Thursday, April 1, 2021

Hymn - Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray


"Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray"
by Henry E. Jacobs, 1844-1932

1. Lord Jesus Christ, we humbly pray
That we may feed on Thee today;
Beneath these forms of bread and wine
Enrich us with Thy grace divine.

2. The chastened peace of sin forgiven,
The filial joy of heirs of heaven,
Grant as we share this wondrous food,
Thy body broken and Thy blood.

3. Our trembling hearts cleave to Thy Word;
All Thou hast said Thou dost afford,
All that Thou art we here receive,
And all we are to Thee we give.

4. One bread, one cup, one body, we,
United by our life in Thee,
Thy love proclaim till Thou shalt come
To bring Thy scattered loved ones home.

5. Lord Jesus Christ, we humbly pray
To keep us steadfast to that day
That each may be Thy welcomed guest
When Thou shalt spread Thy heavenly feast.

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #314
Text: 1 Corinthians 10:17
Author: Henry E. Jacobs, 1910
Tune: "Herr Jesu Christ, dich"
1st Published in: Cantionale Germanicum
Town: Dresden, 1628

 The print copy of True Christianity is here.

"If ever any man was competent to write on true Christianity, that man was John Arndt. It had become his very life; it entered into the very center of his own experience; it was an essential part of his being, and hence it was only necessary to let the mouth utter that, of which the heart was full. We need not be surprised that this book, at its first appearance, met with undivided approbation and an extensive sale. It was properly regarded as the first book of devotion in the protestant church, and soon established for itself the character of a masterpiece of unperishable value.

“The practical writings of Luther, Bugenhagen, Lorenz and Sarcenes were mostly written in Latin, and were limited to ministers or professors; hence the people had no devotional book, properly so called, until the publication of the first book of Arndt on true Christianity. It was not long before its fame was spread throughout all Europe, and to this day it is accomplishing its work of blessing and mercy in undiminished vigor. In all European circles of pious Christians, it continues to be the chief devotional book. It has led millions to a knowledge of the truth; a countless number of the ungodly to repentance; thousands of lukewarm believers to Christian activity, and afforded comfort and refreshment to a host of the weary and heavy laden. Without hesitation, next to the Bible, no book can be more properly recommended to those seeking edification, than Arndt’s True Christianity.” — John G. Morris from _John Arndt_

John Arndt (1555-1621) is primarily remembered for his classic devotional work, True Christianity which was a strong influence on John Wesley. Though associated with Pietism through his friend and student Spener, John Arndt was a Book of Concord Lutheran who repeatedly affirmed his agreement with the Formula of Concord.

The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry finds, restores and republishes good, readable books from Lutheran authors and those of other sound Christian traditions. All titles are available at little to no cost in proofread and freshly typeset editions. Many free e-books are available at our website Please enjoy this book and let others know about this completely volunteer service to God’s people. May the Lord bless you and bring you peace.

Lenski Grasped the Meaning of the Sermon - In Harmony with the Bible and Luther - The Efficacy of the Word of God

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are proclaimed in the opening of the Bible.
John 1 explains Genesis 1.

The same fact obtains at every high Christian festival. When will we learn that simply preaching the historical facts of the first rank affects the hearts as nothing else can? The facts as facts, driven home, produce faith by themselves, without any urging of application. Trust the facts 100% for this effect. To do so is the only sound psychology. Unbelief always, yea always, finds itself driven to deny the supreme historical facts, for these would smash all unbelief. See this right here: modernism denies the fact of the Virgin Birth, denounces Luke’s and Matthew’s accounts as fictitious legends and not history. But enough. The Son of God was born man! Give us the fact, the whole fact, and nothing but the fact. It is this that floods our souls with faith, with heavenly joy and unending praise.

From: Lenski. The Gospel Selections of the Ancient Church: An Exegetical-Homiletical Treatment. A Series of Gospel Texts for the Entire Church Year 1936/2021


GJ - Our Lutheran Librarian, Alec Satin, is preparing even more books for the The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry. One of the best results of his work comes from unearthing the works of Lenski.

One of the strange dark comedies in this Age of Apostasy is the constant warnings of WELS against Lenski, because "he is not good on Justification." That comes from pastors who brag about the time they spent learning the Biblical languages and studying the Bible, at Northwestern College (RIP) and Mordor in Mequon (the apex of abuse in their failing educational system). 

These pastoral predators are unleashed on the population, deliberately misled about the history of WELS-LCMS previously teaching the Chief Article of Christianity, Justification by Faith. WELS-LCMS-ELS substituted Objective Justification (without faith) and jetted to Fuller Seminary to become successful. Meanwhile, they bedded down with ELCA covertly and overtly became one with the merged, unstable monolith.

The WELS education products remind me of the occasional Japanese soldier caught on Pacific islands, certain that the war against America was still active. Each time the kindly captors had to explain that the war was over a long time before. The last verified find was 1974!

Got that, Bishop Heiser, STM Ft. Wayne? Scaer and the Preus Crime Family worked hard to get rid of the Chief Article - and the Maiers.

Which is funnier, WELS or the ELDONUTs? The ELDONUTs have their own invented history. Bishop James Heiser, STM, claimed on tape that he never knew about Objective Justification until WELS was kicking out Paul Rydecki. But Heiser loved Scaer's teaching, so that was obviously a lie. 

ELDONA's latest stumble is warning on Ask the Pasture - about those who "peddle Arndt." Apparently that is an ELDONA tactic to recover some credibility. Arndt is the famous author of True Christianity

All the work we do is non-profit, and we give away books all over, thanks to extra gifts. 

But it is always an Attaboy! when the craven try to make names for themselves by attacking what they are too lazy to do. The three levels of ironic public approval are:
  1. Support, Cheers, and Popularity - That means saying what people already know. No bonus.
  2. Personal Attacks, Insults without Evidence - That equals getting at the false doctrine. That is definitely an Attaboy!
  3. Total Silence - Banning, shunning, refusal to reprint a rebuttal. That is the top level tactic of their Father Below, because they think they are doing God a favor. Christian News loves every dogma but hates Justification by Faith.

 Instead of this, the "conservative" LCMS-WELS-ELSians kick the faithful out while welcoming and financing Thrivent Insurance, ELCA, and all kinds of mischief. Who is selling annuities to Grandma, so her estate becomes an irrevocable gift to a synod, a commission given to the Thrivent/synod Planned Giving Counselor? Yes, you are funding ELCA with every dime you pay to Thrivent. But let's be honest about money for once - they all have their trotters in the same trough.

John 16 16 These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended.
2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. 3 And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.