sow the Word of God with abandon, knowing it will on hardened soil, rocky soil, and weed-choked land. Nevertheless, some seed falls on good soil and makes up for the supposed losses. We are not responsible for results but for being faithful.

Many have signed a pact with their Father Below to do anything for the numbers needed to nourish their greedy hearts. Needless to say, they become enemies of being faithful to the Word and great friends with all the instruments of mischief devised by their hellish mentors.

 "Little girl, I say to you - Arise!"
Art by Norma A. Boeckler

When we sing a great old hymn in church, I feel a great loss for the next generations - raised on noisy pop music. The new breed of organ-grinders remind me of the professional mourners Jesus kicked out of the house before He raised the young woman from death. They laughed at Him when He said she was not dead.

The new organ-grinders not only laugh at Biblical doctrine, they tear out the pipe organs so they can install their digital cacophony machines, valet parking stations, and donation ATMs.

All I can say about sowing the Word with abandon is this - the results are completely unpredictable - but abundant and miraculous.

  • Weather is never an issue, unless the Net shuts down the connection. Even then, services are saved to be seen or taped later.
  • The sick and shut-in can take advantage of worship, even if they have their own congregations to attend the rest of the time. 
  • In our case, no one is chasing the mortgage payments for a building seldom used and almost never filled. Paul McCain made fun of our rented room facilities (nota bene - the Bethlehem stable) but we have had 30,000 views of our video services.
  • Special courses can be taught and saved, without worrying about whether "enough people" arrived to make it worthwhile. The Word is always worthwhile, as Jesus demonstrated when He trained His disciples.
 The best example of mass movements in the Bible is -
the Gadarene swine.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

FBI Agent Erased Recordings Needed for Federal Case!
Missing audio recordings in kickback case involving state lawmakers erased, court records show

Missing audio recordings in kickback case involving state lawmakers erased, court records show:

"FBI special agent Robert Cessario told government attorneys that he wiped the government laptop's memory before handing it over to the bureau's computer analysis response team examiner, according to the letter. Asked why, the agent said he "allowed his children to download and play games on it," and he downloaded personal medical records, including those involving his children, and didn't want his supervisors to know.

He also said the computer had been wiped previously since Nov. 3, 2016, once when it was infected with ransomware and another time when its memory was full. He was trying to locate records showing that, according to Monday's letter."

'via Blog this'

Teaching and Publishing Plans in 2018

I had an interesting meeting yesterday. The software being used at the local school was so labor intensive that I felt like one of those clerks in a Dickens novel, endlessly scratching away, moving numbers from one place to another. They were using three sets of software which did not relate to each other. I told my immediate supervisor how it could work. Her eyes opened wide and she said, "Really?" Online, I write to students, receive their work, grade each assignment, all on one system that is set up for ease of use by everyone. Their messages back and forth are also in the same location - two different learning systems, both working very well.

I was quite tired of the de-emphasis on teaching itself and the obsession with numbers. And why is this so? It is all about the Benjies - tax money awarded in huge piles to reward literacy programs. If there are many  students in special programs, the rewards and salaries are great. Every community college runs on the slaves (adjuncts like me) pulling the oars while a tiny minority have tenure, salaries, and benefits.

I enjoyed teaching the students from many backgrounds: Asia, Mexico, Syria, rural Arkansas, and the Marshall Islands. But I told the bosses I did not like the software and Dickensian labors. I was only given one section for the next semester, and that one at the Vatican (main campus) which meant driving 13 miles in morning traffic.

So I am sticking to the online universities, which are far easier to include in our schedule.

Publishing and Teaching on the Internet

One of the gems - soon to be a separate volume -
is chosen for the back of each one of the Luther's Sermons.
This one is Volume V, almost ready for printing.

I am excited about sending Luther books to African seminaries. There will be new titles by Luther in time and also more about Luther's Biblical theology.

Gaining time by dropping a school means being able to do more with video teaching on the Net. As Brett Meyer mentioned recently, broadcasting with Bethany has been a big help with teaching online. I have a series of videos for students.

I am planning on a similar series for Bethany, which would include:

  1. Romans 1-5 in Greek, for those who want an emphasis on English.
  2. Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant - lectures.
  3. Basics of Biblical theology.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Christmas Past and Present

 Jorja Hepner, MHS 66

 Kris Streed, MHS 66

 Moline's homegrown Santa - Mike Collins, MHS 68

 Kathleen Wilcox, MHS 66

 Bethany Jackson's Christmas dress

Are We Entering the End Times for Mainline Seminaries? | Religion Dispatches

 Mark Jeske taught me,
"Yay! Baby. Change or Die!"

Are We Entering the End Times for Mainline Seminaries? | Religion Dispatches:

 End times on steroids, yes!

"After decades of diminished funding and shrinking churches, why haven’t more mainline seminaries shut down? Diversified degrees and delivery methods have softened enrollment declines slightly, but the short answer for many schools is legacy funding. Led by Princeton Seminary (Presbyterian), with an endowment of $1.1 billion, mainline seminaries tend to have significant investment resources, built through long years of serving well-to-do constituents. Many of these schools also own impressive buildings on coveted plots of land. According to the Association of Theological Schools, denominational (a category roughly equivalent to mainline) Protestant seminaries derived 37 percent of their revenue from investments and depreciation in 2013, a substantially higher percentage than either Roman Catholic or inter- and non-denominational seminaries.

Legacy funding can only go so far, however, with enrollments dropping 24 percent in the past decade. Episcopal Divinity School still held $53 million in investments, plus its campus, at the time of its announced closing, but it was losing $133,000 a month. Andover-Newton’s campus alone was assessed at $43 million, but trustees deemed its future as a free-standing institution unsustainable."

 "What will I wear for the end times?"

Grooming your sons for the End Times
at Michigan Lutheran Seminary.

'via Blog this'

 "We have a ministry just for you."

Martin Luther College
and its Katies.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Interesting Details on the ELCA Seminaries Closing

This campus is now a Muslim school.
How few seminaries do they need in ELCA?

The Rev. Steven P. Tibbetts, STS

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Re: ELCA Seminaries Enrollment
« Reply #32 on: Yesterday at 11:53:51 PM »
When I was at PLTS (1988-92), it was barely economically viable.  That was with 120 full-time students, and wasn't accounting for real estate issues.  It survived by building up its gifts and endowment and by getting economies of scale by being linked with Luther Seminary.  When Luther discovered that it was close to financial collapse, Cal Lutheran University took PLTS over and has, in the last year, moved the school and sold the property.  (The Muslims have a lot of work to do to make it again a usable campus.)  Even then, some of its recent new faculty have been jointly hired with the Church Divinity School of the Pacific, the Episcopal seminary in Berkeley (which makes PLTS look like the picture of institutional health).  But PLTS exists only as long as Cal Lutheran thinks a graduate school of theology makes sense.

Southern Seminary (as Lenoir-Rhyne's graduate school of theology) and Trinity (as Capital's) are in the same boat.  Trinity may have a slight advantage in being across the street from Capital, rather than hundreds of miles away.

The ELCA had too many seminaries (8, plus programs in Texas and Washington DC) when it began in 1988.  Frankly enrollment would have fit at Luther and (at most) 2 others.  Today's enrollment, especially given the projections for the future, certainly can't justify 7 seminaries.

Pax, Steven+

Mark and Avoid Jeske has united ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS with
his Church and Change or Die! pan-Lutheran events.
Jeske is a nominal WELS pastor,
but WELS is nominal Lutheran, quite fitting for the UniSynod.

Happy Birthday Today - Zach Engleman

 The distinguished former Mayor of Perryville, Debbie Gahan,
stood behind us at a very large LCMS church.
Zach and his mother Anita are on the right.
I am with Chris on the far left.
We donated these books to the church library
I always wanted to visit the villages around Perryville,
because Bishop Stephan had the Stephanites buy the land here. The historic sites are well maintained.
We donated some books at their museum too.
Distinguished Mayor Emeritus Gahan took us
on this tour, which was especially kind of her.

Third Sunday in Advent, 2017. Matthew 2:2-10.
Go and Show John What You Hear and See

 Norma A. Boeckler

The Third Sunday in Advent, 2017

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Third Anniversary - Corey and Abby Fagan - December 18th.
Norma A. Boeckler's Birthday, December 22nd

Mid-Week Advent Service - 7 PM Central Standard Time.

The Hymn #645                     Behold a Branch           
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual       
The Gospel              
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #13                        Before Jehovah's Awful Throne               

Go and Show John What You Hear and See

The Hymn # 77:1-8  - Gerhardt              All My Heart               
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn # 77:9-15 - Gerhardt                 All My Heart               

KJV 1 Corinthians 4:1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.

KJV Matthew 11:2 Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, 3 And said unto him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another? 4 Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: 5 The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. 6 And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. 7 And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind? 8 But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses. 9 But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet. 10 For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

Third Sunday In Advent
Lord God, heavenly Father, who didst suffer Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to become man, and to come into the world, that He might destroy the works of the devil, deliver us poor offenders from sin and death, and give us everlasting life: We beseech Thee so to rule and govern our hearts by Thy Holy Spirit, that we may seek no other refuge than His word, and thus avoid all offense to which, by nature, we are inclined, in order that we may always be found among the faithful followers of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, and by faith in Him obtain eternal salvation, through the same, Thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

"All My Heart This Night Rejoices"
by Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676

1. All my heart this night rejoices
As I hear Far and near
Sweetest angel voices.
"Christ is born," their choirs are singing
Till the air Everywhere
Now with joy is ringing.
2. Forth today the Conqueror goeth,
Who the foe, Sin and woe,
Death and hell, o'erthroweth.
God is man, man to deliver;
His dear Son Now is one
With our blood forever.

3. Shall we still dread God's displeasure,
Who, to save, Freely gave
His most cherished Treasure?
To redeem us, He hath given
His own Son From the throne
Of His might in heaven.

4. Should He who Himself imparted
Aught withhold From the fold,
Leave us broken-hearted?
Should the Son of God not love us,
Who, to cheer Sufferers here,
Left His throne above us?

5. If our blessed Lord and Maker
Hated men, Would He then
Be of flesh partaker?
If He in our woe delighted,
Would He bear All the care
Of our race benighted?

6. He becomes the Lamb that taketh
Sin away And for aye
Full atonement maketh.
For our life His own He tenders
And our race, By His grace,
Meet for glory renders.

7. Hark! a voice from yonder manger,
Soft and sweet, Doth entreat:
"Flee from woe and danger.
Brethren, from all ills that grieve you
You are feed; All you need
I will surely give you."

8. Come, then, banish all your sadness,
One and all, Great and small;
Come with songs of gladness.
Love Him who with love is glowing;
Hail the Star, Near and far
Light and joy bestowing.

9. Ye whose anguish knew no measure,
Weep no more; See the door
To celestial pleasure.
Cling to Him, for He will guide you
Where no cross, Pain, or loss
Can again betide you.

10. Hither come, ye heavy-hearted,
Who for sin, Deep within,
Long and sore have smarted;
For the poisoned wound you're feeling
Help is near, One is here
Mighty for their healing.

11. Hither come, ye poor and wretched;
Know His will Is to fill
Every hand outstretched.
Here are riches without measure;
Here forget All regret,
Fill your hearts with treasure.

12. Let me in my arms receive Thee;
On Thy breast Let me rest,
Savior, ne'er to leave Thee.
Since Thou hast Thyself presented
Now to me, I shall be
Evermore contented.

13. Guilt no longer can distress me;
Son of God, Thou my load
Bearest to release me.
Stain in me Thou findest never;
I am clean, All my sin
Is removed forever.

14. I am pure, in Thee believing,
From Thy store Evermore
Righteous robes receiving
In my heart I will enfold Thee,
Treasure rare, Let me there,
Loving, ever hold Thee.

15. Dearest Lord, Thee will I cherish.
Though my breath Fail in death,
Yet I shall not perish,
But with Thee abide forever
There on high, In that joy
Which can vanish never.

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn # 77
Text: Luke 2:11
Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1653
Translated by: Catherine Winkworth, 1858, alt.
Titled: "Froehlich soll mein Herze springen"
Composer: Johann Crueger, 1653
Tune: "Froehlich soll mein Herze"

Go and Show John What You Hear and See

KJV Matthew 11:2 Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples,

John the Baptist was extremely important for the time between the Promises of the Messiah coming and the fulfillment of those Promises. The Book of Concord often replaces the Gospel with the Promises as the synonym.

That is a good way of seeing how much Gospel is in the Old Testament, because the blessings of God are also Gospel. So in teaching the Old Testament year around, I seize the graduate students by their metaphorical shoulders and make them look at the Gospel.

That is why John the Baptist is so important to the New Testament. That also explains the great excitement about him and how that moved to Jesus as the fulfillment of all the Promises.

Isaiah 40 is the place where the great prophetic book shifts from an emphasis on the Law to almost exclusive proclamation of the Gospel. There John the Baptist is foretold. 

If Isaiah was important to the Jewish people, and John is featured there, then the very appearance of John's ministry set off all expectations of the Messiah. John the Baptist had a large following. He is recorded in all four Gospels, and he witnessed to Jesus being the Promised Messiah and denied his own role. 

3 And said unto him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?

Sceptics like to show some kind of competition between John and Jesus, or oddly, John not really being sure about Jesus. But just the opposite is clear from the passages. John had already witnessed to the mission of Jesus, before anyone recognized Jesus. As Luther wrote, John had the most difficult job of all the prophets. John pointed to an ordinary looking man and said, "There is the promised Messiah." The Old Testament prophets point toward a future Savior that everyone could imagine.

Once Jesus was identified, the opposition began. because "I am the voice crying in the wilderness, Prepare the way of the Lord" was the signal for the Messianic mission to begin. And it unfolded as Isaiah foretold with Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
He will lead the flock like a Shepherd.
He will gather the lambs in His arms,
And gently lead those with young. Isaiah 40.

Sending his disciples to Jesus gave them the chance to see and hear Jesus, so the ministry of John became the mission of Jesus. John was very important to his disciples, so this was the first example of carrying on after the death of a teacher. That would be repeated many times over, not only with John and Jesus, but also with the Apostles and many leaders in the centuries to come.

Where they primarily followers of a person or were they faithful to God's Word? That is the question asked and answered by Paul in his Epistle for today.

KJV 1 Corinthians 4:1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God...Therefore let no one judge before the time.

John's ministry is made more glorious when given its proper role. It was not the ultimate message but the one of repentance, faith in the Gospel, and preparation. 

The ministry of Jesus was accelerated by the previous knowledge of John's preaching, his baptism, and the interest in God's Word in its plain truth.

4 Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: 5 The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.

Here is a summary of Jesus' public ministry. He performed great miracles witnessed by large crowds, by smaller groups, and by His own disciples. How could anyone doubt His Word when they saw this with their own eyes? Nevertheless. they would say, "Great, now show us another miracle." But Jesus always accompanied His miracles with God's Word, to confirm the truth and power of the Word.

The fulfillment of the Old Testament miracles promised show that while John preached repentance, Jesus showed everyone the abundance and bounty of God's Kingdom. So anyone who prays for another will see those matters answered by God in abundance. And we also have faith to take our burdens and anxieties to God in prayer as well. And many miracles follow. 

6 And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. 

When people do not believe, God still watches over them and does great works for them. But they do not see this and often become even more antagonistic when the wonders of God butt up against their obstinate opposition. 

However, believers in Christ have the great experiences of seeing miracles take place and looking back on many events that show God's intervention.

The word is not really "offended" but a stumbling into a death-trap. That is, one person decides that God could not create the universe in six 24-hour days. Who can imagine such a thing? And yet they want to give Him a few billion years to work out the details. 

But once this Creation problem works on them - really the problem of rationalism - they turn to other topics until nothing is left. And who knows what the precipitating doubt was? Forgiveness or miracles? Did someone seem to suffer unnecessarily from grave disorders? 

Knowledge and Experience
There is the intellectual knowledge and the experience. The Word emphasizes both. For instance, I was told that a certain structure was for the new interstate exit that will take workers to a newly enlarged building at Walmart. Yesterday I walked over the elevated bridge, which seemed to be a bridge to nowhere - in the dark. Were were early for the Christmas program for employees.

I was puzzling about this elaborate and expensive bridge with two elevators when we walked back to the Town Car. I asked as we went up in the elevator. "It's the bridge across the new exit to our building." Those were familiar words, but I saw nothing in the dark. When we walked back in the morning sun, there were four lanes being prepared beneath us and a view across the booming city.  That was an experience that welded into my brain what was going on.

The Word of God teaches us and then we experience the truth of God's Word, which reinforces what was taught. I am cooking a very large order of soil right now. To keep it warm and well fed, I have a thick blanket of leaves across the rose garden Last night the dry leaves received a misting rain to keep them cooking, bacteria and fungi softening them for earthworms and mites, slugs and other creatures. They only want to eat their food. I want them to prepare the soil for summer flowers. Creation means turning many bags of leaves into many bunches of flowers, the very act of growing plants increasing the fertility of the soil, through root growth.

Manmade and Divine Networks
Our son manages enormous computer networks, which always need attention and fixes. My gardening network is managed by divine wisdom and power. When pests fly in and start munching, the pest-eating bugs say, "This is where I want my babies to hatch, next to delicious and nutritious pests. They will grow strong and build another generation of pest-eaters." But the adults have lost their taste for pests (except ladybugs never tire of them). So the adults fly over to overlooked and often despised plants and wees for their nectar and pollen food. 

When we see how carefully God's Creation is engineered and managed (far beyond the intricacies of creation itself), we see how God has planned so many things for our good.

7 And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind? 8 But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses.

John is in prison and about to die, so we can assume what the attitude of the crowds was. He was popular as a prophet until he earned disfavor, so that is when popular opinion turns. Thus the argument for false teachers is always, "But look at how successful he is." Once that blows up on him, his name is forgotten.

So Jesus is challenging the crowd mentality, which He will soon face. The cheering turned to jeering, so He addressed the definition of the true prophet. 

A true prophet does not shake in the wind - that is - he teaches the Word of God no matter which way the wind is blowing, as Paul reminded the Corinthians. The Apostle cannot even judge whether he is successful at all. Only God can decided.

That reminds me to address the bragging passage that annoys so many people about Paul. His boasting was to turn the argument against the false teachers. If you suffer fools gladly, then I will be a fool and boast like them. Only Paul's boasts have substance, but he turns from that to boasting about the cross.

The glory ministers boast about themselves and their large parking lots. They avoid the cross because they want to sit in the limo with the governor in the annual parade. It does not take much to be taken off that list. And thus we have thousands of clergy dedicated to shaking in the wind and wearing fancy clothing so they can dine in the homes of the wealthy. 

9 But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet. 10 For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

This should give people goosebumps because it is one of two pivotal points in the ministry of Jesus. 
  • First, John endorsed Him as the prophet of Isaiah 40, thus risking his life.
  • Second, Jesus endorsed John as being that prophet, the one individual chosen by God to begin the public ministry of the Savior.
  1. Therefore, John the Baptist began the public ministry of Jesus.
  2. And Jesus completed His public ministry by raising Lazareth from the dead. Once Lazareth was raised, nothing more needed to be done. The Passion was initiated by raising a famous person from the dead and would end with the Savior Himself rising from the dead and ascending to heaven.
So, if you ask, why so much about John the Baptist during Advent, instead of more about Jesus? I have wondered that myself. The reason is that this enormous foundation of Promises was established to show Jews and Gentiles that Jesus fulfilled all these Promises from the Old Testament. That is intended to build our faith in Him and to comfort us when we waver and become  muddled with anxiety and doubt.