Universalism Has Already Destroyed LCMS-ELCA-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic)

Pastor Herman Otten - choose between the Bible and Pope Walther.

 9-10-2018 Christian News

One thing I cannot comprehend - how the so-called conservative Lutherans ape the rationalism of ELCA, pretend to be better than ELCA, and refuse to discuss or even acknowledge Justification by Faith.

They literally have CFW Walther figurines to venerate in the LCMS, and they keep wondering why they have pastors like this one, posed in one of those hilarious Church Growth grins.

 If one crawls into bed with ELCA's Wengert, should the subsequent scandals come as a surprise to anyone?

Two Universalists Honored by Christian News ad nauseum.

Two of these people were big Church Growth Enthusiasts in WELS; one went to the state prison for abusing members of his own church.

This is Universalism, cowardly yes, but Universalism nevertheless. Those who agree with this BA from Leipzig - this Pietist who pimped for Stephan -
are also Universalists.

Abuse of Liquor, Abuse of Others - WELS Has the Worst Frat System of All

 "Wasn't the pond full of raw sewage fun in GA/HB?
Hazing draws us closer, doncha think?"

U.S. frats opt for stricter booze policy in wake of deaths

Hundreds of fraternity houses across the US will no longer allow frat members to serve hard liquor, according to a self-governing policy announced Tuesday in the wake of growing outrage over alcohol-related hazing deaths.
The North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) policy effectively means that most of the nation's fraternities cannot dole out strong booze unless it is served by a licensed third-party vendor.


GJ - WELS' abusive hazing system is one part of the problem. The other part is the widespread tolerance - even promotion of alcohol abuse. 
If a DP gets a DUI, he gets a call to another district and "no one knows."

If a pastor runs his car up a utility pole on a DUI, he gets a world mission call. 
If a Mordor professor is so drunk he ends up on the wrong side of the street, lawyers get the conviction erased. Never happened.
If two buddies are alcoholics, they start a coffee house ministry that ends up a bar ministry. One had an appearance bond refund listed on the gubmint site. Is that a qualification for getting two WELS calls at once? protection from three DPs and the SP?
If that is not enough, congregations start Bible studies in bars. Theology on Tap. 
 "Let us....bbburrrup..."
The eructations of apostates are sweet in the ears of their Father Below.

Manuscript Falsehoods - From the UOJ Hoaxers at LutherQuest (sic)

Karl Randolph (Oracle)
Username: Oracle

Post Number: 75
Registered: 7-2018
Posted on Sunday, September 02, 2018 - 10:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

“Is there a perception that the the modern Greek (Nestle-Aland) is more accurate?”

Yes, such is the perception. Perception because the Nestle-Aland text is based on the oldest surviving MMS. But the oldest surviving MMS may have survived precisely because they were inferior while superior MMS wore out from use.

GJ - No, the Nestle candybar version is not based on the oldest manuscripts but largely on three hoodwinking frauds:

  1. Wescott
  2. Hort
  3. Tischendorf
Tischendof lied about the Sinaiticus, which was a codex, a book, not leather pages being used to warm a monastic fire. What a hoaxer he was. How magical that he found Vaticanus too. And made his reputation on both. They are the Piltdown Men of New Testament scholarship.

Wescott and Hort made up self-serving rules that have nothing to do with reality. 

The Byzantine Christian Empire lasted from Constantine's changing the capital from pagan Rome to a little village called Byzantium. The Edict of Milan was 313 AD. The Empire fell to the Ottoman Muslim Empire in 1453. Do the math. Who had the oldest versions and preserved them by copying them?

The enormous number of Byzantine texts is used against them. How clever. Tischendorf declared his magical versions the earliest and best - so they are. 

If a manuscript goes off the tracks in doctrine, it is probably very early, so say Wescott, Hort, and their apostate fan club. 

The King James family of translations maintains two important concepts, denied by most of the rest:
  1. The traditional New Testament text.
  2. Precise translating rather than "This is what God would have said if He were as smart as we are."
The dummer-than-rocks conservative Luthruns favor the Calvinistic ESV or the hopelessly corrupt and ever-changing NIV.

There are plenty of good choices in the KJV family. Those who read German (hardly anyone in WELS) will notice that the Luther translation is very close to the KJV, because Tyndale went to Wittenberg and printed English Bible in Germany.

  1. The KJV - my favorite.
  2. The New KJV - superior to the ESV and NIV, by far.
  3. KJV21 - converting the more antique words.
  4. Third Millennium - very much liked.

Finishing John's Gospel of Faith: From the Disciple Jesus Loved

 Norma A. Boeckler's author page

I am putting together a rough draft, illustrated by Norma A. Boeckler, of John's Gospel of Faith.

If you would like a copy of the draft and want to send suggestions, use this email -


If I do not know you, I will not send the link.

Any and all suggestions  are welcome.

Unexpected Treasures - Moving the Sugarsweet, aka Sweet Pepperbush, aka Ruby Spice Summersweet,

Clethra, or Summersweet

Most people would pass by the Clethra in the bird feeding area. In fact, when I did some pruning, I ended up with three of them, not to mention three Chaste Trees. Amost Eden kept me well supplied with plants I never heard of before.

Summersweet is noted for being especially attractive to butterflies and all pollinators. The rose garden in front has morphed into a butterfly garden, with a lot of Joe Pye growing. 

I no longer try out plants in the back, because I overlook them and neglect them. More sun is available in the front; the sprinkler sprinkles on the just (flowers) and unjust (weeds) alike.

Everyone asks about the Butterfly Weed, which has bright orange flowers for a long time. The Hidden Lily Wild Ginger prompted similar questions, especially when it grew and grew and produced no flowers - truly hidden. Meanwhile, Hidden Lily bloomed like crazy in the sunniest part, on the western border of the rose garden. But I digress.

Chaste Tree was a bear to dig up and replant on a hot day. This time I soaked the Clethra and its new home for a long time, since clay is so ornery this time of year. Summersweet will grow where we can all see it and enjoy its fanclub swirling around it.

I was thinking about the substitution of evolution for Creation. People look at the same mechanisms and offer two entirely different causes. If the Word of God can raise the dead, who are certainly unknowing, as the widow's son, young girl, and Lazarus were, then the same divine Word can create life perfectly engineered and managed to be successful in its role.

My spare Chaste Tree languished in the far back garden, no matter how much I watered it. I finally looked up directions. The website said, "Never water the Chaste Tree - and give it lots of sun." Pruning was OK. I pruned it severely, moved it to the spare, sunny garden in the back, and saw it perk up and grow well, without watering it. Mrs. Gardener pointed out how beautiful its flowers were.

 I enjoy watching bumble bees work their way through
Chaste Tree, Bergamot, and Cat Mint flowers. They love Joe Pye, too.

Cat Mint has shown an ability to stay in bloom and spread out gradually from its original location. Therefore I am putting plugs of it around the maple tree in the rose garden. That area has been prone to rampant growth of weeds, so I am going to displace the weeds with mint. It is not a rampant grower like Catnip, and its roots are not as steely tough as Mountain Mint and Catnip.

More Territorial Plants - Good for Several Roles

  • Hostas spread and feed hummingbirds.
  • Garlic chives spread around roses and protect them, improving their health, so say the rosarians.
  • Wild Strawberries are planted by birds and feed the birds. They bloom early, even in the shade, and attract pollinators.
  • Shasta Daisies spread in clumps and are easily divided and spread around the garden. Beneficial Tachinid flies love them and their fly spawn eat aphids.