Friday, January 19, 2024

Lutheran Seminary Education - A Disaster Fueled


Harvard University - Listen to the English Professor on the topic of Christianity: the basics of  mainline Protestants, Roman Catholic leaders, and Lutherans.

On Amazon Prime Video and audio sources - "Professor Leo Damrosch of Harvard University helps you navigate the Gibbon Decline and Fall themes, structure, and lasting influence."

I enjoyed Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and gave away my complete set to a genius student. I was enjoying Leo Damrosch's narration about Gibbon until he got on the topic of Christianity. I recognized that he was reciting the complete Handbook for Mocking, Unbelieving Agnostics. Forget Gibbon - Damrosch was on a toot that I have heard or read countless times, a litany of ignorance. The scholar became an advocate; the camera almost gave away his hooves.

Handbook for Mocking, Unbelieving Agnostics
I will summarize some of his unsupported claims:
  1. The Trinity is not found in the New Testament.
  2. The relationship between the Father and the Son is confused and confusing.
  3. Miracles are a joke, easily disproven.
  4. The Gospel of John is not apostolic but much later.
  5. The New Testament texts were mixed up with all kinds of contrary copies, errors, contradictions.
  6. Gibbon was right - there is no contest. Believing Christian leaders are not credible.
Christianity became an echo chamber for the errors of Calvinism and Pietism, and the Lutherans fell for both errors in various ways. Lutherans copied the weakness of the Mainlines with their betrayal of the King James Version. Lutherans followed with caving into the Harvard Handbook for Mocking, Unbelieving Agnostics and made it their own, starting with ALC/LCA and moving forward to the inbred Walther Synodical Conference.

  • The Watherites smothered the Reformation with endless worship of CFW Hisself. That disorder continues to this day, because it is a perfumed version of the Handbook for Mocking, Unbelieving Agnostics. Everyone is saved! Everyone! 
  • Simple question - Does LutherQuest ever teach Dr. Martin Luther? or do they endlessly drool over the mythological CFW Walther, BA?
  • All the Lutherans use a wide variety of Bad Bibles, from the Burglar Beck Bible to the NIV, and the three National Council of Churches Bibles - RSV, ESV, NRSV. The Greek New Testaments used (but not thoroughly) are straight from the bowels of Tischendorf and other frauds. 
  • One example - the absent ending of Mark, with no empty tomb, no risen Christ, is the one of the latest belches from Concordia Publishing House. 
  • Another example - CPH is also guilty of proclaiming and hiding their precious Waltherian forgiveness without faith, which is - by the way - essential to all mainline doctrine today. Everyone is saved. Everyone!
  • Finally - the gravitational tug continues, as it must, in apostasy, with the so-called Confessional or Orthodox or Rock-ribbed Lutherans copying the radical Left while hushing critics up. Harmony comes from feeding from the same troughs - Thrivent Insurance and Irrevocable Trusts, plus the Omnivorous Siebert Luther Foundation.  
 Pity the Students

The Synodicals treat seminarians like dirt, with threats always before them - but not much education gleaned. Of course, the relatives of synodical bigwigs can do anything they want and find themselves rewarded and even arrogant about being bullet-proof, thanks to uncle, or dad, or grandfather. One WELS DP tried to impress me by revealing who his grandfather was! I was supposed to gasp in awe.

The charges for attending seminary are criminal, especially in light of what the carefree church bureaucrats give each other. As I wrote before, my tuition was $150 a year in 1970. The LCA told us, "Don't use this motel for the evangelism conference, pastors. It is too costly." Christina said, "Let's go there. The bigshots will be there." We picked that motel and the bigshots said with shock, "Why are you here?" (I knew them.) I said, "My wife said the bigshots would be here." 

Worst of all, the seminaries are not being taught the real Bible, the KJV, or the real text of the New Testament, the Traditional or Apostolic Text. The theology taught is a miserable combination of Fuller Seminary, Karl the Adulterer Barth, Paul the Promiscuous Tillich, and huge doses against Luther-Melanchthon-Chemnitz. I could probably grill the graduating class of any Lutheran seminary and get them to describe the work of Chemnitz or Melanchthon. It would be either tragic or funny what they said.

WELS-LCMS-ELS-ELCA all mocked or ignored the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, 1517.


Concordia Publishing House Honors the Reformation!


"We both have fake doctorates!"

Seminaries for Training Pastors Are Teaching Their Own Translation Ignorance
And Doctrinal Apostasy


Knapp and Rambach were two of the Pietists who promoted universal forgiveness the moment Jesus rose from the tomb, based on their false interpretation of 1 Timothy 3:16. CFW Walther, taught by Pastor Martin Stephan STD, repeated this Halle University poison and gradually worked it into the Missouri Synod. Stephan's first letter to young Walther tied the junior Pietist fanatic to the senior, a syphilis patient. Walther used this knowledge about the cell group leader when they got to America stealing Stephan's church, land, gold, books, and person items.

I started with Pietism because the Pietist organizations in Europe encouraged and established the same institutions in America. Superstar Spener was just about perfect in their eyes. Anyone can see from the results of Fuller Seminary that cell groups are the "real church" and the only way "to grow a church." These errors repudiate the efficacy of the Word, the Means of Grace, and Justification by Faith

Lately the fanatics have been piling up grace so they chant five of them. But the only way to grace is faith in Jesus Christ, as Paul taught so clearly - 

Romans 5:5 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

All Christian groups should teach this, which is why the Luther-Melanchthon-Chemnitz Reformation taught Justification by Faith as the Chief Article of Christianity, not just of Lutherans or Pietists or  Catholics or Methodists or Catholic/Eastern Orthodox.  But now we have almost no Lutherans teaching this article, including two stumble-bums in WELS who declared their notion that universal forgiveness happened the world - the moment Christ left the tomb, as if there was a tripwire. 

And these two yahoos are not alone. It is the sacred creed of WELS, ELCA, LCMS, ELS, CLC and other Lutherans (when pinned down, after asking the right questions to uncover their lies). These Enthusists also promote the Atonement of Christ on the cross as universal absolution, when it suits them, saying, "We were all saved when Jesus died on the cross."

Moreover, the large unLutheran denominations are lost and bewildered in their efforts to teach social activism of all kinds - and genders - as the actual Gospel.

Worthless Seminary Professors - Ignorant Seminary Graduates

The seminaries are collapsing, which is good. Students cannot learn very much because their professors - often marginal at best - do not teach them the Biblical languages and faith in Jesus Christ. Lacking both, they party a lot, follow key professors around, and hide what they really learn from their congregations . 

The seminary graduates for more than 75 years have been taught against the Scriptures and they do not even study the originals. Their NIV-ESV-RSV-etc Bibles have so many erasures and clobbered words that the students hardly know what is actually in the manuscripts. Very little is taught as Scripture so they can ruminate on the extreme Left being the One Truth of their lives. Add some counseling courses, yes, good, and some practical classes, which are ideal for broken down alcoholic professors to teach. The students graduate as know-it-alls, forever thinking their lazy professors were really great.


Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Epiphany 3 - "Is it not reason which resists in the highest degree faith and the Word of God, so that nobody can come to faith by means of reason? Reason will not endure God’s Word unless it is first blinded and disgraced."


Complete Sermon -> Third Sunday after Epiphany. The Leper and Healing the Centurion's Servant

36. But let us examine their reason why they do not think children believe.
They say, because they have not attained to reason they cannot hear God’s Word; but where God’s Word is not heard there can be no faith. Romans 10:17: “Belief cometh of hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” Tell me is this Christian to judge of God’s works by our thinking, and say, Children have not attained to reason, therefore they cannot believe? How if through this very reason you have already departed from faith, and the children come to faith through their unreason? Dear friend, what good does reason do for faith and the Word of God? Is it not reason which resists in the highest degree faith and the Word of God, so that nobody can come to faith by means of reason? Reason will not endure God’s Word unless it is first blinded and disgraced. Man must first die to reason and become, as it were, a fool, and even as unreasonable and unintelligent as a little child, if he is to become a believer and receive the grace of God; as Christ says in Matthew 18:3: “Except ye turn, and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.” How often does Christ hold before us that we must become children and fools, and condemn reason?

37. Tell me also, what kind of reason had the little children whom Christ embraced and blessed, and upon whom he bestowed the kingdom of heaven? Were they not still without reason? Why does he command to bring them to him and then bless them? Where did they get the faith which makes them children of the kingdom of heaven? Nay, just because they are without reason and foolish, they are better prepared to believe than adults and those possessed of reason, because reason is always in the way and with its large head is not willing to push through the narrow door. One must not look upon reason or its works when faith and God’s work are under consideration. Here God alone works and reason is dead, blind and, compared to this work, an unreasonable block, in order that the Scripture may stand, which says: “God is wonderful in his saints;” and: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways,” Isaiah 55:9.

38. But since they stick so fast in reason, we must assail them with their own wisdom. Tell me, why do you baptize a man when he has come to the age of reason? You answer: He hears God’s Word and believes. I ask:

How do you know that? You answer: He professes it with his mouth.

What shall I say? How, if he lies and deceives? You cannot see his heart.

Very well, then you baptize for no other reason than for what the man shows himself to be externally, and you are uncertain of his faith, and must believe that if he has not more within in his heart than you perceive without, neither his hearing, nor his profession, nor his faith will help him; for it may all be a delusion and no true faith. Who then are you, that you say external hearing and profession are necessary to baptism; where these are wanting one must not baptize? You yourself must confess that such hearing and profession are uncertain, and not enough for one to receive baptism. Now upon what do you baptize? How will you justify your actions when you thus bungle baptism and bring it into doubt? Is it not the fact that you must come and say that it is not becoming for you to know or do more than that he whom you are to baptize be brought to you and ask baptism from you; and you must believe or commit the matter to God, whether he inwardly truly believes or not? In this way you are excused and baptize aright. Why then will you not do the same for the children, whom Christ commands to be brought to him and promises to bless? But you wish first to have the outward hearing and profession, which you yourself acknowledge is uncertain and not sufficient for baptism on the part of the one to be baptized. And you let go the sure word of Christ: in which he bids the little children to be brought unto him, on account of your uncertain external hearing.

39. Moreover tell me, where is the reason of a Christian while he is asleep, since his faith and the grace of God never leave him? If faith can thus continue without the aid of reason, so that the latter is not conscious of it, why should it not also begin in children before reason knows anything about it? In the same way I would like to say of every hour in which a Christian lives and is busy and occupied, that he is not conscious of his faith and reason, and yet his faith does not on that account cease. God’s works are mysterious and wonderful, where and when he wills: and again manifest enough, where and when he wills. Judgment upon them is too high and too deep for us.

40. Since it is commanded here, not to forbid little children to come unto him in order to receive his blessing, and it is not demanded of us to know the exact state of faith within, and the external hearing and profession are not sufficient for the one baptized, we are to be content that it is enough for us, the baptizers, to hear the profession of the one to be baptized, who comes to us of himself. And this for the reason that we may not administer the sacrament against our conscience, as giving it to those in whom no fruit is to be hoped for. But if they assure our conscience of their desire and profession, so that we can administer it as a sacrament that imparts grace, we are excused. If his faith is not true, let that rest with God; we have not given the sacrament as a useless thing, but with the consciousness that it is beneficial.