Friday, April 5, 2024

Time Is Way Overdue for The Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic).


I have given the Four Waltherian Sects many chances to reveal how this famous Halle University Pietist, like Bishop Martin Stephan, managed to bypass the Scriptures and Luther himself.

Jack Kilcrease, like Brenner, is Jesuit trained, like six other "conservative" pastors.
When did the Lutherans begin milking the Society of Jesus for theologians?

Many years ago a pastor phoned me about all his problems with the LCMS. I was very sympathetic, because I saw very little difference between the ELCA, LCMS, and WELS. He wanted to know what to do. I said, "You are always involved in all these synod meetings. Gather the people who agree with you and stop going."

"Are you kidding?"

I was not kidding. The managers (they are not leaders) need people to show up to activate the agenda. If very few show up - just like in church - they know the message. 

"We can do that?"

I said - sure! I suggested it in Christian News with one of the Fuller Seminary meetings all over the synod. Very few went. Growthers glared at me a bit later. 

This pastor thought he would try that. Soon after he was in Christian News, nominated for a position in the LCMS - hogtied, as they say. Some people cannot give up their connections.

I know there are groups of congregations here and there, who walked out of their buildings or kept the buildings. The building matters very little. I could buy a church building not far away, but for what reason? To have more rent, more utilities, more things to fix? 

I feel bad for the Episcopal congregations that were kicked out of their buildings by the previous Presiding Bishop, only to see the churches locked up out of spite. The future is not in brick and mortar but in broadcasting the Word of God. Vimeo is a joke, but Zoom works very well at the same cost. 

The Lutheran seminaries are snake-pits of political intrigue and terminal disease. Not just some of them, but all of them - The Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic)

Some Questions about 

The Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic)

Since St. Paul teaches Justification by Faith, just as Jesus Christ does, why do none of those chuckle-heads teach the Chief Article of Christianity?

If their Objective Faithless Justification is so pure, godly, and heaven-sent, then why are they unable to defend their toxic dogma in a fair, Scriptural debate against Justification by Faith?

Since the synods all have libraries of books and journals, why are they unable to look at the history of Objective Faithless Justification and discover that the LCMS and WELS started with Justification by Faith, with catechisms by Schwan and Gauzewitz?

Zwingli was bold, too.

Oh my! The Formula of Concord repudiates Buchholz before he finishes his awe-inspiring essay about his blend of Calvinism, Pietism, and Enthusiasm.

Nutrition Is the Best Medicine


Nutrition Facts is my favorite website for nutrition information. I still enjoy Dr. Joel Fuhrman, but I have maxed out his books by reading them over and over. He endorsed Dr. Michael Greger, so he is kosher. I check my sources.

I like having easy access to Internet sources on nutrition because there is a bundle of food charlatans out there. I actually followed one to hear his carefully crafted presentation when I was abandoning my sugar-salt-fat regimen. The presentation was a masterpiece of baloney, but I waited for the last slide - a great chance to buy $90 worth - a real savings!! That ended the appeal, and I knew the show was just too smooth and evasive at the same time.

Today I looked in awe at one aisle - truly the Titanic of food displays - enormous, well lit, air-conditioned, carefully displayed with Byzantine art flourishes - the egg-dairy-butter-cheese section. As I rolled along in admiration I also thought, "There is nothing good for me to buy. Eggs are loaded with fat, choline, and cholesterol. The butter and margarine are pure fat with a little salt. The cheese is tempting, salty, fatty, and sweet where needed." 

My entire groceries consist of The Daily Three

  1. The frozen chopped greens, onion/peppers, broccoli, lima beans, and mushrooms.
  2. The fresh fruit section of blueberries, bananas, apples, and citrus.
  3. Daily beans - a little bread, tomato paste, Cicero beans, and some sausage.
The money-makers and hospital greeters come from:
  • Ice cream, its crafts and assaults.
  • Candy, chocolate, desserts.
  • Soft drinks and juices, all bad - especially with artificial sweeteners.
  • Milk of all kinds, cheeses, yogurts, puddings.
  • Frozen pizza.
  • Prepared meals.
  • All fast-food chains.
Worthwhile food is all health producing, especially in losing weight and providing the complex list of ingredients for a healthy body. 

A change to eating lots of leafy greens (kale, spinach, collards, turnip greens) will be almost calorie free but loaded nutrition. 

Fresh fruit should be in the daily eating of apples, blueberries, bananas, and citrus. Our old habits are an apple a week instead of two apples a day. But not just apples - blueberries are a powerhouse of nutrition, and citrus is just like dessert when the frozen ice cream truck no longer visits.

Beans are very satisfying and essential for health - due to fiber, protein, and many additional items for health. 

Habits, Not Diets
Thinking in terms of dieting is bad. unless someone wants to make money selling us a lack of food followed immediately by making up the poundage lost and adding more, then trying a new "diet."

Eating healthy foods, such as a lot of fruit, will automatically make us healthier, lighter in weight, energetic, and enjoying those new/old foods. Even the over-the-counter meds are more expensive than the raw ingredients of food. Our Creator established our bodies so the infinite complexity of food would make us strong, healthy, powerful against disease and infection. 

There is a lot of evidence showing that the nutritional foods not only stop bad things - like diabetes - but also create a craving for those overlooked foods Mom used to make being frugal or on the farm. 

I ended diabetes by following the nutrition ideas of Fuhrman. Two doctors in a row were staggered by the change in all my bloodwork, the second one's results later, which were better than the first (more discipline, less chubby).

If we are careful in planning a shorter lifetime, we should make sure we eat as little fiber as possible, because fiber sounds yick. We can easily avoid fiber by avoiding beans, peas, fruits, and more. A vanilla malted can be very satisfying with all the milk, cream, sugar, and malt sugar. 

However, God made us so the fiber would slow down food and give the body a chance to break down and repair whatever is needed. 

Exercise Is Health
We were also created to remain healthy by moving muscles around, lifting, walking, stretching. 

Where Are They Now? The Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic)
At Work And Play


These men graduated from Mequon (aka Mordor) in 1970, and championed the vacuous methods of Peter Drucker, the business bully, C. Peter Wagner the Pentecostal. Disciple of Christ (sociologist) Donald McGavran urged pastors not to mix races together. As anyone can see, WELS inhaled the flatulence of Fuller Seminary and called it perfume. The Enthusiasts - those who create their own dogma - were happy to push away the Legalists and speed the decay.

I copied this verbatim from Christianity Today in 1991. I really thought some WELS leaders would phone or write me and be thankful I had set them free from the quagmire of Church Growth. It was already a complete joke and a matter of parading the errors of Pietism, Calvinism, and Druckerism.

The LCMS and ELCA did exactly the same things. Each sect encouraged people from competing sects to come over and finally hear the Gospel. 
  • I was reading about Hagedorn today, a sacred name in WELS, and I was remembering how many wacky dreams he spun for membership growth. 
  • I also read the biography of David Rutschow, written by his son, but without telling that Rutschow as a pastor did not allow Church Growth in his parish, but promoted it as the District Pope. 
  • Wayne Mueller needs no introduction, since he is more Objective Faithless Justification than Rolf Preus, a man of all synods. Wayne told the kiddies at the WELS youth conference that evangelism was easy - "Just say - you are already forgiven." He reminded me of the farmer who put the wrong liquid in his sprayer and killed the whole crop.
  • John Lawrenz achieved the honor of being President of Martin Luther College...for a month. He and John Brenner had no problem with hazing kids, which may explain how WELS rotted from their major abuse problems, not excluding alcoholism ("synod vitamins").
  • Paul Kelm,D.Min., is the sect's favorite Mr. Magoo, the cartoon figure who constantly walked into all kinds of pratfalls and spills, coming out without a scratch. The more WELS faltered, the more Kelm stirred up new programs - conjoined with Hagedorn and others.
I feel obliged to repeat Kelm's climactic end to the Church Growth conference that I was required to attend. I objected to their deification of Paul. Y. Cho and other fakes. Kelm concluded his ultimate speech, "After you have heard all the things we can do with our Wisconsin Synod, can you name anyone in America who would not want to join our synod? (The audience remained silent.)

Herbert Chilstrom, elected presiding bishop of ELCA, 1987

I responded, based on logic and time spent with Chilstrom at lunch, "Herbert Chilstrom?"

The audience roared with laughter, which went through many waves of hilarity. It was ridiculous that given the right information, every single person would want to join the sect.

Like Missouri, ELS, the CLC (sic) and ELCA, all of them have used congregation and synod funds to promote their deadly, toxic waste matter.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Sunday after Easter - "Thus we have the fruit whereby we know who are true Christians. For he who has no peace in that in which the world finds nothing but unrest, and is joyful in that which in the world is nothing but gloom and sorrow, is not yet a Christian, and does not yet believe."

Complete Sermon -> The First Sunday after Easter

11. Thus we have the fruit whereby we know who are true Christians. For he who has no peace in that in which the world finds nothing but unrest, and is joyful in that which in the world is nothing but gloom and sorrow, is not yet a Christian, and does not yet believe. This truth is being also sung at this season everywhere in the hymn on the Lord’s resurrection; but hardly anybody understands it. He who composed it surely understood it aright. He does not stop at the Lord is risen, when he says: “Christ is risen from his Passion ;” as though this were sufficient, but brings it home to us and adds: Let us all rejoice in this. But how can we rejoice in it, if we have nothing of it and it is not ours? Therefore, if I am to rejoice in it, it must be mine, that I may claim it as my own property, that it may profit me. And finally he closes: Christ will be our consolation, that we can and shall have no other consolation but Christ. He wants to be it himself and he alone, that we should cling to him in every time of need; for he has conquered all for our benefit, and by his resurrection he comforts all troubled consciences and sad hearts. This the Gospel teaches concerning faith and its fruits.

12. Now follows the office of the ministry. The power of faith now develops love. For it does not yet suffice that I have the Lord so that he is mine, and that I find in him all comfort, peace and joy; but I must henceforth also do as he has done: for it follows thus in the text: “As the Father hath sent me, even so send I you.”

13. The first and highest work of love a Christian ought to do when he has become a believer, is to bring others also to believe in the way he himself came to believe. And here you notice Christ begins and institutes the office of the ministry of the external Word in every Christian; for he himself came with this office and the external Word. Let us lay hold of this, for we must admit it was spoken to us. In this way the Lord desires to say: You have now received enough from me, peace and joy, and all you should have; for your person you need nothing more. Therefore labor now and follow my example, as I have done, so do ye. My Father sent me into the world only for your sake, that I might serve you, not for my own benefit. I have finished the work, have died for you, and given you all that I am and have; remember and do ye also likewise, that henceforth ye may only serve and help everybody, otherwise ye would have nothing to do on earth. For by faith ye have enough of everything. Hence I send you into the world as my Father hath sent me; namely, that every Christian should instruct and teach his neighbor, that he may also come to Christ. By this, no power is delegated exclusively to popes and bishops, but all Christians are commanded to profess their faith publicly and also to lead others to believe.

14. Secondly, if you have exercised yourself in this highest work and taught others the right way of truth, then make up your mind to keep on and serve everybody. Then the example of your life and good works follows; not that you can thereby merit and acquire anything, seeing you have beforehand everything that is necessary to salvation. Furthermore Christ now gives a command, he breathes upon the disciples and says: “Receive ye the Holy Spirit: whose soever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven unto them; whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.”

15. This is a great and mighty power which no one can sufficiently extol, given to mortal men of flesh and blood over sin, death and hell, and over all things. The pope too boasts in the canon law that Christ has given to him power over all earthly things; which would indeed be correct if the people rightly understood it. For they apply it to the civil government; this is not Christ’s thought; but he gives spiritual power and rule, and wishes to say this much: When ye speak a word concerning a sinner, it shall be spoken in heaven, and shall avail so much as if God himself spake it in heaven; for he is in your mouth, therefore it has the same force as if he himself spoke it.

Now it is always true, if Christ speaks a word, since he is Lord over sin and hell, and says to you: Thy sins are forgiven; then they must be forgiven and nothing can prevent it. Again, if he says: Thy sins shall not be forgiven thee; then they remain unforgiven, so that neither you, nor an angel, nor a saint, nor any creature, can forgive your sin, even if you martyred yourself to death.

16. This same power belongs to every Christian, since Christ has made us all partakers of his power and dominion; and here his is not a civil but a spiritual rule, and his Christians also rule spiritually. For he does not say:

This city, this country, this bishopric or kingdom you shall rule, as the pope does; but he says: Ye shall have power to forgive and to retain sins. Hence this power pertains to the conscience, so that by virtue of God’s Word I can pass judgment as to what the conscience can cleave to, so that against and above that no creature can do anything, neither sin, nor the world nor Satan. This is true power. But thereby no power is given me to rule over temporal matters, over a country and people, externally after the manner of civil governments, but a much higher and nobler power, which can in no sense be compared with it.

LutherQuest on the Insolvency of Concordia University, Mequon.
Gloom and Doom for The Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic)!


Ankerberg earned his degrees at Marquette University, named after the Jesuit priest. "Marquette is a Catholic, Jesuit university with more than 11,000 undergraduate and graduate students in 11 nationally and internationally recognized colleges ..."

John Brenner also earned his Jesuit degree at Marquette University (named after the Jesuit priest).

On Monday, Concordia announced layoffs to address annual deficits of $2 million to $6 million in five of the last six years, according to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. Earlier this year, CUW announced it intends to close its campus in Ann Arbor, Michigan, also due to budget concerns.

“Enrollment fell from nearly 6,000 students in 2016 to nearly 4,400 in the 2021-22 school year, the latest federal data available,” according to the Journal-Sentinel. Including Ann Arbor, the LCMS will have closed four colleges since 2018 due to declining enrollment and resulting budget crises. The closed colleges also had problems with leftist race and sex politics conflicting with Christian teaching. The LCMS is currently in a legal dispute with Concordia University Texas in Austin, which rejects church attempts to assert authority and address serious theological problems at the school.

Concordia staff declined to provide the types of positions being eliminated, the total cost savings associated with the layoffs and details on the three-year budget correction timeline.

Concordia's tax forms show the school has run a deficit in five of the last six years. The deficits ranged from $2 million to $6.3 million.The Concordia University System schools appear to be following this "trend":

See who responds to the problem first - Texas Governor Greg Abbott or LCMS President Matthew Harrison.