Not everyone in the LCMS is an idiot. Fuerbringer's uncle was none other than CFW Walther, who served as Bishop Stephan's pimp. Can anyone today imagine the LCMS' Fuller-stoked leadership tolerating this declaration of the Biblical Means of Grace, as taught by Luther and the Book of Concord?
A person named Bob told me long ago that he looked for Ichabod posts three times a day - morning, afternoon, and evening. Many times I resisted writing an evening post, but Bob's pledge kept me adding just one more item for the day.
Others email and phone me. The abusive ones stopped writing when they found their tantrums were posted for eternity, not just loitering in the comment section until they erased their own words (a process called Kilcreasing, named after the OJ fanatic who erased his comments hours after posting. One regular said he missed the old polemics and the fun many of us had with them.
The ecclesiastical smoke-screen used in the last 50 years, begun 100 years ago in earnest, is treating the Gospel of Jesus Christ as an interesting topic, as long as it is "scientific." The dissertation approach can be used on any topic, regardless of faith.
Ministers, professors, and synod drones have delighted in talking "about" topics which they do not believe. They often have substitutes offered in the name of being up-to-date, or fad-motivated, or opening the back door to the wolves, sharks, Universalists, and Church of Rome.
A prime, almost classical example is the magazine article by Paul Tillich about Christmas, gliding into the fact that everyone loves babies. It fills the gullible readers with warmth as they recall the Christmas tree, the presents, the gifts, and babies in general. Missing is faith in the Incarnation, the Virgin Birth, and the ministry of the Son of God.
The same process has washed through the Calvinists, the Episcopalians (with some exceptions), and the liberal Baptists.
Here is a simple litmus test for apostate clergy - "Do you believe in the actual Virgin Birth and the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ?"
When Walmart announced a few years ago that they were upgrading their meat department, I bought some, mostly out of curiosity. It was the same old road-kill quality.
That is what we see today among the Lutherans, who are no more invested in Biblical doctrine than the obvious mainline, pro-abortion, Leftist-loving, Bible-shredding apostates. In short, they are the National Council of Churches, unwed parents of the RSV, ESV, and NIV, supported by the absurd NIV and equally bogus Beck Bible. See the snip and clip Bible below - used by WELS, LCMS, ELS, ELDONUTs, CLC, and others.
Every new "edition" of the Bible is another sample of road kill. The majority know better than to abandon the King James Version.