Tuesday, July 24, 2018

How Do the Fort Wayniacs Excuse Their Abyssmal Ignorance of Their Own Synod

Dr. Walter Arthur Maier

Lutheran Hour Speaker, 1930-1950

Dr. Walter A. Maier
Dr. Walter A. Maier became the first speaker of "The Lutheran Hour" in 1930. He had been teaching Old Testament Interpretation at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis for eight years when he took a leave of absence to be full-time Lutheran Hour speaker. Maier was dedicated to his work, having decided to become a pastor after hearing a mission sermon at the age of twelve. He attended undergraduate school at Concordia College in Bronxville, New York, washing dishes and selling typewriters to pay expenses.
When Maier passed away suddenly, just after midnight on January 11, 1950, tributes poured in from around the globe. Reverend Billy Graham sent a telegram: "We join with friends who mourn the passing of Dr. Walter A. Maier, whose Lutheran Hour was a constant benediction and source of strength."
Dr. William Arndt, a close associate of Dr. Maier, wrote: "It was his continual aim to preach the great truths of the Scriptures: Law and Gospel, sin and grace, Christ and His redemption. Throughout the English-speaking world he was considered one of the chief spokesmen of conservative Christianity. His memory will be cherished by millions of people."
During the twenty years that Maier served as speaker for "The Lutheran Hour," the United States - and the world - went through remarkable upheaval. The Great Depression caused the temporary suspension of "The Lutheran Hour" broadcast, World War II and the devastation of the atomic bomb rocked the world. Maier's words speak to the particular events of the world in which he lived, but he admonished his listeners with the Law of God, and comforted them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in a tone that still rings true at the beginning of the 21st century.

This sermon by Walter Maier is a clear example of teaching the Atonement as completely and forcefully as anyone could, and also stressing the importance of faith in our Savior.

The Fort Wayniacs do not know what the Gospel is, and yet they want to teach the entire world. Maier earned a doctorate, that is, a license to teach. But the bachelors of divinity want to teach the entire world, though no one is asking, and they would likely lecture Dr. Maier too, if they had the chance.

The UOJ Stormtroopers were clever in their takeover of the LCMS and WELS. The Little Sect on the Prairie was midwifed by loyalty to UOJ, so there was nothing to corrupt.

This UOJ cleverness is wonderfully devious, because they never deny Justification by Faith outright (though they loathe the Chief Article). They let people think their precious Objective Justification is the Atonement, though it clearly is not. They even make a point of saying OJ is not the Atonement - as Dr. Robert Preus did in his little essay that Jack Cascione ordered him to write (as Jack brags, but then, Jack is always bragging).

Next - they let people think Subjective Justification is Justification by Faith, but once again - that is a deception. SJ is agreeing with or making a decision for world absolution without faith.

'Tis comforting for false teachers to know they will be declared righteous in Hell and have so many companions from Sodom.

However, the UOJ Salesmen show their hand a few ways:

  1. They say - "Don't make faith a work!" and really make the word faith a bad one, as if it were the opposite of grace.
  2. They sell their position by saying, "We are justified BY GRACE through faith," which may not be wrong as such, but they are intending it as OJ and then SJ: they mean faith is faith in OJ, not faith in Christ Jesus.
  3. They even proclaim that their Justification without Faith is the Chief Article of Christianity, which is either a blatant lie or total stupidity. Yet Mark Zarling published that nonsense and F. Bivens copied the same argument in his paper - the same reference too.
  4. They deny their constant discussion of double justification, but I see the J both in OJ and SJ. For Mequon students unfamiliar with the English language, the J means a declaration. Two Justifications mean two declarations of Not Guilty! They love that term. Not Guilty! even if you never believe in Christ. Not Guilty! even if you are roasting in Hell. 

Seventy years after Dr. Maier died, the LCMS made UOJ their official dogma in a textbook

  1. Denying the Gospel Today and the 
  2. Bloated Anti-Luther Catechism.
Both over-priced books are published by Concordia Publishing House in honor of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.

 Buy your Reformation 500 dog t-shirt from CPH.

From Walter Maier - As True Now As It Was 75 Years Ago

Stirring words from Walter A. Maier

May God give us the same courage, for we in the United States also face a trying future! What I say now will find little applause, but the Church dare not cater to the popularity that blindly sets divine truth aside. 

Every minister of Jesus Christ is to be a watchman who, studying the trends of his times, warns and comforts his people. Therefore, when disturbed Christians, repeating the ancient Bible question, ask, "Watchman, what of the night?" we must be guided by complete honesty and absolute indifference to public acclaim. 

Under this conviction I tell you that in the deliberate opinion of many sober-minded investigators, within the Church as without, the United States faces the possibility of more numerous, more subtle, more imminent disasters than in our entire previous history. 

The most dangerous perils arise not from without but from within. Small countries may be overrun by military machines, but rich, powerful peoples succumb to internal treachery, the consequences of their own sins, the disregard of God's Word. 

As Christians we must whole-heartedly do our share in building and strengthening the nation's defenses; but we dare not overlook the truth that the contempt of divine will in American life can become a hundred times more destructive than any foreign invasion.

Free Garden Expansion in the Fall - Plus Easy Plants To Grow

Norma A. Boeckler

Six inches of rain brought Joe Pye into bloom and seed production. The largest one, at 7 feet, bent over with the weight of the rain. However, it is a a marvel of beneficial insect life - from butterflies to bees and wasps, lightning bugs, hover flies, and more.

The Mother of All Crepe Myrtles was completely pruned before the rain, so the buds are opening for the second show. Now it has a pink glow of bursting buds.

One doctor said his KnockOut roses are not blooming. I said, "Trim them back 30%." He said, "Someone did that and the roses did not grow back for a long time." I asked, "Did you mulch and water them?" He hung his head a bit, "No." I admonished him, "You have to dote on roses." He brightened, "You dote on them? I suppose I should too."

If he had pruned back his KnockOut roses before the rain, they would be in full bloom now, with 50 roses per bush, lots of color, plenty of roses for vases and then some. The challenge with doted-upon KnockOuts is keeping up with their production.

Readers who took notes remember that I added mulch and watered everything before the big rain. That meant six inches of rain went into the clay soil to linger, the mulch keeping the rain from evaporating too fast. Another benefit, besides holding down weeds and improving the soil, is keeping the soil cool. Plants do not like sun-baked soil around their base. Nothing is more pathetic than a lonesome rose growing out of sun-baked clay, going to seed from lack of pruning. One distant neighbor specialized in this - I am glad he put up a privacy fence to hide his gardening skills.

 Tiny flowers invite tiny beneficial insects - and butterflies: Clethra.

Garden Expansion
I have a lot of plants that can be divided and spread around in the fall, which means free expansion without cost:

  1. Hostas
  2. Wild Ginger Hidden Lily
  3. Joe Pye
  4. Cat Mint
  5. Mountain Mint
  6. Daisies.
I am sharing some plants with our dentist's mother, who had all hers stolen just before a big more. I may move some bushes into the rose garden too, depending on their root systems.

 Chaste Tree is more of a woody shrub.
Bees love it. Mrs. Gardener asked about it, because the flowers are long-lasting and very attractive to humans as well.

Easy Plants To Grow
Once I branched out from roses, I found a lot of plants that really take off in the third year. The plants above are also easy to grow, and they contribute to the Balance of Creation in the yard. 

Do you remember all those mentions of "The Balance of Nature" in the 1960s? Who is doing the balancing? 

Some experiments should be done by any gardener, just to see how powerful the management of Creation is. Our latest is the senior Joe Pye Weed. We always have plenty of beneficial insects because of the varied flowering of plants and the selection to attract the helpers (Mountain Mint, Shasta Daisy, Pokeweed, Butterfly Bush, Chaste Tree). But the insects really go crazy on the Joe Pye blooms.

The right flower is the correct invitation for a particular beneficial insect. My Poison Hemlock was crawling with baby Ladybugs, very impressive - but not enough to keep it growing in the yard. That was the only time I saw Ladybugs in the infant stage, looking like little alligators. Chaste Tree is a magnet for bees.

 Elderberry bushes grow very easily and spread.