Wednesday, August 2, 2023

WELS and LCMS Boast Their Fidelity to the Scriptures and the Book of Concord, But Their Leaders, Pastors, and So-Called Scholars Repudiate the Word of God and the Confessions.

This snip-n-clip version of the Bible came from WELS and proves to be exactly what Missouri and WELS have been practicing for many decades.

Missouri and WELS promoted the NIV first, and then the newer, even worser NIV. Were they touchy about the National Council of Churches RSV? 

No, they also like the ESV, which is almost the same. Luther emphasized the Traditional Text while the Evil Four plus Beck Bibles adopted the ludicrous Sinaiticus and the fraudulent Vaticanus texts. Apparently, Missouri and WELS love removing and distorting verses when they can erase faith and divinity of Christ passages. 

Why did Missouri need to publish the Kolb-Wengert Book of Concord? Is there concord (harmony) with ELCA and the LCMS?

Missouri and WELS began with Justification by Faith, no matter what they claim today. The Walther leaven, inherited from the syphilitic bishop Martin Stephan, worked its way slowly through the system. Walther never let go of it, and F. Pieper institutionalized it. 

WELS and the Missouri Synod have no claim on the Scriptures or the Book of Concord. No one said it better than the David P. Scaer, the David P. Scaer Professor of Hogwash at Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne.


 Mrs. Jack Kilcrease seems to like this graphic.

LCMS and WELS Delegates - Thrivent Gave Birth to Triplets

"We are one in the spirit, we are one in the Lord, and we pray that diversity will one day be restored. And they'll know we are Thrivent by our dough, by our dough, and they'll know we are Thrivent by our dough."

You read about it first on Ichabod, because the rest are busy arguing over trivia.

Lutheran Brotherhood (Jacob Preus) and Aid Association for Lutherans were chartered as lodge insurance, based on the earlier efforts of Masonic and Roman Catholic fraternal insurance. That supposedly gave those insurance companies a break because they gave benefits to the members.

That probably changed when the two merged to become Thrivent, which sounds like a potion prescribed by a vet. The executives have prospered, with some getting $1 million a year in salary. Proof of the deluxe treatment is Mark and Avoid Jeske, who gets more than $120,000 a year for being on the Thrivent board. Jeske arranges joint ELCA-WELS-LCMS pastoral conferences, women pastors included. See above.

Thrivent benefits in arranging programs through unified ELCA-WELS-LCMS efforts. That was being done before with LB and AAL, but the two companies had to work out who would do what and how much each would share in benefits. Members and pastors might want to ask about where all the money went. Guidepost used to be free in looking at all non-profits, including Christian News, but lately the cost has been $1,000 and up to peak at the financials.  LCMS had huge non-profit salaries for such niceties as CPH.

Straight talk, lopsided ambiguous smile.

Hilarity - or sadness - comes from the fact of all this going on in public view with no one having any problem with it. If Thrivent gives $17.67 of matching funds for a parish bake sale, and gets a gushing letter of thanks in the church bulletin, the congregation is happy and plans for the next sale. I once installed free cardboard fans in the pews at my church and gave the local newspaper this feature - "St. Timothy Installs Energy Efficient Air Conditioning in the  Worship Area."

The big money at Thrivent is None of Your Business, but they offer a very nice golden calf to carve up for the ELCA-WELS-LCMS executives. Let's not be squeamish. Thrivent gave birth to triplets, and Mark Jeske was the midwife. Celebrate!