"Thrilled To Be in Agreement with Objective Faithless Justification"
The LCMS, ELS, and WELS got together to acknowledge and publish their delight in agreeing with Objective Faithless Justification. The Church of the Lutheran Confession (sic) did not participate, but they agree. There are a few other breakaway groups still licking their wounds about something and staying separate. The ELCA agrees with the concept of everyone in the world already forgiven and saved, which explains why the LCMS-WELS-ELS works with them through Thrivent Financial (dabbing eyes).
This term suggests the synods named above agree with the Book of Concord - ELCA only with the Augsburg Confession (so they say). Because no synod teaches Justification by Faith - but instead repudiates the Chief Article, not one of them is "confessional"
The term orthodox is especially confusing, since they
- love every modern translation but hate the KJV,
- rely on corrupt and fake Greek New Testament texts, and
- lean heavily toward the dogma of Zwingli, Calvin, Barth, Tillich, and Schuller.
From the Babylon Bee |
"Teach Inerrancy"
The term "inerrant" has become quite weak, because the supposed conservative seminary, Fuller, did not accept the accuracy of Biblical history or geography but claimed they taught inerrancy. Saying the Word of God is wrong about history and geography is not inerrancy, but Fuller - bless their pea-picking granite hearts - got even worse, in touch with all the modern apostates, by repudiating their former weak stance.
WELS tried this out in their ads. ELCA and its predecessors spent so much time making fun of the Scriptures while degrading their seminaries into radical beehives. Denying Justification by Faith is not in harmony with Bible-believing.
If the sects and synods adhered to the King James Version and the Book of Concord, they could be called conservative. All the books and documents are clear - the demons of apostasy have taken over Lutherdom, the process starting when the KJV revision promoted fake New Testament texts (Vaticanus and Sinaiticus) and invited blatant false teachers to help manage the Revision. The process was slow, allowing the ELCA make the rest look "conservative."
Quia Subscription to the Book of Concord
Dr. Lito Cruz observed that the quia term probably came from the bowels of Calvinism. Throwing a lot of terms around is a good way to confuse and mislead people. If the knot-heads want to use the term, they should recognize that teaching the efficacy of the Word - which is throughout the Bible and the Book of Concord - is foreign, even hateful to them.
That description is so funny that I have to rest a while for a good, long bout of laughter. The friendly spin reminds me of the Appleton Alcoholics posting their fake blog trying to mock this one, spewing hatred from their pickled minds, afraid to use their own names.
The emails were just as hilarious. They concluded that the 19,172 messages sent to Ichabod were written by me! They were not sure that I actually went to Notre Dame, earning two degrees. Their other claims made me worry that airplane glue sniffing was a powerful and widespread addiction.
Frosty Bivens borrowed the Mark Zarling claim that Objective Faithless Justification was the Chief Article of the Christian Faith.
The editors of the Formula of Concord clearly repeated the Biblical doctrine of Justification by Faith, taught by Luther and Melanchthon. Would someone explain how all the Lutheran synods and sects missed that?