Monday, May 18, 2020

Self-Service at Gottesdienst - Why Are LCMS Sermons So Horrible?

 Two years experience in the parish and a know-it-all - Paul McCain is so much like CFW Walther, the American Calvin.

Why Can’t the LCMS Preach?

Be sure to read - "Caemmerer’s Preaching fop the Church" By a fop or for fops?
A reader sent me this Gottesdienst link, suggesting the comments were more interesting than the article. I was going to write about preaching today, so this sparked my interest.

Luther said it best. He taught the Biblical efficacy of the Word.The LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) yokels teach against it.

Here is my summary:

 "Keep them coming!"

Bad Sermons Come from Satan's Useful Idiots

The Lutheran Hymnal remains the best Christian hymnal around - so they got rid of it.

The historic liturgy was well done, so they dumped it, adopted feminist woke language, then switched to cringy entertainment sneaker services.

The King James Version is the only translation based on the precision of Luther's Bible and the traditional text, so the wise guys of Lutherdom switched the anti-Lutheran RSV, NIV, ESV - which embrace the fraud and deceit of Seminex.

The Chief Article of Christianity was officially taught in the LCMS-WELS, so the leaders like McCain, Harrison, Valleskey, Bivens got rid of it entirely and now punish anyone who teaches Justification by Faith. They make shunning look like a party invitation - in love, of course.

Lutheran outreach worked well because faith mattered, so they replaced that - in the name of growth - with business methods, marketing, and gigantic costs for nothing.

Luther was and remains the greatest Biblical teacher of all time, so they treated the Reformation's 500th anniversary like Fri-YAY on QVC and sold Here I Stand socks.

Seminary education is not for learning Greek, Hebrew, Homiletics, and German - as it was at Gettysburg long ago - but about making sure every graduate is an anti-Lutheran, woke, synod-worshiping drone.

 "I take great encouragement in your article and so many other things that have been discussed, shard (sic), published and communicated over the past 10 to 20 years."

"If you want to preaching (sic) like a Lutheran, read, deeply, the sermons of Martin Luther. We now have his Church Postils available in the best available translation in English, based on the best texts that Luther personally approved of before his death, in the 1540s."

GJ - Note we give away 11 volumes of PDFs of Luther's Sermons, the Lenker set and the Postils.

 The nuns taught Paul trigger-nometry and Romanism, but not spelling, so he became an editor at CPH.

 They have truly lived off the fat of the land.

 "How much are we making with phony doctorates? plus McCain's salary? That is rich, get it, really rich."

The Complete Treatment for Each Hymn

 Use the Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog Index to find this hymn. It is alphabetical. I use control-f and part of the title to find it fast.

Norma Boeckler is providing graphics for the public domain hymns on the Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog.

The basics are there but I am garnishing each one as art is provided:

  1. The tune is linked to the organ, using the tune name, but that does take the reader away from the lyrics. To make up for that, I am putting up a YouTube or two, where the hymn is being sung or at least played. 
  2. I fill in abbreviated Scripture citations.
  3. I look for improvements in the text.

 Use the Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog Index to find this hymn.

Sassy Got Her Brat Slices. Check. Pour-Over Coffee and BelVita Crackers. Check.

Norma Boeckler's Art Books are linked here.

Sassy has trained me to give her Johnsonville brat slices each morning. The variation is whether she grins "Here I am again" or just looks glum and sleepy. If I act shocked and jump back, she smiles - or not. Once I also did a series of my best dance moves. She remained stone faced. After the slices, she goes into the backyard jungle to do some tracking. Nothing replaces the morning walk. But she has to wait for the morning post that proves I am alive, healthy, reasonably awake.

The Military-Gardening Group convened on the front porch yesterday. Ranger Bob told PFC (the youngest, Private First Class) to learn how to get inexpensive books. Someone needed a Chilton manual, so we looked for that later and found a $500 copy and a $26 copy for the same 2016 GMC. We also searched for military books on eBay, and found one for $3 and another for $10 with free shipping. PFC received some lessons on navigating the used book market.

Ranger Bob was suitable chastened to dig in the Joe Pye "after I have some fresh coffee." I described my Saturday phone tirade to PFC - "Bob - you are a Native American and Joe Pye is the Native American who discovered this plants and made medicine from them. But you have not planted them, so the Joe Pye Rescue Society will confiscate the plants. Other penalties may apply."  Bob laughed and laughed. He jumps at the chance to fix up an old car - for free - but procrastinates in gardening.

I ordered a used gardening magazine that featured Joe Pye. Meanwhile, I work on the mulch bags to protect the favored flowers - Joe Pye, Clethra, roses, new daisies.

The wild roses have all bloomed, after the Easy Does It. The Veterans Honor roses are budding, thanks to the rains and sunshine. Hybrid teas have one annoying habit. They seem to take forever to bud, then to open a little, and finally to have the five sepals open (meaning I can cut them for long-lasting, slow-opening roses).

However, the slow development of hybrid teas is an asset when collecting flowers to give away. There are plenty of roses that are in stages of blooming, and some have buds on side branches. All pruning is good, so harvesting the blooms energizes them. Collateral damage is to the deadwood, which occurs naturally and needs pruning to promote root and branch growth. (John 15:1-10)

There is a good chance that I will take rainwater out to the new daisies today and give them a boost. Our young visitor on Saturday was curious that I stored rainwater. Roots go down as low as the moisture drives them (Creation 101). Rainwater is not only the best in lacking liabilities like chlorine - it has a built-in safe, free fertilizer (usable nitrogen). Dripping rainwater onto new plants will promote wide and deep root growth and health in the leaves.

Yes, the Hosta has holes in it - just like new Joe Pyes. Slugs come out in the dark to munch on the greens, especially the new, tender plants. However, 2/3rds of them are underground, so trying to kill the slugs is waste of time, temper, and tirades. "What pleases God pleases me," as the hymn says.

The holey Hostas will still send up stalks of flowers to attract the hummingbirds. Joe Pye will soon be tall enough to make the slug-journey to food a long, hard climb. See the Slug Song above.

 Every time I want to buy more Joe Pye in May - sold out.