Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Justification by Faith - How Many Are the Ways To Attack the Gospel?


These are just a few of the ways to attack the Gospel

1. A dedicated Lutheran layman asks the district pope about the official truths of the LCMS. The district pope says - "Your unkind accusations betray the fact that you are NOT a Christian. I have answered you with direct quotes from the Holy Bible which you persistently dismiss, again showing you are NOT a Christian but are rather a person who mocks and rejects God's Holy Word! The entire world is forgiven IN CHRIST, since God does NOT IMPUTE THEIR TRESPASSES unto them (in Christ)."

2. The Faithless Walther Four embraces the latest NIV Bible and ridicules the KJV.  NIV Romans 3:22b - "There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."

NIV Romans 3:22a This righteousness is given through faith in[h] Jesus Christ to all who believe. (The NIV footnote h should be "by faith of Jesus..." - which is too deep for the Faithless Four Waltherians. They seem to teach Justification by Faith in verse 22a,  but invent Objective Justification in verse 24 - "all are justified"  by adding "all". 

3. The St. Louis seminary professor converted himself into a Roman Catholic, and yet the Faithless Four glory in the ridiculousness of Edward Preuss' Objective Justification reveries.

Can any literate person read this garbage without laughing?

4. Can we count the endless WELS essays on Objective Faithless Justification? "

"There are currently over 4400 essays, 60 audio essays, and 14 videos online."

The WELS Faithless Essay Files on Objective Justification currently number more than 770 items.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 8 - "Hence there is no judge upon the earth in spiritual things concerning Christian doctrine, except the person who has in his heart the true faith, whether it be a man or woman, young or old, maid Or servant, learned or unlearned. For God is no respecter of persons, since all are alike precious to him, who live according to his commandments, Acts 10:34, hence they alone have the right to judge."


Luther's Sermons - Matthew 7:15-23.
Eighth Sunday after Trinity, First Sermon

11. Therefore you must come so far as to say: This is true, no man shall persuade me differently. When you hear: Thou shalt not kill; and again: Thou shalt do to others as you would have them do to you; then you must know in the face of all councils, that this is the teaching of Christ, although all men said otherwise. So also this doctrine: You cannot help yourself, but Christ is your Savior, who has obtained for you the forgiveness of your sins; this you must know and confess in your heart that it is true; and if you are not conscious of it, then you have no faith, and the Word only hangs about your ears and swims on your tongue like foam on water, as Hosea the prophet says, Hosea 10:7: “As for Samaria, her king is cut off as the foam upon the waters.” All this you must now believe, not as a word that Peter preached, but that God has commanded you to believe. All this I say therefore, in order that we may return to the Gospel and observe where the foundation has its source, that ye must be judges, and have the power to judge over all things that are offered you; hence I can and dare not build on any man, for I must answer for myself when death comes.

12. Consequently do not allow yourselves to be persuaded that you must believe what the Pope says or the councils decree. When you know God, then you have the proper rule of judgment, the measure and rule by which you can judge all the doctrines of the fathers; namely, when you know that Christ is your Savior, who rules us sinners. So when one now comes and says: You must become a monk, and do so and so, if you want to be saved, for faith alone is not sufficient for salvation; then you can truly and assuredly say: You lie, your doctrine is false; for whoever believes in Christ shall be saved. Who teaches you this? Faith in your heart, which believes this alone and nothing else. Therefore no one can beware of false doctrine unless he be spiritual. For Paul says this in 1 Corinthians 2:15: “But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.” So no one can judge false doctrine, but the spiritual man.

13. Hence it is very foolish for the councils to wish to determine and establish what a man must believe, when there is often not a single man present who ever tasted the least of the divine Spirit. So it was in the Council of Nice, when they undertook to enact laws for the spiritual orders that they should not marry, which was all false because it has no foundation in the Word of God. Then a single man arose, by the name of Paphnutius, and overthrew the whole affair and said: Not so, that is not Christian. Then the entire council, in which undoubtedly were many distinguished and learned individuals, were compelled to drop the resolution, and give. way to this simple and honest man. For God is a great enemy to high titles and human wisdom, hence he allows them at times to be handled roughly, and puts them to shame in their speculations, that the truth of the proverb may appear: The learned are the most perverted.

14. Thus we are to remain free judges, to have the power to decide and judge, to accept or reject everything that the Pope establishes and the councils determine. But when we accept anything, we should so accept it, that it harmonizes with our faith and the Scriptures; and not just because the Papists say it. This St. Paul teaches in Romans 12:7’ “Whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith.” For all prophecy based on works, that does not lead to Christ alone as our only comfort, precious as it may be, is not according to the proportion of faith; as for instance to rely upon the revelations of hobgoblins, the mass, pilgrimages, fastings and the merits of saints.

Even here so many holy fathers have erred like Gregory, Augustine and others, in that they take from us this right of judgment, for this torment and misery began far back in history, that we must believe the Pope and the councils. Hence you must be able to say: God said this, and that God has not said. As soon as you say: A man has said this, or the councils have determined that, then you are building on sand.

15. Hence there is no judge upon the earth in spiritual things concerning Christian doctrine, except the person who has in his heart the true faith, whether it be a man or woman, young or old, maid Or servant, learned or unlearned. For God is no respecter of persons, since all are alike precious to him, who live according to his commandments, Acts 10:34, hence they alone have the right to judge.