Wednesday, December 1, 2021

A Layman Speaks about False Teachers and False Doctrine



Yes Pastor Jackson you may quote freely what I write.

KJV, Textus Receptus, Luther's Bible are the foundation for TRUE Christian doctrine, Apostle's creed, Nicene creed, and Athanasian creed. For example Col. 2:9 says "For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." The word "Godhead" immediately pictures the Holy Trinity Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. This word "Godhead" is therefore stated repeatedly in the Athanasian creed. The corrupt modern translations remove the word "Godhead" and use another word that will not picture the Holy Trinity Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Another example is John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son..." Therefore the Nicene creed and Athanasian creed use the word "begotten" repeatedly. The word "begotten" pictures Christ as true God from all eternity. The corrupt translations remove the word "begotten". I Tim 3:16 says "God" was manifest in the flesh." Therefore all the creeds and especially the Athanasian and Nicene creeds clearly state that Jesus is both true God and true man. The corrupt Nestle-Aland removes the Greek word for God: Theos. The corrupt translations use Nestle-Aland and therefore also remove God from 1 Tim 3:16.

Isaiah 7:14 says "Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." Therefore the apostles Creed and Nicene creeds especially use the word "virgin". The corrupt RSV removes the word "virgin". Other corrupt translations say "the Virgin" instead of "a virgin".

 The Annuciation, by Norma A. Boeckler

First Mid-Week Advent Service, 2021

Mid-Week Advent Service, 
December 1, 2021, 7 PM Central

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

The Hymn # 240             Father Most Holy  
The Order of Vespers                                         p. 41
The Psalmody            Psalm   14                     p. 124
The Lection   

Sermon Hymn # 410             Jesus Lead Thou On

The Two Natures in Christ

The Prayers and Lord’s Prayer                         p.  44
The Collect for Peace                                        p. 45
The Benediction                                                   p. 45

Isaiah 7:10 Moreover the Lord spake again unto Ahaz, saying, 11 Ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above. 12 But Ahaz said, I will not ask, neither will I tempt the Lord. 13 And he said, Hear ye now, O house of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary my God also? 14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

Announcements and Prayers

  • The anniversary of Walter Boeckler's death is Saturday, December 4th.
  • Randy Anderson will have surgery.
  • Anita Engleman has medical concerns.
  • Pastor Jim Shrader and his wife Chris.
  • Those with diabetes.
  • A girl named C. is having emotional problems and poor medical care.
The Two Natures in Christ

The Book of Isaiah is simply overloaded with the greatest passages of the Old and New Testaments. We know many of them from Handel's Messiah, but we would still be studying them because of their truth, impact, warnings, and comfort.

We started last year's midweeks with the same theme, the Two Natures in Christ. In sounds better than of, because the phrase is so precise, so close to the unity of the Natures. That is the title of Chemnitz' beautiful book - The Two Natures in Christ.  What riled me today was the non-Lutheran ex-seminary president, Theresa Latini, giving an advent talk on these passages. Were they about Jesus or Hezekiah?"

As the "great scholars" have shown, there are three dominant heresies - 
  • Against the divinity of Christ, 
  • against His humanity, and
  • against Justification by Faith. 
Our "great scholars" violate the divinity of Christ and Justification by Faith, even though both are clearly taught from Genesis 1 onward. They also substitute two phony sources for the New Testament (Aleph-Sinaiticus and B- Vaticanus) - rejecting the thousand of manuscripts which make up the Traditional Text.
The ones favored by the "great scholars" do not agree with each other. The Traditional (Majority, Byzantine, Ecclesisastical) Text is harmonious, except for the typos that happen when anyone is producing a letter, book, or essay. The best modern equipment cannot make the written word 100% accurate.

Google and I go over the latest being typed out and there are still mistakes, because language is subtle and slippery, the source of jokes, puns, and pointed insults.

Isaiah 7
The Isaiah 7 prediction of Jesus being born of a Virgin is easy to understand and counter against the doubters. That does not rely on the Hebrew word, and this generation tends to ignore such meanings. A maiden is a young girl, but a maiden voyage is the very first formal sailing of a ship. But the answer is clearer than that. Ahaz refused a miracle offered by God, the worst of all possible rebukes of the majesty and power of God. So God said through the prophet. I will give you a miracle direct from me.  A virgin will conceive - which is impossible - and bear a son (human nature) and He will be called Immanuel - God with us (divine nature). People can dance around this all they want, but the meaning in any language is the same - this miracle will come directly from God, unbidden, and it will show the Savior's Two Natures, human and divine, and His mother's unique status.

Those who deny this stated fact have no concept of the Bible, Old or New Testament. Those who juggle these terms are simply using the faith of others to be "experts" who will explain the real story, to spread their unbelief and haughty show of fake erudition. I asked the entire class of seminarians and the professor to respond, "Do you believe the Virgin Birth or not?" And they responded like chickens scared by firecrackers. Not one answered.

Isaiah 9
The second passage is equally powerful, but we can see a tendency which is throughout the Bible. If something is taught with a certain set of words, and capable of being juggled by "experts," it also appears with a very similar message in different words. We can see that in the Gospels and Psalms and many other places in the Bible.

The opening words of the title seem to be suitable for humans, so the miracle-deniers seem to be winning for a moment...until we get to Mighty God. Jesus as God is one of the most attacked concepts of today. His humanity is tolerated because He remains an appealing figure. But people will accept some miracles, not others, reject all miracles, or explain miracles away as a misunderstanding or emotion-caused malady (like leprosy?). So we can look for proof elsewhere in the passage. Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace definitely sound divine. But the last part is the proof in front of us. His government will last forever (Christianity), it will expand all over the earth after beginning in a remote province of the Roman Empire. It will be established from the Throne of David and be everlasting.

The Abraham passages in the New Testament remind us that long before the Psalms, the same great Kingdom of God would come from the patriarch's line.

These passages create and strength faith in Jesus Christ, which is the #1 purpose of the Bible. When we trouble ourselves about the power of God to help us in time of need, these passages remind us how God worked centuries before His Son's birth to lay the groundwork of the Messianic Kingdom. We have all kinds of fake saviors today who boast of their power, which is really from their Father Below. But not one can say their advent began when it was declared a thousand years, 1600 years ago. The fake saviors last as long as fruit flies, so their buzz is temporary. 

God, Who makes miracles that no one can imagine, will touch our lives with blessings, strength, and even with miraculous healings. These passages are given to us to establish the reign of Jesus in our hearts and to move us to pray in His Name about our problems, wishes, worries, and fears. We read these passages and say, "This is what God can do."

Wondering Out Loud - Isaiah 9:6 - Hezekiah or Jesus?
Each Bus Must Have 10 Passengers, or Else!

Theresa is a Presbyterian-Lutheran who was president of the soi-disant United Lutheran Seminary for several weeks.

Event listing from Mount Olivet Lutheran Church: Tuesday, November 30 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM

“For a child has been born for us, a son given to us authority rests upon his shoulders and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” —Isaiah 9:6 This verse from the prophet Isaiah has inspired Christians for millennia and shaped our celebration of Christmas thanks to George Frideric Handel’s Messiah. Join Pastor Dixon, Pastor Ruud, and Mount Olivet Conference & Retreat Center Director, Rev. Theresa Latini, in studying the many meanings of this beautiful text. Together we will begin our Advent journey by exploring questions like these: What child is this (Hezekiah or Jesus or both)? What does it matter that God came to us as a child? How does this child lead God’s people, including us, out of darkness and into the light? Cost is $20 for lunch and program. Register at by Monday, November 29. Bus transportation is available for $10 from West (8:45am), 7500 York (8:45am) and Mpls Campus (9:15am). Please note that a minimum of 10 people is required for each of the buses. Therefore, bus reservations are due 72 hours in advance. If bus service has to be cancelled, there will be a 48-hour notice given. [GJ - Mt. O. once had 10,000 members. United Lutheran is where the cross was broken and hanging from the steeple after the 2009 vote.]

Professor, no, Pastor, no, Bishop, no, President Guy Erwin was rapidly promoted to become a bishop and the next President of United (sic, merged) Lutheran Seminary.

 Meghan Rohrer followed Erwin as ELCA's San Francisco bishop. He attended Augustana College, ELCA, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Claim Supported - By John Gottlieb Morris - print and ebook.
Morris talked about this claim many years ago.

“In the Church… influential men (opposed) genuine Lutheranism. They clung ardently to the name, and gloried in their ecclesiastical ancestry; but they held that under that name they could be Calvinists, Zwinglians, or Arminians. Lutheranism with them covered a multitude of errors, hence they struggled violently in maintenance of the lowest church views, the loosest theology.” — John Gottlieb Morris

“I always revered Dr. Morris as one of God’s chosen men. His great age seemed phenomenal; his exuberant spirit, ready wit and natural humor made him popular, and drew men to him… He was possessed of good sound common sense, and well calculated to be a leader and a counselor… He loved the Lutheran Church, and his name will ever be connected with that Church as one of her foremost sons. His love and ardent spirit will ever be remembered and live long in the hearts and minds of the people of the Church.” – Hon. Chas. A. Schieren, ex-Mayor of Brooklyn, N. Y.

Sappers Undermined the Foundation of the Protestant Church - The Scriptures


 Barbara and Kurt Aland 

We do not need to look far to find the one reason the Protestants, especially the Lutherans, have fallen into apostasy. The leaders have trained and exalted their sappers. The term comes from a French word for undermining walls to make them collapse. WW1 sappers undermined fortifications quickly and effectively with explosives. 

 Sappers need protection, so they join the ABS or UBS or both. They are well established as college and seminary faculty members.

Church leaders gained power by having their minions undermine the Majority Text of the King James Version. They replaced  the KJV slowly with tofu Bibles, which are so cheaply invented by numbskulls that they must be revised, improved, added to and subtracted from - every few years.

They placed explosives under the Majority Text to make it seem heinous, bloated with additions, and demanding a complete "modern, scientific, scholarly" replacement. They labored to create an eclectic or snip-and-clip Greek text based heavily on the fraudulent Sinaiticus (Aleph) and the equally questionable Vaticanus (B). Both codices were pumped and pimped by Count Tischendorf, a nominal Lutheran who worked with the Church of Rome. Ever since they have worked to create One Greek Text To Rule Them All and in the Darkness Bind Them (Tolkien, Lord of the Rings). They accomplished this under Kurt Aland and his lovely wife. He called it The Standard Text.

Since every word of the Greek New Testament is expendable - so they think - the English paraphrases (not translations) have multiplied like pantry or flour flies. Each pantry fly seems harmless, like a tiny moth, but each pair has 300 babies to emerge and mate and nibble. Oh, those tiny nibbles are not much at first, but they do their work, and their eggs show up in anything organic.

Name a modern version of the English New Testament which is not from the sulfurous, stygian dark bowels of the American and United Bible Societies. Their grandparents are Kurt and Barbara Aland. Their parent is Eugene Nida, who despises accurate translations and replaces them with his own "dynamic equivalence" malarkey. He launched Good News for Modern Man (TEV) in Spanish first, to make the English arrival less radical - and it worked. Nida had so much clout, being there at the start of the corruption, that he could take someone from the more suspicious American Bible Society and place him in the United Bible Societies. Apostasy was rewarded by the Great Nida Himself. I wonder why.

American church leaders are not very bright, so they are easily persuaded to go with "the newest and best."

However, Christian believers are aware that the steady supply of constantly changing Bibles (example Otten's Beck Bible, AAT) indicates something is terribly wrong. 

In the second edition of The Bible Book, I will put together a list of good books and authors supporting the King James Version. The most important task is to have a generation of people who have studied these issues, looking at both sides, and remain ready to "give an answer to the hope which is within them."

KJV 1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

Princeton's Metzger has not been replaced, perhaps because his work is done.