USDA - "Open Up! You Are Holding Joe Pye Hostage!"

On Sunday, Ranger Bob promised to plant Joe Pye Weed as soon as he finished his coffee.

Sassy wanted her afternoon walk at 4 PM on Monday, so we went to his door and I shouted, "I am from the United States Department of Agriculture. You have Joe Pye being held as a hostage. Open up!"

Bob said, "I planted Joe Pye. Come around and see."

He picked a great spot where the two plants will get plenty of sunlight and warmth. They began their Arkansas residency in rainwater and were growing fast.

In mid-May, with so many of my rose bushes blooming and budding, Bob wanted some rose bushes. Like Joe Pye, they are sold out in all the favorite varieties - Veterans Honor, Double Delight, etc.

Paradise was a selection in the rainbow mix one year.

There are some gardening websites where special varieties are offered, $49, $59, whatever they can get! I knew Bob was angling for the normal $20 each - plus shipping, so I kept looking.

I found a supplier I used - where we could get a rainbow mix of bare root roses for $10 each - free shipping. In the past, these have come from the same wholesale grower who sells them through Jackson and Perkins and the others. The funny thing is - they are the same roses, some extra large and mature, for half-price. Rainbow suggests they will include a red, a yellow, an orange, a bi-color, etc. The roses are named so I can look up whatever is new to me. Downton Abby inspired some, etc. - That is where I am getting the rainbow collection. Those on the list of seed companies may be offered a similar deal.

Easy Does It also came in a rainbow selection.

Lutherdom Has Become the Sleeping Pygmy

 Calvinist News is like one of those children's meals with everything mixed around on the plate, one tasteless mess.

Yamamoto said after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941:

“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

The opposite is true in Lutherdom, the sleeping pygmy. No matter what is done to insult, afflict, and offend the faithful, everyone praises Holy Mother Synod, gives thanks to God for Holy Mother, and goes back to sleep.

Lutheran discussions on the Internet sound like a group of elderly men dosing off as they sip their Ovaltine. They wake up in time for the next round of meds, which they feed to the Lutheran population.

 According to the genius faculty and students at Concordia, Ft. Wayne, Abraham was a Faithian.