Wednesday, December 27, 2017

News and Information - Luther Seminary.
Thrilled and Excited To Sell Off Land To Raise Money

 “We are thrilled to be partnering with two well-respected organizations,” said Robin Steinke, Luther Seminary president. “We are excited about how their work will enhance both the Luther Seminary campus and the surrounding communities.” 
PS - We really need the loot.

News and Information - Luther Seminary:

"HealthPartners to purchase land from Luther Seminary
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Luther Seminary announced today that it has reached an agreement to sell land to HealthPartners. The land, which is across the street and on the north side of HealthPartners Como Clinic, will be the new location for the current clinic.

The land purchase is part of Luther Seminary’s plan for long-term development. These plans include a senior housing project with 49 units that will be built by Ecumen and other renovations to the campus."

By including ELCA pastors in his Change or Die!  conferences, Mark and Avoid Jeske is helping to apply the same euthanasia methods he has perfected in WELS/ELS. The LCMS gains from his insights too.
 Magical ingredients - one ELCA pastor - Erin Morris; one Thrivent saleslady, Brenda Moore; one Church and Change founder, WELS' Steve Witte; one Pfotenhauer for the SynCon DNA; two from Appleton, national headquarters for alcholism and Thrivent.
Jeske's next 10 lectures to the suffering Martin Luther College students will be: "We Ran Out of Germans." Note the empty chairs.

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A Letter from ELCA's Least Solvent Seminary - One of Two Schools Started by Loehe


“The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had seen and heard…” Luke 2:20

Dear Mr Ichabod, 
God calls people like you and me to do impossible things to turn the existing order upside down. The shepherds in Luke’s story of Jesus’ birth are no exception. They are the ordinary people who make sure that the story is told and that the glory is offered to God.
We know that our church is experiencing a shortage of leaders. It is the responsibility of all of us to make sure that the message of Jesus – of God doing a new thing – is shared in our communities. And, it is the responsibility of Wartburg Theological Seminary to educate those leaders.
The call to make sure the Gospel comes into the world is a shared one. Will you come alongside us to respond?
God called the shepherds to bring good news as he has called you and me. Join us in continuing making sure the Gospel is shared. We are so grateful for your continued support in our mission. 

Wishing you a continued happy holiday season,
Rev. Louise N. Johnson
President, Wartburg Theological Seminary 

Remind me again about her qualifications to become
a Lutheran seminary president? Academic? Parish experience? Scholarship?
Oh - Pals with Liz Eaton, the ELCA Archbishop.

Churchmouse Campanologist | Ringing the bells for Christian traditions and getting our story out there. If we don’t, who will?

Churchmouse Campanologist | Ringing the bells for Christian traditions and getting our story out there. If we don’t, who will?:

"This is the best — and most concise — analysis of CBS ever done.

It comes from a contributor to Free Republic. This is a work of genius. Please (click if necessary and) watch:"

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Bearing the Cross, Part II - The Benefits

Some are saying, "There you go, all negative on Bearing the Cross - another jeremiad. What about something positive?"

I know a lot of synod leaders read Ichabod, so I have to keep posts short, to match their attention spans. That is also why I link big words to definitions, to help them expand past felt needs, Church Growth eyes, and small groups - their favorite terms.

Luther is quite clear - above - that debating with false teachers is good for us and for advancing sound doctrine. If Buchholz, Webber, Bivens, and Valleskey really felt secure about their precious UOJ, they would be glad to debate. The Emmaus Conference would welcome a discussion of Justification instead of banning it.

If I can touch on the profane, it is similar to the sales tactic - called the takeaway.

  • "I don't think you can afford this." - Prospect response, "Yes I can."
  • "I supposed you are not ready to decide," pulling the contract away. Response - "Yes I am," grabbing it back.
So we all have access to Melanchthon's essay on Justification by Faith in his Apology of the Augsburg Confession. When we are unchallenged by attacks on Justification by Faith, we read it and say, "Yes, Ok. True."

But when every SynCon leader is attacking Justification by Faith, calling it Calvinism! and false doctrine!, insisting their UOJ dogma is the Chief Article, the same Melanchthon essay becomes a example of the best Biblical teaching to us. Likewise, Luther's Galatians Lectures are most valuable and valued when read during doctrinal warfare.

The UniSynod (ELCA-LCMS-ELS-WELS-CLC) knows it is failing in all the measurements they love to study - membership, attendance, giving, enrollment in various schools. But they can live like royalty until the end. They do not want a doctrinal debate. When I began spreading the word on WELS-LCMS joint ministries with ELCA, Thrivent stopped printing the information. 

That is also why the UniSynod frauds will not attack Justification by Faith directly. They amend by substitution, improvement, and clarification. Just as Rome applies the characteristics of Christ to Mary, so these clever people apply accolades about Justification to their UOJ dogma.

The discerning are wondering what has gone wrong, so it is a great opportunity to study the Word and the Book of Concord, to discuss Christian doctrine.

The UniSynod has gone so far down the road to perdition that the leaders have created a great hunger for Biblical basics. Those pastors and lay leaders who realize the value of faithfulness will also find their lives and work satisfying.

Page Views Averaging 3,000 Daily Since the Counter Reached Six Million.
One Reader Responds

I never went to Fuller or Paris, France, but I did photoshop myself into both of those calamitous trouble-spots. Photoshop is the art of the impossible.

I have thought for a long time that governmental authorities and the men who control this world want marijuana usage to be very high.  A stoned populace is much easier to control.

Further, it is true that the synods do not want the membership versed in biblical doctrine.  People are much easier to control if they are ignorant or controlled by the foci of this world.


GJ - Viewing slowed down during the Christmas shopping season, but roared ahead after we reached a total of 6 million views. Since that time, views have averaged 3,000 each day, so I assume half are opponents and half are supporters. But who knows? At one WELS convention, every laptop had Ichabod showing on the screen.

I really appreciate the personal responses. This week a man wrote about finding a genuine Lutheran congregation in his area. I know some readers who said they found one in that location, so I connected the man with this congregation.

Synod leaders should ask themselves why so many people say, "I cannot find a Lutheran church that uses the liturgy, creeds, classic hymns, and Luther's Biblical teaching." After all, it was a scandal when GM put Chevvy engines in their Oldsmobiles. No, that is not an Old Rocket engine, just a Chevvy under the hood. Many were peeved at GM for this deception. How much more upsetting is it to find Fuller dogma under the hood of every "conservative" Lutheran congregation?

Isn't that Steve Witte, a founder of WELS Church and Change, teaching with Erin Morris, an ELCA minister?
"We are one in the Spirit, we are one in felt needs.
And they'll know we are phonies by our deeds, not our words,
And they'll know we are phonies by our deeds."

It is safe to assume that everyone featured at a Church and Change workshop is a certified, gen-yoo-wine, secret tattoo Fuller Seminary false teacher. In WELS, a D.Min. from the Enthusiasts is additional proof of Church Growthery:
Witte, Olson, Kelm, Doebler, etc.
How is that so many leaders - like Bivens and Valleskey,
Jim Huebner, and the mission parasites all studied at Fuller?