Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Boxes in Galatians

I wanted to separate my comments from Luther's Galatians, so there would be no confusion. Alec Satin, the Lutheran Librarian, suggested text boxes, so I am doing that. It works well but does not transfer well to the blog.

When I am at certain points I will make a PDF available for people It is going well. After my comments are in, I intend to footnote a number of basic, bad sources. Boxes give footnotes the Left Foot of Fellowship, so I need to work outside the box on that portion - nothing new to me.

Warning - Another Book Idea

The Elderberry flower is a supermarket for beneficial insects.

Recently I created baby calendars for individuals. Photographic calendars are fun and easy with today's software. Unfortunately, the first company asked for 40 images and created a calendar with white blotches instead of photos. We laughed and laughed, and I used the refund to go to another company.

I was asked by a member to send some photos from the garden, and some discussion followed. It is wonderful to have the Net and have conversations with members, friends, and interested parties.

This idea germinated - a book with only photos from the garden and very few words. There would be some Scripture and some hymn verses, but 90% photos. I will accumulate photos in a folder until I have enough to set the book up.

Giant Veterans Honor Roses - carried by a veteran to the grave of his step-father, a veteran.